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Efficiency of conversion of a-linolenic acid to long chain n-3 fatty

acids in man
J. Thomas Brenna

a-Linolenic acid (18:3n-3) is the major n-3 (o3) fatty acid in the Introduction
human diet. It is derived mainly from terrestrial plant a-Linolenic acid (18:3n-3) is regarded as the parent
consumption and it has long been thought that its major compound of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)
biochemical role is as the principal precursor for long chain series because it is the most common n-3 PUFA in
polyunsaturated fatty acids, of which eicosapentaenoic terrestrial diets and serves as the precursor for all n-3
(20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) are the most long chain polyunsaturates (LCP) found in mammals. It
prevalent. For infants, n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids is a structural analog of linoleic acid (18:2n-6), the most
are required for rapid growth of neural tissue in the perinatal prominent n-6 PUFA in the western diet. 18:2n-6 serves
period and a nutritional supply is particularly important for as precursor for the long chain PUFA arachidonic acid
development of premature infants. For adults, n-3 long chain (20:4n-6), a substrate for cyclooxygenases, lipoxygenases,
polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation is implicated in and P450 enzymes. n-3 LCP analogous to all n-6 LCP
improving a wide range of clinical pathologies involving cardiac, are found in mammals, and they often undergo
kidney, and neural tissues. Studies generally agree that whole equivalent biochemical transformations as n-6 LCP, for
body conversion of 18:3n-3 to 22:6n-3 is below 5% in humans, example the conversion of eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3)
and depends on the concentration of n-6 fatty acids and long into eicosanoids by enzymes that act on 20:4n-6. Because
chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet. Complete oxidation some metabolic properties have been reported for 18:2n-6
of dietary 18:3n-3 to CO2 accounts for about 25% of 18:3n-3 in but not 18:3n-3, this review will occasionally draw on
the first 24 h, reaching 60% by 7 days. Much of the remaining 18:2n-6 data.
18:3n-3 serves as a source of acetate for synthesis of saturates
and monounsaturates, with very little stored as 18:3n-3. In term 18:3n-3 concentrations in plasma and tissues tend to be
and preterm infants, studies show wide variability in the plasma lower than 18:2n-6 concentrations even when 18:3n-3 is
kinetics of 13C n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids after rich in the diet, and 18:3n-3 storage as triglycerides in
C-18:3n-3 dosing, suggesting wide variability among human adipose is also relatively low. Dietary 18:3n-3 is
infants in the development of biosynthetic capability to convert metabolically transformed in three well-known ways: (1)
18:3n-3 to 22:6n3. Tracer studies show that humans of all ages conversion to n-3 LCP, (2) b-oxidation, with shunting of
can perform the conversion of 18:3n-3 to 22:6n3. Further the resulting acetate to complete oxidation to CO2, or (3)
studies are required to establish quantitatively the partitioning of b-oxidation and use of acetate for biosynthesis. A fourth
dietary 18:3n-3 among metabolic pathways and the influence of process of signi®cance may exist: 46% of radioactivity
other dietary components and of physiological states on these associated with a [14C]-18:3n-3 dose was found 48 h later
processes. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 5:127±132. # 2002 Lippincott in skin and fur lipids of guinea pigs, while less than 0.1%
Williams & Wilkins. was found in brain [1 . .]. This report indicates that a
substantial amount of 18:3n-3 is transported to the skin,
however the ®nding is recent and awaits considerable
work to establish its signi®cance in humans. The relative
Division of Nutritional Sciences, Savage Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, partitioning among these routes determines the ef®-
USA ciency of conversion of 18:3n-3 to LCP, and this in turn
Correspondence to J.T. Brenna, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Savage Hall, Cornell depends critically on physiological and nutritional state.
University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Tel: +1 607 255 9182; fax: +1 607 255 1033; e-mail:
We ®rst outline the biochemistry of 18:3n-3 conversion
Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 2002, 5:127±132 to LCP, then we evaluate clinically relevant measure-
Abbreviations ments of conversion, and ®nally we examine alternative
18:3n-3* isotopically-labeled 18:3n-3 metabolic fates of 18:3n-3 as they relate to factors
20:5n-3* isotopically-labeled 20:5n-3 affecting conversion ef®ciency.
22:5n-3* isotopically-labeled 22:5n-3
22:6n-3* isotopically-labeled 22:6n-3
AUC area under the curve Biosynthesis of n-3 long chain
LCP long chain polyunsaturates, with 20 or more carbons
PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acids of all chain lengths polyunsaturates
The pathways for synthesis of n-3 LCP from 18:3n-3
# 2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins remain a subject of active research. Until 1991, the
1363-1950 pathway was assumed to proceed in the endoplasmic
128 Lipid metabolism

reticulum via a series of alternating desaturations and importantly (1) the presence of 22:6n-3 and other n-3
elongations through n-3 intermediates as follows: LCP in breastmilk [7] but their absence in many infant
18:3?18:4?20:4?20:5?22:5?22:6 [2]. Voss et al. [3] formulas; (2) tissues such as retina and brain that are rich
proposed that the last step of this pathway, a delta-4 in n-3 LCP; (3) the emergence of prematurity-related
desaturase, does not exist in rat liver, and by implication de®ciencies, particularly in neural function, as an
in humans, and they postulated an alternative where 18:3 important health outcome, and the related observation
is transformed into 24:6n-3 in the endoplasmic reticulum, that n-3 LCP begin to accumulate in large amounts in
then 24:6n-3 is transported to peroxisomes for a single neural tissue in the last trimester of pregnancy [8].
round of b-oxidation in the last step, as follows: Signi®cant desaturase activities have been detected in
18:3?18:4?20:4?20:5?22:5?24:5?24:6?22:6; sup- the livers of aborted human fetuses as early as 17 weeks
port for this pathway has been summarized [4 . .]. This of gestation, indicating that at least some of the
view has gained wide acceptance, based primarily on molecular machinery for conversion is present [9].
kinetic data, though it has been challenged with the Furthermore, direct administration of labeled 18:3n-3
suggestion that delta-4 desaturation mediates the last to baboon fetuses demonstrates that the conversion is
step [5 .]. A delta-4 desaturase which converts 22:5n-3 to actively performed in primates in vivo [10 . .]. The latter
22:6n-3 has been cloned from a eukaryotic single cell data show that brain accumulation of 22:6n-3 is about
marine organism rich in 22:6n-3 [6 .]; as of this writing, no 4.6% of dose compared with about 0.57% of an 18:3n-3
analogous mammalian enzyme has been reported. For dose found as 22:6n-3. Stable isotope tracer studies
the present clinical discussion, it is suf®cient to consider established qualitatively that premature infants can
the (22:5?22:6) step in the pathway a net delta-4 perform the conversion from 18:3n-3 to 22:6n-3, as well
desaturation since the C24 LCP are present at very as 18:2n-6 to 20:4n-6 [11±13]. For practical and ethical
low levels and have no known function per se, except reasons, these studies analyse only limited amounts of
possibly as intermediates. plasma, which cannot be used to infer absolute conver-
sion ef®ciencies. Plasma tracer and precursor-product
The major n-3 LCP appearing in human tissues are data support the idea that preterm infants on average
primarily limited to 20:5n-3, 22:5n-3, and 22:6n-3. have at least as active conversion of 18:3n-3 to 22:6n-3 as
Intermediates or longer chain derivatives can be found term infants. Integrated area-under-the-curve (AUC)
only at trace levels in healthy volunteers. Studies of estimates for plasma fatty acids are greatest for preterm
18:3n-3 conversion in humans fall into two classes: (1) infants and lowest for term and intrauterine growth
dietary studies, in which experimental diets are con- retarded infants for the 18:3?22:6 conversion [14 . .].
sumed over a speci®ed period and components of blood Data supporting increased ef®ciency for preterms are
(e.g. plasma or erythrocytes) or other accessible tissue consistent with previous results, including measure-
such as cheek epithelial cells are analysed for changes in ments showing that fetal baboon brain accretion of
fatty acid composition; (2) tracer studies, where stable 22:6n-3 derived from 18:3n-3 is more than twice as
isotopes are administered and tracer concentrations ef®cient as for term neonates [10 . .,15]. This extensive
determined. Tracer studies in humans excel at determin- dataset, however, also shows that conversion ef®ciency
ing if a particular biochemical transformation occurs, but among infants is highly variable, with standard devia-
extrapolations of analyses of blood components (e.g. tions approximately equal to the mean values, suggest-
plasma) to whole body or even tissue-level conversion are ing that some infants at the low end may be vulnerable
tenuous. Human dietary studies excel at probing overall to poor LCP supply. Whole body estimates of 18:3n-3
shifts in PUFA concentrations due to particular diets or conversion cannot be extracted from plasma data.
altered physiological states and provide limited informa-
tion about mechanism; again, extrapolation is dif®cult. Adult metabolism
Reliable measurement of tissue and tissue level accretion n-3 LCP administration to adults is known to exert a
or conversion is best accomplished with appropriate positive in¯uence on a variety of clinical conditions as
experimental animals using dietary or tracer studies. disparate as the prevention of cardiac arrhythmias [16 .],
psychiatric disorders [17], and nephropathy [18 .], prob-
Conversion measurements ably by more than one mechanism. An excellent
In general, the clinically-relevant literature addresses summary of active PUFA health-related research has
18:3n-3 metabolism in the perinatal period in the context appeared as a journal supplement [19 . .].
of requirements for growth of neural tissues, or in adults in
the context of chronic disease. We consider each in turn. Several stable isotope tracer studies have shown healthy
adults to synthesize 22:6n-3 from 18:3n-3 [20±22].
Perinatal metabolism Absolute AUC estimates were made for adult males
Perinatal studies of the conversion ef®ciency of 18:3n-3 with retinitis pigmentosa or normal controls. Variability
to 22:6n-3 are motivated by several factors, most of peak 18:3* and 22:6* over a factor of ®ve was
Conversion of a-linolenic acid to long chain n-3 fatty acids Brenna 129

observed in kinetics; AUC estimates for the transforma- vegetarians are expected to be optimal LCP synthe-
tion 18:3n3?22:6n-3 were estimated at 5%, over a 504 h sizers. Based on geographic location, the participants in
(21-day) period. This is the highest estimated conversion these studies are possibly ®rst generation vegans and
ef®ciency and may re¯ect the extended observation thus they may not have the metabolic potential to
period reported to date [23 . .]. Using an isotopically- upregulate LCP synthesis, which may be found in
labeled 18:3n-3 (18:3n-3*) dose, isotopically-labeled traditionally vegan cultures. This report very usefully
20:5n-3 (20:5n-3*) and isotopically-labeled 22:6n-3 presents in tabular form (their Table 10) a summary of
(22:6n-3*) AUCs were 34 and 20%, respectively, of the previous 18:3n-3 supplementation trials and their ®nd-
total AUC for n-3 LCP for adults on low 22:6n-3 diets, in ings. It shows that with supplementation of 7±25 g/day
a 3-day study [24]. Overall conversion was reportedly lasting for 21±56 days, no studies showed an increase in
attenuated when 6 g 22:6n-3 was included in the diet. 22:6n-3, though ®ve of six reporting 20:5n-3 concentra-
tions showed increases in this LCP, and three of six
AUC estimates, though routine, do not account for showed increases in 22:5n-3. Another review also
turnover within pools and therefore provide rough includes a list of 10 supplementation trials (their Table
estimates of relative abundances. Turnover was taken IV), only three of which overlap with the previous list. In
into account in a recent comprehensive phenomenolo- the seven additional studies, no signi®cant increases in
gical approach to 18:3n-3 to n-3 LCP conversion using 22:6n-3 were observed. A study not included in either of
high sensitivity mass spectrometric analysis of penta- these tables did ®nd serum increases in 22:6n-3 after
deuterated tracers [25 . .]. Eight healthy adults consumed 10 months of feeding of 18:3n-3, 3 g/day from perilla oil,
a controlled diet with olive oil, beef and butter, food to elderly volunteers (age 67±91) in Japan [28]. This
items which do not contain signi®cant amounts of n-3 latter study is somewhat surprising since the regular
LCP as the major fat sources. An isotopic tracer of intake of n-3 LCP from ®sh was considerable in these
18:3n-3 was administered orally and the plasma kinetics volunteers. Once again, increases in 20:5n-3 in response
of 18:3n-3*, 20:5n-3*, 22:5n-3*, and 22:6n-3* were to 18:3n-3 supplementation were commonly observed.
determined. From these data, half-lives and kinetic
constants for each fatty acid were determined using a Failure to elevate 22:6n-3 blood-compartment concen-
compartmental model. The model uses pools for each of trations by 18:3n-3 supplementation does not necessarily
the four major n-3 PUFA in plasma connected by mean that 22:6n-3 concentrations do not increase in
kinetic constants for transfer of label from intestine tissues. Conversion and conservation of 18:3n-3 may be
into plasma and within plasma along the pathway ef®cient in developing neural tissue and in very active
18:3?20:5?22:5?22:6, and with kinetic constants for tissues such as retina which actively recycles 22:6n-3.
losses from each n-3 fatty acid. Back transfer is set to Reliable measurements of these processes, however, are
zero in every case. Half-lives for 18:3*, 20:5*, 22:5* and not possible without access to tissue samples and
22:6* were 1, 67, 58, and 20 h, respectively, with therefore are not possible for most tissues in humans.
coef®cients of variation averaging about 25%. More Animal studies of conversion ef®ciency are of limited
importantly, ef®ciency of conversion of 18:3n-3* to value because of physiological differences, as cited
20:5n-3* was only about 0.2%, while 63% of 20:5n-3* below.
was converted to 22:5n-3*, and 37% of that was
converted to 22:6n-3*. Overall conversion ef®ciency for Other metabolic fates of 18:3n-3:
18:3n-3?22:6n-3, the product of these ®gures, is 18:3n-3 oxidation
0.047%. Twenty-three percent of 20:5n-3, however, Though its role as a n-3 LCP precursor is well known,
was converted to 22:6n-3, showing that the limit in 18:3n-3 is normally used for energy and as a carbon
conversion, at least as observed from plasma measure- source to a greater extent than for direct biosynthesis.
ments, is between 18:3n-3 and 20:5n-3. These are Total oxidation studies based on administration of [13C]-
probably the most reliable estimates to date on conver- 18:3n-3 (18:3*) and measurement of total expired 13CO2
sion of 18:3n-3 to n-3 LCP in adults. ( .CO2) permit an accurate assessment of the quantitative
signi®cance of one fate for 18:3n-3 in the whole body.
A controlled dietary study examined whether feeding of This is the only one of the three metabolic fates for
18:3n-3 or 18:3n-6 or both to Dutch vegans for 4 weeks 18:3n-3 that is, in principle, accessible to accurate,
altered plasma fatty acids [26 . .]. No changes in 22:6n-3 minimally invasive whole body measurements.
were detected, and a statistically signi®cant but meta-
bolically insigni®cant change in 20:5n-3 was observed. A In adult humans, about 24% of ingested 18:3* was
similar recent study in Australian vegetarians failed to oxidized completely to CO2 within the ®rst 10±24 h in
show any increase in serum or platelet phospholipid two studies [29 .,30 .]. One of these studies reported that
22:6n-3 [27]. These studies of vegans/vegetarians extend the diet consisted of 40% energy as fat with an 18:2n-6/
those previous studies of omnivores, since vegans/ 18:3n-3 ratio of 11:1 and an 18:3n-3 content of 0.7%
130 Lipid metabolism

energy, which is typical of a western diet [29 .]. In both Factors influencing conversion efficiency
studies, breath CO2 returned to near baseline at the As expected, metabolic regulation exerts control over
conclusion of the collection period. A study of normal conversion ef®ciency in response to demand for LCP
and x-linked retinitis pigmentosa adult males reported and dietary fatty acid composition. Genetic factors may
that cumulative .CO2 collected to a plateau at 7 days also be relevant in speci®c populations.
was about 60% of the ingested dose [23 . .]. This is
consistent with recent data appearing in abstract form, Competition with 18:2n-6
which also details collected breath for 7 days and shows In spite of the structural similarities, the tissue concen-
that oxidation of 18:3* totaled 69+29% [31]. trations of n-3 and n-6 PUFA are very different and their
behavior as a result of experimental treatments is often
A recent study of adults shows convincingly that the reciprocal. An early demonstration of their competitive
absolute amount of corn oil ingested in¯uences the nature showed that an increase in dietary concentrations
proportion oxidized in the immediate post-prandial of 18:2n-6 causes a decrease in products of n-3 LCP, and
period [32 .]. Corn oil typically consists of 18:2n-6 and vice versa [37]. In more recent years, data have
18:1n-9, and in this study labeled [1-13C]-palmitic acid suggested that increases in dietary LCP decrease
(16:0) was supplemented for technical reasons. Oxidation conversion of C18 precursors to LCP, presumably due
decreased from 38% for a 20 g fat load to 14% for a 137 g to product downregulation of biosynthetic enzymes,
fat load. Interestingly, breath CO2 isotopic enrichment, speci®cally desaturation and elongation systems. Thus,
indicative of fat oxidation, plateaued at 8 h post-dose, discussions of conversion ef®ciency must be in the
suggesting that the quoted percentage oxidation of these context of a speci®c dietary fatty acid composition, fat
fats may be considerably greater after the period of post- content and physiological state. Optimal conversion of
prandial lipemia, consistent with the abstract report from 18:3n-3 to n-3 LCP is expected when the diet is low in
the longer-term study [31]. In most cases, oxidation of both n-6 fatty acids, particularly 18:2n-6, and in n-3 LCP.
18:3n-3 is greater than or equal to that of 18:2n-6. This Dietary increases in 18:3n-3 and 18:2n-6 generally
study clearly indicates that total fat load in test meals should result in decreases in 18:3n-3 conversion ef®-
must be considered in future investigations of fatty acid ciency.
oxidation [32 .].
Competition with long chain polyunsaturates
Acetate resulting from partial oxidation of 18:3n-3 and The best dietary sources of n-3 LCP are marine foods,
recycled as a carbon source is best known for de-novo particularly fatty ®sh such as salmon, some cuts of tuna,
lipid synthesis of saturated and monounsaturated fatty mackerel and herring. Terrestrial meats (beef, pork,
acids and cholesterol. The relative amount of recycled chicken), dairy products, and eggs contain low but
18:3* appearing in saturates and monounsaturates has signi®cant amounts of both n-6 and n-3 LCP, but are
been measured as high as 30-fold in the liver and brain highly variable in their concentrations. LCP concentra-
of neonatal rodents and three-fold in neonatal primates tions can be increased by judicious choice of production
[33,34] compared with the amount of 18:3n-3* appearing practice, for instance feeding of linseeds to pigs, which
in n-3 LCP. increases some tissue n-3 LCP [38 .], or enrichment of
n-3 fatty acids in eggs by supplementation of laying
Taken together, these data suggest that more than 75% hens' diets with cod liver, canola, or linseed oils [39].
of ingested 18:3n-3 is shunted to b-oxidation and Vegan diets do not contain signi®cant concentrations of
relatively little is used for synthesis of n-3 LCP. The LCP and therefore those on vegan diets must bio-
extent to which these alternative fates for 18:3n-3 are synthesize all their LCP from C18 precursors. Overall
obligatory is unknown. It is postulated that excess LCP synthesis of vegans is therefore expected to be
18:3n-3 is oxidized; recycling of 18:3n-3 at minimal ef®cient. Due to the competition of n-6 and n-3 PUFA,
intake levels has not been reported. 18:2n-6 is however however, high ratios of 18:2n-6/18:3n-3 are expected to
oxidized and used as a carbon source even under inhibit the conversion ef®ciency of 18:3n-3. The n-3
conditions of extreme de®ciency in rats and therefore LCP status of vegans tends to be half that of omnivores
appears to be obligatory [35 .]. Analogous processes may [40].
operate for 18:3n-3. Among the reasons for obligatory
recycling of 18:3 is for use as a carbon source for the Traditional diets
growing brain. Support for this view is the observation PUFA metabolism in various species suggests that
that brain levels of 18:3n-3 are very low in all species traditional diets exert evolutionary pressure on 18:3n-3
even though dietary 18:3n-3, unlike saturates and metabolism. For instance, compared with omnivores,
monounsaturates, traverses the blood±brain barrier [36]. cats have a barely detectable capacity for LCP synthesis,
Further work pinpointing the site of 18:3n-3 recycling in a physiological feature rationalized by their exclusive
the brain is warranted. diet of meat that makes them obligate carnivores [41]. It
Conversion of a-linolenic acid to long chain n-3 fatty acids Brenna 131

has long been suspected that traditional human diets 6

Qiu X, Hong H, MacKenzie SL. Identification of a delta 4 fatty acid desaturase
from Thraustochytrium sp. involved in the biosynthesis of docosahexanoic acid
may exert natural selection pressure on LCP biosyn- by heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Brassica juncea.
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Molecular cloning of a delta-4 desaturase in eukaryotic cells that leads to the
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ican native populations [2,42]. It is therefore possible 7 Sauerwald TU, Demmelmair H, Fidler N, Koletzko B. Polyunsaturated fatty
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many generations for environmental, religious, or other
reasons may have a greater capacity for LCP synthesis. 8 Martinez M. Tissue levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids during early human
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fetuses, convert 18:3n-3 to 22:6n-3. Available data Fetal primates convert 18:3n-3 to 20:5n-3, 22:5n-3, and 22:6n-3 in vivo. 0.57% of
indicate that conversion of 18:3n-3 to 20:5n-3, 22:5n-3, a dose of [U-13C]-18:3n-3 is found as 13C-22:6n-3 in brain, while 4.6% of a
[13C]-22:6 dose is found as brain [13C]-22:6. This bioefficacy cannot be directly
and 22:6n-3 is a minor quantitative fate of 18:3n-3. Total extrapolated to whole body metabolism. As brain 22:6 accumulation is much faster
oxidation and partial oxidation with carbon recycling than loss in the perinatal period, however, these figures are likely to reflect overall
appear to be predominant mechanisms and may be
important processes per se. Conversion of 18:3n-3 to n-3 11 Carnielli VP, Wattimena DJ, Luijendijk IH, et al. The very low birth weight
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12 Salem Jr N, Wegher B, Mena P, Uauy R. Arachidonic and docosahexaenoic
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ef®ciency also appears to decrease as infants mature, 13 Sauerwald TU, Hachey DL, Jensen CL, et al. Intermediates in endogenous
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d5 Linolenic acid and linoleic acid were administered to 41 preterm, term, and
ef®ciency yet further. Consumption of preformed n-3 intrauterine-growth-retarded infants and conversion determined in plasma. Nearly
LCP is a far more ef®cient way to improve n-3 LCP all infants synthesize LCP from precursors, however the variation in quantitative
conversion was very wide. On average, LCP/precursor ratios were inversely
status. These observations have direct implications for related to gestational age. Since doses were administered on a per kg body
in¯uence of low n-3 LCP levels in neural development weight basis and whole body pool sizes are not known, this observation may be
related to greater dilution in older infants as well as active LCP synthesis.
and progression of chronic disease. Nevertheless, on average, LCP synthesis in very young preterms does not appear
to be compromised based on their gestational age relative to older infants, though
preterms with very low conversion may be at risk.

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