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Name: Karen Joy R.

Mijares Course & Year: BEED –II

Instructor: Ma. Victoria M. Macrohon

Task for Day 1:

A. What is the student-centered learning?
 It is an instructional approach that place focus on the student, instead of
the teachers. Also it all about the student doing all the works.

B. Answer what are asked in the table.

What are the roles of the students in the Describe the role of the teacher in the
Learner-Centered Learning? Learner-Centered Learning

1. Students are the one who drive the 1. Teachers should give a chance to
lesson not the teacher. student to evaluate their own learning.

2. Students should be working as a 2. Teachers need moving around the

group. room.

3. Students should be allowed to 3. Teachers should be assist the

explore their interests. student as a friendly way.

4. Students should be debating ideas 4. Teachers should be teach big ideas.

with one another.

5. Students should be work at own 5. Teachers can ask the questions

pace. without grading in the students.
Start making your table:

What is the Who proposed the Highlights of the Application of the

theory? Theory? Theory (What is theory in the
the theory all classroom
about) teaching

It suggests that
children go with four
Theory of Cognitive Jean Piaget's stages of mental To gain a strong
Development growth and those knowledge of pupils'
are; (Sensorimotor thought processes.
stage: birth to 2 They can also
years, match their teaching
Preoperational methods to the
stage: ages 2 to 7, cognitive level of the
Concrete students.
operational stage:
ages 7 to 11 and
Formal operational
stage: ages 12 and
up) also Jeans
Piaget's theory of
focuses on
understanding of

The Socio-cultural It promotes active

Theory, children learning to
Socio-cultural Lev Vygotsky's acquire behavior determine what a
Theory of Cognitive and cognitive pupil is capable of
Development processes relevant achieving through
to their own society the use of a
through social mediator, allowing
contact within the the teacher to assist
family and with the child in reaching
knowledgeable that level on their
members of the own. A child's
community. intellectual
capacities are
broadened through
play and thinking.

It argued that
Psychosocial Erick Erikson's develops in a set of Should provide an
Development order through right environment in
Theory phases of which each child
psychosocial feels valued and is
development. It at comfort learning
describe the impact new things and
of social experience build friendships
across the whole life with classmates.
span instead of
simply focusing on
childhood events.

This theory will

allow children to
Psychosexual Sigmund Freud Freud proposed the opportunities that
Stages of personality of will lead to success
Development development in through the
childhood takes influence of their
place during five childhood in their
psychosexual daily lives.
stages, which are:
the oral, anal,
phallic, latency and
genital stages.
Sexual energy
(libido) is produced
in diverse ways and
through different
regions of the body
at different stages.

It is focuses on how It can be applied

child develop this in the classroom
Moral Development Kohlberg morality and moral where the
Theory beliefs. Moral standards, rules and
development the consequences
develops in six are concerned.
stages. This theory
also suggests that
moral development
is primarily
concerned with
obtaining and
sustaining justice.

Bio-Ecological Urie Bronfenbrenner This theory To help in the

System emphasizes the understanding of
importance of learning
observing children environments in
in a variety of order to create high-
situations, referred quality education
to as ecological programs.
systems. The
children are
involved in a variety
of ecosystem,
ranging from the
most intimate home
ecological system to
the largest school
system, and finally
the most lead to
enhancement that
contains society and

Social Learning
Albert Bandura's This theory is the It can be utilized in
people learn by the classroom to
observing others encourage and
(models) who they teach desired
believe are credible behaviors through
and knowledgeable, the use of positive
According to social attention and prizes.
theory, recognizes A pupil who is
that reinforced or complimented for
rewarded conduct is raising their hand to
more likely to be speak will almost
repeated. The certainly do so
observer adopts the again.
rewarded behavior
or skill of the model.
Constructivist Jerome Brunner's It shows that It motivates pupils to
Theory learners generate be active and self-
their own directed learners.
knowledge by Teachers are more
employing a coding effective when they
system to use constructivist
categorize tactics. They are
information. able to foster
communication and
flexibility in order to
meet the
requirements of all

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