Chapter Iii Mythodology

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The researchers utilized a developmental type of research specifically

an imperical-experimental kind to gather data about the Effectiveness of

apple as alternative vinegar and to prove this research, the researchers

tested if the apple fruit could also be an alternative source of vinegar.


The researchers conducted their study and experimentation in Salino’s

Residence, 712 Cataag St. Ormoc City. The researchers found the locale

favourable since the place was equipped with the necessary tools that were

to be used in the experiment. The apple (Malus Domestica) fruits were

purchased in Ormoc City Public Market, because of its affordable prize.


The researchers concluded that Apple (Malus Domestica) fruit, was not

only beneficial in terms of medication, weight loss, economical growth and

others, it can also used to make a vinegar because of its rich in bioactive

phenolic compounds such as acetic acid, gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin,

chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and coumaric acid


The instruments used were eight (8) ripe apples (Malus Domestica),

One (1) kitchen knife and chopping board for slicing the Apple (Malus

Domestica). Two (2) vinegar sachet used to wash the Apple (Malus

Domestica), Two (2) Tablespoon of sugar, One (1) wooden spoon for

stirring, One (1) container jar to put the apple scraps, and One (1) thin

towel/muslin cloth to cover the jar.


Gathered all the materials.


Washed all eight (8) apples with a luke warm water and
2nd Cut the Apple in chunks.

Place your scraps in a large, non-corrosive container

(ceramic, stone or glass). You may need multiple
3rd containers depending upon the size of your batch. If you’re
picking apples over several days, just accumulate the
scraps in your container until you have enough.

Add just enough water to cover the scraps by 2 inches,

4th and add the sugar. Stir.

Cover with a plate to fit inside the opening, and weigh it

down with a clean brick or small bowl filled with water.
5th Cover the whole arrangement with a kitchen towel.

Let it sit, unrefrigerated, for one week. Some mold will

form on the top of the liquid, but that’s expected. Just skim
6th it off with a wooden spoon and discard it.

Strain the apple scraps through a fine sieve into a canning

jar. It will be a bit cloudy; what you see is the “mother”
7th vinegar.

After all the set-ups gathered the results.

Statistical Treatment

Based on the observation, in order to get the answer. The researchers

decided to have a percentage distribution between the variables. To get the

percentage of the effect of apple fruit as an alternative source of vinegar.

Formula: %= x100

% is the percentage

F is the Frequency

N is the total number of respondents

100 is a constant value

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