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Second quantization and the electron gas

A single electron

For a single electron we have the time-independent Schrodinger



p is the operator . This equation has solutions for an infinite

number of energies = with a complete set of
eigenfunctions ).

This forms a complete set, any other function can be expanded in
terms of them. The ) for different are orthogonal, meaning that

where dr is an abbreviation for dx dy dz; u* is the complex conjugate of u,

For a normalized wavefunctions ) , integral is equal to unity for =

wavefunctions like ) are continuous

The integral can be thought of as

Infinitesimal volume

Consider the column vector (i.e, the vertical array of numbers)

And ∗ ) as the row vector

The sum in the previous expression is just the matrix product of ∗ )

and ́ ).
We adopt Dirac notation to write the row vector ∗ ) as and the
column vector ́ ) as Then we write the integral of Eq. ? As
, For normalized wavefunction we get
An example of such a set of functions ) are the plane waves
that are a solution of the Shrodinger equation

Consider a cubic box of

Then we can consider

Applying the periodic boundary conditions


Where mx , my , mz are integers. Kα form a simple cubic lattice in k-space.

The density of allowed points are or , independent of K
The summation over α can be considered as the summation over allowed
values of K.

and then taking the integral

This can be written as

Then we get

We can find

Which can be written in Dirac notation as

This leads to consider an operators

It is not a number, it is an operator

Gives ( a number ) X wavefunctions

This notation can be extended by dealing with an integral like

Replacing the integral by summation

We are considering V(r) as a diagonal matrix

Then the previous matrix product can be written as

Making use of the identity

The operator annihilates an electron in the state and creates
one in the state

For an empty sate wavefunction

We can write


The same way, we can write the

kinetic energy operator

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