Lecture 8 With Notes

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Occupation numbers

The annihilation operator for the fermion system is

the effect of cp upon a wavefunction in which the pth state is emty


If the pth state is occupied, however, there will be one term in the
summation that will not be orthogonal to the wavefunction, hence we get
Second quantization for fermions
To operate twice with cp would be to try and destroy two particles from the
same state. Show that?
Check it?

The creation operator is the operator conjugate to cp

has the effect of introducing a particle into the formerly empty pth state
More general operator for the set
Alternatively, if we insert the term below into the operator

We would get

Now cp destroys the particle in the pth state, and assume q  p

Then we can find that

We say that cp and cq anticommute, and use the abbreviation

Alternatively, if we insert the term below into the operator

We would get

Now cp destroys the particle in the pth state, and assume q  p

Then we can find that

We say that cp and cq anticommute, and use the abbreviation

Use similar argument to show

is important

It is easy to see that it has eigenvalue zero when it operates on a state for which
np is zero, and has eigenvalue unity when it operates on a state that has np = 1.
We can consequently identify the operator as the number operator

We can also find

cannot create another particle in an already occupied state

This leads to,

Then we get


Second quantization for fermions
We can write any operator in terms of annihilation and creation operators.
Let us first consider a single-particle operator, such as an ordinary potential,
V(r). This will enter the many-body Hamiltonian in the form

since it acts equally on all the particles. We then find

that the only matrix elements, given by

that do not vanish are those in which not more than one of the αi is
different from αi. Then the integral reduces to
In the occupation number representation we can write this as

Then from Eq

We chose the Hamiltonian as a sum of T and V. we choose a set of

functions uα such that T only has diagonal matrix elements.
This can be satisfied by a plane wave representation
To build determinants 


Note: The annihilation and creation operators always appear in

pairs; a potential cannot remove a particle from a state without
putting it back in some other state
Consider an interaction between particles as a simple potential. That
is, we add to the single-particle Hamiltonian terms of the form

The factor of 1/2 is to prevent counting interactions twice. Then

This can be separated into a product of integrals over one coordinate,

with the exception of the integration over dri and drj, which cannot be
separated, and gives a term of the form


Because the u(r) are orthogonal, the integrals above vanish


V can only alter the occupation of the states α, ,  and . Thus V may be
expressed as


From (1), when V = 1

From (2)

The matrix elements of V take on a particularly simple form when

the u(r) are the plane waves . Then

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