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EN20403256 – P.I Jayawickrama

Student Name: P.I Jayawickrama Instructor Signature: _

ID – EN20403256

Balanced Star Connection

1.1 Two Wattmeter Method



Neutral Voltage – 0.353565V


Measured Measured Measured Total Power Factor 3-Phase

Voltage Current Power Power Power Factor
Meter W1 230.379V 0.13688A 30.477W 0.96551
Meter W2 230.379V 0.13688A 8.113W 38.59W 0.25726 0.70605

1.2 Single Wattmeter method



Measured Measured Measured Total Power Power Factor

Phase Voltage Phase Current Power
Meter W1 133.008V 0.13688A 12.853W 38.559W 0.70597

Tabulated Results
Two Single Theoretical
Wattmeter Wattmeter Calculation
Method Method
Line Voltage 230.379V 133.008V

Line Current 0.13688A 0.13688A

38.557W 38.557W
Active Power
Power Factor 0.7071 0.7071
54.529VA 54.529VA
38.557VAR 38.557VAR
Reactive Power
2.Balanced Delta Connection

2.1 Two Wattmeter Method



Measured Measured Measured Total Power Factor 3-Phase

Voltage Current Power Power Power Factor
Meter W1 230.381V 0.410643A 91.342W 0.96551
115.729W 0.7064
Meter W2 230.381V 0.410643A 24.388W 0.25726
2.2 Single Wattmeter method



Measured Measured Measured Total Power Power Factor

Phase Voltage Phase Current Power

Meter W1 230.381V 0.237086A 115.316W 345.948W 0.70597

Tabulated Results

Two Single Theoretical

Wattmeter Wattmeter Calculations
Method Method
398.402V 398.402V
Line Voltage
0.710135A 0.409999A
Line Current
345.948W 345.948W
Total Power
0.7071 0.70597
Power Factor
282.897VA 163.328VA
Apparent Power
Reactive Power 200.069VAR 115.4892VAR
3) Indicate the most accurate method, among Two Wattmeter Method and Single Wattmeter
Method, giving reasons for your choice.

According to my opinion, Two Wattmeter method is the most suitable method in measuring power than
One Wattmeter method,
The reasons can be stated as there are no neutral connection is required, because of this there is no extra
current left in any part of the circuit. And also the values of the wattmeter is also accurate than in One
wattmeter method.
In addition , in two wattmeter method the power factor can also be obtained for balanced loads.

4) Explain why there are variations between the theoretical and measured values of the tests.

The reasons for being variations between theoretical and measured values are, the values of the load
can be vary from the labeled value in the diodes. Also there is a possibility that the wattmeter coils
have impedances due to varies reasons. Moreover when we calculate equations taking the value to
the nearest decimal place also causes to variation between theoretical and measured values.

5) Explain why two different methods of power measurement for the same circuit gives
different result.

The reason for this can be stated as two wattmeter method is used to measure power in
unbalanced load. Therefore different results can be obtained from both methods.

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