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The researcher presents Research Studies that are related to the given topic. This
includes finished thesis, past researches, and/or Science Investigatory Projects which are
related or similar to the study being conducted.

The effectiveness of Orange peelings as an alternative source of Oslo paper in terms of

writability and durability (Gaid, 2015), this study aimed to produce paper out of Orange peels to
lessen the use of wood when producing paper. The researchers in this study used pulp of
orange peelings and used paper as an alternative source of Oslo Papers. The researchers
created two trials with different procedures. The first sample contains 145grams(g) of Orange
peelings, 19.5g of used paper, 157milimeter(ml) of Gaw-gaw, and 150ml of water. While the
second sample contains 90g of orange peelings, 100g of used paper, 150 ml of Gaw-Gaw, and
75 ml of water. Researcher tested the two samples by checking its durability and writablity and
asked 50 respondents to examine it. Sample A was failed to be produced, and only Sample B
was able to be tested. 48% of the respondents said the produce paper can be easily to write,
42% of them answered writings are visible, and the other 10% answered they can hardly write
on the paper.

The Possibility of Paper out of Banana Bark (Bautro, James Oliver A.; Limbo, John
Gabriel B.; Geron, Christine Ann M, 2012), this study examined the possibility of banana bark as
an alternative material source of paper. The researchers in this study gathered and sliced
banana bark into half an inch and boiled it until the bark turn in brown and later crushed this in
blender. Researchers create four tables with each having three trials. First table showed, the
greater the amount of banana bark used, more banana paper produced; Second table showed,
the greater the time of boiling the banana bark, the finer the banana paper is; Third table
showed the greater the amount of water used in boiling the banana bark takes long time to dry
the banana paper; and the last table showed, that the longer the time of blending the boiled
banana bark, the smoother the banana paper is. Study shows that it is possible to produce
paper out of Banana Bark.
Investigatory Project: Making Paper Out of Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Peelings and
Leaves (October, 2015). In this study the research tests the Pineapple’s peels and leaves ability
to produce paper. Now nearly 4 billion trees or 35% of the total trees cut around the world are
used in paper industries on every continent which gave the researcher an idea to lessen the
consumption of trees in making paper by examining the possibility of Pineapple peels and
leaves to make paper. The researcher did not use any advanced machineries in creating the
paper but rather only use blender and dryer as equipments in creating the paper. In testing the
efficiency of the product the researcher answered the stated questions; “Is paper made from
Ananas comosus potent enough to be used as a substitute paper for scrapbook making with
regards to the: 1.1 Materials and equipments; 1.2 Time (days); 1.3 Efficiency of Paper; Is
paper made from Ananas comosus sturdy enough to be used for writing?” and did not do any
comparison with other paper brands. The study showed that it is possible for Pineapple leaves
and peels to produce a paper.

Investigatory Project: Citronella Leaves into Paper (Benedicto, Berbano, Cagayan, Caro,
2014), this study focuses on looking for other plant species that could be used as a substitution
for all the trees that were used in producing papers. Citronella plants were used in this study, in
which Citronella are commonly used in other Science Investigatory projects as a mosquito
repellent, but in this study Citronella (specifically the leaves) was used as an material in
creating paper. The researcher use Citronella leaves, Newspaper, Water, Blender, Scissors,
rolling pin, Silk screen, Containers which quantity is varied for each set. After the experiment,
the researcher come up with an conclusion that It is possible to create a paper out of Citronella
leaves. The study showed that Citronella paper is thicker compare to normal paper being used
but the researcher find it very hard to write in it as there is an inconsistency in the paper fiber
and texture of the Citronella paper. It can be tear easily and writings aren’t very visible. But still
the study was found to be successful as the researcher only aimed to produce a paper out of
Citronella leaves

Paper from Coconut Husks (Prathamesh Phadnis, Ashish Dongarjal, Rohan Patil,
Shalmali Bhave, Shruti Runwal, Chandraj Ketkale, Rohit Godbole, Prof. Vivek Nagnath, 2018),
stated in the study that Coconut are commonly used in many ways and usually coconut husks
are being thrown. The researchers then tried to produced paper using coconut husks as their
material, so that coconut husks wouldn’t be wasted anymore. The process used in the
experiment is comparatively easier than the complicated process of making paper by cutting
trees. Also the product is ready at a relatively lower cost. The researchers tried to make the
best out of waste by using coconut husk to manufacture paper. They used washing soda to
separate the fibers of coconut husk which then be used to produce paper. After the experiment
the research from this study concluded that coconut husk is an effective alternative material in
producing paper, focusing primarily on quality of strength.

Bautro, James Oliver A.; Limbo, John Gabriel B.; Geron, Christine Ann M. (March, 2012).
Paper out of Banana Bark (SIP). Retrieved on March 13, 2021 from

Benedicto, Berbano, Cagayan, Caro. (February 8, 2014). Investigatory Project: Citronella

Leaves into Paper. Retrieved on March 13,2021 from

Gaid, Elikah. (February 15, 2015). The effectiveness of Orange peelings as an

alternative source of Oslo paper in terms of writability and durability. Retrieved on March 13,
2021 from

Prathamesh Phadnis, Ashish Dongarjal, Rohan Patil, Shalmali Bhave, Shruti Runwal,
Chandraj Ketkale, Rohit Godbole, Prof. Vivek Nagnath. (April, 2018). Paper from Coconut Husk.
Retrieved on March 13,2021 from

Schoolwork Clutters. (October 22,2015). Investigatory Project: Making Paper Out of

Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Peelings and Leaves. Retrieved on March 13, 2021 from

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