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1. When you regularly engage in a physical activity. The following aspects are
likely to develop:
2. Discuss among your group mates as to how and in what particular instance
in the regular physical activity engagement (example: Zumba, basketball,
swimming, recreational games) will you be able to develop each aspect.
3. Discuss it by citing examples and situations observed or based on personal


With so many demands on your time and energy these days, keeping self-care
at the top of your priority list can feel difficult. Furthermore, even if you do take the
time to slow down, the discomfort of attempting to quiet your monkey mind can leave
you restless and anxious to get back to work.
Everyone understands that being in shape is important for remaining on top of
your game, but we still struggle to accomplish the fundamental things we need to stay
energized and succeed at work and at home. The good news is that physical activity is
one of the most effective methods to help the brain relax and reconnect with the heart,
allowing it to focus on what matters most.
In thi module, things will be discussed how physical activity can help you in
every aspect of life for you to become a better and physically fit person.

Regular physical activity engagement enables us to develop the physical aspect
of health considering that these activities basically involve bodily movements produced
by contraction of skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure. Through
performing a minimum of 30 minutes a day of any physical activity such as zumba,
basketball, swimming or recreational games, you will certainly reap the numerous
benefits it provides. The physical benefits include improved condition of your heart
and lungs, increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness, increased
aerobic fitness, improved muscle tone and strength weight management, stronger
bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis, better coordination, agility and flexibility,
improved balance and spatial awareness. For instance, a lot of people whether in
social media or in our community have already proven the effectiveness of performing
a regular exercise or simply being active in order to reduce the risks of certain
diseases, lose weight and be more physically fit. Thus, engaging ourselves in a
physical activity regularly is of utmost importance for our physical health.

Repeated sessions of physical activity throughout the day provide short-term
mental and cognitive advantages while also providing an opportunity to practice skills
and gain confidence, all of which encourage continued participation in physical
activity. Physical activity boosts your brain's oxygen supply. It also boosts the quantity
of endorphins in your brain, which are the "feel-good" neurotransmitters. As a result,
it's no surprise that people who are in good physical form also have a better level of
mental agility. It has been proven to be more helpful than cognitive-behavioral
treatment in lowering the pursuit of thinness and the frequency of bingeing, purging,
and laxative misuse in female adolescents and young adults. Physical activity's
positive effects on sleep may also help with mental health.

In line with this, one of our groupmates' personal experience can be set as an
example. Whenever she does zumba with her family, all of them feel happy afterwards
since they release their stresses through it. According to them, moving their bodies
helps them feel active. Moreover, it also calms their minds in a way that they forget
any problems they had due to over focusing on executing their zumba steps or routine

Every day we engage in many physical activities that sometimes lead us to be
stressed and drained mentally and physically. Being unproductive or staying and lying
in bed for a long time is also one of the reasons that can trigger your emotional health,
which can result in depression, anxiety, and many other emotional health problems.
In addition to this, being alone for just a day without someone to talk to or share your
feelings is very frustrating that might affect your emotional health.

To ease that emotion or feeling, you must engage in physical activities like
biking, running, walking, or join some physically health-related organizations in your
community. An example of this is pa Zumba ni Mayor every early in the morning in
the Municipality of Dapa. Since physical activity helps in releasing tension and anxiety
helps in emotional stability. Moreover, when you exercise, your body releases
chemicals called endorphins that can also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar
to morphine. Exercise increases your energy level. There are many ways to improve
your mental health such as connecting with others, managing your time well, staying
positive, and taking care of your physical health.
The exercise helps the increase of social skills and the prevention of social
conflicts (17, 20). In sport and group activities, people learn to help others,
consistency with the group, cooperation, forgiveness, dedication, independence, self-
confidence, respecting the law, and friendship with others.

Examples are playing sport games, when engaging in this activity you could
develop many of the social skills they will need for life. It teaches them to cooperate, to
be less selfish, and to listen to other children. It also gives children a sense of
belonging. It helps them make new friends and builds their social circle outside
school. Based on experience I have a lot of friends whenever I go out and play
basketball, and whenever you play more you will meet new people.

Spiritual education fosters critical thinking and raises questions about how the
body functions. People are encouraged to analyze their work and look for methods to
enhance it. People can learn a range of talents, such as dancing, which allows them to
express their sentiments and emotions while also marveling at what their bodies can
accomplish. For many different people, spirituality can mean many different things. It
refers to self-reflection, acceptance, and comprehension in the context of this article.
Understanding the relationship between exercise and spirituality can allow you to
verify your fitness plan and help you shift your perspective on life on a regular basis.
Many religious practices encourage resting one day a week, but it's possible
that we've misunderstood what it means to rest. Perhaps exercising our bodies might
help us to move our brains to a more tranquil and restful state, helping our body,
mind, and spirit to be fully involved in the present moment as we actively shift our
emphasis to things like gratitude, appreciation, and positive contemplation.
A best example of this is engaging yourself into performing meditation. One of
our group members likes to perform meditation every morning and every night. It does
not only benefit her mental health but also her spiritual aspect. She felt that by
performing meditation helps her connect more with God and she began to appreciate
the smallest things. Through meditation, she is able to reflect and be grateful for the
things happening around. She can feel that God is always by her side and that it
guides her throughout her journey and activities the whole day.

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