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Collocations with make

I ______ __ _________to the manager about the poor service in the restaurant.

 John always _____himself ____ _______of tea when he gets to work.

 It’s time for Sally to________ ___ __________, that job position is not going to be open

 Greg’s help really_________ ____ __________, we managed to finish an hour early.

 Caroline _________ ____ _________selling her handmade bracelets.

Harold always_______ ________, but no one finds them funny.

 I ______ ___ __________in my application form and I will have to fill it out again.

 Kate had to ________ ____ _______call during her break.

 Mark _____some good ________ in his presentation, we should consider his project.

I _______ ____ _________to my mother to always take care of my siblings.

Tom has ______ ____ ____________at his wife’s favorite restaurant for Valentine’s Day.

My mom always ________me ____ _____________ to school.

When I take a break from studying I ______myself_____ ___________.

 The college ______ ____ __________for Daniel and accepted him even though he missed the
deadline for submitting papers.

 Every Saturday I _________ ___________for my fiancée.

 It’s hard to __________ __________in a new school.

 My classmates ____________ _______of me because I was the smallest in my class.

 Jennifer ________ enough _________ to pay her rent and bills.

Lee doesn’t like to _______ _______, he prefers to live spontaneously.

I can see my daughter is ________ __________in math, even though it’s her least favorite

I visited my best friend to ___________ __________ she was feeling ok, after her boyfriend
broke up with her.

My brothers fight a lot, but the always _________ _____ in the end.

I can’t _________ ______my ________, I don’t know if I want to buy a new bag or a new pair
of shoes.
Collocations with do
John ______ _____ _________right after he comes back from school.

You should _____the ________ you were assigned.

My company _______ __________with over 20 foreign clients.

Jane _______ a daily ________ at work.

Jeff still ______ the __________ at his parent’s house even though he moved out six
months ago.

I’ll _______the ________ if you cook.

I don’t like________ __________, I prefer working in the garden.

I asked John to _______ _______ ____________on his way home.

I always _____ the _________ in my family.

My son ______the ___________ up on the weekend.

She ______a good _________planning the wedding.

Sue has ______ her _________to make me feel welcome.

I wanted to ______some _________ so I joined a charity.

I wanted to ____ _____ ____ ________so I admitted to breaking the vase.

Mary _____me a ________ by driving my children to school.

The doctor told my father to ______ __________daily

I don’t have the time to _______ my __________ .


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