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Panganiban, Suzanne P.


1.What is your own concept of physical education?

When it comes to physical education, there is much more to it than just bodybuilding and staying in
shape. It also emphasizes the development of a person's social, mental, and emotional qualities,
among other things. Physical education aims to develop a person's personality in a comprehensive
manner. Student's physical competence, movement knowledge, and safety awareness are all
emphasized, as is their ability to apply these abilities to a variety of activities that support the
development of an active and healthy lifestyle.

2. Which is better in relation to a healthy lifestyle, modern technology or manual labor?

Justify your answer.
Modern technology, in my opinion, is far more beneficial to our healthy way of life. The
advancement of technology has made our lives significantly easier. For example, utilizing a cell phone
to work out and exercise is becoming increasingly popular. Teachers are unlikely to want their pupils
to get addicted to their phones during class, but when the educational advantages of mobile phones
and phone apps are obvious, the use of mobile phones and phone applications should be
encouraged. There are a plethora of different smartphone applications available now that track your
activities and give dietary guidance. Students may obtain critical information about their health and
diet with only a few mouse clicks on their computers.

3.Why is Physical Education essential for individual holistic development?

Physical Education enhances motor skills, muscle strength, and bone density, making pupils more
inclined to participate in healthy activities outside of the classroom. It also aids in the maintenance of
their mental and mental wellness. By making exercise a normal part of their lives from a young age, they
will continue to do so throughout their lives.

4.How will you justify the relevance of physical education courses in the tertiary level?
Taking part in physical education classes at college helps to build the physical component of one's
personality, which then helps to develop the other aspects of one's personality including the mental,
physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Physical development has a positive impact
on both the intellectual and emotional elements of growth.

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