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Latest News > The darkest city under a dragon’s wings.—Glitch
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> Current Time: 18 Oct 2078, be modified to allow the selected representatives to serve for life. The case
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MALANDRAGEM them. If he was a shapeshifter from the DISA, that’s where he
would be. Right there, with a clean view of them both.
Just then, the bird flapped its wings and flew away.
Batucada dodged the roundhouse kick coming for his head “It’s nothing,” dismissed Tanque, his tone working hard to
and dropped into a rasteira, sweeping for his opponent’s leg. insinuate that Batucada was a paranoid idiot.
This was nimbly dodged via an au cartwheel ending in the Anger didn’t even rise in Batucada and the ugly ork’s chal-
low negative stance. Batucada had read his opponent cor- lenge. He’d been violently reminded that what he was doing
rectly and was ready for this, planting the sole of his foot was no game. The stakes were real.
inches from the other capoeirista’s face, a slight mischievous “Let’s just get this over with,” said Batucada in a low voice.
grin on his face. The score made and the flow broken, another He clicked a few buttons on the Sony ActiveLife! sports
capoeirista signaled the master and dropped into play against commlink secured to his wrist, transferring the files to Tanque.
Batucada. Out of the corner of his eye, however, Batucada “I wrote down what you needed. You want to talk to Toneai.
spied a lanky ork standing outside of the capoeira’s roda. Ba- I spoke to him, he’s interested in your offer. When you meet
tucada’s grin disappeared, and he signaled to the next await- him, if he likes you, you’ll be in.”
ing player to take his place, exiting the roda. Tanque nodded, receiving the files. “Just to be absolutely
Batucada was covered in sweat from the efforts of the ca- sure—Toneai, he’s the one connected to A Voz?”
poeira class and subsequent ending roda. He wiped his hands Batucada frowned. “Yes, what the fuck do you think we’re
lightly on his pure white abadá pants. He noticed they were talking about?” Really, Tanque was too much.
getting dirty. He promised himself he’d wash them soon. Lena “Nothing,” answered Tanque, his voice strange. Before Ba-
was sweet on him, maybe he could pay her a visit tonight. He tucada’s look of disgust could change into a question, Tanque
could get her to wash his stuff, and while he was there, who raised a silenced pistol as Batucada’s face and fired. The capoe-
knows what could happen … irista’s head jerked back violently and he fell backwards. Tan-
That sweet thought quickly left his mind as he looked back que fired two more rounds into him.
up and saw the lanky ork waiting for him. His thoughts easily
wandered after exercising, but this was serious business. He
had to keep focused. As he neared the ork, nodding at him
in greeting, he saw suspicion and anxiety covering the other Looking around the corner of his eyes for any sign of a wit-
man’s face. The ork returned the nod, then turned and walked ness rushing off or anything like that, Tanque unscrewed the
away, indicating with his chin that Batucada should follow him. silencer from his pistol, putting the weapon back into his
They turned the corner of a stucco building that had once quick-draw holster and dropping the silencer into his pocket.
been painted white and azure but was now pockmarked with He looked down one last time at the bloody corpse at his
beige holes where the outer layer of masonry had fallen out in feet. His mouth squirmed into a tight grimace. Batucada wasn’t
chunks. The chipping clearly revealed a pattern of automatic a bad guy. Bit of an asshole playboy, but relatively friendly at
fire here, shotgun spread there. All the buildings in the favela his core. He was just dumb as shit. Whereas Batucada had
were like this. concentrated on playing and getting girls, Tanque has found
“Oi, Tanque …” called out Batucada as his ork contact kept real purpose with the Amazonian government. Batucada had
leading him on into the moist alley between buildings. He feared DISA, like everyone does, but he had failed to under-
didn’t want to go into the shade shirtless and covered in sweat. stand the bigger picture. Batucada might have thought flirting
“Let’s talk here, omae,” he told him. with A Voz was something cool to do, but it was deadly seri-
“Fine,” answered the ork. “If you have the information I ous. Now, Batucada was dead, as ordered by Tanque’s superi-
asked for, then I don’t want anyone hearing this, neh?” ors at DISA, as was the proper fate of anyone who associated
“Yeah, yeah, there’s nobody here. I have the info, yes. You with traitors.
have what I asked for” replied Batucada. He didn’t like Tan- Tanque hurried away into the shadows. Batucada’s file gave
que. The ork didn’t have a good reputation. And he was ugly. him everything he needed. He’d make arrangements with
Tanque had been a childhood playmate, but the two had long some DISA field agents to raid the meeting place Tanque had
since gone separate ways, and Batucada felt the unfair, uncho- given him, tonight. He didn’t doubt the fate that awaited any
sen bond of early life together forcing intimacy he didn’t want. present. The senior field agents—shapeshifters, of course—
If one of his girlfriends saw him with the ork, it would be humil- would tear everyone present apart, save for a few they would
iating. He looked around, just to make sure. He froze. bag and interrogate before killing. Tanque’s heart beat a little
“Wait,” he said to Tanque in a hushed whisper. Tanque read faster at the thought. He’d done good work. Maybe he would
the body language pretty well and froze. be allowed to go in with the agents during the raid. Maybe
“What is it?” asked the ork. tonight was the night he’d be truly able to prove his loyalty
Batucada nodded off into the distance. “Over there, that bird …” and his strength, and they’d promote him to a full field agent.
“Where? You think it’s DISA?” asked the ork. Tanque smiled and dreamed as he walked on. Batucada has
Batucada didn’t answer. He stared at the bird. It was a larg- been worried about a bird. He squinted so hard at the threat of
er species, prominently sitting on a wire, with a clear view on death that he missed it rushing into his face.

Malandragem 3
HISTORY and receive the bulk of citizens: the new Metrópole da Ama-
zonia. And that was it. No negotiation, no protests. Either you
moved, or you would be killed.
GENESIS Perhaps 150 million Brazilians were now refugees, evicted
from their homes, their jobs, and their lives. Evicted and point-
More than any other place, Metrópole is a city caged by its ed toward cities with slumped economies, cities that already
past and its future. To understand the place, you have to under- were failing to provide a decent quality of life for their exist-
stand where it came from, and where it is going. The beginning ing citizens. Everything these people knew, all their posses-
is August 28, 2034. The Awakened forces of Amazonia, led by sions, all their friends, their daily routines, the cities they knew
the Great Dragon Hualpa, declared war on Brazil. Now, this has and called home—gone, in the blink of an eye. Understand-
to be contextualized. At this point in time, the UCAS is a mere ably, this did not go over well. Hualpa understood the human
two years old and still coming to grips with itself. In Europe, a mind perfectly well, of course. He understood there would be
devastating war raged on. Of course, by now everyone knows resistance. You could say he didn’t care, but that’s not quite
the rules of the world have changed: the Great Ghost Dance is true. If he truly didn’t care, Metrópole would not exist today.
fresh in everyone’s mind. Further, just a few years ago, Awak- The mind-boggling logistical feat of actually moving 150 mil-
ened forces wrested control of Siberia away from the Russian lion people was child’s play compared to the task of creating
state. So, when Awakened forces that dwarf anything anyone some place for these people to go. The basic infrastructure
has ever seen rise up out of every nook and cranny of Brazil to needed to be built, often from whole cloth. Homes for 150
wage merciless war, the rest of the world looks sideways while million people, new roads, hospitals, schools, sewers, mar-
whistling a tune. Brazilians are left to fend for themselves. Of kets, everything was erected quickly, in some cases practically
course, they don’t stand a chance. over night. Yet again, another feat made seemingly trivial by
The Brazilian Armed Forces consisted of roughly 300,000 the real challenge: avoiding a complete and total economic
active men and women, with easily six times that number in collapse. Hualpa wasn’t out to destroy Brazil. He was out to
additional reservists and National Guard. It also included plen- create Amazonia.
ty of main battle tanks, fighter jets, attack helicopters, and all Brazil’s own finances were far from rosy. The new Awak-
the other required engines of war. The Brazilian Army was also ened government defaulted on the national debt, since Brazil
quite skilled in jungle warfare and guerrilla tactics. However, was gone; this was now Amazonia. Call it what you will, inter-
that doesn’t mean much when a squadron of adult dragons, national money lenders lost a lot of money. Under other cir-
whose magical nature is still not well understood, swoops out cumstances, this would have been a first-class ticket to third-
of nowhere undetected and nukes your barracks. Or when the world nationhood.
very ground you stand upon—the forest that surrounds you Instead, powered by his unknowingly vast draconic intel-
and the air you breathe—are the domains of spirits that your lect, Hualpa led the greatest nation-building feat of the world
weapons largely cannot hurt, but who in turn can destroy en- and built Metrópole and Amazonia. Without foreign currency
tire platoons in an instant. There is no front; no rear lines. Sup- reserves, an economy stopped dead as the entire inland nation
ply lines cannot be protected. There is nothing to fight, yet you stopped working to move, and the coast working to accommo-
are attacked from everywhere. date the influx, many doomed the budding nation to failure. But
Two months after the start of hostilities, the Brazilian Hualpa secured funding—much of it out of the personal hoards
government surrendered unconditionally. To what, they still of the draconic leadership, some through crafty dealmaking.
weren’t sure. Amazonian propaganda, of course, now labels Work efficiency was greatly boosted by copious magical feats.
this as a great liberation. And, truth be told, the Brazilian gov- Within eighteen months, Metrópole, and by extent Amazonia,
ernment at the time wasn’t exactly loved. Most Brazilians lived was rising out of the ashes of Brazil. Infrastructure came out of
in poverty, many in complete misery. The disparity between nowhere, jobs appeared, and homes sprang up.
rich and poor was staggering. There is a world of difference,
though, between a corrupt government of greedy bastards > Whoa there. If you were a Matrix software engineer, and now
and a giant lizard monster thing that has spent the last two Hualpa says there are plenty of jobs for electricians, how does
months eating your nation’s soldiers. People wept in the streets that help you? As has been mentioned, Brazil was a place of great
and clutched loved ones, awaiting their fates. social inequality, which means a huge chunk of those displaced
Hualpa did not, however, kill and destroy everything, much people were unskilled or semi-skilled laborers. This limited what
to his friend Sirrurg’s chagrin. Powered by an intellect far more they could do; it was the same with specialists, really. Creating
powerful and effective than any human politician will ever jobs is one thing. Creating the right jobs and making them
wield, Hualpa set in motion great changes. Brazil, a nation just accessible to the right people is another. The truth of the matter
shy of 200 million souls at the time, was ordered to empty is that tens of thousands of families sank to poverty because they
out the interior. The entire population of the country would could not find work that suited them, and tens of thousands of
need to move to the coast. Hualpa decreed that the zone be- budding business tanked because they could not gain access to
tween Rio de Janeiro (population: about 12 million) and Sao the labor they needed.
Paulo (population: 18 million) would become a mega sprawl > Axis Mundi

History 4
Locasin, Hualpa’s personal translator and important political
> This is why the arcology model was so privileged during the
construction of Metrópole, especially in the new Centro district. figure. In essence, Amazonia lost its topmost leadership.
It’s a dirty little secret of Metrópole’s inception, but much like While the state appears to be functioning as normal, the
Hong Kong or Manhattan, Metrópole is almost entirely private. disappearance of the country’s leader—a spiritual father-fig-
Hualpa did miracles with the little money available, but even that ure leader for many—has been a tough and confusing blow
wasn’t enough to build a megacity of 100+ million people. You for Amazonians. Nobody in Amazonia believes Aztlan is go-
need trillions of nuyen to do that. Amazonia had no choice but to ing to stop there, and many wonder if Amazonian forces will
privatize and sell off land to whomever promised to build on it. be able to stop them at all. This has created a blanket of fear
> Sounder and confusion over the city. While the number-one subject
of conversation remains football, Aztlan conspiracy theories
> If that sounds like every corporation’s wet dream, you’re damn and wild rumors are a close second. How people react to this
right it is. There were millions of people desperate to secure varies. Many are patriotic, and enlistment in the armed forces
good housing for their families at any cost. Lowest bidders got has gone up slightly. Most are unsure but ultimately apathetic.
the jobs and housing, indebting themselves and their families for On the other side of the spectrum though, many wonder if
generations to come. Wage-slavery at its most successful, right life under Aztlan rule would be any worse than under Manaus’
in the heart of the supposed anti-corporate, pro-people nation of inhuman leaders. Many believe now is the time to overthrow
Amazonia. Don’t believe all the hype. the dragons and take back Brazil. Metrópole is ground zero for
> Snopes all this conflicting activity.

These feats bought Hualpa a lot of goodwill from his new > Discussing politics in Metrópole is a dangerous thing. First of all,
subjects. Things were notably different. Pollution was a big no- everybody touts a patriotic, pro-government stance in public, no
no. Heavy industry and primary-sector enterprises had to take matter what they really believe. That’s because DISA hunts down
an adapt-or-die (often literally) mentality to do business, de- traitors. While the majority of Amazonians truly love their country
veloping and adopting eco-friendly technologies in a hurry. A and what it stands for, a significant portion are simmering in
lot was imported from the fledgling NAN and newborn elf na- discontent and desire for change, their sympathies firmly aligned
tions, who had a head start on environmentally friendly tech- with extremist groups like A Voz. DISA can repress all they want,
niques and technology. However, none of these new lands but people find a way to gather and communicate. Secret societies
had the pressure of great dragons breathing down their necks, and double-meanings are plentiful in the streets of Amazonia,
and so Amazonia pioneered many new innovations. Powered and determining where the people you do business with stand is
by sheer necessity and aided by Hualpa, who needed this to important. Determining where you stand is important, too. It will
succeed, fueled by hard labor and more than a touch of magic come up, sooner or later. You will need to pick a side.
provided by their Awakened overlords, Metrópole was built. > Kay St. Irregular

The very existence of Amazonia is an affront to Aztlan, and With almost 200 million souls, Metrópole is best considered
vice-versa. It is said the only reason Amazonia exists is to as not one but three large cities. When Hualpa’s forces de-
stop Aztlan expansion to the south. Indeed, if Hualpa hadn’t cided that the interior of the country wasn’t for people,
created it, in all likelihood all of South America would be part Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo were already bristling dens of
of the Aztlan empire. The two nations truly exist only as ene- inequality of more or less 10 million inhabitants each. That
mies, an antithesis of one another. still left about 180 million people without homes and jobs.
For a long time, the two nations faced off in a cold war that While both the Rio and Sao Paulo hubs were boosted to cre-
occasionally heated, then cooled back down. They fought ate more living space, the vast majority of Brazilians ended
each other via black ops and proxies, supporting any enemy of up in the area between the two metropolises, an area known
their enemy. Late in 2072, however, everything changed and simply as Centro. Each of these three broad cities is a world
open war broke out, nominally over the city of Bogota. Both of cultural diversity and amalgamation of sub-districts; each
sides fought viciously, but ultimately, Amazonia lost. Bogota has their own flavor and sense of living. However, it would
is now officially an Aztlan city, and the Amazonian border was be pointlessly long to enumerate every single neighborhood,
pushed back a good bit. Ultimately, as far as day-to-day Ama- as this is a treatise for shadowrunners. So I’ll be giving you
zonian life is concerned, that stuff is no big deal. The loss of a general sense of the dominant culture of each sub-city, as
morale and the loss of belief from Amazonians hurt a bit more. well as pointing your attention to the more interesting places
The biggest blows, however, were the defeat of Sirrurg and the of each area.
subsequent cloistering of Hualpa along with his top draconic
adjuncts: Marcela Ruiz, the nation’s top diplomat, and Maria

Aztlan 5
FACTS AT A GLANCE Metrópole is a pretty comfortable place year-round in terms of
Population: 188,736,519 temperature (mid-teens in the winter and high twenties Celsius in
Human: 31% the summer), being treated as a Mild environment for Fatigue tests.
Elf: 16% However, Metrópole tends to be pretty humid and muggy most
Dwarf: 14% of the time, at least sixty percent and up to one hundred percent
Ork: 25% relative humidity most of the time, generally counting as a High
Troll: 6% humidity environment. Thus, per the Fatigue rules (p. 172, SR5, and
Other: 8% p. 146, Run & Gun) character must take a Fatigue test every 3 hours
from the heat and high humidity, and, should the characters not
Per Capita Income: 13,786¥ hydrate themselves properly, a first Fatigue test for Dehydration
Estimated SINless: 8% after 4 hours with subsequent tests every 3 hours under non-
Below Poverty Level: 26% strenuous conditions.
Corporate Affiliation: 12%

> For those of you keeping score at home, that’s over 15 million not an Aztlaner, Amazonia doesn’t care much if you come into
“other” beings. We’re talking nagas, centaurs, shapeshifters their country.
of all kinds (the biggest sub-group, by far), dracoforms, Coming in from the interior is quite difficult. Amazonia is
sasquatch, free spirits, and tons of other stuff. The “other” one gigantic jungle of murderous fauna and flora. Anyone with
category only contains the type of “other” more or less the idea of crossing over the border from a nearby nation and
globally recognized. If it were up to Amazonia, they’d also trekking through land routes will almost certainly never be
count a whole lot of other stuff in their population numbers. heard from again, unless they stick to the few well-established
> 2XL routes or get help from local guides. Some of these guides are
metatype who have no respect for nuyen, so you may well
have to get creative in what you offer to obtain their help.

GETTING Along with legally flying in, coming in by boat is another

good option, especially is you need to bring in heavier equip-

ment and/or need to come in completely illegally, and using
forged SINs isn’t an option. In such circumstances, it might be
tempting to consider hopping in a smuggler’s Cessna or a can-
Travel to Amazonia does not require a visa for most coun- opy-grazing T-bird, but Amazonians are on the lookout for Az-
tries. The major exception to this is, unsurprisingly, Aztlaners. tlan intrusions, and this will pretty much look exactly like that.
While Aztlaners are not outright banned from entering the The good news is that Amazonia only has a few SAM sites to
country, quite a bit of paperwork is involved and only a limit- shoot you down with. The bad news is that they prefer to use
ed number are allowed each year. It goes without saying, any dragons, wyverns, and spirits for that sort of thing.
shadowrunner looking to come in should use anything other This means coming in via the ocean may be the best option.
than an Aztechnology or Aztlaner SIN and do their best not The coast is patrolled, of course, but there are good smugglers
to look Aztlaner nor speak with an Aztlan accent. who should be able to get you ashore without too much dif-
ficulty. One can land surreptitiously on the coast outside of
> Well, yes and no. Amazonia isn’t simply being paranoid here, the Metrópole sprawl and trek the rest of the way from there,
Aztlan does have spy networks inside the city. If you have a or attempt landing directly in the city, thought this may draw
marker to call in with Aztlan or Aztechnology, you might be able more attention and require extra bribes to get you through.
to get them to hook you up with their underground network to get Getting around the city may or may not be complex. Long
you in the city. They’ll probably ask you to bring something in for distances, say, between the Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro poles,
their agents as well while you’re at it (gear, sensitive information, is actually quite speedy. The rich and important have access
etc.), but it might be an option worth considering. Whatever you to helicopters, LAVs, or small-plane shuttle rides between the
do, do not get caught coming in though. various sectors. For everyone else, there is a high-speed rail
> Marcos that links the various districts along a nice, straight axis cutting
across all of Metrópole. There are also highways connecting all
Metrópole is served by three major international airports. the districts together that are remarkably good, though during
Travelers can land in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, or Centro. Sao the night they become go-gang turf, so things get spotty.
Paulo is by far the biggest and busiest of the three. There are
other smaller airports that can receive regional flights, though > There are two ways to deal with those gangs, depending on what
these are no less scrutinized. In any case, so long as you’re they want. One option is to pay them off, which works best if they

Getting In & Out 6

Getting In & Out 7
are serious about making money. But for thrill gangs looking to community fields. Of course, to almost every child, anywhere
get their rocks off by terrorizing motorists, well, just show them is a football field. If you want to make any sort of connec-
that tangling with shadowrunners is a bad idea, and they will back tions, you better brush up on your football. If you can mean-
off quick enough. ingfully talk about it, every pub in the city has people that will
> Balladeer want to talk to you.
The other world-famous tradition is, of course, Carnival. If
The irony of Amazonian logistics makes itself apparent anything, every year it gets bigger and bigger. Carnival occurs
when you merely need to travel a short distance. Sub-city travel immediately before the Christian Lent period, so that places
is served by main thoroughfares, but beyond that, it’s a night- it typically in February (let’s not forget that Amazonia is in the
mare. Streets are crammed with debris, people, and the make- Southern Hemisphere, which means February is in the middle
shift shelters of the homeless. Relatively uncluttered streets are of summer). This euphoric frenzy of partying, dancing, cos-
perpetually jammed with traffic. This is made worse by Amazo- tumes, colors, sounds, and light is something to behold. Even
nians’ tendency to park their cars everywhere—and to double the Awakened critters have gotten into it, joining in to display
park anywhere. There actually is a GridGuide (it’s called ViaMet- their own unique plumages and furs. It’s quite something to
ro here), but it is essentially useless. Again, the rich make their see a normally grave feathered serpent cut loose and move
way around town via point-to-point air travel. Metrópole has spastically to display its shimmering multi-colored plumage.
the most private helicopters of any city in the world.
> Carnival is not just pleasure; it’s also business. It is a multi-billion
> This is important to know if you are in the booming talent nuyen industry attracting all the big players in the entertainment
extraction business. VIPs are seldom truly vulnerable. They live industry. Where there are billions of nuyen, there are shadowruns.
in secure enclaves, they commute via air travel, and they work Espionage and sabotage is a big thing; so are dirty tricks during the
in secure facilities. If they go for a night out, they will still use a negotiation process to get exclusivity deals and that sort of thing.
helicopter. > Mr. Bonds
> Hard Exit
> Even if you’re staying out of that kind of work, if you’ve got
> One man’s difficulties are one hacker or rigger’s opportunity. chummers at samba schools in the favelas, they might hit you up
> Rigger X for favors this time of year. Espionage and sabotage between rival
samba schools is very common and can get dirty. You’d think it’s
> Since Metrópole is such a huge and demanding market for air all for fun, but the gangs get involved in that stuff too, and bruised
travel, manufacturers produce vehicles with far more advanced egos can lead to real feuds and bloodshed. There is definitely a
bells and whistles than you might be used to seeing, with a lot of seedy underbelly to Carnival. Of the less-fun type of seedy, not
those new gadgets being security features. Don’t think because the good kind.
you have a hacker or a rigger that can hijack the controls that the > 2XL
challenge ends there.
> DangerSensei Those constants aside, Amazonians are very different from
who their Brazilian parents and grandparents were. There is
> Let’s not forget about flying critters. You can’t hack those. While I a certain polarization of society in regards to what Amazo-
have yet to meet a VIP that flies to work atop a dragon, the dragon nia stands for, meaning preservation of the environment and
itself (or any number of sentient flying critters) might be your Awakened issues. This polarization is directly related to where
extraction target. one’s family ended up following the government relocation
> Stone program. If things ended up well for you and you are comfort-
ably middle-class, then you probably believe in Amazonia’s
> An exec flying to work atop a dragon would be pretty fucking epic. fight for global environmental stewardship, the protection of
> Slamm-0! Mother Nature, and the inclusion of sentient critters in society.
If, however, your family lost everything and you live in a favela

CULTURE and work a body-and-soul-crushing, seventy-hour work week

of less-than-minimum wage in a sweatshop, you probably hate
Amazonia with a fiery passion. Maybe you hate Amazonia even
Culture is one thing Metrópole has in spades. A lot has more than you hate Aztlan, and that’s saying something. As you
changed in the forty years since Brazil was clawed asunder will see, this internal malaise is an important part of Metrópole
and reshaped into Amazonia, but many things remain. First that may severely impact the city’s future and your time there.
and foremost, no matter what happens to them, Amazon- Despite everything, Metrópole’s citizens remain a laid-
ians will always be football (soccer to many North Americans) back, festive bunch. People go out, talk, and socialize. They
fans. It remains a national obsession. There are several ma- party, they dance, they dance some more, and then they party
jor stadiums, including the gigantic Novo Maracanã stadium some more. Nothing is ever that serious. Most things can wait
with its half-million seating capacity, and countless smaller to be fixed tomorrow.

Culture 8
ranked one of the highest in the world—except in Metrópole,
> One other thing that hasn’t changed is “Brazilian time.” Nothing
starts on time in Metrópole. Any sort of meeting or scheduled
where it is on par with such corporate havens as Hong Kong
event will start late, typically in the range of one to three hours.
and Manhattan. So long as the ground rules are obeyed, Ama-
When you arrange a meeting time with a contact, only start
zonia directly interferes little in the affairs of corporations.
thinking you’re being stood up after three hours have passed.
Bring something to read. > In regards to the fifty-one percent Amazonian ownership rule—
don’t worry too much about that. It doesn’t mean you’re not going
> Cosmo
to see your favorite Big Ten (well, except for Aztechnology). It just
means they do business as “Ares Amazonia” instead of “Ares.” The
> Be careful about hasty generalization and stereotypes. Metrópole
parent megacorporation typically owns the forty-nine percent,
has a higher population than most countries. Cultural diversity is
with a local web of local investors—banks, holding corporations,
huge, and there are millions of corporate citizens that are closer to
etc.—owning the majority share Those investors in turn are often
their corporate culture than the city their physical bodies happen
indirectly wholly owned by the parent megacorps.
to be located in. Do not show up late with a meeting with a MCT
Johnson because you think she’s a laid back carioca. She isn’t.
> Mr. Bonds

> Dr. Spin

> Uh, so, what the hell is the point of the rule then?
> Chainmaker

THE ECONOMY > The point is a modicum of regional buy-in, and it eliminates the
extraterritoriality clauses the megas enjoy elsewhere. To meet the
As has been repeated a few times by now, Metrópole is an in- rules, the megacorps have to get Amazonian citizens involved
credibly vast megasprawl, bigger than many European coun- somewhere in there. These Amazonian investors thus become
tries. The economic output of Metrópole is comparable to incredibly wealthy. This keeps some of the money here, and, in
the GDP of many nations. It is a well-known fact that Amazo- theory, these citizens will hold Amazonian values to heart and
nia is a tad touchy about natural exploitation, but this is often thus act in such a way as to regulate the corporation’s unchecked
misunderstood. In many countries, the corporations delight greed. In practice, well, I suppose it’s better than nothing at all, but
in painting Amazonia as a giant jungle where humans are not by much.
killed on the spot for chopping down a tree. The facts aren’t > Mr. Bonds
quite so simple.
The Awakened government of Amazonia can be under- The bread and butter of Metrópole’s economy is in the
stood to be taking affirmative action in the environment’s fa- dull but steady business of textiles, apparel manufacturing,
vour. Truthfully, the problem is that metahuman activity has shoes, that sort of thing, along with ore transformation, mak-
gone unchecked for too long, to the point where the concept ing steel, cement, plasteel, etc. It’s not sexy, but it pays the
of achieving a natural equilibrium between our needs and the bills, giving jobs to millions of unskilled and semi-skilled
environment—sustainable practices, essentially—is a long for- workers in the megasprawl.
gotten concept. So it’s not that Amazonia fundamentally be-
lieves all humans must be eradicated in favour of a pristine lush > We’re talking some of the worst sweat shops in the world here,
green planet—it is simply that, for now, the balance must be where child labor is alive and well. This is the daily hell of millions
tilted more toward the environment in order to counter the of Amazonians, toiling in abhorrent conditions for just enough
decades of unchecked abuse the Gaiasphere has suffered. nuyen to stay alive.
As such, the need for metahuman industry is understood. > Marcos
Primary sector activity—mining, lumber jacking, agriculture—
are necessary. However, that doesn’t mean highly destructive Luckily for shadowrunners, aside for these industries of
processes like strip mining are the answer. Thus, it is a fact that daily grind, Metrópole is ground zero for the industries known
a large part of Amazonia’s economy comes from resource har- to employ the most deniable of assets to serve their cutthroat
vesting. Iron ore, bauxite and tin top the list, mined by corpor- business practices. First up is the aerospace industry. Prior to
ations who must mandatorily be headquartered in Metrópole. the Amazonian revolt, Brazil was a world leader in the aero-
This is a requirement that comes up a lot in Amazonia. En- space industry thanks to Embraer. Aztechnology, back when it
vironmental laws in Amazonia are exceptionally strict. In or- was ORO, bought up Embraer, and then things got dicey when
der to ensure corporations abide by them, many industries are the dragons took over. With a lot of skilled people but no real
required by law to be operated by a corporation registered in employers, other corporations took notice and moved some
Amazonia, with at least fifty-one percent ownership by Ama- of their aerospace subsidiaries in. Even Embraer eventually
zonians. Further, these companies must maintain physical of- came back, though Amazonia made sure a convoluted web of
fices in Metrópole. The city of Metrópole da Amazonia has a ownership kept Aztechnology proper far enough away. In any
special status within the country, serving as a sort of special case, there is no industry in the world more ravenous in its de-
economic zone. The cost of doing business in Amazonia is mand of shadowrunners than the aerospace industry, where

The Economy 9
each individual contract is measured in the billions of nuyen. tecture. This is a mix of condominium and corporate-friendly
Spying, sabotage, theft of prototypes; this is what shadowrun- hotels. All over the world, nothing keeps a good little corpor-
ners live for, and it goes flying every which way in Metrópole ate drone happier than an all-expenses paid trip to one of Rio’s
(pun intended). beachside resorts. Thousands of hot corporate resources: ec-
Next up are the two sociopathic siblings, pharmaceuticals centric scientists, brilliant engineers, one-of-a-kind marketing
and cosmetics. Again, while harvesting practices are tightly gurus and up-and-coming managers fly to Rio for vacation.
regulated, we are far from talking about a ban on the exploit- Rio is one of the world’s most thriving markets in terms of
ation of the Amazon. With thousands of known plants, Awak- extraction work, whether that is on the extracting side or the
ened or not, andnew drugs with near-miraculous properties security detail side. The local talent pool can’t meet demand,
being discovered every day, Amazonia is the capital of drug and Mr. Johnsons are always flying in foreign teams to perform
research. And where there are pharmaceuticals, there is the jobs on both sides of the fence. Some crews do so well here
dark stain of metahuman vanity, cosmetics. Plants to firm up that they never leave. The scene is so desperate for talent that
your skin, make you more beautiful longer and make your farts one crew can work to extract a VIP from the clutches of an em-
smell like strawberries, you name it. Both of these industries ployer one week, only to find themselves hired the next week
share the same over-the-top cutthroat mentality to business. to re-extract that very same person. Interestingly, corps do not
For as long as they have been around, messing with their rivals hold a grudge. People flow back and forth between the corps
has been the norm. However, even amongst the soulless cor- so fast that last week’s extraction is ancient history by the time
porate world, these two industries are known to be extreme. a new batch of travelers arrives the following week.
They’ll murder each other’s personnel, poison products des-
tined for the public to generate bad press, destroy research > That’s a bit of an exaggeration. It’s true the market doesn’t bear
into cures on the verge of helping millions of people, etc. The a grudge—if you play it clean and professional. Make a mess,
pay is good, but it takes especially black-hearted shadowrun- and you won’t be working Rio very long. Plus, some people are
ners to get into that. worth more than others. You can swap scientists all month long,
Finally, it is worth discussing Metrópole’s huge Matrix ser- but when suddenly you nab that one irreplaceable guy, you’ll
vices sector, mostly situated in the Sao Paulo side. Metrópole suddenly find that cozy Rio market to be a double-edged sword.
is one of the world’s leading providers in various Matrix servi- There’ll be no shortage of recovery teams gunning for your
ces. This ranges from software development companies of all bounty, and all your friends are gonna sell you out.
stripes and sizes, to infrastructure services to security special- > Hard Exit
ists. Most people will never know nor care, but a lot of the time,
when they are on the Matrix, the hosts they are visiting are ac- > You need better friends.
tually servers run and maintained in Metrópole. The software > Chainmaker
inside your smartgun was very possibly coded in Metrópole.
From a shadowrunner perspective, this means a lot. The Not all your marks are going to be outsiders, though. We
Matrix will always be important, and so opportunities run from all know about that statistic of one percent of people being
extracting key geniuses to day trips into the city to facilitate super-rich, right? Well, in a city of 200 million, that translates
direct-connection host hacks, to good old data thefts of cut- to a whopping two million people. While this elite crust of
ting edge projects. Also, on the flip side, Metrópole has a large Metrópole is scattered all over, most of them want a beach-
and thriving hacker community. technomancers are more front pad to land in when they get tired of fucking the little
commonly found here, as the Amazonian natural tolerance people over and need a place to kick up their feet. This little
of all things Awakened and incomprehensible means there is community of super-rich elites funds its own segment of shad-
much less persecution than anywhere else. Corporations still ow activity all by itself. Rules and laws don’t apply to these
look at technomancers like they are the Four Horsemen, but people. They need resourceful people who don’t let little
everyday people don’t quite fear them as much. things like the law get in their way. They need people to kidnap
each other, murder each other, steal stuff from each other and

NEIGHBORHOODS Ghost knows what else their sociopathic minds can come up
with. If you have few moral scruples about taking work from
people that have lost any sort of moral compass, then what

RIO DE JANEIRO can I say, the pay is good and you will be exposed to luxury
like you have never imagined before. You’ve been warned.
If all you picture is sunshine, beaches and bikinis when you
think of Rio, you can be forgiven. The truth isn’t far off. Rio > Leblon is one of those neighborhoods that attracts most of these
de Janeiro remains a tourist friendly area, bringing in both super-rich. One tip, though, there are more corpsec VIP protection
money and good PR for Amazonia. It is a truism that cariocas, guys per square meter there than anywhere else in the city. They
as residents of Rio are called, are free-spirited partiers. are proactive in their defense and can spot a shadowrunner casing
Along the waterfront, and about six or seven blocks deep a job a mile away. If you have business in Leblon, stay away until
from there, Rio is all glass skyscraper or historical colonial archi- the last minute. Otherwise, you’ll tip your hand. Yes, this makes

Neighborhoods 10
preparing for that run especially difficult; but you didn’t think they

were paying this well because it was easy, did you?
Metrópole’s decaying slums are home to diseases and illnesses
However, deeper in Rio and beyond what is Rio proper is a that are largely thought nonexistent elsewhere in the modern world.
massive sprawling morass of suburban slums. Rio is hilly terrain, While rare and exotic pathogens like Cryptococcus Metaformans
and house after house is built on the grade, inexorably going Awakened mushrooms (Bullets and Bandages, p. 20) are an ever-
up until the ground is too steep to build anything. But let me present danger, simple diseases like typhoid and cholera, due to
tell you, it takes a while before Cariocas admit civil engineering poor sanitation, are much more common threat. Gamemasters
defeat at the hands of the hills. People will pile on structures,
can use the statistics below to represent these kinds of bacterial
precariously perched on the flanks of the hills. Overall, the city
is a maze of proportions a foreigner cannot imagine. People can
live their whole lives without ever leaving a dozen block radius.
While Hualpa’s great transformation of Brazil into Amazonia Bacterial Infection
rearranged society and made an effort to bridge the great so- Vector: Ingestion (contaminated food or water)
cial inequality that existed, it is far from true that this affected Speed: 1 day (30)
everyone. The Rio favelas still contain millions of people, most Penetration: 0
of them SINless, never accounted for by the Amazonian gov- Power: 3
ernment living in deep poverty. Many of these are people that Nature: Bacterial
did not submit to the government’s great censuses, not trust- Effects: Nausea, Stun Damage
ing any government to count them (or census takers lacked A catch-all term for a number of nasty bacterial infections one
the courage to go into the slums—or they had it, went in, and can catch from poor sanitary conditions, typically by ingesting
never came back out). There are people here who are largely
food or water that has come into contact with the feces of
unaware of what their government is. All they know is their
another infected individual. The infected character must roll a
slum and which gang controls it today.
Toxin Resistance test every day for thirty days. Most medkits
(Rating 2 and above) contain antibiotics that can be used to treat
> There are two places in the world where one can hide something
so it can’t be found again. One of those is deep in Amazonia’s the infection. Care in a proper medical facility as well as certain
living jungles. The other is in Metrópole’s teeming slums. spells can also quickly stop the infection. Under these condition,
> Am-mut the infection immediately stops; the character needs only to rest
to heal any incurred damage. If, however, the character is stuck
The crushing weight of humanity living in such conditions without proper care, things can get ugly. Without proper care, the
breeds dangerous infections. There are some nasty diseases character is incapable of healing any Stun damage while infected.
that fester in those open pools of waste and dumpster-like Stun damage incurred due to this infection’s Power will continue
sanitary conditions. No vaccine in the world can protect you to pile up, continuing on into Physical overflow until the thirty days
against some of the stuff brewing there. The infant mortality
have passed, or the character dies, whichever comes first.
rate is thought to be the highest in the world in those slums.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, a few radical eco-terrorist groups use
these Metrópole slums as focus of their rage and an example
of why humanity must be destroyed. It is the favorite punch- PLACES OF INTEREST,
ing-bag of GreenWar, one of the most dangerously radical MOVERS AND SHAKERS
eco-terrorist outfits in the world. The group is held responsible
for the death of tens of thousands of people by now. But even GRAND PALM HOTEL
as some of their plans succeed—and end up poisoning entire
Rio’s hotel industry is dominated by the same soulless and
neighborhoods and killing whole districts full of families—the
forgettable experience of the cardboard cut-out corporate
vacated space is simply moved into by residents of the over-
crowded surrounding areas. hotels lining Rio’s beaches. Few independent hotels survive
for long. The Grand Palm Hotel is probably the best of the
> Of course, this frustrates GreenWar to no end. They keep coming lot, and a favourite of the understated scene. It is unclear
up with deadlier attack scenarios. By now, slum-dwellers are who actually owns the Grand Palm or how long it has been in
universally weary of eco-terrorists. If you’re a shadowrunner with business. Some say before Amazonia, some say it is far more
business in the slums, I advise you that, no matter what, make recent. In any case, the hotel itself seems timeless. The air is
sure nobody points at you and yells “GreenWar!” There aren’t still and heavy, circulated only by large ceiling fans. Guests all
enough bullets in the world to protect you from the lynching end up at the bar, the only real source of refreshment. Mous-
coming your way if that happens. tachioed bartenders in white linen suits mix the best caipirin-
> Ecotope has and mojitos in town, with a fine rum collection second to

Neighborhoods 11
none. The Grand Palm is a favourite staying place of a certain So, while researchers may be limited by Amazonian red
kind of Mr. Johnson, as well as the occasional shadowrunner. tape, that hasn’t stopped people from getting ideas of their
Evenings are filled with discreet bossa nova or piano music, own about the meaning of such a thing. The Disciples of Christ
perfect for discussing business over a drink. the Redeemer are one such group. They have a permanent
camp nestled in the slums built up into the northern side of
> There’s something more to this place. There is a vibe when the hill, though many followers live elsewhere, only to come
you’re in there, like you left Metrópole and are somewhere else, congregate every Sunday for the pilgrimage up the hill and
or perhaps more accurately somewhen else. It is true the entire subsequent sermon near the statue.
building is heavily warded from the outside. You’re either inside, The Disciples are actually a type of Pentecostal Christians.
or you’re outside. No peeking. Their leader, an old troll called Doutor Leonildo, is a high-grade
> Elijah initiate who claims to derive his power from his close asso-
ciation with the Cristo Redentor phenomenon. He preaches
> I met an old, homeless man once, his face lined and creased from knowledge of Christ through knowledge of the astral miasma
years in the sun. His aura told me he was Awakened, though I’m that surrounds the statue. Many disciples, typically novices,
not sure he knew what that meant. I asked him for directions to die during close encounters with the astral energies, but this
the Grand Palm Hotel, and he laughed a dry, coughing laugh. He hasn’t prevented the cult from growing in popularity among
told me the Grand Palm Hotel goes where it wants to go, and you’ll the desperate looking for meaning.
find it if it wants you to. I’ve stayed there a dozen times since, and I
swear it’s always been at the same spot. I can tell you the address, > I assensed Leonildo and some of his senior followers, and I
right now. But if you ask me what is next to it, or what’s across the have to say, they are crackling with power. They are some of the
street from it, and I can’t come up with an answer. highest-grade initiates I have ever met. They pretty much only
> Axis Mundi use their magic to heal, and they offer this service to anyone who
seeks them out. So if you’re wounded and need to lie low, visiting
and asking for a little help is a good way to get mended while
staying off the grid.
Since the Awakening, the area around the statue of Christ
the Redeemer, the iconic one of Jesus with the outstretched > Don’t. There is something wrong with Leonildo and his disciples.
arms, has been swathed in unstable astral space that sim- They are hiding something. I don’t know what they are up to,
mers, boils, crackles and tears with very real and fatal conse- but that astral rift does not lead to Christ; quite the opposite. The
quences to the physical world around it. This astral phenom- power they derive is unholy, and too many regularly go missing
enon has of course attracted a lot of attention from scholars for their disappearance to be accidental.
and researchers of the astral space, though the whole thing > Ethernaut
remains under the tight scrutiny of the Amazonian govern-
ment, who insist that such a phenomenon must be treated THE TRIBUNAL
with respect.
Tucked away in the darkest corner of the Rio favela, known as
Cidade de Deus, lays the Tribunal—a loose association of shad-
owrunners, gangers, drug dealers, pimps and other unsavory
INCOMING MESSAGE sorts. The Tribunal is an authority for those that live outside
of authority, existing as a confrérie and self-imposed control
Oi, beleza? I have clients looking for a team willing to acquire a mechanism, held together by the tenants of Quimbanda.
certain artifact said to exhibit abnormal properties when near the Quimbanda is a ritualistic Afro-Brazilian religion based on
Cristo o Redentor phenomenon. My clients think this thing could be summoning male or female spirits in order to ask favors. It is
the key to unlocking the whole thing. They just need to borrow it, but a street religion, an angry and vengeful religion fueled by the
its Amazonian custodians just aren’t sharing, know what I mean? Is anger of social injustice, and shaped by the brutal lives of the
it really breaking the law when we’re talking about such significant marginalized—the whore, the ganger, the hustler.
scientific progress? Well, yes, it probably is. But that’s why they are Always a faint marginal religion, Quimbanda, as well as
going to pay you big bucks. Drop me a line and we’ll set it up. Já é! such related faiths as Camdoblé, Umbanda and Macumba, saw
a great surge in popularity following the Awakening and the
takeover of the country by dragons and spirits and other things.
Over the years, Amazonia, once an almost uniformly Catholic
country, has seen a huge generational shift of younger people
worshipping these previously marginal spiritualist religions.
In the streets, Quimbanda is a big deal. It is a religion devel-
oped by and for the downtrodden. The Tribunal has emerged as

Neighborhoods 12
a sort of nexus for this otherwise decentralized religion. The Tri-
bunal’s writs are enforced by a core cabal of powerful and ex-
> I don’t think it’s intentional, but The Tribunal is more than a little
similar to the Corporate Court. It’s a club created by those on
tremely dangerous magicians following the Quimbanda faith. top to keep those at the bottom in line. It is regulated only by
While the Tribunal is far from being impartial, just, or merciful, self-interest and the real determining factor in getting favorable
it is brutally efficient at keeping a semblance of order in the resolutions is who you know and the favors you can exchange.
chaos of the deep corners of the slums. Those with grievances It is entirely corrupt and savagely violent, but its writ is the only
can petition the Tribunal to right a perceived wrong. The Tribu- form of law and control in the favelas.
nal will typically commune with Exus, Pomba Giras, or Ogum
> Kia
spirits. The other party may or may not have a chance to defend
themselves. Whatever the Tribunal decides, it almost certainly The Tribunal is essentially a community made up of those
involves punishment of one or the other party. That punish- that wish to be part of it and strong enough to take a place.
ment usually reflects the dark nature of Quimbanda spirits, so It’s essentially a secret society. The leadership of the Tribunal
it can range from outright murder or beatings of great violence is currently made up of three people. The first is Catarina, a
to public shaming and social outcasting of rivals. dark and beautiful ex-high-end call girl who was shut out of
the trade for reasons nobody has uncovered yet. She is unpre-
dictable and can turn on anyone, even those who thought they
QUIMBANDA TRADITION had her favor, without notice and with great savagery.
Then there is Garibaldi. A bit of a rake and former playboy,
Quimbanda is a dark tradition of anger and revenge. It is a Garibaldi is burdened by his relationship with the Exu of Quim-
tradition of the upriser, of the downtrodden-no-more. The Exu are the banda. He seems like he would just want to play and woman-
spirits of the cutthroat, the thief, and the criminal, and they beckon to ize all day, were it not for the fact the Exu seem to have picked
the life of the urban misfit, of indulgence of vices. The female Pomba him for their severe duties. In lieu of the life he would have
wanted, he has turned to dark, cynical humor. Don’t mistake
gira spirits, the whores, the Maria of the Trash, are summoned and
him for a kind man; he’s watched the last light go out of men’s
cajoled into casting down your hated adversary. Wise warrior Ogum
eyes too many times for that.
sits between them, dispensing justice with the cold steel of the The third and final member of the Tribunal’s top seats is a
revolver and the blade, just war and street justice served. sentient ghoul simply referred to as A Bruxa—the Witch. Cata-
Rituals to invoke these spirits are performed in “marginal rina and Garibaldi constantly bicker and feud, but they instant-
locations”—cemeteries, forests, beaches, favela crossroads— ly fall quiet when A Bruxa croaks her judgments.
and always at night. The practitioner offers sacrifices and gifts—
alcohols, cigars, BTLs, drugs, candles—and performs the ritual as
appropriate, meaning, for example, acts of aggression for violent
revenge, or acts of courting for love spells. The Coconut Lounge is a venue popular with the corporate
tourists. Most corporate resorts have all the entertainment
Quimbanda is a tradition focused with materialism, with the
amenities one could want, and the Coconut Lounge isn’t part
provision of the now and immediate, of earthly delights and earthly
of any resort. That is precisely why it’s popular. It attracts the
and immediate justice. corpies with a little feistiness in them, those who step out
of the resort and brave the streets of Metrópole for a little
Combat: Fire authentic entertainment. As far as it goes, Coconut Lounge
Detection: Water is not in a very dangerous part of town, and its authenticity
Health: Earth is somewhat watered down, but it’s undeniable it has more
Illusion: Air edge that the resort clubs. The real corporate VIPs that a
Manipulation: Man shadowrunner team might be hired to extract would never
Drain: Willpower + Charisma hang out at the Coconut Lounge; they wouldn’t be allowed
by their security detail, and no amount of pleading would
PREFERRED SPELLS change that, but it’s a great spot to meet a personal assist-
ant or secretary who is staying at the same resort as “one
Powerbolt, Agony, Foreboding, Compel Truth, Fashion of those divas” and might find it thrilling to exchange some
information regarding that VIP’s security arrangements.
Commanding Voice, Cool Resolve, Killing Hands, Voice Control
> Be careful with these wageslaves. They get all crazy because
they’re being a little naughty, but push them too hard and they’ll
remember they don’t want to get into any real trouble. Still, the
right story can get you a surprising amount of assistance. I once
pulled a job where we had our face Don Juan a research assistant.
It played out so well—we got her to place some cameras and

Neighborhoods 13
sensors around our mark’s floor. The intel we got this way made As a result, Centro is a breathtaking sight for visitors. It is
the extraction a cakewalk. Everything went so smooth our face a vast stretch of megalithic buildings of different shapes and
kept contact with the assistant, and she is now selling corporate styles. Many are covered in tropical plants, reminiscent of that
secrets to us in exchange for a few nuyen and the occasional hot marvel of the old world, the Hanging Gardens. Large avenues
date with her bad boy shadowrunner boyfriend. stretch between the mega structures, with plenty of well-main-
> Haze tained stretches of jungle creating breathing space between
the buildings. These jungle spaces and the vegetation cover-
CENTRO ing the arcologies aren’t purely decorative; large numbers of
animals and sentient critters call them home, living within their
The entire vast stretch of territory between Rio de Janeiro and own organized communities.
Sao Paulo is known as Centro. It’s actually divided in two ad- Hualpa did not want to shut people up in arcologies where
ministrative districts, as there are two mayors sharing this vast they would live and die. So, purposefully, the arcologies are
stretch of the city. Centro is where the bulk of the displaced not wholly self-sufficient. It is common for residents of one ar-
Brazilians ended up. This entire section was built pretty much cology to go shopping in the mall of a neighbouring one. Also,
from scratch to support the influx of people. Centro is some- there are more residents than jobs available in most arcolo-
times known as the City of a Thousand Arcologies. There are, gies, so it is not uncommon for people to live in one structure
in fact, more than a thousand arcologies of various sizes in and to work in another.
Centro. Indeed, Hualpa greatly favoured the concept of the Hualpa’s idea somewhat overestimated human nature,
arcology when construction crews hit the ground to create however. It is the goal of most arcology residents to leave
a megapolis out of thin air to accept millions of incoming their home structure as seldom as possible. Those who work
citizens. The concept of the arcology is simple: an entirely in other arcologies are considered at best unlucky, at worst
self-contained, self-sufficient (to a degree) mini-city where traitors to their building. Shopping in another arcology is ta-
people live, work, and play. boo and done as little as possible, with most people favouring

Neighborhoods 14
online shopping instead. It is not to the point where there is
> If I kill another human and then eat him, is that legal?
real hatred between buildings, but there is definitely a sense of
> Cayman
“otherness” to residents of other buildings.
This is mostly true for “non-aligned” arcologies—that is
> No, cannibalism is illegal, and so is murder. There are no laws that
to say, arcologies that do not belong to a single corporation. allow you to kill another metahuman, save in self-defense.
There are, however, a great many number of arcologies that
> Glasswalker
are wholly owned and operated by corporations, mostly the
Big Ten but also a few other large entities. For example, Shia-
> If I kill a dragon, that’s right though?
wase owns and operates a gigantic conglomeration of eleven
> Cayman
arcologies. Life in corporate arcologies is different. The mega-
corps strictly enforce a sense of culture and unique belonging
> Only if you then eat him.
to the corporation. People rarely leave their arcologies, and
> Glasswalker
if they do, it is never to travel to arcologies outside of their
corporate banner. For all intents of purpose, the few million
> Are you serious?
residents of corporate arcologies are no more citizens of Ama-
> Cayman
zonia than Enrico Silva is.
> Tell you what, kill the dragon first, then I’ll tell you.
> Who?
> Glasswalker
> /dev/grrl
> Asshole.
> Enrico Silva. For fuck’s sake, the president of Aztlan. Come on,
> Cayman
work with me here.
> Kane Note that Centro isn’t just one giant sprawl. Only about
twenty percent of this vast expanse of land is urbanized. The
That being said, visitors to Centro quickly discover the rest is farmland, intractable jungle, and rugged hills covered
complexities of the region. By law, animals and sentient crit- with Amazonia’s famous lush greenery. There are dozens of
ters have equal rights to metahuman citizens. However, the back-to-basics tribals that live in these uncharted and shifting
laws are complex affairs that adapt to the mores and habits jungles, sharing their existence with countless Awakened ani-
of the thousands of type of critters. One random example: An mal tribes, sentient and not.
alligator has the right, protected by law, to eat a human that
falls into the water. This is the course of nature. It would be
> Be careful dealing with these voluntary primitives. Few of them
illegal for hunters, or perhaps members of the victim’s family, were born into this life; almost all of them came from Metrópole,
to come and kill this alligator. That would be considered un- voluntarily choosing to leave the modern urban life behind. Most
lawful murder and would be as harshly punished as any hu- are extremists in their views, believing the choice they made
man-on-human murder. As each of the tens of thousands of should be the choice all should make. You have some serious
species sharing living spaces have different natural behaviours grade eco-nutjobs in there who hate everything from the urban
and needs, this quickly becomes an unmanageable affair. This world. Just don’t forget—they aren’t simple. They all remember
system of law applies to all of Amazonia and thus every part what a commlink is and how it works. Try to pull fast ones on them
of Metrópole, but it is especially relevant in Centro as nowhere at your own risk.
else in the mega city do metahumans and critters share living > Goat Foot
spaces to closely and so densely.
The general sense from metahuman perspective is that just
about any critter can kill you, but you can’t kill them outside PLACES OF INTEREST
of self-defence. This policy has numerous repercussions. First,
and perhaps most obviously, this reinforces the idea that you THE INNER GARDEN
should not step outside of your arcology. Secondly, it plays Located to the south of the Centro, in the nooks of the Parque
ever more into the sense that metahumans are second-class Nacional da Serra da Bocaina, far from arcologies and settle-
citizens in Amazonia. Finally, there is no way these laws can ments, lies one of the lairs of the adult dragon Pedrinho da
be actually fairly and uniformly applied and enforced. Thus, Metrópole. Pedrinho has dedicated himself to bridging the
hostility and violence between species is extremely com- gap between metahumans and Awakened. He works to build
mon. Troublesome critters tend to go “missing” a lot, and in relationships and curb anti-dragon sentiment in Amazonia.
many cases “un-natural” revenge attacks of sapient critters Of course, some in the Awakened camp consider him a softy,
on metahumans, which are just as illegal, also occur. The law or worse, a traitor, while the anti-dragon resistance will al-
only shows up when there are significant flare-ups of violence. ways view him with some suspicion. Still, neither side can
And, as most metahumans will tell you, the law usually strikes deny his good work, and all value him as an essential neutral
down hardest against metahumans to end conflicts. party emissary between the two camps.

Neighborhoods 15
For Jack and Jill Shadowrunner, Pedrinho is a good source
of employment. Officially—and unofficially as well—the Awak-
ened forces hate the anti-lizard resistance and offer them no
quarter, and vice-versa. However, cooler-headed elements
within both camps realize the need for dialog. Pedrinho can’t
be everywhere at once, and some of this inter-party discours-
es are so unofficial that he can’t touch them himself. His need
in capable deniable assets is vast.

> Pedrinho pays extremely well, but that’s because the work is
extremely demanding. When you take on these jobs—be it
bodyguarding a faction leader going incognito for off-the-books
talks, or just carrying messages between individuals in either
camp—the only thing you can count on is that someone will try
to kill you or get that information out of you. If it isn’t hardliner
elements looking to find out who the “traitors” are, info brokers
are looking to claim that information to sell to the hardliners. The
second you accept a job, you’re a target.
> Stone

> The good news is, Pedrinho will back you if he can. A chummer
of mine working for the dragon had his LAV shot down during a
job. His team was desperately holding off the mil-spec merc team
after them, bunkering down around the downed wreckage of their
transport. They were outnumbered and outgunned, and things
were looking grim, when suddenly a pair of dragons swooped
out of nowhere and blasted the mercs hard enough to make them
back off.
> Lyran

> Sure, but more often than not, just as with any other gig in our
business, if you die, you’ll die alone. Deniable asset means just
that; there ain’t nobody going to stick his neck out to come help
ya, the exposure just can’t happen. Don’t count on the scalies to
bail your hoop.
> Kane

In Amazonian Portuguese, the word paredão means a high,
thick wall, or a breakwater wall. This is used to describe the
favela that grew in the canyon formed by two arcologies in
Centro, just east of the Sao Paulo district limits. The sides of
the two stepped-pyramid-style superstructures are covered in
dwellings made from coruscated metal, wood, and whatever
other materials residents could find. Thousands of people live
in that canyon, houses clinging to the sides of the arcologies
like so many mollusks pockmarking the sides of ocean cliffs.
Live wires crisscross between the two sides, carrying stolen
power to those able to pay the controlling gang’s fee.
Paredão is the poorest of all of Metrópole’s favelas, tucked
away in the crevasse between the arcologies that don’t even
notice their existence.

Neighborhoods 16
> Paredão has another meaning in Amazonian Portuguese. It LOCALE 646
refers to the wall against which mass executions are carried The arcology known as Locale 646 was actually built by a
out. I am pretty sure it is this meaning that gave the favela defunct Aztechnology manufacturing subsidiary named Mer
its name. It is filled with the crushing masses of desperate Corporation. This was in the early days, when Amazonia was
humanity who end only go there to die. If it’s not the brutality growing sharply concerned about Aztechnology shell com-
of the gangs, the unsanitary conditions or malnutrition would pany intruders, and the Azzies hadn’t taken seriously the
get them soon enough. idea they needed to operate more obscurely. The Amazoni-
> Glasswalker ans found out about the direct ties and had Mer Corporation
dismembered as a corporation, its assets seized by Amazo-
> The place has a high background count. Like the moist crack nia for auctioning, including the arcology they had built for
between rocks teeming with insects, Paredão attracts predatory themselves. Unfortunately, it turned out after inspection that
critters. The Infected, bugs, shedim; they’re all there, in addition to its Aztechnology affiliation was not the only thing Mer Corp
other Amazonia wildlife that won’t eat your soul, just your flesh. had lied about. The arcology structure had countless gross
> Axis Mundi safety and construction violations. The arcology quickly went
from an asset to a nightmare. The cost of fixing the place to
> Why would anyone ever go there? code was so prohibitively high nobody wanted to touch it.
> Netcat On paper, the Amazonian government still owns the arcol-
ogy. In practice, while the whole debacle was going on, the
> We don’t always get to pick our business partners. There are citizens who lived there decided to take charge. Mer Corpo-
few prying ears and eyes, if any, in Paredão, making it a popular ration’s workers had long wanted to unionize, but Mer had re-
meeting spot for contacts who need to stay out of the spotlight. pressed such notions. Free to emerge, union sympathizers in
Also, if you have serious heat on your tail and you can’t shake it, the arcology hooked up with other existing unions in the city
lying low here should do the trick. You’ll need to survive the time and got organized, taking over the arcology and quickly turn-
you spend there, but payback squads won’t venture here. ing it into a pro-anarchy, pro-communist paradise.
> Hard Exit Locale 646, officially a condemned building, is now a peo-
ple’s haven. They answer to no one but themselves. The politics
in Locale 646 change faster than anyone can track. Sometimes
a democratically elected leader emerges, only to be replaced
INCOMING MESSAGE later in a communist-backed coup, while for periods of time
Centro covers a vast area, a lot of which remains uninhabited. Berlin-like flux anarchy subsides as the arcology fracturing into
little self-governed sub-groups.
This paradoxical combination of “isolated” and “close to the city”
The Locale’s workers use the arcology’s factories the best
makes it a tempting spot for corporations to place R&D compounds.
they can, bringing in raw materials and outputting … some-
Amazonian law is famously tough on corporate misdeeds, except thing. While the arcology has the facilities to output millions of
within Metrópole city limits. Almost anything goes here, making it nuyen worth of goods per week at full capacity, due to poor
a favorite spot for corporations looking to do the kind of research maintenance and a highly sporadic record of correctly paying
that is illegal almost everywhere else. One such black research suppliers and meeting promised deliveries they barely bring in
site belongs to Universal Omnitech. The site itself is very real—it’s half a percentage point of the factories’ true potential.
visible on any map. Its avowed purpose is fairly routine research
into cancer treatments. I have inside information, though, that says > That’s still enough money for control of the factories to be the
a closed-off portion of the compound is working on CFD research. key turning point of political battles. Problem is that most of the
This is the thing, though—they aren’t working on ways to treat it. chumps are all greed and no skills. They pressure the experienced
workers to simply output more, without any idea how to go about
They are working on better delivery mechanism to customize it,
improving efficiency. Then, shortly after, those managers all get
make it work more precisely, as it was originally intended. If you can
bumped by a new bunch who demand much the same thing.
get evidence of this, you could expose the whole thing, and make Except more of it.
yourself rich in the process. What, don’t believe me? Then go talk to > Kay St. Irregular
Arturo Gilberto at the Tanquà Lounge in Sao Paulo. Ask him what he
knows. Then you’ll believe me, chummer. And then you’ll give me a > Competent workers who know how to work or maintain the
call, and we’ll set this up. machines are prized over there. Experienced workers and the
facilities they run are the treasure, while the unskilled masses end
up being drafted as soldiers, fighting in the unbearably hot and
tight confines of the rusting interior. It’s madness that goes round
and round, paupers fighting for scraps, trapped within the shell of
an old dream.
> Marcos

Neighborhoods 17
that animals have; they figure that instead of fangs and claws,
> That being said, if you can survive the politics, Local 646 is
great for shadowrunners. They have some incredible mechanics we use guns and bigger guns, while some simply think Manaus
to fix your drones and vehicles, places to hide, and street docs hopes all the annoying monkeys will exterminate themselves
no worse than anywhere else in the slums. The black market’s in a bloodbath of their own making.
selection leaves something to be desired, but you can pick up In any case, as the saying goes in Metrópole, “murder is
a few basic goods. But yeah, the odds someone will try to draft murder, unless the other guy had a gun.” In many regards,
you in their war or have you do some extractions are pretty high. Metrópole, and specifically Sao Paulo, borders on being an an-
Those crackpot faction leaders might be petty, but they command archist state where security is a wholly private affair; where a
a lot of men, and there is nowhere to run as long as you’re in delicate balance exists between individuals. It’s relatively easy
Locale 646. to get away with murder, so long as you survive trying to kill
> Turbo Bunny your target.


Métropole ends in the west with the Sao Paulo district. Prior UNIVERSITY OF SAO PAULO
to the formation of Amazonia, Sao Paulo was Brazil’s largest
The USP is Amazonia’s most prestigious university, train-
city and the economic heart of the country. Not much has
ing Metrópole’s best and brightest, turning them into Am-
changed. The Sao Paulo end of Metrópole is where all of the
azonia’s business and civic leaders. The university’s campus
Big Ten, along with countless other A and several AAs lev-
keeps expanding, with the sprawling main campus located
el players have their regional headquarters. In addition, Sao
smack in the middle of Sao Paulo and several satellite build-
Paulo is a hub of tertiary sector activity, such as financial and
ings scattered around.
Matrix services. Metrópole, and especially the Sao Paulo dis-
Like all things in this country, the university is bathed in Ama-
trict, is a worldwide hub of Matrix services. Countless AR and
zonia’s magical and environmental nature. Studies stress ecology
VR design firms, big and small, are based here.
Feeding all these high-paying, high-skill jobs are numer- and sustainable development in all courses. Its medical program
ous technical schools and top-grade universities, including is one of the leading centers to learn “enhanced” healthcare,
the world-ranking University of São Paulo (USP). As one might meaning the use of magical and traditional medicine, while en-
expect from the Awakened nation of Amazonia, most univer- gineering programs focus a lot on environmental stewardship,
sity programs contain magic-related studies. A student might along with using magic to enhance conventional methods.
learn how magic can enhance a production line, or a materials It is no surprise that the programs the university is most
engineer might learn all about certain Awakened plants and famous for is environmental studies. The fora and fauna avail-
their unexplainable elasticity. able to study, both mundane and Awakened, are second to
Sao Paulo, now more than ever, remains a city of haves and none. Researchers come from all over the world in the hope
have-nots. Those who were already rich became even more of studying and discovering powerful new properties from the
so as they exploited the influx of displaced Brazilians. The es- things found in Amazonia’s mysterious rainforest.
tablished became the entrenched, millionaires became billion-
aires. The newly arrived had to compete for jobs. Those with > While on any day of the year the USP’s research is prime material
the right education merely succeeded in become wageslaves, for datasteals, recently there has been this vague … I don’t know,
while those lacking diplomas and the desired skills fought undertow in the shadows. Some sort of rumor about some very
amongst themselves to become shop tenders, street vendors, important finds. Fixers throughout Sao Paulo are trying to get in
and hustlers—a subclass living off the crumbs of the rich. on it. Seems like nobody really knows what’s up, but everyone
Violence soared in the face of social inequality, only to be knows it’s big and nobody wants to be left behind. I’ve had several
quickly fended off with a spike in private security measures. offers from Mr. Johnsons asking to investigate and get whatever I
Always reluctant to meddle in the human administration of can.
Metrópole, the Amazonian government does little to curb > Elijah
common crime. Dissatisfaction often turns more general, and
so DISA is always in the shadows, waiting to pounce, often > Would this have anything to do with those Logos guys I trailed
literally, on criminals-turned-agitators, but common crimes recently?
of murder, kidnapping, and extortion are of little concern to > Haze
them. Police forces are wholly inadequate, understaffed and
underfunded to tackle the scope of Sao Paulo’s violence. In > Logos?
lieu of a proper police force, private security thrives in Sao > Sunshine
Paulo. Perhaps surprisingly, Amazonia is very lax in terms of
the right to bear arms and their use in self-defense. Depending > Logos is a recent splinter group from the GreenWars terrorist
who you ask, some see this as a move from Manaus to apply organization. A splinter group composed entirely of Awakened
to metahumanity the same rights to aggression and defense members. From what we know, they were running operations in

Neighborhoods 18
Metrópole when they found something. Something big enough to

see them break with GreenWar and single-mindedly pursue it
Vector: Contact (Astral Space)
> The wild ones have long been warned that their methods were Speed: 5 minutes
reckless. The invae and the shedim should have been warning Duration: 10 minutes
enough, but they did not listen. Now they wish to conceal their Addiction Type: Psychological
blunder, foolishly believing they can hide it from the world while Addition Rating: 8
they scramble to deal with their ugly secret.
Addiction Threshold: 3
> Man-of-Many-Names
Effect: –2 Reaction, +2 Charisma, –2 physical action dice pool
> Wait, what? Are we going to face another invasion of otherworldly
The ambient astral space at Loveless is like a drug. It stimulates
sensations of euphoria in characters capable of Astral Perception.
> /dev/grrl
The effects quickly wear off once the character leaves the confines
> The gnarled roots of the Amazon grew sustenance from substances of the club or stops astrally perceiving.
we had no right to touch. The dragons, in their arrogance, believe
they control everything, but even they fear maws that extend to
swallow stars and dreams. THE FIGHTS
> Man-of-Many-Names
The Fights, as they are simply known, aren’t held in a single
place. They move throughout the city, though always in in-
> That doesn’t sound good.
dustrial or warehouse districts. They aren’t that hard to find,
> Sunshine
when you’re in the know. This underground martial arts cir-
cuit isn’t for the faint-hearted. Organized as a joint venture
LOVELESS between the Komata-Kai Yakuza and the Comando Verde,
Located off the main nightclub circuit, the Loveless isn’t your The Fights aims to bring Amazonia’s famous diversity to bear
ordinary nightclub. It is a hangout for some of the city’s most in combat. You can see shapeshifters take on cybered killers,
powerful Awakened beings, from metahuman shamans and anacondas against spirits, etc. All the participants are willing
mages to free spirits to less-defined things. The owner of and tough. Recurring victors are celebrities and earn quite
Loveless, a spirit of man whose power few have ever been a pretty penny. Obviously, the entire thing is an excuse for
able to assense, somehow alters the background count of the gambling, but the Komata and the Comando have been run-
club. Every night, it’s a new, unique signature, with a distinct ning a shrewd operation that has attracted large followings in
taste to the air and an intoxicating feeling that courses though all classes of people, including some very wealthy individu-
the soul. While the feeling is unexplainable to mundanes, als. The Komata have begun pairing these demonstrations of
the effect very much is this: the astral background count at exotic combat with services from exotic prostitutes as well. If
Loveless gets the Awakened drunk. However, even the price you like your vices bloody, dirty, and exotic, the Fights should
of admission to Loveless is out of the ordinary; guests must satisfy your cravings
suffer the loss of something they love. A person, an object, a
memory; it matters not. > Let’s be clear, the entire thing is disgusting. More than a few of
these “willing” combatants are coerced in some way by their
> What. The. Fuck. You Awakened people are messed up. managers, fighting because they don’t have a choice, hoping that
> Snopes it isn’t a lie that after enough wins they will be set free.
> Pistons
> Say what you will, Loveless’s vibe is addictive as hell. The taste
of that background count … It’s like lying half asleep in the > Speaking of coerced combatants, guess what happens to
Garden of Eden, sweet smell of spice and lavender in the air shadowrunners that cross the Yakuza and can’t pay back their
while you listen to a stream tickle by. You lose yourself. But if you debt?
can somehow keep your wits on business rather than pleasure, > 2XL
there is absolutely no place in the entire world that beats the
concentration of Awakened power in that club. The networking > The Comando and Yakuza are kind of like shareholders in this
one can do is mind-boggling. That is, if your mind isn’t already shindig, as neither has nowhere near the finesse and patience
boggled by the astral liquor. to run an event of this size so smoothly. The real brains behind
> Haze the Fights is an elf adept named Cícero Pereira. A wry, muscled
elf covered in tattoos, Cícero is dangerously shrewd. Through
sheer force of personality, he is keeping this thing from getting

Neighborhoods 19
pulled apart by his partners’ greed and impatience. Don’t trifle Politics in Metrópole are an extremely dirty business. Cor-
with this guy. ruption, nepotism, and cronyism are rampant. Politicians are
> Glasswalker far more interested in covering their hoops and focusing on
gaining more power than governing.

Metrópole is a city, but it holds more citizens than most na- LAZARO MACHADO
tions. As such, it needs a governing system to match. In the-
ory, Manaus calls the shots. In practice, Hualpa’s government MAYOR OF RIO DE JANEIRO
lets Metrópole take care of itself. The megapolis is governed
There is little doubt that Lazaro Machado, the mayor-elect of
by no less than four elected mayors, each responsible for a
the Rio de Janeiro district, is the most obviously corrupt and
quarter of the city. While nominally in charge, these mayors
debauched of all the mayors. Caught multiple times in scan-
actually answer to an elected council. dal after scandal, the mayor somehow keeps coming back for
The end effect is a highly ineffective and deadlocked sys- more. He is a highly charismatic ork who plays the role of buf-
tem incapable of making big moves. Without a doubt, this was foon and carioca party animal well. Stories of his debauched,
Hualpa’s intention when he formed this system. Let the humans drug-and-whore-filled parties are so common that they have
govern themselves, make sure that resources and the day-to- stopped being scandalous. The unapologetic attitude of the
day needs of the city are met; but create a system where the mayor have endeared him to the common carioca voter.
innate greed and lust for power of these silly monkeys ensures However, despite the apathetic attitude of many toward
they can never form a nation within a nation and rise up against their mayor, there should be enough serious voters to have
Manaus. As has been demonstrated many times before, Hualpa seen him out of office ages ago. However, therein comes the
has no problem understanding human nature. second part of Machado’s recipe for success, a cozy relation-
ship with business. Lazaro Machado is sold out through and
through to the corporations. While the DMAIC sets tight rules

TUDO BEM? for business in Rio just as anywhere else in Amazonia, the
mayor has a lot of leeway in applying them. By making Rio
Literally meaning “Is everything good?”, this common colloquial the most business-friendly district for outside corporations,
Amazonian greeting is also the name of a Manaus propaganda trid especially the kind of corporation that doesn’t want to play by
Amazonian rules, Machado has made himself a rare commod-
show. Hosted by the honey-voiced Doutora De Souza, a would-
ity, an Amazonian protected by the megas.
be grandmotherly figure that instead gives everyone the heebie-
Currently, this situation has reached its apex. The DMAIC
jeebies, the show aims to talk to the citizens of Metrópole about is furious with Machado for his laxity, to the point where there
social issues, covering things like the proper ways to behave and is serious talk of government action (read: a dragon is going
act as good citizens. to eat him). However, Manaus has no direct authority over
While the show has its fans, others see it as a source of the mayors. The megas have made it plain that they will do
provocation, a talk-down from Manaus, filled with nice ideas everything in their power, from legal actions all the way to mil-
that don’t work in real life and that fail to address the state’s itary intervention to keep their yes-man in power should Ma-
shortcoming and responsibility in problems, preferring to blame it naus overstep its constitutional boundaries, since nobody but
on “bad citizenry.” Machado will ever be insane enough to go against Manaus as
The show has spawned a parallel pirate broadcast called “E he has. Thus, Manaus faces open corporate rebellion should
they choose to openly intervene. Any shadowrunner worthy of
você?” (“And you?”). Most attribute the broadcast to A Voz, but
the title should see the obvious solution to this problem: deni-
truth is that it could very well be a smaller group or even a hacker
able assets. Rio is a bloodbath of shadowrunners moving for or
group with or without political affiliation to insurgents. In any case, against Lazaro Machado. Jobs on the government side range
this response broadcast spits back what the latest Tudo Bem talked from high-stakes data theft and surveillance in an attempt to
about, showcasing the state’s hidden responsibility in problems or gather federally incriminating evidence against Machado to
recalling people’s focus to what really matters whenever Tudo Bem outright attempts at assassination, while the megacorporate
attempts to cause a distraction. contracts focus on countering these attempts, mostly by de-
Tudo Bem and E você occasionally spark riots. For visitors, it tecting and killing government teams.
is worth paying attention to, as the latest broadcasts are always
sources of discussion amongst Amazonians. > Much, much, much easier said than done. Pro-government teams
are no pushover, well aware of the situation and ready to defend
themselves. The level of firepower being slung both ways is
> Stone

Politics 20
sons. One of his fixers—always someone that, officially, cannot
> The paychecks are certainly tempting, but there are two caveats
to that. Firstly, both sides only pay upon success. That means in any way be connected to him—will handle all the business at
you either get the data you’re looking for or successfully grease first. Teams that have proven themselves can be selected for
the team you’re going against. The way things are now, most especially sensitive jobs, in which case Moreira will deal with
assignments end in stalemates, and nobody gets paid. Second, the runners personally. Most of these jobs center around caus-
the attrition rate is very high, so those paychecks are getting fatter ing or averting blackmail or scandals, though the occasional
and fatter simply to attract talent. No guarantee you’ll live to see kidnapping or sending a message is not uncommon. All run-
that money, chummer. ners working for Moreira are expected to avoid making scenes
and, as much as possible, avoid any sort of killing. Moreira, for
> Thorn
all his corruption, abhors the loss of life.
> If you don’t want to play this game, that doesn’t mean you
should stay away from Machado. His parties—and let me tell > If you think Moreira uses only his ninety-one-year-old memory
you, they are more debauched than the rumors suggest—attract to manage all this, think again. Moreira maintains a database, a
the worst villainy of the city. Just the kind of people enterprising little black book of everyone he owns and for what reason. This
shadowrunners might want to meet. database is kind of held as a fabled holy grail in the underground
community. That database would be worth millions to a number
> Kat o’ Nine Tales
of buyers. Any runner that acquired it would be able to retire on
the profits.
> Conversely, if you figure crashing a Machado party is a good idea
to get at a target attending the event, you’d better think twice. I’d > Bull
give better odds of surviving a barefoot walk from Metrópole to
Manaus than pulling something at a Machado party, given the > Assuming one lived long enough to see that deal through and
security. then enjoy the money. The sheer amount of powerful enemies
this would attract is rather mind-boggling. Think about it. Every
> Balladeer
single person listed in that database would literally kill to protect
themselves, not to mention Moreira himself. There are easier
CÉSAR MOREIRA ways to make a nuyen.
> 2XL
César Moreira, known as O Velho de Sao Paulo (The Old Man > Pssh. Pussy. If you’re not in it to make quick millions of nuyen and
of Sao Paulo) is a tenacious, ornery old bastard who rules his then fight off enemies for the rest of your life, you’re not in the
city with an iron fist. The doyen of Metrópole’s truculent polit- right business.
ical scene, Moreira has been re-elected no less than six times, > Haze
two of those while under siege from scandals. Now at nine-
ty-one years of age, most assume what will cause his seat to Moreira has maintained a truce for a number of years with
go up for grabs is his death rather than any electoral loss. the city’s powerful Yakuza clans. Moreira is no friend to crim-
Moreira’s invincible political tenure owes to several fac- inals (save those he hires himself, natch), but a pragmatic old
tor. First, he has a popular “open line”-type show broadcasted dog such as him grudgingly accepts the fact that organized
over the Matrix that runs once a week, on Thursday mornings, crime can be used to reduce overall crime, especially violent
where he fields questions from the population. Anyone can crime. Sao Paulo’s police chiefs turn a blind eye to the Oy-
call, rich or poor, and complain about something or ask about abun’s vice dens, in exchange for the Yakuza’s help in con-
something, or whatever it is they want. The mayor will field the trolling small-time criminal and violent crime on their turf.
question and, more often than not, act on the grievance. He Moreira doesn’t like to do this too much; usually the Yakuza
sugarcoats nothing and does not hold back. Anyone that has are allowed to maintain one or two specific addresses as vice
an unrealistic or just plain stupid demand gets verbally back- dens, with the understanding anything beyond that is subject
handed in short order. Watching the old man dispatch idiots to normal police action. The Yakuza have found (through con-
is one of the reasons his show is so popular. However, any fair certed effort) that beyond this meagre arrangement, the may-
demand gets fairly answered, in the kind of straight talk that or cannot be made to allow any further impunity.
makes people admire him.
The other main reason for his success is the fact half of > While Moreira’s edict to his police chiefs is rather narrow in what
the politicians in power from Rio to Sao Paulo owe him some the Yakuza are allowed to get away with, many policemen have
sort of favor. Moreira has, throughout his career, seen value in taken the liberty to expand on this a little. Many will “enhance”
nurturing cronyism. He has helped, and continues to help, up- the scope of what they do not see in exchange for favors from
and-coming politicians at every strata of Metrópole’s political the Yaks. For example, if the Yaks help in setting a trap to capture
game. He manages a complex board of peons, a web of favor particularly annoying shadowrunners that have been causing
trading, never forgetting who owes what due to what. In addi- public trouble in the city, the police will allow the Oyabun to set
tion, Moreira is known to be one of the city’s biggest Mr. John- up a brand-new gambling den in a prime location. That sort of

Politics 21
thing. So, if you’re causing problems in the city, think carefully things during these supposed meetings, but these conspir-
about turning to the Yakuza for some help. That even extends acy theories are for the most part ignored.
to the Yakuza’s greater circle of influence, such as fences and Bastos is, of course, close to the cause of HMHVV victims,
suppliers. Favors for favors runs all the way down the line. speaking out against the exclusion of the Infected from society
> Mihoshi Oni and patiently repeating facts concerning the Infected to dispel
misconceptions. He is a very eloquent and photogenic per-
KALINA STOYKOVSKA son, which has nothing to do with any vampiric powers. In fact,
while many if not most vampires are known to be Awakened,
MAYOR OF EASTERN CENTRO Bastos claims he is a mundane. All Awakened individuals that
have assensed him have concurred, meaning he either real-
While her name marks her of Bulgarian descent, Kalina Stoykovs- ly is mundane or is an off-the-charts powerful initiate able to
ka is second-generation Amazonian elf. Stoykovska is mayor of
hide his true aura from everyone. Again, conspiracy nuts know
the eastern half of the Centro district. Stoykovska is nearing the
which of the two versions they believe is the right one.
end of her first term as mayor, and her re-election looks shaky.
Unfortunately, Stoykovska has inherited a troubled district. A
string of serial killings that has lasted over a year have made her
> There is no argument here. Vampires are not mundane. Be afraid.

administration look weak. The fact that the killings have been
> Thorn

particularly gruesome, and all the victims were expectant meta-

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Bastos has been the target of sev-
human mothers, has inflamed public outcry and fear. A rumor,
eral assassination attempts, mostly by self-titled vampire hunt-
whose roots are difficult to trace but on which police will not
ers and one Christian fundamentalist that belied him to be the
comment, says the targeted ritualistic murders are the work of a
devil incarnate. In all cases but one, the attempts were foiled
dark naga cult. In Centro, where metahuman/critter relations are
by the mayor’s personal security team, though in one event,
always a challenge, this has brought things boiling over the top.
recorded live via the vampire’s feed, Bastos was forced to kill
Racial distrust is at an unbearable point, and acts of violence be-
his assailant, a woman that had made it into his private quar-
tween the two sides are through the roof. Stoykovska’s election
ters. The feed shows Bastos killing her with his bare hands.
is riding on not just her ability to stop the murders, but also on
While the video went viral with the mayor’s groupies, the
her skill at turning her PR machine into overdrive to reverse the
event had a profoundly traumatic effect on the mayor. Analy-
public’s hatred of her perceived incompetency.
sis of the video has led to suggestions that his body language
and the broken sentences that could be heard imply he knew
> Stoykovska is desperate. Her police force is clearly incapable of
the woman personally, but Bastos has denied this, and no link
cracking the case, and she can’t scapegoat her way out of this—
was ever formally uncovered.
the killings need to stop for real. She has tried begging DISA for
Despite all of this sideshow from his personal life, Bastos
help, but so far they haven’t lifted a paw. Stoykovska has sent
has a reputation with his citizens—those that don’t think he is a
calls out to the shadow community to help. Any deniable asset on
demon out to enslave metahumanity—for being incorruptible,
the case would have the freedom to use whatever methods they
efficient, generous, and honest.
want to get to the bottom of this. Stoykovska doesn’t care about
anything other than solving this problem.
> Sticks > We in the shadows, of course, know better. Bastos’s live feed
seriously cramps his ability to personally conduct shady deals,
but one does not become a successful politician in Metrópole
> Beware those who go looking for this darkness. The maw only
without doing dirty deeds, no matter how much people want to
leads into the gullet.
believe in white knights. Bastos handles all his dirty business via
> Man-of-Many-Names
his right-hand woman, Flora, also a vampire. Flora hires many
shadowrunners and she pays pretty well.

MAYOR OF WESTERN CENTRO > Flora isn’t just Bastos’s Johnson, she is his sister. And she displays
Nelson Bastos has the interesting honor of being the world’s none of her brother’s virtues. She is cynical, dramatic, and rather
only openly vampiric mayor. Afflicted with HMHVV, Bastos brooding. She makes a pretty good vampire.
is nonetheless on this second term as mayor of his quarter > Red
of Metrópole, showing that anything really does go in Ama-
zonia. Bastos has opted for a strategy of transparency to con- > Supposedly there is bad blood (is that a pun?) between Bastos,
vince voters he isn’t a monster. He records most of his life in Flora, and the Ordo Maximus. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but
real-time, with the feed available via the Matrix. Of course, having those boogeymen as enemy can’t be a good thing. Word is
being a mayor calls for the occasional closed-doors session, that last assassination attempt, the one where Bastos had to snap
in which case the feed turns off. This has given his detract- the girl’s neck, had something to do with the Ordo Maximus.
ors the opportunity to claim he does all kind of unspeakable > Pistons

Politics 22
> Well, whatever is going on there, I’m sure they need shadowrunners OTHER INFLUENCES
> 2XL
THE COUNCIL Every citizen of Amazonia knows, and most likely resents,
DISA (the Department of Intelligence and Security of Ama-
The Council is the vast political apparatus immediately under zonia). However, most are probably more familiar with its
the mayors. While technically the mayors ultimately call the street name, as Ombras negras, the Black Shadows. DISA—
shots, the Council has more than enough power to ensure the whose leadership contains no metahumans, only Awakened
mayors must have the support of the Council to do anything. creatures—answers directly to Hualpa yet usually operates
As such, and by Manaus’ design, the mayors and the Council autonomously without supervision. DISA is responsible for
are in a perpetual state of deadlock. the security of the state, whether protecting it from outside
While it is not a prerequisite for a mayor to have been part forces (i.e., Aztlan) or inside forces (i.e., Aztlan-backed insur-
of the Council, most of them indeed serve time there. The rea- gents). The Department is composed of a large back-office
son is simple: The Council is like a prison. Much like a small- of analysts of all stripes as well as active field agents. Almost
time crook learning all the tricks of the trade from other in- all personnel are Awakened creatures, and almost all of these
mates, fresh new politicians joining the Council quickly get creatures can be described as anti-metahuman.
their ideology beaten out of them to learn that politics in Hualpa has always indicated that metahumanity has a place
Metrópole, much like the rest of the world, is all about who in the world, it’s just that we pollute too much and don’t know
you own. The Council is a complex web of relationships where our boundaries. Amazonia, in Hualpa’s vision, is a balance be-
allies become enemies at the drop of a coin. It’s all about who tween metahumans and Gaia, a place where we stop acting
you can buy or coerce to vote your way. To be mayor, one must like resource-devouring viruses and more like every other ani-
build up a little black book of contacts and understand how to mal in the world, living in balance with our environment. Philo-
own them, something only years in the infernal machinery of sophically, that’s not so bad.
the Council can teach. The problem is that the vast majority of Awakened crea-
While every Councillor is elected, their actions generally are tures in Amazonia do not share Hualpa’s point of view. Were
not visible to the public; the mayors get the brunt of public ex- it not for Hualpa, most Awakened creatures would kill every
posire. That means there is no real incentive for the Council to last metahuman and gleefully topple their cities. However,
appear efficient, much less actually be efficient. When the mayors perhaps even more so than metahumans, most Awakened
want to get something done, it can thus take months or years for creatures fear Hualpa and obey him and his laws, even if they
a majority to form, as Councillors switch back and forth, work- secretly disagree with him.
ing bids for their votes ever higher. This paralyzes Metrópole, as The Awakened agents and officers of DISA are, of all of
any and all high-stakes project must make their way through the Amazonia’s sentient paracritters, those with the most leeway
Council like a blunt dagger through hardened fat. in expressing their dislikes. DISA’s mandate expresses itself as
The position of Councillor pays next to nothing, so the only a form of secret police. DISA firmly believe that us monkeys
way to make a living is through graft, collusion, and corrup- are constantly planning and plotting to overthrow the Awak-
tion. Money is the only real power in this city. To gain influ- ened government and restore a pro-Corporate Court, anti-Ga-
ence, Councillors need money to buy their peers. So the more ia government. They believe our nature will never change, that
money they siphon through graft, the more they can spend on we are selfish, greedy, and destructive by nature. We cannot
influence to pass more projects they can attach themselves to be reasoned with, we cannot be enlightened; we can only be
like leeches. contained and controlled. Thus, their approach is to infiltrate
all aspects of society and monitor us. DISA makes no distinc-
> Do I even need to say the Council is a never-ending source of tion between family life, work life, and play time. Treasonous
work? These guys are ridiculous. The system is so opaque, they thoughts and actions can surface at any time and must be act-
aren’t afraid of any legal repercussions. Work usually centers on ed upon immediately.
data theft, surveillance, blackmailing, and counter-blackmailing, Of course, no agency in the world, not even one with drag-
but wetwork comes up pretty frequently too. ons as intelligence analysts, can effectively and perfectly mon-
> Cosmo itor the crowded population of Metrópole. So DISA agents
weave in and out of people lives, monitoring, judging, and
> If you’re looking to make a change in the world, though, this kind acting. What they consider crimes important enough to act on
of work might not be for you. I know guys who have worked this is hard to fathom. Drug dealers from the favelas are known to
circuit steadily for years, taking Council job after job, and it’ll DISA, yet left to operate. Why? Because the drugs they supply
make you a cynic for damn sure. The Council is so rotten even I’d keep the other monkeys in line, too distracted and enslaved by
be disgusted—if the pay wasn’t so good. the toxic substances they ingest to act against the State. They
> Cayman commit crimes, yes—but that is for regular law enforcement to
deal with. However, get drunk one night at the bar and speak

Politics 23
a little too loudly against Hualpa, and you might never make it territorial corporations have few restraints in regards to pollut-
home. The Department regularly has to be reined in by Hualpa, ing in the name of profit, and the Awakened government will
reminded that metahumans and the Awakened are meant to not have that. Thus, corporations face a thick codex of laws
live in equality and harmony in Amazonia. However, despite and obligations they must face in regards to the environment
public rebuttals, the Department has never been restructured, when operating in Amazonia.
leaving many to think Hualpa quietly condones their methods. However, Metrópole holds a special status in Amazonia,
DISA has a huge network of informants. Ironically, most kind of a deregulated zone, where business is mostly left to it-
Awakened critters living in Metrópole refuse to work with self. DMAIC inspectors will still make the rounds, but it would
DISA. These creatures that have chosen to live in the city tend take an army, which DMAIC does not have, to properly inspect
toward a more complicated view of the metahumans they everything. Further, while smaller corps are easier to investigate
share their lives with. Certainly, to their eyes, we will always be and pressure, the megas know how to play this game all too
sloppy creatures, but they disagree with how DISA sees and well and hide all sorts of things in all sorts of places. DMAIC is
treats us. Most DISA informants are, in fact, other metahumans thus one of Amazonia’s weakest institutions in the city.
who are selling out their brothers and sisters.
DISA field agents, the Black Shadows, are deadly critters. > Well, not really. You see, DMAIC is extremely frustrated that they
Shapeshifters of all kinds make up the biggest amounts of can’t do their work properly. And, as anyone in that Department
them, being versatile in ability. However, drakes, free spirits, will tell you, their work is the most important work in all of
and dracoforms (including dragons) are not uncommon. Sur- Amazonia. After all, Hualpa seized the forest to protect it, and
prisingly, there are also many metahuman field agents. Some DMAIC is the embodiment of that stewardship. So what you get
are there to prove the critters wrong, showing them that are a bunch of critters and people, most of whom are extremely
“good” metas are just as interested in rooting out “bad” metas ideological, who get all uppity about the fact they usually fail to
as any sapient critter. Some are there because they agree with bring down polluters and abusers due to lack of evidence. DMAIC
the creatures, and they hate themselves and their own kind. In reconciles this by having a culture of vigilantism. So even though
any case, these metahuman agents definitely have something they are the authority, the DMAIC usually short-circuits its own
to prove, so they are even more zealous in their actions than laws to hire shadowrunners to strike at corporations breaking the
the critters might be. rules.
If DISA finds the lives of everyday citizen concerning > Hard Exit
enough, the politicians of Metrópole hold a special place in
their hearts. However, unless there is serious proof of collab- > I don’t understand. Why don’t they just change the rules, or make
oration with known dissident groups or foreign agitators (read: it so they can be more aggressive in their effectiveness?
Aztlan), DISA cannot act so directly against such public fig- > /dev/grrl
ures. There is an unspoken rule that Metrópole must be run
by metahumans as they see fit. But just as it is in all places, > The situation with DMAIC reflects splendidly Manaus’
politics is a dirty business. Those who offer a hand to polit- schizophrenic approach to Metrópole. They’ll take over the entire
icians in need often tend to be the exactly who DISA wishes jungle and swear to kill anyone that abuses it, but then neuter the
to hunt down. Thus, an incredible game of cloak and dagger agencies in charge of doing just that inside of Metrópole because
between politicians and DISA goes on. Politicians tend to be- they “have to give the humans a chance.” However, these various
come very knowledgeable in spycraft in order to survive DISA government branches make sure to hire highly ideological
surveillance attempts while they go about exchanging favors extremists… so try telling them that their job in Metrópole is a
for power from shadowy and unsavory groups. “look but don’t touch” kind of deal. The DMAIC’s departmental
culture is completely at odds with their mandate in regards to the
city. And that’s not a powder keg waiting to blow up—it has blown
The Department for the Environment, Interior and Commerce, > Kay St. Irregular
whose Amazonian-language acronym works out as DMAIC, is
a federal ministry with a pretty self-explanatory name. Like all > There’s a lot of shitty, soul-sucking work in Metrópole, but
of Hualpa’s Manaus-based departments, its charter makes it in- honestly, at least working for DMAIC feels like working for the
credibly powerful. The DMAIC is the extension of Hualpa’s will good guys.
in matters of commerce. However, in Amazonia, as the title of > Treadle
this department suggests, commerce is inexorably bound to the
environment and the very heart of all domestic policy. > Shit, that’s what you think. That’s what we all think. At first, you
Amazonia has chosen not to ratify the Business Recogni- agree the evil corporations are just using legal loopholes and
tion Accords, whose most famous tenet is the extraterritorial- manipulation to get away from the reckoning coming to them.
ity of megacorporations. Few countries in the world have been So, yeah, fuck evidence, you go in guns blazing, and it feels good.
able to defy the Corporate Court in this manner. Amazonia’s Then you start noticing that DMAIC long ago stopped doing any
concern in this matter is, of course, the environment. Extra- real due diligence. You start noticing that maybe they failed to find

Politics 24
evidence because there wasn’t any, because the corp was playing mental entity is in charge of planning and managing all con-
by the rules. Then you notice your DMAIC handlers really don’t struction in Metrópole.
care. Not one bit. And you think about the single mom wageslave In the early days, the Urban Council was the unsung hero
doing her best to just make ends meet that ended up as “collateral of Amazonia. Consisting of city planners, project managers,
damage” on your last run, and you know the mission was fubar, architects and engineers, the Council worked around the clock
but all you get are pats on the back by the DMAIC guys. You think to organize construction throughout the megasprawl, securing
what you want, but I’ll gladly take a “soulless” Council job rather able contractors, construction crews (mostly the newly arrived
than work for the DMAIC again. refugees—a good way to keep these people busy) and secur-
> Beaker ing supplies, all while adhering to the blanket, top-down edicts
of nature conservationism and eco-friendliness.
Now, forty years later, the city continues to see non-stop
METRÓPOLE URBAN COUNCIL construction. However, the Metrópole Urban Council has sunk
Metrópole did not exist fifty years ago. Rio de Janeiro and into a political, bureaucratic nightmare. Nothing happens unless
Sao Paulo, sure. Bustling metropolises, accounting for just this bloated organization approves it. Since the Council was giv-
shy of twenty million citizens each, and both were popping en far too much power with far too little accountability, corrup-
at the seams, struggling to even accommodate these kind tion is rampant. Bureaucratic molasses and red tape can slow
of numbers. From one day to the next, orders came down to down the construction of even small edifices to the point of ren-
quadruple that capacity. dering project unprofitable. Corruption is rampant; bribes are
Humanity has rarely seen projects of this scope. In relative the only thing able to cut through red tape. On the other side of
terms, the pyramids built by the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt the scale, smaller projects often go ignored, resulting in thou-
are laughable. So how does one spring up the largest city in sands of unlicensed projects springing up everywhere. Rackety
the world overnight? With a lot of planning. This is where the buildings spring up in what are meant to be alleys, bracketed by
Metrópole Urban Council comes in. This monolithic govern- the structures on either side. Extensions are built up on top of

Politics 25
existing buildings, spilling over like cancers to other neighbour- What do Russians worry about? The Yakut Awakened forces.
ing rooftops. These types of shoddy, unlicensed add-ons are Comando Verde was the number one provider of weapons and
called secunda vida (second lives). This is important to know, as supplies to the Yakut—especially destabilizing agents working
address numbers bearing the “s.v.” mark mean you have to look the shadow war in Vladivostok. In a masterful move, they
for it in the add-on, not the host building. took out Diogo, playing on the rumors of his association with
That being said, the Metrópole Urban Council is primor- dragons.
dial in city politics. No mayor can hope to achieve anything or > Plan 9
get re-elected without support from the Urban Council. Not
only do they control any sort of public project, but to a less- > I have a chummer who saw the charred ruins where the attack
er degree private ones as well. This means the Urban Council took place. That kind of destruction looks like the handiwork of a
can and does squeeze corporations on their building projects dragon. How do you explain that?
when they don’t get their way. The corporations then quickly > Winterhawk
get the message and orchestrate a change in civic leadership
to get the Urban Council off their backs. > Easy. The Russians has a secret payload of Sutr they used to make
it look like a dragon’s work.
> This clusterfuck of a corrupt, bureaucratic nightmare is, you > Plan 9
guessed it, highly lucrative for us. There is a nonstop stream
of runs to acquire blackmail material, make blackmailers > Whoa there. Nothing defines “international ban” like the horrific
disappear, acquire incriminating evidence, acquire intel on nanoweapon Winternight used to melt people during Crash 2.0.
future plans, deliver messages of all sorts, and so on between There’s no way I buy the Russians even having any, much less
all these assholes. using it so casually.
> Cosmo > Clockwork

> It’s far from routine. The Metrópole Urban Council is a curious > Exactly what they want you to think.
entity. It is the most public and accessible of Amazonia’s > Plan 9
governmental branches, yet it has been inducted into some of the
most occult secrets of the Awakened leadership. The mojo that > Okay that’s enough, take it to a sub-forum.
got slung around to accelerate the construction of Metrópole is > Bull
no garden-variety parlor trickery. We’re talking serious magic. A
lot of people want to know those secrets. A lot of people have died What’s better known is what happened after that. Diogo’s
trying to get them. second in command, Aitana, a sociopathic and cunning jaguar
> Fianchetto shapeshifter fond of hosting gladiatorial deathmatches, was
always thought to be a more able leader. She’d always let Dio-

UNDERWORLD go run the show, though. But after his death, she quickly found
her voice. Once Diogo was out of the way, most competing
outfits figured the Comando’s number was up, so they began
COMANDO VERDE moving in on its territory. What they found was an organized
The Comando Verde have a long history in Metrópole. Al- and revitalized Comando Verde more than able to fight back.
legedly descendants from Brazil’s infamous Comando Ver- The little gang wars that sprung up all over Comando Verde
melho gang from the turn of the century, nobody quite knew territory were quickly quelled.
how the organization managed to survive, much less thrive, Surprisingly, as it seems completely at odds with her per-
with the sheer level of disorganization it suffered from. In di- sonality, Aitana ended a lot of wars through negotiation and
rect competition with the Ghost Cartels and the other smaller mutually beneficial concessions. The Comando Verde shrank
but highly aggressive gangs of the megasprawl, the Coman- in overall membership while becoming more elite. They now
do Verde has had a rough last couple of years. favor federation and outsourcing with dozens of smaller gangs.
The turning point in the genesis of the current-day Comando Aitana’s new Comando Verde is now a gang heavily in-
Verde was the death of its supposedly unkillable leader, Diogo volved in shifting alliances. It is the nature of gangers to get
Cao. Few people know exactly how it went down, but if rumors stupid greedy, so the Comando spends a lot of time bash-
are to be believed, a dragon took him out, along with an entire ing the heads of traitorous allies, but every time a gang dou-
city block. Which dragon and why isn’t clear. It was long be- ble-crosses the Comando, two new ones join the alliance.
lieved the Comando somehow survived, thanks in part to ties to
one of the major Amazonian dragons, either Sirrug or M’boi, so > This makes figuring out the gang politics in Metrópole a full-time
the attack may have been related to that in some fashion. affair. If you start shit with one gang, you need to be on top of
current events to figure out which other gang to turn to for help.
> Everyone thinks that, but it’s actually quite the opposite. Russian Otherwise, your ally is liable to sell you out.
Spetsnaz forces were known to be in Metrópole for some time. > Kay St. Irregular

Politics 26
gurentai—“hoodlums”—by the local Japan expats. They can be
> Aitana’s successful leadership is pretty simple, she delegates to a
brash, loud, intoxicated on the job, and overly aggressive. This
handful of trusted advisors. Rumors are these advisors are from
makes them somewhat unpredictable. However, they are still a
Siberia …
very important syndicate, and odds are you will need to deal with
> Mihoshi Oni
them, especially in Sao Paulo.
> Mihoshi Oni
Sao Paulo has had a large Japanese ex-pat population since
well before the turn of the century. That population has es-
sentially never stopped growing, as the rise of Japanacorp Law enforcement in Metrópole comes in two distinctive fla-
pre-eminence drove ever more sararimen to accept positions vors: public and private. The public forces of law enforcement
in Metrópole. Arriving on the coattails of these migrant wag- are your standard city cops. The police departments of the
eslaves, ever ready to provide the vice and entertainment in four districts are all equally underfunded, which keeps them
demand, were the Yakuza. from being effective. Crimes do get investigated—sometimes,
Metrópole—indeed, all of Amazonia—is Kamota-Kai gumi and for some people.
territory. The Kamota-Kai are part of the world-spanning What the cops lack in manpower, though, they make up in
Watada-rengo, known for its strict traditionalism and respect firepower and heavy-handedness. The cops do not conduct
of the Old Ways. If there is one place in the world that “tra- raids; they declare war. The local equivalent of SWAT, the BOPE
ditional” does not apply to, it is Amazonia. So how does this (Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais), show up in their black
contradiction work? armored carriers (called Caveirão, or Big Skulls), and kill (“pac-
The answer is simple. While Amazonia as a whole is an ex- ify”) everything they can’t arrest. Every day, dozens of raids
ample for diversity and tolerance—everyone hates each other, happen throughout the city, which may seem like a lot, but in a
but in a tolerant sort of way—the Japanacorp transplants have sprawl the size of Metrópole, it doesn’t account for much. The
contently shut that world out and created a cultural ghetto. The trick is mostly to not be around when a raid goes down.
Japanacorps—Mitsuhama, Shiawase, Monobe, Sony, Renraku,
Yakashima, and so on—encourage a certain culture amongst > These bad boys, the BOPE, are milspec. They are more than able
all of their citizens, and that culture is firmly the traditional- to take on hardened shadowrunner team. In Metrópole, that’s
ist Japanese mindset. The sense of “us” is never so strong as what distinguishes the idiots from the professionals. Keep up
when a powerful “they” exists. Forget disgraceful oni, orks and your protection payments to politicians and moles, and you’ll
trolls; there are things walking around in the streets here! know where the BOPE are going to hit. If you find yourself where
Included in this intense need for traditional things is of the BOPE are, do not try to outgun then. Just run.
course a need for traditional vice. Prostitutes offered just the > Kane
way sararimen like them, gambling dens, BTLs from Japan, and
other forms of entertainment that get weirder and weirder— > Like all local authorities, they will not chase you into extraterritorial
this is what the Komata-Kai offer to Metrópole. While they pri- jurisdiction. There’s also a few places even the BOPE don’t go—the
marily aim to service the Japanese community, the Komata-Kai deep, dark heart of the favelas, and fucked up places like Paredão.
have no problem accepting money from anyone else. But you > Hard Exit
should expect to be treated as a second-class customer.
Aside for the needs of the local market, the Komata are also Metrópole’s public policing gap is bridged by an astound-
heavily involved in trafficking. Metrópole is a huge supplier of ing amount of licensed private security firms. Metrópole pri-
prostitutes, weapons, and drugs for Japan. The Komata-Kai vatizes security in a big way. The barrier to entry for private
will recruit victims and send them off to Japan. The bulk are security companies is pretty low; security guards must have a
your typical metahumans, but being able to offer sapient crit- valid SIN and no criminal record. Of course, these two things
ter prostitutes back in the homeland is a lucrative niche only are very easy to bypass using fake credentials.
Metrópole can supply. In almost all cases, these often-naïve Private security is everywhere in Metrópole, ranging from
victims are recruited under false pretenses and, once in Japan, straight-up bodyguards to licensed private investigators fol-
forced into prostitution by handlers there. Amazonian firearms lowing up on various crimes. In most cases, P.I.s are a crime
also get into the hands of Yakuza all over the world. While Am- victim’s only recourse, as actual police force detectives are so
azonia is an important global chemical and Awakened drug few in numbers and so low in sympathy. Via some paperwork,
port of origin, the Komata only supply the gumi back in Japan citizens can even get refunds from the government for hiring
with that stuff, leaving most of the serious international ex- private security and investigators, making the whole business
ports to the other Metrópole outfits. affordable for the citizen and lucrative for the companies.

> Compared to Yakuza outfits you may have encountered elsewhere, > If you’re a shadowrunner in Metrópole, definitely expect to go
the Komata don’t really rank as that sophisticated. There is a against private guards and, if you don’t cover your tracks well,
bit of an unprofessional edge to them. The Komata are called to get a private investigation team on your ass. If you laugh it

Politics 27
away picturing an old gumshoe with a snub pistol coming after The dissension A Voz and other groups like it cause is
you, think again. Private investigation teams tasked with hunting unacceptable and the single biggest threat Amazonia faces.
down shadowrunners to recover what you took are basically However, following Aztlan’s recent victory in the war on the
shadowrunner teams themselves. They will have cyber, magic, northern front as well as on the international political stage,
and high-powered weaponry—like yours, often better. disenchanted Amazonians are greater in number than ever.
> DangerSensei They have cause to doubt their leader. They have cause to think
the mighty, invincible forces that thrashed their army in so few

OTHER GROUPS days are perhaps no longer so mighty. The god bleeds …
Thus, Metrópole has seen a significant boost in insurgent
activity lately. Weapons have flown from black-market arms
A VOZ (THE VOICE) dealers in the city to A Voz quartermasters. More and more
Amazonia likes to project an image of the balance between gangers and mercenaries, sworn to secrecy but loosed-lipped
humanity and Mother Nature, the success of the soul over after a few drinks, have let slip their allegiance to the group.
the materialism of the megacorporate-run world. Thing is, Government representatives, convoys, and installations have
Amazonia came at a price. Millions of displaced refugees been brazenly, violently, and professionally hit by A Voz bri-
within their own country relocated into cities that did not gades. Rumor is that the group is gearing up to start a real,
want them. Families were separated, lives shattered. If you countrywide insurgency with the full intention of liberating
think Brazilians all greeted their new reptilian overlords with certain strategic locations. Metrópole is far too big a gem for
glee and gratitude, forgetting and forgiving the cost of the them now, but it remains a vital center of resupply as well as
creation of Amazonia, you are dead wrong. battleground.
There are dozens of rebellious groups with a burning ha-

tred that will never forgive or forget, never stop fighting until
Amazonia is run by humans again. Of these groups, the largest

and most organized is A Voz. Seeing how DISA mercilessly
and gleefully hunts down such group members, sympathizers,
sympathizers’ relatives, and the people that say “hi” to sym-
pathizer’s relatives, the shroud of secrecy surrounding A Voz
is pretty thick. Disinformation, seeded by the group itself and SAMPLE NPCS
perpetuated by rumormongers, is rampant.
The most credible stories of the group’s founding and lead- BOPE TEAM MEMBER (HUMAN)
ership relate to surviving military brass from the war of 2034. BOPE intervention teams contain a slew of specialists, in-
Soldiers are not people prone to going “oh well, we lost” when cluding a rigger, a combat hacker, and a mage. However, the
the going gets tough. Brazil’s armed forces certainly contained bulk of the team is composed of generalist riflemen there to
more than a few hardline patriots. After the surrender of the kick ass and take names. Due to Metrópole’s chaotic urban
nation, the new Awakened government carefully purged the environment, BOPE teams don’t always know the layout of
armed forces. Large portions of the army were kept, mainly to the spots they are hitting. They compensate by using over-
help displace their own kind from the interior, but also to keep whelming ground and air firepower from drones, armoured
all these trained people busy. However, in the chaos, more than personnel carriers, and support helicopters.
a few officers went missing, due to Hualpa, or possibly Sirrug
purging (eating) the troublemakers. You can be sure the officers B A R S W L I C ESS EDG
who saw it coming, if they were able to, went underground. 6 5 5 (6) 5 5 3 4 2 5.1 2
It’s been forty years since that day, so clearly few of these Condition Monitor 11/11
original soldiers are still around. But, built on such solid foun- Armor 18 (hardened)
dations, the group would have easily been able to continue re- Limits Physical 7(8), Mental 5, Social 5
cruiting and training subsequent generations of rebels to keep Physical Initiative 9(10) + 2D6
the fight for Brazil going strong. Skills Amazonian Portuguese N, Automatics 8(9), Clubs 5, Intimidation
A Voz operates all over Amazonia, in all the cities. Assas- 5, Law 5, Leadership 7, Metrópole 3, Movers and Shakers 2,
Organized Crime 2, Perception 4, Police Procedure 6, Running
sination and sabotage are their most direct actions, though 4, Small Unit Tactics 7, Sneaking 5
gathering support for their cause is by far their most dangerous Knowledge Skills Amazonian Portuguese N, Automatics 8(9), Law 5, Metrópole 3,
talent, and the reason DISA hunts them so mercilessly. Hualpa Movers and Shakers 2, Organized Crime 2, Police Procedure 6,
Small Unit Tactics 7
needs the divide between metahumanity and the Awakened
Qualities SINner (National)
creatures of Gaia to be bridged in order to make a single unit-
Augmentations Reflex recorder (automatics), sleep regulator, smartlink,
ed Amazonia. It must be so, for Hualpa has larger concerns synaptic booster 1
than the civil administration of a country. It must be so, or Azt- Gear Light hardened milspec armor (p. 66, Run & Gun) [15, Custom
lan will swallow them all. It must be so, or worse things, things Fit, Holster, Gear Access, Increase Social Limit by 2 for
Intimidation Tests, Restrictive] with helmet [+3], Transys Avalon
we do not understand, will befall us. commlink [Device Rating 6] with sim module, goggles [low-light
vision, flare compensation, image link, vision enhancement 1],
trodes, Personal Integrated Tactical Network Level II (p. 105,
Run & Gun)

Game InformationWeapons 28
Ares Alpha [Assault Rifle, Acc 5 (7), DV 13P, AP –3, SA/BF/FA,
RC 2, 42 (c), EX-explosive rounds (factored)]
Ares Predator V [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5(7), DV 8P, AP –1, SA, RC
—, 15(c)]
Flash-bang grenades [Grenade, DV 10S, AP –4, 10m radius]
Private investigators are a dime a dozen in Metrópole. The B A R S W L I C ESS M EDG
successful ones are those than combine a solid network of 5 5 5 5 4 2 3 3 6 4 2
contacts on the streets, with some solid Matrix investiga-
tion capabilities and a dash of debonair style. In Metrópole, JAGUAR FORM
a private investigator can be a shadowrunner’s best friend, B A R S W L I C ESS M EDG
extending his fact-finding abilities for a price, or their worst
6 6 6 5 4 2 3 3 6 4 2
nightmare, relentlessly smoking out the runner, ready to call
Condition Monitor 11/10
heavy backup to finish the job.
Armor: 2 11 + 2D6
Limits (Human/Jaguar) Physical 7/8, Mental 4, Social 6
B A R S W L I C ESS EDG Physical Initiative 8 + 2D6 / 9 + 2D6
3 4 4(5) 3 4 5 6 5 4.2 4 (Human/Jaguar)
Skills Gymnastics 10, Intimidation 10, Outdoors skill group 9, Perception
Condition Monitor 10/10
6, Stealth skill group 10, Unarmed Combat 10
Armor 6
Knowledge Skills Amazonian Politics 5, Amazonian Portuguese 4, Aztlan Politics
Limits Physical 5, Mental 7, Social 7(9) 3, Aztlaner Spanish 3, Corporate Politics 3, Dragons 2, English 3,
Physical Initiative 11 + 2D6 Insurgent Groups 6, Metrópole 3, Parazoology 5
Skills Acting skill group 6, Disguise 5, Etiquette 5, Perception 7, Pilot Qualities Acrobatic defender (p. 127, R&G)
Aircraft 2, Pilot Ground Craft 2, Pistols 4, Stealth skill group 7, Racial Traits Balance Receptor, Broadened Auditory Spectrum (Ultrasonic),
Unarmed Combat 3 Low-Light Vision, Movement (x1/x5/+2), Natural Weapon (Bite: DV
Knowledge Skills Amazonian Portuguese N, English 5, Law 4, Metrópole 4, Police (STR + 2)P, AP –3; Claws: DV (STR + 1)P, AP —), Shift (Metahuman
Procedures 4, Street Gang Identification 2 Form), Uneducated
Qualities SINner (National) Adept Powers Adrenaline Boost (level 1), Attribute Boost (Strength, Level 2),
Cloak (Level 3), Combat Sense 3, Traceless Walk
Augmentations Cyberears [Rating 3, w/ audio enhancement 3, select sound
filter 6], cybereyes [Rating 3, w/ low-light vision, ocular drone, Gear Contacts [Capacity 1, w/image link], earbuds [Capacity 1, w/ audio
vision enhancement 3, vision magnification], datajack, synaptic enhancement 1], qi focus (Mystic Armor Rating 2, Force 4),
booster 1, tailored pheromones 2 respirator, Transys Avalon (Device Rating 6, w/ sim module),
stealth tags, trodes
RCC Radio Shack Remote Controller (device rating 2)
Drones MCT Fly Spy (x3), Cyberspace Design Dalmatian
Gear Armor clothing [6, chemical protection 2, non-conductive 4],
autopicker [Rating 4], data tap, fake SIN (rating 4), Hermes
Ikon commlink [Device Rating 5, w/ sim module], Microtrónica
Azteca 200 cyberdeck [Device Rating 2, Atts 5 4 3 2, Prog 2], The Comando Verde are one of Metrópole’s largest gangs,
sensor tags, stealth tags
but there are thousands of gangs in the sprawl. Gangers in
Weapons Fichetti Security 600 [light pistol, Acc 6 (7), DV 7P, AP —, SA,
RC (1), 30 (c)] Metrópole typically can’t afford many enhancements, but
drugs are plentiful. Most of the time, gangers are high on
something, typically cram, but when a planned hit is going
DISA STALKER (JAGUAR down, doses of heavy-hitting drugs like nitro and kamikaze
SHAPESHIFTER ADEPT) are often passed around. Twitchiness and unpredictability,
None are more feared on the streets of Metrópole than DISA combined with a desperate life filled with daily violence, make
agents. Shapeshifters are favored. These agents are utterly Metrópole gang foot soldiers dangerous people to encounter.
loyal to the Amazonian nation and unquestionable in their B A R S W L I C ESS EDG
mandate to eradicate those whom they judge to be threats
8 3 3(4) 6 2 2 4 3 5.5 1
to the state. DISA field agents—brutally efficient and highly
trained killing machines—are supported by a vast intelligence Condition Monitor 12/9
apparatus feeding them information. The last mistake many Armor 11

make is assuming DISA agents are merely animals incapable Limits Physical 8, Mental 4, Social 5

of using technology. Physical Initiative 7 (8) + 2D6

Skills Close Combat skill group 4, Con 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms skill
group 4
Knowledge Skills Amazonian Portuguese (street) N, Drugs 3, Fences 2, Gang
Identification 6, Gang Politics 4, Smuggling Routes 4
Qualities Uncouth
Augmentations Orthoskin (rating 2)
Gear AR gloves, armor vest [9], contacts [image link, smartlink],
Cram (factored in stats), earbuds, Kamikaze, respirator,Sony
Emperor commlink [device rating 2]
Weapons Browning Ultra-Power [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5 (6), DV 8P, AP –1,
SA, RC —, 10(c)]
Colt M23 [Assault Rifle, Acc 4(6), DV 9P, AP –2, SA/BF/FA, RC -,
40 (c), external smartlink]

Game Information 29
MAGE (SATYR) A Voz does not underestimate the strength of Hualpa and
his control apparatus. Information is restricted, propaganda
Quimbanda street mages make no excuses for their power. They
the norm. A Voz hackers have a duty to open the eyes of the
wield it to make their enemies pay and to feel the triumph of
people to make them see the true nature of the dragons.
domination. Quimbanda mages, however, tend to be hedonis-
tic and enjoy those that bring proper deference and good times
with them. They love to love, and a romantic fling will bring out B A R S W L I C ESS EDG
the best in them … until it goes sour, at which time, staying in- 2 2 3 2 5 6 5 6 5.9 2
side a warded area for a few months is advisable. Condition Monitor 9/11
Armor 6
B A R S W L I C ESS M EDG Limits Physical 3, Mental 8, Social 8
Physical Initiative 8 + 1D6
4 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 6 5 3
Matrix Initiative (hot sim) ([Data Processing] + 5) + 4D6
Condition Monitor 10/10
Skills Automatics 2, Computer 5, Cracking skill group 6, Etiquette 4,
Armor 6 Forgery 5, Software 5
Limits Physical 6, Mental 4, Social 6 Knowledge Skills Amazonian History 5, Amazonian Politics 6, Amazonian
Physical Initiative 7 + 1D6 Portuguese N, DISA 3, English (‘L33tspeak) 2(+2), Japanese 2
Astral Initiative 6 + 1D6 Racial Traits Allergy (Sunlight, Mild), Keen-eared, Low-Light Vision,
Nocturnal, Unusual Hair (Colored Fur)
Skills Assensing 2, Blades 1, Con 3, Conjuring skill group 4, Etiquette 3,
Perception 2, Sorcery skill group 4, Stealth skill group 5 Augmentations Datajack
Knowledge Skills Amazonian Portuguese (street) N, Gang Identification 3, Gear Armor clothing [6], Renraku Tsurugi [Device rating 3, 6/5/5/3],
Metrópole 3, Quimbanda 3, The Tribunal 4 Stealth program, Sneak program, Exploit program
Racial Traits Low-Light Vision, Satyr Legs Weapons Steyr TMP [machine pistol, Acc 4, DV 7P, AP —, SA/BF/FA, RC
—, 30(c), laser sight]
Spells Agony, Compel Truth, Fashion, Foreboding, Powerbolt
Gear AR gloves, armor clothing [6], reagents (20 drams), Sony Emperor
commlink [Device Rating 2] AMAZONIAN GREAT
Weapons Knife [Blade, Reach —, Acc 5, DV 5P, AP –1]
A VOZ INSURGENT (DWARF) Great anacondas are a relatively common sight in Amazonia.
Like many other sentient paracritters, Amazonia recognizes
A Voz insurgents believe their country is being occupied them as full citizens (they are even issued SINs). Considered
by things. If everyone knows the saying “never deal with a part of the dracomorph family, great anacondas are large
dragon,” then how can one tolerate such a beast dictating snakes with fine scales. Anacondas often act as vassal crea-
the lives of millions? These hardliners have dedicated their tures for dragons, from whom they can learn Dragonspeech
lives to violently bringing down the current Awakened gov- to communicate with metahumanity. Great anacondas, de-
ernment of Amazonia. The war with Aztlan may have been a spite a lack of wings, can fly. They are often seeing zig-zag-
blessing in disguise, because now Hualpa is weak. Now is the ging at full speed in the skies of Metrópole, snaking between
time to strike. buildings and trees.
7 4 3(4) 6 5 2 4 2 3.6 3
4 6 6 8 5 6 4 5 6 7 5
Condition Monitor 12/11
Armor 11 Condition Monitor 10/11
Limits Physical 8, Mental 5, Social 5 Armor 12 (Hardened) (Immunity to Normal Weapons)
Physical Initiative 8 + 2D6 Limits Physical 9, Mental 7, Social 7
Skills Automatics 5, Close Combat skill group 4, First Aid 2, Physical Initiative 10 + 2D6
Leadership 3, Sneaking 3 Skills Assensing 9, Astral Combat 10, Counterspelling 10, Perception 10,
Knowledge Skills Amazonian History 5, Amazonian Politics 6, Amazonian Stealth skill group 10, Swimming 4, Unarmed Combat 9
Portuguese N, DISA 3, Dragons 3, English 2, Small Unit Tactics Powers Animal Control (Domesticated Animals, Reptiles), Compulsion,
5, Smuggling Routes 2 Concealment (Self ), Dual Natured, Immunity (Normal Weapons),
Qualities Prejudiced (Shapechangers) Magical Guard (Self ), Natural Weapon (Bite: 8P, AP –1),
Sapience, Venom
Augmentations Cybereyes [Rating 1, w/ image link, smartlink], platelet factory,
wired reflexes 1 Optional Powers Dragonspeech
Gear Armor vest [9], helmet [+2], Erika elite commlink [DR4], AR Note Amazonian great anacondas are Mystic Adepts. Amazonian Great
gloves, earbuds Anacondas have +1 Reach.
Weapons Yamaha Raiden [Assault Rifle, Acc 6(8), DV 11P, AP –2, BF/FA, Weapons Bite (DV 8P, AP –1)
RC(1), 60 (c)]
Fragmentation grenade [Grenade, DV 18P(f), AP +5, –2/m]

Game Information 30
The following Nationality is for use with, and adds to the
AVIBRAS-NISSAN AN 822 available options of, the Shadowrun Life Module character
Amazonia has one of the world’s largest demand for civil- creation system (p. 65, Run Faster).
ian helicopters, and they are extensively used to get around
the mega city to avoid the hazards of road transportation.
The Avibras-Nissan AN 822, built in partnership between NATIONALITY
the Japanese giant and a local Amazonian firm is specifically
crafted for the reality of Metrópole air travel. It is small and
nimble enough to dodge competing air traffic, some of which Primary Language: Amazonian Portuguese (N)
are large flying critters, such as dracoforms. It carries a suite Secondary Language (choose 1 language with 1 rank):
of defensive measures to ward off the ever-present mid-air English, Japanese, German
extraction risk. High-end executives, however, will always be Universal Skills: Knowledge: Football +1, Knowledge:
driven by a rigger, either remotely or physically, or protected Amazonia +1, Knowledge: Paranormal Critters +1
by an overwatching decker. Regions:
Standard Accessories: Evasion Autosoft Rating 2, Metropole—Rio de Janeiro  : Etiquette +1, Swimming +1,
Manoeuvering Autosoft Rating 2, Electronic Warfare Autosoft Charisma +1, SINner(5)
Rating 2, Rigger Interface, Manual Controls Metropole—Centro : Computer +1, Knowledge : Paranor-
The AN 822 has a Device Rating of 4 and his operated mal Critters +1, Knowledge: Law +1, Logic +1, SINner(5)
using the Pilot Aircraft skill. Metropole—Sao Paulo  : Negotiation +1, Logic +1, Lan-
guage +2, SINner(5)
HANDL SPEED BOD ARM PILOT SENS SEATS AVAIL COST Metropole—SINless : Agility +1, Knowledge : Metropole +1
Amazonian Tribal : Survival +1, Archery +1, Knowledge :
5 6 14 10 3 3 5 10 221,500¥
Amazonian Rainforest +2, Knowledge: Flora +1, Body
+1, Uneducated

Game Information 31

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