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6 Complete and answer using short answers (Yes, there was.

/ No, there wasn

´t. / Yes, there were. / No, there weren´t).

El terremoto tuvo lugar el jueves 19 de septiembre de 1985 y ocurrió a las 07: 17: 47
horas. El impacto tuvo una magnitud de 8.1 grados, escala Richter, y hubo zonas
afectadas como; centro, sur y occidente de México. No había una cifra exacta de los
heridos y daños materiales, pero lo que sí se sabe es que había cerca de 40,000 muertos.

The earthquake took place on Thursday, September 19, 1985 and occurred at 07:17:47.
The impact had a magnitude of 8.1 degrees, on the Richter scale, and there were affected areas
such as; central, southern and western Mexico. There wasn´t exact figure for the injuries and
material damage, but what yes it's known is that there were a total of 40,000 dead.

El terremoto ocurrió el jueves 19 de septiembre de 1985 y ocurrió a las 07:17:47.

El impacto tuvo una magnitud de 8.1 grados, en la escala de Richter, y hubo áreas afectadas como;
centro, sur y occidente de México. No hubo una cifra exacta de heridos y daños materiales, pero lo
que se sabe es que hubo un total de 40.000 muertos.

The earthquake took place on Thursday, September 19, 1985 at 07:17:47. The
impact had a magnitude of 8.1 degrees, on the Richter scale, and there were affected areas such
as; central, southern and western Mexico. There weren´t exact figures for injuries and material
damag, as well as there wasn´t an total deaths, only around 40,000 are calculated

Finalmente al día despues había surgido una

6 Complete and answer using short answers (Yes, there was. / No, there wasn
´t. / Yes, there were. / No, there weren´t).


Guan Guas deer eny rruiszpons ffron dee sevelian papiuleshoon? Yess, deer guas.
Tuu Guas deer eny ruekord off a semeler erftkuiek en Meksxico? No, deer wuassent.
Truii Guer deer innoff josspedol bedzz ffor dee inyurdd? Yess, deer wuer.
Fford Guass deer sservez en oll esteishon off lainn guan? No, deer wuerrent
Faif Wuass der Enny sspectakiolor rrueskius? Yess, deer wuer
Sseks Guer deer Feimmes viktemms? Yess, deer wuer

8 Find out information about the 1985 earthquake in Mexico City. Write a
short paragraph. (60 words minimum) Use there was/ there were/there wasn
´t/there weren’t.

De erftkuiek took pleiss Oon naitiin Sepptember, naitiin eidy faiff at sevenn: Sseventinn.
Dee impakt jad a magnetiud off eitts dat wuan digruis, end der Wuer affected erries zoch
ass; sentruol, zoodem end wuestern Meksxico. Deer wuerrent exact figiors foor inyorruis
end metirriol damach, azz wuell azz naidder deer wuassent a toudol datts, arr ounly astemeided

klous tu ffordy dausend. Fainnely, dee neks-t dey der Wuas a niu aftdershok.

1. Guas deer eny rruiszpons ffron dee sevelian papiuleshoon?

2. Guas deer eny ruekord off a semeler erftkuiek en Meksxico?

3. Guer deer innoff josspedol bedzz ffor dee inyurdd?

4. Guass deer sservez en oll esteishon off lainn guan?

5. Enny sspectakiolor rrueskius?

6. Feimmes viktemms?
6 Complete and answer using short answers (Yes, there was. / No, there wasn
´t. / Yes, there were. / No, there weren´t).

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