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Homework Due: January 14, 2019

Newton's first law of motion or Law of Inertia - An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in
motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Newton's second law of motion or Law of Acceleration - pertains to the behavior of objects for which all
existing forces are not balanced. The second law states that the acceleration of an object is dependent upon two
variables - the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object. The acceleration of an object depends
directly upon the net force acting upon the object, and inversely upon the mass of the object.
Newton's third law or Law of Interaction is states that “For every action, there is an equal and opposite
reaction”. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting
objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of
the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in
pairs - equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.

I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of your chosen best answer.

1) A force that one surface exerts on another when the two rub against each other is
called ________.
a) friction b) acceleration c) inertia d) gravity
2) According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, when a hammer strikes and exerts a
force on a nail, the nail
a) creates a balanced force. b) moves at a constant speed.
c) disappears into the wood. d) exerts and equal and opposite force back on
the hammer.
3) When balanced forces act on an object, __________.
a) the object speeds up b) the object accelerates
c) the net force is zero d) friction becomes greater than the net force
4) Newton's first law of motion states that __________.
a) when a force is applied on an object, there is an equal force applied by the object
in the opposite direction
b) acceleration is calculated by dividing the force exerted on an object by the mass
of the object.
c) an object will remain at rest or keep moving with a constant velocity unless an
unbalanced force acts on it
d) when a force acts on an object, its acceleration is in the same direction as the
5) The property of an object that resists the change of its state of rest or state of motion
is know as _____________
a) balance b) inertia c) mass d) force
6) The lighter an object is,
a) the more balanced it is.b) the more unstable it is.
c) the lesser its inertia d) the less force it can exert.
7) The force of attraction of the earth to a person at the surface of the earth is
measured by its
a) mass b) weight c) inertia d) air resistance
8) A book is sitting on a dashboard of a car that's stopped at a traffic light. As the car starts to move forward,
the book slides off the dashboard. Pick the most correct explanation.
a) Air resistance made the book move backward. b) The book had inertia.
c) There was grease on the dashboard d) A supernatural force took over.
9) A rifle recoils from firing a bullet. Compared to the speed of the bullet, the speed of the
rifle’s recoil is smaller . What could be the reason for this?
a) The momentum of the rifle is unchanged.
b) The rifle has lots more mass than the bullet.
c) The force the bullet exerts on the rifle is significantly smaller than the force the rifle exerts on the
d) The impulse of the rifle is less than the impulse on the bullet.
For #10-11, refer to the graph below.

10) During which segment(s), if any, are the forces acting upon the object balanced?
a) A & C b) B & D c) E & Gd) F & G

11) During which segment(s), if any, is there a net force acting upon the object?
a) H & F b) H & G c) D & B d) A & C

For #12-14, refer to the graph below.

12) How far did Debie walk in the first 15 seconds?

a) 20m b) 30m c) 40m d) 60m
13) Which of the following is possibly done by Debie between 40 and 70 seconds?
a) Debie stopped walking for 30 seconds.
b) Debie met her friend, stopped and talk a little bit.
c) Debie ran for 30 seconds.
d) Debie picked a little flower along the way.
14) Where is Debie at t=30 sec?
a) Debie returned to her starting point. b) Debie went to the grocery store.
c) Debie is resting. d) Debie is at her friend’s house.

15) What will happen to you if you are standing on a bus which is running at 60 mph forward and the bus stops
a) Move backward c) Move forward
b) move either left or right d) remain stationary with respect to the wagon

16) Is it possible for an object to move at constant speed without a force pulling or pushing it?
a) Yes, an object will move at a constant speed unless a force acts to change its motion.
b) Yes, an object will move at constant speed as long as the force inside the object doesn’t run out.
c) No, a constant force is needed to keep an object moving at a constant speed.
d) No, a force is needed to keep an object moving at constant speed, but it doesn’t have to be constant
17) The diagram below shows three forces acting on an object sliding on a frictionless surface.

How will the motion of the object be affected by the forces?

a) The object will move in the opposite direction.

b) The object will continue to move at a constant speed.
c) The object will stop moving immediately.
d) The object will gradually stop moving.
18) The table below gives the speed of an object every minute from 9:00 to 9:06 am.

Time 9:00 am 9:01 am 9:02am 9:03 am 9:04 am 9:05am 9:06am

Speed 10 m/s 10 m/s 10m/s 10m/s 11m/s 12m/s 13m/s

Which of the following sets of forces could cause this motion?

a) From 9:00am to 9:03 am, there is a single force of constant strength acting on the object. From 9:03
am to 9:06 am, there is another constant force of greater strength acting on the object.
b) From 9:00 am to 9:03 am, there are no forces acting on the object. From 9:03 to 9:06 am, there is a
single force of constant strength acting on the object.
c) From 9:00 am to 9:03 am, there is a single force of constant strength acting on the object. From 9”03
to 9:06 am, there is a single force of increasing strength acting on the object.
d) From 9:00 am to 9:03 am, there is a single force of constant strength acting on the object. From 9:03
am to 9:06 am, there are no forces acting on the object.

For #s 19– 20, refer to the situation below.

A 45 kg box being pulled along the floor experiences the forces shown in the following

19) What is the approximate magnitude of the gravitational force acting on the box?
a) 450N b) 45N c) 4.5 N d) 0.45N
20) What is the approximate magnitude of the box’s acceleration?
a) 0.0 m/sec2 b) 0.7 m/sec2 c) 2.7 m/sec2 d) 9.8 m/sec2
21) Forces in a diagram are represented by the following scale: 1 cm = 5N. To represent a force of 20 N, the length
of an arrow drawn to represent a force should be how long?
a) 1 cm b) 4 cm c) 5 cm d) 20 cm
22) Newton's second law of motion states that __________.
a) an object will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line with constant speed unless force acts on it.
b) the force on an object can be found by dividing its mass by its acceleration.
c) acceleration is calculated by dividing the force exerted on an object by the mass of the
object, and that when a force acts on an object, its acceleration is in the same direction as the force.
d)when a force is applied on an object, there is an equal force applied by the object in the opposite direction.
23) Which one(s) of the following force diagrams depict an object moving to the right with a constant
a) a & b b) c & d c) a & c d) b & d
24) Which of the following statements are NOT true of the quantity mass?
a) The standard metric unit of mass is the kilogram.
b) Mass depends on how much stuff is present in an object.
c) The mass of an object is variable and dependent upon its location.
d) If all other variables are equal, then an object with a greater mass would have a more difficult time

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