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(2) sectors rar whe area] & aed BSH TPF Gh BZ-BE WsH a apy im a ar ee an 0 fee RM Fe ee Bah Be a AAG A SH TTF OPT BST er Pe HTT TH BI fe cae 1 Ta TH TAA: AH CT TY STR aferh rae Pg eater | TTA BT ae OAT SEAL TT egal gab azn HET MG" TH TMT TE BC: ? ST Ty porary are ar a: farce 1” ‘yreatat: (Word Meanings) afta - ta (is or was) tere: - ma (Deul by name) 77: = Ta (village) arate = waa (lived) arf = fart (by some) rat - wf (wife) arian - agita (with t00 sons) rept ft = frm & ae at aie (toroards father’s house) afer = at (went) Tere = ante a (in deep foresty ay, - aaa (tiger) et - ta (saw) area = ard ee aT (advancing towards) areata, = fete (harshly) vicar se (slapped) wea = ART (slapped) ae - 38 (said) Set raat (why) wear: RE (one and one) ere = ara a & fae (for eating the tiger) APC MENTOR Weqa_X ao (quarrel) a ae (divide or share) ete (eat) : fe (afterwards) ea aren, ger eT (looked for, found) fet arene ae Om tia aT AT TRE I TIN eM oT GE aT Sara ce aah) Tet SH ae fer ae ae ate woaterren wi a US TR wel a TH a SERCH eh ore H aaa aE (ara) feat TET ENGLISH TRANSLATION -e wis a village by mame Deul. There lived a prince by name Rais w Foshimati” by name, along with her two sons, went to her father's bas tee fine get work (errand), On her way, ina deep forest she saw atger.On seeing the tiger advance fx uchl slapped both the sons and said~"why both of you are quarreling over eating one ge exc? This tiger is only one, so divide and eat, afterwards another (tiger) will be lool fer =z sf gen marsh aifateatita Hea omst srergeafT Te: | Progqen fare ar rag era snbrty Tash afemiccies Ford meat arg waged Saal SeRAT ARI es AT: TE rary wa: He ea: 2”” ‘wsataf: (Word Meanings) = ae a ae art (lady hunter to kill tiger) ART (assuming) Ra aga HH are (trembling with fear) Sm rT (ran) amt af a (with one’s intellect) aaa ee (freed or saved) wa (from fear) - ot (lady) = tai (nt the world) = yaaa (aved or fred) - weap (trembling or confused with fear) saws: ‘a af reer qd: opiret: = og fear (clever jackal) wa = daa gar (laughingly) ome = aan (said) oa: = wet (where) venta: - mea (are you running) fet arqare Fe GR ae SE ara aT Teh a ara Ha | OMT AA ATT aM (ae B) om mm, ae weet wh arr gfe @ arm wa A a EI (we aR) aR A we aE PE Hh gy, amame ES seis are at Sere ah ot (andl) fare ad ge ater — “ara fer we A oT ae By” ENGLISH TRANSLATION Having heard this ‘she is some tiger hunter’ assuming thus confused with fear the tiger ran ay, (from there). That beautiful lady because of her intellect saved her-self from the fear of te (Similarly) in this world any other intelligent person can also save himself from great dane (fear). On seeing the frightened tiger, some clever jackal said mockingly-Afraid of whom hen you retreated? ave 3. Cae: — res, res regen! carafe fanfoag Jeremy! aah STA AT eS ga ae BPM: VW veined Te: ve Tea: | apie: — ome! crn wecalgay aaated wangarety faite? ama: — Nera en aergarearn arg weer Tie TET Fer wee: — weary! aared a yet Ta MAT) OT! TT TA: TH TT a TTT ae, ale TIT are TET: Bt ea: — ret! ate oe eR ae Tet eT PAT ‘yreatat: (Word Meanings) Ter, - Tava (in some secret place or hide out) at (because) wet (in scriptures) at (heard) re (to kill) ae, (began, started) Wetecaestifera: (life on palm) spre: (jackal) TET > 3gt ames (great surprise) saree, = 3a (told) a8] apc mentor #ep-Xx oRAH oe) = wea at ae Loti gt (in realty ase ee (her two sons) i (over eating) - art area 2 34 EN (both quarrelin = mage \ 2 io (slapping) : SS (slapping) - au (crooked lady) - fee (let’s go) - fea (again) - a (on goingy . ‘ (looks on eye to an eye) - tat (looks or sees) (encounters in context) = FR oT (kill) = eR (leaving) - wa (90) = aa ft aes (good time will be bad time) feet aye — srt, wet fear ga of fat 7a er Se ort, aR aS eA Tet SH wreat 8 qa & ae aa ae are of, og we aT eae Tae A oa amt & seat Boa STAT - ak ara! Ga aga reed sare, fr HHT A Se A _ yaa wr 8 sa oa ae Gi, tl fe Ge FS BE GN & fore aE ea, a ame a Het I : (fare) — fant! ag aed ot ae Baal sen aT a GAR ge: AAT A a a ect (am weet) Bat gw AE a eT zs fe aoe! aft ga ge BER we FA Oa a AF Ta a TET ENGLISH TRANSLATION z “Run! run jackal’ you also go to some secret place (hide-out). Because aie ler ot tiger about whom (we) hear in seriptures, was about £° all me, but risking my ran from her quickly. ee O tiger! great a te has been narrated by you, that youl pe a di a nes Thave seen her int reality slapping her both sons who were Qin on there if © Lord! Let us go where that crooked lady is. O tiger! on your 5 she encounters you, then you kill me tee (O jackal! If you leave me and go, then good time will ax tq’ —afea- seater, | 4.19) sagen: — fe ooh a ot Prarrct AQeAT AT AHA TOA: TOTTA Bry a fro Ge Fe fe FTI ERPS ZO FE MITA: A TYP M ATARI TAP GAT 3 a caer ae wel Se IT! Parveen ef ART TATYA I xegaer safer Tor SaTTART ET! eaestT AEA TS: TATE LUTE: Mt ad west zach aaa AE TAP AISHAT! HI UF SHA afeaterarat ara warty aaa yreatat: (Word Meanings) fore = amma (in or by your neck) aqeat = aprRt (having tied) wa = wet (quickly) ware = at (doing as desired) art = Ste at (to forest) at = wa (went) arart = am eat (coming towards) a - ga (from far) fataract = aa (thought) wrqepatearera = fear oro sented (being instigated by jackal) Tay, = waa (save) weyerata: = was act (possessed with presence of mind) aafarerdtt = ma aot (rebuking) erat = ata (with finger) wat = amen (Blaming or censuring) vara = ate (said) wy = fu (gave) dt - ira (three tigers) w =e (before) fara = favre feat (having enrned faith) aria = RT (brought) saat = FET (having said) wt = aed, ve (quickly or speedy) wag = wae area art (ferocious lady tiger killer) weet = Tae (cuddenty) [420] arc Mentor wapa-x aT: = a ia a Re Met ae U tiger) cwith jackal tied to the neck} (0 delicate one!) all aril (int all works or difficulties) erm (always) fet aryere me tae ort rel Faia sed ae ae are den aes sia Aen fea Ha fe a am a1 ga a tam atert A der aR serfed (HEHE TE) aT A A aa TE? yeq Set aa Fria AA are ae (art) 2 fear % nay aed ee (ee oa ED) Feared a att ak qd! GAS wea de a fect as Uh Ct (aa) TR FH ST VTS? ara aT ZH ae iat arrart ard ast @ diet ra a ga fear aren ae ot sare AT TAT ag afer aa & va 8 fet yaa a mg safe wer orn t— & at! ata oot arte At aera art 21 ENGLISH TRANSLATION “If it is so then having tied me to your neck move fast. Having done the same the tiger to the forest. Having seen tiger returning again along with jackal from far, Buddhimati t—" how should I save (myself) from the tiger who is instigated by the jackal.” But on of the moment the decision maker, that lady, rebuking with the finger shouted at the “O wicked one! Formerly you gave me three tigers. Having earned my faith why are you getting only one tiger? Tell me right now. Having said so the ferocious tiger killer lady dily. Suddenly the tiger with jackal tied to the neck also disappeared. is in this manner that “Buddhimati” was again freed from tiger's fear. Thus it is said - O icate one! in all works (difficulties) strength lies in intellect always. gatfefaart weary sete depauTTeT ferert | (site fora weit & are tea sare F ferfie 1) (Answers the following questions in sanskrit.) (S) afarct a sta fagfe wit afer? (a) oma: fi ferart venfaa: ? (71) vi mech war a: HHA? (3) am: fr aay cares rer ehh? (& afer oct farm sare?

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