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5) set geet aero apka O i @ Ht a YH oH TH G1 EIT HA HT TE 9 gy pea fey eh erga af GPC We me Ra 1 GAT OT SHIT TAT ah og at ama wae GiB ae 39 we a ifn eB) 1 ante grr: erect evita) ah: hat: HIT Fe a GRIP ATA | 370: arom: of gael gond ciedy Joma: stad! HIM: one arora, BF Va | wes: rr: HMA AEA ATL! TM Pe: ‘reat: (Word Meanings) Bae: - fra (farmer) aciiaghary, = dae (by pair of ox) aaator = SA Te (ploughing the field) wa = tana a (with speed) Ae: = sand (incapable) om, - (or) ae = eRe (Iurt with goad) 7am: = wher wer gam, ea A GAT (being pushed) arada = a was) aU: = aa (ox) wre = Fa sae, ta aT (carrying plough) wat = fea (fell) pura: = fear (the farmer) rarafaqa, = sar & fae (to lift) ao = afer (tried) sitters: = ei sat (did not get up) fest orate saad rar act a ae aH ad ae m1 3H SATA Aw wt a Gia he ta a a FB sgauel en ater ree 3a Get Ae AY we Rae ere aT oT) we A a TTA A HE eee er fee i rer 3 et (Bea) a aA fee ag Te He Fo, few TE sal Gee] apc MENTOR weaa-X ENGLISH TRANSLATION mer was ploughing the field with a pair of oxen, of these two, one was feeble (limbed) some a capable of walking fast. So the farmer used te Push the weak ox hurting with goad ig with gi aed wot able to carry the plough fell in the field. Angry pox nota y farmer tried many times to lift hi a il the ox dic not get up. anlS 22 sp ofed Mg Beer HEH a: eh: Fanamagher sateen) geteamaeed gar E agetirn: TOIT “SA Ratt etn? sem” fi a a farah 7 a: foo gead Preenfira: | SE 1 A viral, 7 Meta aif) ‘wreatat: (Word Meanings) gt ttt 7 (on the ground) it rea (fallen) edie, = ai ari at {of all the cows) ag a = FT a (mother Surabhiy ana = ate & (from eyes) © ae (tears) cor = weer Ee (started rolling) Ar ea, = SaeH at (such a state) nfm: > *d eum (Lord Indra) festa, = i, ga rE (Why, in this manner) Taam = 3% (please tell or say) fafrara: = fret (downfall or great fall) freenfirm: < Saati aro (Lord Indra king of Gods) arantiy = tear te (Lamenting) ‘eta - ade (crying) ‘aifere! = tate! (O Indra) fet orare Sa AR aR Se Ge aA Sa wh wt net EEA aH fe @ ay fea -aAL AE at At Se A tear te To (ex) AAA YSIS ara! wi, ga wa a wT A? BE" se % (art) — USL ah aa (ie) oft oar en wel oon wT Rea 8 Baa ae Mite 8 at i gate a we ENGLISH TRANSLATION Hoving seen her son fallen on the ground, tears started rolling down from the eyes of Surabhi, ‘ho is the mother of all the cows. Seeing such a state of Surabhi, lord Indra asked her—“O noble awe: 'w'—ufsa-arrierrm [Zar |] is manner, please tell.” And she (said)—O lord Inderal You e! why are you lamenting in thi one! why are you lamenting, down fall? Tam lamenting for (my) son, Tam crying for that ruler of all the deities don't see any reason, 3. «+p ara are Bet eee aE RAT aT A TTY FU: 4 5G Aa) » aor aren srs pe a Ae RHA I ML RAE 72” eg aby Faq EAMARY YAY IAAT 1 HRA AT LATGRT ATTT HH?” SE yy aly. weara— ae red a, ack era 3 aire ya: Me! PACMAG] FA ‘yreqtat: (Word Meanings) ait area! ta! (O Indra!) = asin feat at (feeble state) a gia ait @ tar (weak) watt = a gan it (knowingly) ager - Havana (int many ways) dieata ware (torture) Cos afer a (with difficulty) aT ata (weight) saat same (carrys) waite = Meer (like the other one) TL (yoke) ate (to carry) wreritfa (capable) wearad (replied) ri (definitely) Feary (in thousands) arate (being) SIT, (eeling of love) yet (being asked) waa (are equal) pg (being) sreafiret GT (more affection) "5 (O Indra!) [468] apc meNror tepa-x fest arqare aaa a tam tt garde aia aa se at 2H (Get) & den aren gan ot fara seat {pea oe soe 8 et om € ae atom 8 aig in B1 gat wa Ms ge Oe saat : ga : vg ore Fea tea at A et Gv (een eae a eS om wt” da es : gh Te NF See fem eR ma wom ak mae AG he (GM) Te qa ted er a eK oe eae ENGLISH TRANSLATION (Lard Indra! Tam crying at the miserable state of my son. Knowing that he (ox) is weak, (sil) farmer torture him (ox) in many ways. He (ox) carrys weight with difficulty. He (ox) yt Ne rocary te plough like the other one (ox) : or eee +0 noble one! definitely despite having thousands of sons, why you have such an affection tavards this one (ox), [Why you have a soft comer for him].” Being asked thus by Indra, Surabhi lied— “O Indra! Although I have thousands of sons and I have same love for everyone. But thsone (ox) being weak, I have more affection for him (ox).” : 4, aeaIC A eae IMR | ear Faeroe emer wat ach fe arma gee. | weary arr Gerace wa cent galct Ba IG: aTePere Ia AEH” TI hiaat ara opi Paacemerwecrenty ecrara) a aa" Tas Tt! ad af ora" HEA VOSA HERTS HE Wad: era | Wea: Ua AAT TTA: FH: | FI: ealtataom afore: ay Tae en erg IR 7 aay wat Gera! yf Gh 7 a a Foe Iq) | ‘wreatat: (Word Meanings) erent = 3q-a aan (many children or sons) oer Gt - FR (on this son) RTT - omits ga (sorrow from the heart) arn: - Bia (from others) aa: - anit (weak) Rew = Fan 8a oR we ae (loving equally) rea = earafan at (natural) ‘er = agR afte (too much) weary - ma (of Indra) aR, = fewer rn (melted) Ta, - aren & (fear a) (consoled avs: wafer [4.69 ce = FEM (3ST) {all will be well) waa -@ (will be) afar - wie (in no time) ausartt = wens (a) ea (storm) ara: = ane & wa (by tinundering of the clouds) wat: - a (rain) aaa -€ (started) Waa: Wa - tard (as looking on) ‘weitrera: = writ gra wat (arg) (floods) waa: = am (appeared or happened) gaifiraor = @wia (with happiness) atufeqa: = si & am at ta (stopped ploughing) strat - aR (having taken) Tera, = Raa TT (went home) pase = wag wea are (compassionate) fect ogame “od ote ani & ae ae 21 fe ta ge gah fade orate ga Hl aga ee EI Pie ae gad a aesik 81 aa war Ta aa &T a UR Fe ae Mt TP eR a rm a afer go (Ee) Bes a Set B1" yeh H sar wl TAR AEA aafiew fae sz ah wea fore | sik Sea 3a ea WER ara St “nail Ga! wa Fea (are) eT” aga vie at yas ay a alk acti & a ae oat ah wet Sat-et-Sat wa SE TS ward (ag) SA wri far aft weta B Ga stat ar arr Steet VAT ef st Geet ae eT TT) WM Fa TIP Ba Bo a oR we art eet F1 (Gia) Sa (HR) GW ae Ae ea ore at ait @1 ENGLISH TRANSLATION ““It is true that I have many children (sons). Still am experiencing pain from the core of my heart specially for this son, Because he (ox) is weaker than others. (No doubt) Mother loves all children equally. Still mother’s more affection for weak son is natural.” Having heard ‘Surabhi's words, ‘extremely astonished, Indra's heart also melted. He consoled her in this manner, Go noble one! every thing will be alright (all will be well). In no time by thundering of the clouds and storm, it started raining heavily. While watching on, all sides were flooded. The farmer very happily left ploughing the field and went home along with his two bulls. Mother has equal love and affection for all (her) children. But the same mother becomes more affectionate towards (her) weak child. 70 | APC MENTOR HeHA-X

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