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eat far vet a Verte H archer aca ai aS nfiten ea St mega Pen wen #1 37 Te 0 OT seh BI Eg Ta 2 oe ua ar aie Bo sep Fae we 9 ate Bi ona aie ar ga, wi sega ah Tae ste Bflz at Penman ents Pea ae eT aml 1 gta: — ATT IR: ARTY RG: SaTCTTA fe | SETA: Tee: 7 Hie Hea (ATH: ) 7 oracle ‘yrsaqat: (Word Meanings) eT, Tae (of people) ites: wer # fer (residing in body) am fy = Fey (great enemy) ae, = FT (of laziness) aia & aa (comparable to hardwork) « eae (brother or friend) arate = waa (despodent, depressed or distressed) feet arqere peat Ban H fee aad at ag ores 81 Rea wa aE of ay Cont fina) ag, fa (seam a) ae (HEA) Gel ai eter B ENGLISH TRANSLATION Laziness is the biggest enemy residing in the bodies of the human beings. There is no friend or ‘lation comparable to hard work, accepting which (one is) never distressed. ce eit wei afer 3 afer Prepon, a eh afr 3 at Prefer: | Psst arava Toh aT: we a Riser act 7 EH: 21 Sr om eh ay, Prof: (3H) 7 af, aah et a, Packer: (act) 7 at, a: eI TO (Aa) ATR: 3, Bi Rice at (Aft) TR: aT (aR) | ‘avs: Wafer sector [479] ‘practi: (Word Meanings) apt = ae (endowed with good qualities att - oat (knows) Frito: = IR (void of good qualities o Vicious) wet = Fa ae (strong) fda: - wath (weak) fem: - aa (cuckoo bird) aa - RE (of spring season) aaa: = aT (crow) oa = wet (elephant) five = Re (of ion) WWE: - (mouse) feet argare waar (saat) BY seen 8, RT maa (I aH) aT SIT BI ATA, (ora A) am wh Sore & meres (aes aH) EF area 1 whe ae ay HH AH, ao eH) ae MG a & aa St ora &, Wer eT ENGLISH TRANSLATION One endowed with qualities understands the worth of qualities, not the person having no good qualities. Stong person knows the strength not the weak. The cuckoo bird (understand) the Importance of pring seasonnot thecrow,and theelephant knows thestrengthofalionnatthemeus, h 3. Pibragteea fe 4: sara, ga 8 TET weer) FER TGLY THY TF, wel orred oRatereaty iy waa: — 9: fifiry steve fe Fare a: TET OTH Be Wei) eT Ae: ya HERIGLY (RA) a oF Bei UfaaPrEAT | ‘wretat: (Word Meanings) Pater, + Fa (because of reason) feva - tae (pointing 1 wea = ag ey ae (gets very angry or annoyed) = = fread (definitely) aa ware be eq : (being removed) = We 8 oa (becomes happy arama fe = Fer 8a ee aT : ne (envious without reason) 4.80 | APC MENTOR tepa_x - a be : (hoi) get aye ST (will be pleased) fet orga gare HT TH SET AY Fr 8, BER Co Sea see eT, FAS 3a F8 we so? ENGLISH TRANSLATION cqson (who) pointing to (because of) reason is anno ) Wea we fees al was tt om é Ape removed (But) one who is envious without = cae robe ie oy anybody: : F sicisel: wepafe Te, wares aa seb aera: | weigaarTeeH fe FEA: 1 aaa: — TET of Tih: sre: Tend, wan: aM: a afr: (ok) aeP AI OftSa: TA: TYR PY Sele Tart: fe Riga (TART) | ‘reatat: (Word Meanings) afer: = Fa eH (understood or implied) ad: = fara (meaning) vari = Wao t (by animal) wt = rem ae fer ae (is understood) a: = ae (horses) am: = wet (elephants) ata = HE (carry) afin: = Bifera etre (being directed) a = TREAT (not worded or said) att = Ayan ara @ (infer) iar = ate oo eq mand (intellects) capable of attaining fruit 3a a BH a aT in the form of knowledge arising by signs (or directions) given by others. Ta: = ats (intellects) fet oryare UF ga meen en fr (PR) ee Frere TE ae ret sen (ST HT) Fr SO & fa ai at me Pea A ag wa FY aE gE A Te ee Te wT A et va at a act &, aig Gat H aaa Oa fas a oT HF cave: afer sent, [51 ENGLISH TRANSLATION i e xd even by an animal, horses and Directions or signs (language) are understood eve | horses and eleph w ight when deer toed people understand inexplicit matters by inferene ae - are capable of attaining fruits (understandings) in the form of knowledge arising by dee given by others. ions, 5. spre fe ag: Wer TTT, defer cerry wenfeera: arama fe ae, a ve afaded mR Sra — Ta deferaera we: wg: Sefer: we: (sHfea) | Fen aTETA, Pa ai, (BRET VI) Fed, (aa) a: Wa alee: MR (FEA) 1 ‘weatat: (Word Meanings) we: = my (anger) fe - fread (indeed or definitely) wy wn (enemy) wa: ee (primary or first) RTT, aii (of people) ‘Geta: RR fer (residing in body) aS: = weet a fer (concealed in wood) ‘aeferrera ~ aR ferre & fey (to destroy the body) ofa: = om (fire) et ‘wer & (burns) wi aR a (body) feet ore ret ote Far fee een a ke fem a 1 BA a COAT) He (wet am cere ai Gt slot & sel wee (arte fea) ae wie are aA sree F ENGLISH TRANSLATION The first and foremost enemy residing in human bodies is a inger Which destroys (their) bodies, As the fire concealed in the wood burns the wood itself, simil. larly same anger (in the body) destroys the body, - am Fh agar, TRE Tt: Te: | yates wd: gfira get, Far Riel erry Ter i 4.82 | APC MENTOR HepA-X ae — FT: Ph: Be, TH we, ae TGR, eat: : Be SIP | HTRRTORTI Tey (-srafEt) | %, gr: Ahi ‘wreatat: (Word Meanings) = fem ft ees (deers) qt aL (with deers) wats ae wa & (follow) (cow) ‘ft Trai & ara (herd of cows) : s < (horses) Pd a AY (with horse) ai: = as (fools) ge my (with fools) afi: fer (learned) ait fagri aa (with learned) ta arm, ai (character or habit) aay = Saari A (persuits or occupations) om, = fram (friendship) feat arate en afte are, A te, IS rey Ae ae, ye ap a ae atk ea Pearl SS saa 81 fra er mre afte ora A ah @1 ENGLISH TRANSLATION Deers follow the herd of deers, cows follow the cows, horses (move) with horses, fools with fools. and learned people follow the learned (because) companionship or friendship develops between {people of same) occupation and similar habits. 7. Oheraen erga: FeTTMTATT: | vate Saag wet ater orn aa Frere 1 wee:— werern-aafaa: verge: aaa: | sary are Het A (We) Tra HT raved ‘preqra: (Word Meanings) Hira, - onaa aa ae (take shelter) Taga: = faa gar (huge tree) wrommafaa: = = mat ak orn a a (having friuts and shade) a - waa (by destiny) aus: ‘a’ —ufst-sraatermy [4.83 am = frat (by whom) Prard - taoaet (can be warded) fet ore x se ges Fe 24 sett rahe 9 CSS) AR ag at) ore fared tat on wad & sraiq ora at ras H ENGLISH TRANSLATION vith fruits and shade. If b (One should) take shelter under a huge tree laden with Y chance Sescce) the fruits are not thee, still the shade (ofthe tree) cannot be warded of (adhe > stop one from enjoying the shade). 8 orrarment ated, let APTA | FAT: TER: Ae AAA EHH: 1 area: TY re Re, arm et AAA, are: eH: Rea, TH AR: sein) ‘yreatat: (Word Meanings) = wa tea (without mantra) setae = sue fea (oithout medicine) ARH - 4 (the root) aire: = ira ea (not capable) ate: = we ae (the joining element) aie: = afer 8 ra a4 aren (difficult to attain) fet arene wea tien (stare area 9) sre vei G1 sitafer view (ag area B) We 7B aaa aes (ET rer #) yeu sei &1 sel (aa) Srey aren a gain tear ENGLISH TRANSLATION Letter not denoting mantra is a meaningless letter; the root having no property of medicine is not a (useful) root. (Similarly) incapable person is not a true human being, because itis difficult to find good qualities which are the binding force of real human beings (in him) % wt a far = reared) See len eat CRIP aT eT Sra ea ach Farrah Career (safe) | (em) wafer sed Ta: (a, Te TTR TE: (safe) | ‘wretaf: (Word Meanings) wart = dota a (in richness or fortunate times) 481 | APC MENTOR Hex (im poverty or in bad times) Ba = Terged a (of great people) oa = Gan (remain steady or same) § = sae aaa (during time when it rises) 7 - (the Suny : = wea (red colour) e ort aa (during setting time) cafe i at fasta 4 Henge a feafa ue aan wat ga 4 ator (Gea) FTF ret a aT aA har B ENGLISH TRANSLATION rat people remain stable (steady) in good times and (equally) cane redness whether it is rising time or setting time. Wiser} aa ht ora ai at in bad times. As Sun retains the ‘A fated wag sent afta fetoatreeta) Rar Tet ait: RT TET a 1h area: — fae ant ag Patou Peele 7 safer area aq emer? atte: (af) meer ae} we (AR: fea) 1 ‘recta: (Word Meanings) fates wat = aay dan F (in this strange world) tt (nothing) a San (useless) ara er (horse) % ate oH a aaa (in running) bd areas (valorous) wer aR (of weight) e Ra (carry) gr 7a (donkey) fet area Fhe (aya) dan A go of dan al Bi cer ake det Tak (as) eA AA | Gis) ¢) | ENGLISH TRANSLATION | 5 srg voc nothing is welens IF loune ia vila iting) SS td Yalaren ') in carrying weight. i L vas; ‘a —afen-stacter, [485 |

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