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English Department

Unit Plan – Scholastic year 2021 /2022

Title of Unit From Place Grade Level Grade 4

to Place

Subject English Time Frame 2 weeks

Developed By Mrs. Mai Nasr

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Broad Areas of Learning
How are the BAL incorporated into this unit?
Health and Well-Being:
To ensure that students adopt a self-monitoring procedure concerning the development of good living habits
related to health, well-being and safety.
Active lifestyle and safe behaviour: physical activities in the classroom, at school, in the family and elsewhere;
safe behaviour in all circumstances.

Environmental Awareness and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities:

To encourage students to develop an active relationship with their environment while maintaining a critical attitude
towards exploitation of the environment, technological development and consumer goods.

– Awareness of his/her environment: sensitivity to the natural and human environment, understanding of certain
characteristics and phenomena of his/her environment, spatial representation (orientation, location, drawing, map
,etc.),identification of connections between elements characteristic of the local or regional environment or a
season, awareness of interdependence between the environment and

Citizenship and community life:

Developing a spirit of openness to the world and respect for diversity.
21st Century Competencies
How will this unit promote the 21st Century competencies?
1- Critical Thinking:
Learners should be encouraged to think for themselves ,solve problems, make decisions and express
their opinions.
2- Creativity:
- Learners become more motivated if they can create something.
- Learners are provided with activities that promote creative thinking and make work inside
the classroom more enjoyable.
3- ICT literacy:
- Learners use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information.
4- Autonomous Learning:
- Learners set their goals, check their progress and look up for opportunities to practice
outside the classroom.
5- Communication-related competencies:
- To communicate appropriately expressing oneself, exchanging ideas with others as well
as presenting one’s work.
6- Intellectual awareness:
- Provide learners with a deeper understanding of the culture of the target-language as well as
other cultures worldwide.
Standards of learning
Phonics, spelling and vocabulary:
4PSV2 Confirm all parts of the verb to be and know when to use each one
4PSV5 Spell words with common letter strings but different pronunciations, e.g. liked, loved, visited.
4PSV7 Revise rules for spelling words with common inflections, e.g. -ing, -ed, -s.
4PSV11 Check the correct spellings and identify words that need to be learned.
Grammar and punctuation
 Reading
4GPr1 Use knowledge of punctuation and grammar to read age appropriate texts with " fluency, understanding and
4GPr2 Identify all the punctuation marks and respond to them when reading.
4GPr5 Identify adverbs and their impact on meaning.
4GPR7 investigate the grammar of different sentences; Statements and questions.
4GPr6 Investigate past, present and future tenses of verbs.
 Writing
4GPw2 Use a range of end-of-sentence punctuation with accuracy.
4GPw3 Experiment with varying tenses within texts, e.g. in dialogues.
3GPw5 Reread own writing to check punctuation and grammatical sense.
 Fiction and poetry
4Rf1 Extend the range of reading.
4Rf2 Explore the different processes of reading silently and reading aloud.
4Rf4 Explore implicit as well as explicit meanings within a text.
4Rf7 Explore narrative order and the focus on significant events.
4Rf8 Retell or paraphrase events from the text in response to questions.
4Rf10 Express a personal response to a text and link characters and settings to personal experience.
 Non-fiction
4RNF2 Understand how paragraphs and chapters are used to organise ideas
4RNF4 Read newspaper reports and consider how they engage the reader.
4RNF6 Note key words and phrases to identify the main points in a passage.
4RNF7 Distinguish between fact and opinion in print and ICT sources
 Fiction
4Wf1 Explore different ways of planning stories, and write longer stories from plans.
4Wf2 Elaborate on basic information with some detail.
4Wf6 Begin to use paragraphs more consistently to organise and sequence ideas.
4Wf7 Choose and compare words to strengthen the impact of writing, including some powerful verbs
 Non-fiction
4WNF5 Collect and present information from non-fiction texts.
4WNF6 Make short notes from a text and use these to aid
writing. Presentation
4WP1 Use joined-up handwriting in all writing
Speaking and Listening
4S&L1 Organise ideas in a longer speaking turn to help the listener.
4S&L2 Vary use of vocabulary and level of detail according to purpose.
4S&L3 Understand the gist of an account or the significant points and respond to main ideas with relevant
suggestions and comments.
4S&L5 Listen carefully in discussion, contributing relevant comments and questions.
4S&L6 Adapt the pace and loudness of speaking appropriately when performing or reading aloud

Essential Questions:
 What is the most exciting thing that happened to you on one of your travels?
 What do you know about Amelia Earhart?
 Do you know any people who have achieved something great in the 21 st century?
 Which place in the world would you like to visit?
 What does the term 3D in films mean?
 Describe a first time experience you had?
 How much do you know about our solar system?
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this unit the student will be able to:
 Practice using vocabulary related to important events in life.
 Compare and contrast their traditions to others.
 Understand the use of a timeline as a tool to organize information chronologically.
 Practice making and presenting a timeline about him\herself and someone else’s life.
 Explain to a partner or a whole group what they have learned.
 Identify specific information in a text.
 Form and use the past simple be familiar with the formation, and word order in negative sentences and
 Become familiarized with common time expressions used with the past simple.
 Differentiate between the \t\, \d\ and \Id\ sounds of the –ed ending of regular verbs in the past simple.
 Practice reading for a gist.
 Identify the function of suffixes and use them to change a word from one word class to another.
 Practice using adverbs of manners.
 Make predictions based on background knowledge.
 Differentiate between the verb can and its past form could.
 Describe and identify Sir Edmund Hillary and Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
 List the contributions of several explorers.
 Talk about the solar system and learn new vocabulary related to it.
 Learn numbers over a thousand.
 Discuss the goals of explorations.
 Present their travel information to the class in a 7-10 minute group presentation.
 Practice using personal pronouns.
 Giving and responding to good news and asking for details.
 Distinguish between habitual actions and current activities(Present Simple & Present Progressive).
 Express the ability in the past.
 Practice talking about themselves through a pair work activity.
 After a lesson about the stylistic features of writing, each student will be able to Learn to write an informal
letter or email to a classmate. within 15 minutes using the correct punctuation ,capitalization and grammar.
Stage 2
Thematic Big Idea
 Taking the students on virtual trips as we explore different cultures together and also explore the solar
system and the Milky way Galaxy.

Suggested Interdisciplinary Unit

History: Students discuss and learn about the famous explorers.
Science: discuss the solar system and planets.
Library: Students read books about famous explorers.
Computer: Search about different gadgets and discuss the use of technology.
Art: design a poster about your favourite vieo game.
Stage 3 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks
Students will demonstrate standards by:
 Speaking, writing and listening to standard English accurately(including grammar ,usage ,punctuation ,spelling
and capitalization)
 Writing formally (personal narratives) and informally (notes)
 Participating in formal and informal presentations and discussions of ideas.
 Reading and evaluating nonfiction works and materials.
 Comprehending and evaluating the content of oral and visual media (e.g. videos, pictures, storytelling)
 Participating in guided practice, independent practice and advanced practice.
 Imitating teacher models.

Other Evidences
 Assignments / Quizzes.
 Projects.
 Test practice.
 A presentation about their families and the jobs they do.
 Group discussion
 Learning journals
 Homework
 Evaluation based on performance, observations, conversation and experiential education.

Stage 4 – Learning Plan

What teaching and learning experiences will you use to:
 achieve the desired results identified in Stage 1?
 equip students to complete the assessment tasks identified in Stage 2?
Description Activity Ideas
 Capture students’ interest.  Short game
 Encourage questions and critical thinking about the concept / skill  Video clip(Hook)
after the engagement.  Real-world problem
 Uncover previous knowledge  Connection to previous concept

 Utilize a hand-on / minds-on activity to encourage investigation and  Cooperative learning

inquiry. Task

 Facilitate discussions as students work together while watching and  Hands-on task using
listening to the students’ interaction. manipulatives
 Investigation

 Students explain and justify their discoveries and solutions.  Vocabulary organizer.
 Formal introduction of important terms and vocabulary.  Notes(student-created)
 Use of varied questions and techniques to help students connect  Foldables
their exploration to the concept they are learning.  Explanatory videos
 Help students extend their understanding of the concept in  Problem solving task
new situations.  Investigation
 Students are required to use the learnt terms and vocabulary and apply  Real-world task
knowledge to everyday lives.  Independent practice
 Game

 Students demonstrate that they have achieved the lesson objectives.  Journal task
 Discuss related questions.  Traditional worksheet
 Assess students’ progress through observations.  Quiz
Teaching strategies

 Cooperative learning

Encourage students of mixed abilities to work together by promoting small group or whole class activities.

Through verbally expressing their ideas and responding to others students will develop their self-confidence, as well as
enhance their communication and critical thinking skills which are vital throughout life.

 Student-Led Classroom

When students get to be the teacher for the day, they learn things that they wouldn’t have learned otherwise. You could
have students team teach or work in groups to teach a new topic. You’ll find that other students will learn from their
peers’ unique take on the subjects, too.

 Class Discussion

Another way for students to teach each other is through class discussions. As students take turns discussing the subject,
you can assess their knowledge and discover which students grasp the concepts and to what extent.

 Technology in the classroom

Incorporating technology into teaching is a great way to actively engage students, especially as digital media surrounds
young people in the 21st century.

Interactive whiteboards ,used to display images and videos, helps students visualize new academic concepts.

 Visualization

Bring dull academic concepts to life with visual and practical learning experiences, helping students to understand how
their schooling applies in the real-world.

Examples include using the interactive whiteboard to display photos, audio clips and videos, as well as encouraging students
to get out of their seats with classroom experiments and local field trips.

 Inquiry-based instruction

Pose thought-provoking questions which inspire students to think for themselves and become more independent learners.

Encouraging students to ask questions and investigate their own ideas helps improve their problem-solving skills as well as
gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts. Both of which are important life skills.

 Game-based Learning

Game-based learning comes from the desire to engage students in more active learning in the classroom Because they
require students to be problem solvers games are a great way to encourage a “mastery” mindset, rather than a focus on

 Differentiation

Allocating tasks based on students’ abilities, to ensure no one gets left behind.

Assigning classroom activities according to students’ unique learning needs means individuals with higher academic
capabilities are stretched and those who are struggling get the appropriate support.

Resources and Materials

 Student’s Book.
 Workbook.
 Grammar Book.
 IT (Information Technology)CD-ROM.
 Interactive Whiteboard
 Power point presentation.
 Word cards
 Videos
 Whiteboard
 Pens & colours.
Assess and Reflect (Stage 5)
Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study:
Is there alignment between outcomes,
performance assessment and learning

Adaptive Dimension: For struggling students:

Have I made purposeful adjustments to the
curriculum content (not outcomes), instructional
practices, and/or
the learning environment to meet the learning
needs and diversities of all my students?

For students who need a challenge:

Instructional Approaches:
Do I use a variety of teacher directed and
student centered instructional approaches?
Resource Based Learning:
Do the students have access to various
resources on an ongoing basis?

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