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Thanking you for your valuable comments.

Your comments are incorporated in the revised


1. Specific objective regarding performance comparison and validation of the proposed

technique is missing.
The above specific object is included in the specific objective

2. summary (gap analysis)for litterateur review is not given

The gab analysis is included in the revised thesis.

3. hyberd learning algorithm is discussed page 24 the same info is repeating page 27 also

The repetition is avoided in the revised thesis.

4. table 4.2 and 4.3 not after table 4.4 only available

The table number and sequence is corrected in the revised thesis.

5. after page no 37 no page number

The page number and sequence is corrected in the revised thesis.

7 .page 38 discussed about finger 4.2 (a)

In the revised thesis it is Figure 4.2. The Figure 5.2 (a) is explained as follows:

As building model Polynomial function for Bayesian linear regression will be used. However,
the degree of the polynomial basis function also decided. Hence, random sub-sampling and
separated the data into 80% training data and 20% testing data will be used. For the separation
the MSEs for 60%-90% and chose the percentage with minimum MSE will be found. During the
cross-validation process degrees of polynomial from two to ten will be used. Cross validation
gave the results shown in the table 5.6. The degree of the polynomial with the minimum average
mean square error is D=3. The figure 5.2 presents indicatively some predictive models and their
fitting. Finally figure 5.2 (a) presents fitting of the predictive model with the optimal degree
choice (D=3) while figure 5.2 Presents five sampled regression functions by drawing their
parameters w from posterior distribution.

Technical question
1. you have to give Simulink diagram for all the sub system (dryer, washing , sizing motors
, spinning , garment )
The subsystem block diagram is reported in the revised thesis.

2. information regarding ANFIS controller?

The information regarding the ANFIS controller is explained in the revised thesis.

3 . What is mean by proposed IM?

The above statement is wrong. So, it is removed. This work involves an energy
audit carried out in major areas with energy saving potential; an analysis is carried out in a textile
plant on various induction motors, which involves available energy saving which cost
information. Because of its performance and thorough comparisons between rewound induction
motors and new motors, the thesis reports the research performed on rewound induction motors.

4. performance compassion of ANFIS based electricity management controller with

existing has to be compared

The ANFIS controller performance is compared with the existing controller and
results are presented on page no 44.

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