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Arulanantham Zechariah Jebakumar, Int. J Derm. Surg.

2020; 6(1): 6-11


Published by ScienzTech Publication Journal Home Page:

Prevalence and Types of Pulmonary Disability in Patients with

Gastroesophageal Re lux Disease (GERD)
Arulanantham Zechariah Jebakumar*
Vice Deanship of Post Graduate Studies & Research, Research Unit, Prince Sultan Military College of
Health Sciences, Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - 31932.

Article History: ABSTRACT

Received on: 02 Feb 2019

Revised on: 06 Mar 2019 GERD is found to be one of the risk factors for various pulmonary disorders,
Accepted on: 30 Mar 2019 like Obstructive Airway Disease, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Interstitial Lung
Published on: 05 Apr 2020 Diseases either directly or as a confounding factor. Due to higher Prevalence
of Obstructive Airway Disease in GERD patients, early diagnosis and Appropri-
Volume: 6 Issue: 1 ate management can control disease progression and outcome of both condi-
tions. GERD is found to be one of the risk factors for many pulmonary diseases,
especially Obstructive Airway Disease, either directly or as a confounding fac-
tor and Data on the severity of OAD in symptomatically and endoscopically
Endoscopically proven GERD patients are limited in the Indian population, This learning was
documented Re lux undertaken to ind out the pervasiveness of pulmonary diseases in patients
Esophagitis, with proven Gastro Esophageal Re lux Diseases (GERD) and to ind out the
Erosive Re lux correlation of Symptoms of GERD and Endoscopic inding indings of GERD
Disease/Erosive with the severity of Obstructive Airway Disease using Spirometric Parame-
Esophagitis, ters. Asthma is a heterogeneous disease, typically categorized by persistent
Forced Expiratory airway infection. It is described with the aid of the history of breathing symp-
Volume in 1 second, toms together with wheeze, shortness of breath, chest tightness and cough
Forced Vital Capacity, that vary over time and in intensity, collectively with mutable expiratory air-
gastro-oesophageal low restriction. This study focuses on studying the occurrence and types of
Re lux Disease pulmonary disability in patients with GERD in a tertiary care hospital and on
correlating the Symptoms and Endoscopic indings of GERD with the severity
of Obstructive Airway Disease as assessed by Spirometric Parameters.

Corresponding Author the stomach that exceeds the normal limit causing
Name: Arulanantham Zechariah Jebakumar symptoms with or without mucosal injury [1]. It
Phone: 00966501098496 affects approximately one-third of the adult popula-
Email: tion, causing symptoms at least once a month1. In
adults, almost 10% of people experience symptoms
eISSN: 2455-247X of GERD every day, and 15 % of people experience
DOI: symptoms intermittently. [2]
Production and Hosted by
Obstructive Airway Disease (Figure 1 ) is the most common extraesophageal manifestation of GERD,
© 2020 | All rights reserved. followed by Chronic Cough and Chronic Bronchitis1.
According to studies in literature, the Prevalence of
INTRODUCTION GERD is 23.6% in India [3]. Prevalence of Patho-
logical GERD is found to be 30-80% in Bronchial
In this segment represents the introduction of this Asthma1. Prevalence of GERD related Cough is
research work. Gastroesophageal re lux disease found to be 10-40%1. Prevalence of Bronchial
(GERD) is a complaint in which the oesophagus Asthma in endoscopically proven esophagitis is
develops reddened since of Re lux of acid from found to be 30%. [4]

6 © ScienzTech Publication | International Journal of Dermatopathology and Surgery

Arulanantham Zechariah Jebakumar, Int. J Derm. Surg. 2020; 6(1): 6-11

The physiological link between (Figure 2 )GERD and upcoming strategies.

with pulmonary disorders like bronchial asthma, Related works
chronic bronchitis (COPD), and the persistent cough
has been extensively studied. The occurrence In this segment represents focuses on the related
of Obstructive Airway Disease in GERD could be works of this research work. Gastroesophageal
attributable to four main mechanisms [5], [6] re lux disease (GERD) is a disorder in which the
oesophagus develops in lamed since of Re lux of
1. Stimulation of vagally mediated tracheobronchial acid from the stomach that exceeds the normal
response by acid re lux will increase the hyper limit causing symptoms with or without mucosal
bronchial reactivity to allergens injury [13] [14] [15]
2. Micro Aspiration of re luxed contents irritates
Patients usually present with Heartburn, breath-
sensitive asthmatic airways
ing dif iculty which is exacerbated after taking food,
3. Heightened Bronchial hyper reactivity Nocturnal time dry cough, Belching, Bloating of the
4. Smoking causes lung destruction which leads abdomen, Regurgitation. [16] [17] [18]
to alteration of mechanisms causing Re lux induced Patients can also present with atypical symptoms
bronchoconstriction secondary to chronic air low of GERD like non-cardiac chest pain, ear throat and
obstruction nose disorders in which case the diagnosis should
Other respiratory diseases which can occur due to not be missed. [19] [20]
GERD includes [7] Irritation of oesophagus can widely cause indica-
1. Aspiration pneumonitis tions such as the discomfort of the chest, Indiges-
tion, chronic cough and wheezing [21]
2. Lung abscess
In the case of Re lux, when acid reaches the upper
3. Bronchiectasis
and lower respiratory tract, it causes bitter taste
4. Idiopathic pulmonary ibrosis (IPF) and Aspiration of gastric contents to Lungs caus-
5. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) ing Aspiration Pneumonitis. [22] [23] The Re lux
of Acid can further cause hoarseness of voice,
6. Cystic Fibrosis and non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiec-
Post nasal drip, recurrent cough, chest congestion
and hyper bronchial reactivity leading to Bronchial
GERD is found to be one of the risk factors for many Asthma, Bronchitis. [9] [23] The possible Mech-
pulmonary diseases, especially Obstructive Airway anism between GERD and Respiratory diseases
Disease, either directly or as a confounding factor were widely studied in chronic cough, BA and
and Data on the severity of OAD in symptomati- COPD. [24] [25]
cally and endoscopically proven GERD patients are
This literature reveals and examines the possible
limited in the Indian population, This learning was
pathophysiological Linkage of Pulmonary Manifes-
undertaken to ind out the pervasiveness of pul-
tations in GERD. [26]
monary diseases in patients with proven Gastro
Esophageal Re lux Diseases (GERD) and to ind out Asthma is a heterogeneous disease, frequently cat-
the correlation of Symptoms of GERD (Table 1 ) and egorized by chronic airway irritation. It is dis-
Endoscopic inding indings of GERD with the sever- tinct from the past of respiratory symptoms such
ity of Obstructive Airway Disease using Spirometric as wheeze, shortness of breath, chest tightness and
Parameters [8] [9] [10]. cough that vary over time and in intensity, together
Asthma is a heterogeneous disease, typically catego- with mutable expiratory air low restriction. [27]
rized by persistent airway infection. It is described According to WHO, 150 million people were exag-
with the aid of the history of breathing symptoms gerated with Asthma worldwide, subsequent in
together with wheeze, shortness of breath, chest 1,80,000 demises occurring annually. Prevalence of
tightness and cough that vary over time and in inten- Asthma in India is found to be 2.4% in a study con-
sity, collectively with mutable expiratory air low ducted with 73,605 persons across four main cen-
restriction [11] [12]. tres in India.
In these articles represents sector 2 of these articles There are many triggering factors and comorbidities
explains the feature on the related works. In section that contribute to worsening of Bronchial Asthma.
3 presents the materials and methods adopted and According to Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for
section 4 presents the particulars of the experimen- the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma, GERD
tation and discussions. Finally, segment 5 accom- was recognized to be one among the main comor-
plishes the articles by allocation our implications bidity of bronchial Asthma and treatment of GERD

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Arulanantham Zechariah Jebakumar, Int. J Derm. Surg. 2020; 6(1): 6-11

Figure 1: Re lux of Gastric Acid into Esophagus and Trache A1

Figure 2: Mechanism of Linkage between Asthma and GERD

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Arulanantham Zechariah Jebakumar, Int. J Derm. Surg. 2020; 6(1): 6-11

Table 1: Age distribution

Age in year Number(N)
18-30 49
31-40 40
41-50 31
51-60 20
>60 10
Total 150

is recommended in symptomatic Patients to control tis, 29% had GRADE A re lux esophagitis followed
Asthma. Diagnosis and Symptoms of GERD were by Grade B and C, which was 26% and 15% respec-
found more among the group of Asthmatics when tively.
compared to the general population.
48% of GERD patients were smokers, out of which
MATERIALS AND METHODS 28.67% smokes more than ten pack-years, 19.33%
smokes less than ten pack years.
In this segment represents the materials and meth-
ods of this research work. A prospective observa- On the correlation of symptoms of gastro-
tional study showed in the Department of Respira- oesophageal Re lux Disease with the severity
tory Medicine and Departments of Medical and Sur- of Asthma and COPD, there exists no signi icant
gical Gastro-Enterology. One hundred ifty endo- statistical correlation between any symptoms of
scopically diagnosed GERD patients were recruited GERD and severity of BA and COPD [28] .
in this study which was accepted by the Institutional Bronchial Asthma and COPD in GERD were found to
Human Ethical Committee. The selected patients be 52.67% and 47.3% respectively. There was a co-
were subjected to detailed clinical history, Spirome- existence of 14.6% of OSA and 6% of ILD in GERD
try, PEFR and chest x-ray. Data were analyzed using patients with OAD respectively.
appropriate statistical methods.
As regards the comparison of the severity of endo-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS scopic indings of GERD with the seriousness of
Bronchial Asthma, Majority (35.4%) had Grade B
In this segment focuses on the results and discus- Re lux Esophagitis. Moderate Asthma was seen in
sions of this research work. One hundred ifty sub- all Grades A (65%), Grade B (78.5%) and Grade
jects of endoscopically proven GERD patients were C (65%) of Re lux Esophagitis and correlation of
evaluated for the prevalence and types of Respira- severity of GERD and BA was shown to be statisti-
tory disability by detailed history, clinical examina- cally signi icant (p-value - <0.025)
tion, Chest x-ray, Peak Expiratory Flow Rate(PEFR)
and Spirometry. 11.39% of Bronchial Asthma patients had co-
There was a male preponderance of 63% in our existing OSA in our study. Out of this, 66.6% had
study. The majority (69.4%) of patients were under mild OSA, and 46.1% had severe OSA. Out of 6%
the age group of 18-30 years, and 48% of the sub- Patients who had ILD 44.44% were found to be co-
jects were overweight. existing with Bronchial Asthma.

Predominant Respiratory Symptoms were Breath- In our study of 47.33% COPD patients, 39% had Mild
lessness 78%, Cough 69%, and Wheeze 65%. Noc- COPD, 7% had Moderate COPD, and 1.3% had severe
turnal symptoms of GERD were reported in 59%., COPD.
Predominant GERD Symptoms Epigastric Chest pain
81%, followed by Regurgitation 77%, Heartburn As regards the comparison of the severity of endo-
76.67% and Belching 68%. scopic indings of GERD with the severity of COPD,
Majority (32.4%) had Grade A Re lux Esophagitis.
Endoscopic indings revealed 89% of Lax LES, Antral Mild COPD was more predominant in Grade A and
Gastritis was observed in 87%of the patients, 67% B Re lux Esophagitis with 86.9% and 63.3% respec-
of subjects had Re lux Esophagitis, and 35% of tively. The correlation of severity of GERD and
patients were diagnosed to have Hiatus Hernia. severity of Bronchial Asthma was statistically signif-
Out of 67% of subjects who had Re lux Esophagi- icant (p <0.001)

© ScienzTech Publication | International Journal of Dermatopathology and Surgery 9

Arulanantham Zechariah Jebakumar, Int. J Derm. Surg. 2020; 6(1): 6-11

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lence and Types of Pulmonary Disability in Patients with Gas-
troesophageal Re lux Disease (GERD). Int. J Derm. Surg. 2020;
6(1): 6-11.

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