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(20207 J\Ee*¥ IZ Len re biebe IAL A380) 15-04-2021 et SEW AIOU Studio 9:77 “Ut GLLLAW PERM rie soo0a1t10 -1 WSL OBE GGL L201 L 4-2 ARAL e202 NUS tUASLIGLA -3 Beet ei hteetun «4 FBS wee ee oN Sne Le 1 -eth UF, BE https://si.aiou.edu, pke-L—ar 5 Sie =, 0! 1 kia AdwL Give beara 62021 L104 -2 (u/c AOU Studio 9th, De OL A KIL td CMe eln “UW VE A UL ppg rye Mire Fin -2 LSU URED AT OE 3 Le btn ZsW11500— 120061 EizUite -4 EG RLS ASCE wt TLe, 5 Upbeat L OY, 6 LEN uly Lore BLE MP OEY -7 be WLLL GI Sie 8 ALI elon -9 LL Mevap in Ht S OMe otile cL’ -10 bbe Abou ee ASSIGNMENT No.2 Business Statistics (1430) Autumn 2020 Q(a) Differentiate between one-tailed and two-tailed tests of hypotheses. Ans: Solution: If the data lies an only one side of the mean then we use one-tailed test. If the data lies on . both sides of the mean then we use two-tailed test. (vi)_Onesidedtest: ~~ ~——~—~—SCSe If the critical region is located in only one tail of the distribution of a test Statistic, it is called a one-sided or one tailed test. One sided testis used, ifthe alternative hypothesis i is form, H,:0<6,0rH, :0 >0, . e Right Taft. eked st Heo Heo7e) Two-sided test: ° If the critical region Wilpcated equally in both tails of the si listribution of test statistic, it is calle, jided or two tailed test.Two sided ti ised if the alternative hypothesis is of H,:0 #8, neal = $ Level of Significance: The probability of making a oft is called level of significance.It is denoted by a. a=P, error)=P(Reject Hy / Hy is true) Level of Confident a The probability of accepting a true null hypothesis is called level of confidence.lt is denoted by 1-a . 1-a =P (Accept Hy / Hp is true) () A firm took a random sample of 12 homes and found that the average appraised market value ‘to be Rs. 780,000 and the standard deviation was Rs. 49,000. Test the hypothesis that for all ‘homes in the area, the mean appraised value is Rs. 825,000, Use the 0.05 level of significance. Ans: AAA dy MOU Studio 9 Leh Severs ila Solution: (1) Hy: > 825000 Hy: . #<825000 Q) @=005 3) Test Statistic: (4) Calculations: X= 780000, s= 49000, ~=825000,n=11 Ss _ 780000 - 825000 (8) Critical region: Keevanct) = tos. ver2-ters)= 1.796 @ So, " t<- 1,796 a t Conclusion: ta =43.18 < tect Reiect Ho’ ge GS) RSS ‘A gtoup of British replicated a US management surv ie directors Qu asking which skill ‘considered useful and essential for se 100 US surveys mailed, the 50% and 59 UK surveys mailed the was 45%, () How many aires were returned in the UK survey? (&) — Didthe ns of responses differ hetween the Be Ans: 0) =" = 50% = 0.50 ; cS oe. Py = 45% = 0.45 é @ yw many questionaires were UR survey = 59*45% sigan 6 <5" < ©) @Ho:Pi-P2=0 9 Hy, :p,-P; #0 Gi) == 0.05 (ii) Total statistic: ad (P.-P2)-(P,-p,) OPP, Sas MOU Studio 9 LL ee Sad versie (i) Calculations n, = 100,p, = 0.50,n, = 59,p, = 0.45 $s yp, +5p, _ (100)(0.50)+ (59)(0.45) n,n, 100+ 59 _ 50+26.55 76.53 _ 4 4g 159 159 q=1-p=1-0.48 = 0.52 * pa, Pa. (RDICED I CEDICED} 100 fo or S$ = 0.0025 + 0.0042 = 0.0067 = 0.08 Bs y= 2350-045 _ 0.08 _ 9 605 S 0.08 0.08 (¥) Critical region: Z<-196 4 s Z>1.96 (vi) Conclusion: Za = 0 =1.96 ‘Accept Hy Q.3 Two independent samples were coll and the variance 9, The second. (a) Compute the estimated sta) ¢ first sample of 42 items, the mean items had a mean of 34 and a varianc of the difference between two mean: {b) Using & = 0.05, test whet is a significance difference between yn means. Solution: a S 3 > 3, ot =9 ~ KGS34, oo = 16 = ak = VO2143+0. Za 04885 =0.70 (4) Calculations: n, = 42, :8° Oem 0.70 0.70 (5) Critical Region: Z<- 1.645 (6) Conclusion: Zou = -2.43 < Zyyy = -1.845 Reject Ho sR ey MOU Studio 2S ee Severs G Q.A(a)_ Discuss different types of relationships between variable using seatter fr alagrams Ans: Scatter Diagra The graphic representation of a set "n" pairs of bivariate data is called scatter diagram or scatter plot. In scatter diagram we take independent variable along the horizontal axis (x-axis) and the dependent variable along vertical axis (y-axis), the resulting set ofpoints drawn on the graph paper. If a relationship between the Variables exists, then the the scatter diagram will show a tendency to cluster around a straight line or. so1 such a line or curve around which the points cluster is called the regression line or, on curve which can be used to estimate the expected value of the random varial m the values of the non-random SY s Plot the scatter diagram ’ * Develop the estimating equation B | 16 32 [86 | 72 Ans: Scatter Diagram: @) Oo 2 6 6 8 Rw x aif LALA <_.2y MOUStudIOD 2 SL Sty ecsi Gu The estimated equation is Y=atbx Where _AExy-(E3)(2y) n¥x?-(Ex) b “in. = 0.74 ~(0.74) (140) b ad -3.66+0.74x AS > QS Eastern digital has develop Sm ‘market share in the PC computer industry. The prices ‘ind number of tinits sol it top four computer products from 1993 to 1996 were: ‘Number Sold (000) 78.9 | 82.4 Construct a Laspeyres index for each of these years using 1993 as the base period. Ca Sas MOU Studio 9 LL ee Sad versie % P _ =P,Q, 100 = 518808.: RQ, ee ea csite s = 27:26 400 = i Ponsa gra = | ® Construct a Paasche fda of these years using 1993 as scitrn 37,06 0°" 703073.1" = 7257151 = 100 = 103.22 Fa = 5p.q, 1° 703073.1" s. p. 2 2P.Qr , 499 - 7392548. 59 -108.15 =" 5p.a,~ 703073.1 AAA dy MOU Studio 9 Leh Severs ila

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