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Healthcare is a service sector that helps people cope and satisfy their requirements in order to live their
lives in harmony. The medical sector strives to provide its facilities and many other features such as
diagnostic, prevention, remedial and therapeutic services. Sometimes physicians, nurses, clinics and
other private, government and charitable organizations provide these services. Consequently, its
specialized offerings make it known as a customer service sector. The medical sector plays an important
role in determining the life of businesses and customers seeking cures. Therefore, patients should not
be seen as customers as a basis of income in the healthcare industry. Instead, each client should seek a
centralized solution, which means serving each customer. The healthcare employee is a customer
service agent whose goal is to offer the most effective services in order to maximize their care quality.
Each worker has to work to provide patients with services. Irrespective of how critical health systems are
compared to high-quality doctors, people are not aware of the attempts of the doctor until services are
up to standard. In order to increase customer satisfaction, each heath care provider focuses on
providing quality assistance.

Summary of case study

City hospital is a 600 bed Level one trauma center located in the heart of a mid-western city. As a large
city hospital, this organization sees a wide variety of diagnosis from ear aches to complex medical and
surgical diagnosis. The hospital is a Magnet hospital. As the administrator for outpatient services one of
the services you oversee is a 50-bed level one emergency room. This ER sees 20,000 patients annually.
The diagnosis range from ear aches to major trauma. As the regional trauma center City hospital center
has a helicopter service that will transport patients from 50 miles away to receive care from the
hospital. There are 50 ER medical professionals on board, 25 physician assistants and nurse
practitioners, and 150 nursing members of staff. Reception staff, unit secretaries, health professionals,
and 15 security personnel round out the team. The number of violent incidents against staff members
has increased by 33% in the last year. Two stabbings and ten attacks are among the incidents. Because
of the rise in crime, the entire ER workforce is demanding better working conditions.

Impact that the issue has on the stakeholders

Overcrowding of emergency rooms jeopardizes patient safety inside the hospital. The risk to patient
safety varies from longer-than-average wait times for trauma patients to medical mistakes.
Overcrowding may cause inpatient beds, including hospital admissions acute or critical care beds, to
become unavailable. Medical mistakes are all too common in a stressful work atmosphere with an
overcrowded waiting room full of patients in desperate need of treatment. An emergency room
containing 50 bed, that’s too many bed count and will hinder service delivery and safety. Overcrowding
threatens access to those needing emergency services the most. Furthermore, in magnet hospital this
may be an issue to the stakeholders who mainly are the patients. When these beds are filled with
critically ill patients receiving first aid, the others coming in will lack a place to be treated. For example,
in a 2007 survey conducted by Coughlan and Corry, they examined several previous emergency hospital
patients' experiences being under the care of a hospital. Overall, patients were dissatisfied with their
emergency room visits, according to the findings. Due to overcrowding, one of the survey participants
reported that the patient had to wait five days in the emergency room before being admitted to a
The management also will lose out of the best medical practitioners if the issue is not addressed
because employees always works in working conditions where safety is guaranteed. Also, this will scare
away patients who in future have to seek medical attention from this hospital. Because, the reputation
will be already damaged. Finally, the authorities of the hospital may interdiction if issues of misbehavior
in the facility they manage. Besides it’s the duty of the management to make sure that these cases do
not occur the facility.

Quality improvement tools

The PDSA cycle is an acronym for Plan Do Study Act, and its main goal is to make positive improvements
in health care units. The hospital can utilize this tool to plan and prevent further stabbings. The PDSA
loop appears to produce positive outcomes by effecting positive improvements in the health-care
system. Plan Do Study Act is best used for quick cycle change to achieve better results. It all begins with
designing a program to develop the change (Plan), followed by testing the change (Do), reviewing the
testing through evaluation and learning (Study), and finally determining the necessary improvements in
the plan (Act). This will make sure proper rules are set to aid the workers in their duties. The PDSA cycle
works in a cycle format to maintain ongoing change in the health care system. It includes a systematic
improvement approach that ensures that each step involves learning and improvement in order for the
plan to function optimally. The PDSA cycle means that health care units are actively learning how to
reform improvements in order to deliver the best care to patients. It also allows users to provide
suggestions, which may aid in potential health-care changes.

Six Sigma is a business strategy that entails updating, planning, and tracking processes in order to reduce
waste, as well as increasing productivity and stabilizing the financial structure of health care. Six Sigma is
a technique that uses data to identify anomalies in the system, such as problems in the outside
population of patients in the health care system. Six Sigma is a management philosophy that seeks to
develop organizations in order to produce clear and predictable results. To increase productivity in the
hospital, this six sigma can be used to provide strategies to build an additional emergency room for the
hospital to ensure that workers don’t collude during their duties. That will lower the risk of such
accidents from happening.

Plan to measure progress

First, the management of the hospital has to be involved to provide guidance and provide the criteria to
measure progress. A meeting of all stake holders has to be set including some patients to state the
desired care they wish the hospital to deliver. This help the hospital as an organization to work towards
a goal. Besides, the hospital should set a period of one month in which it will be evaluating its progress.
The evaluation officer should evaluate if finances were used in a good manner, whether the safety of
patients and employees was achieved within the stipulated time and also whether profits where made
within the month. Furthermore, the intervention should follow a procedure where first, the outcome
has to be defined by the management through the evaluation officer, the planning of how to achieve the
outcome follows, the progress too has to be monitored, and finally, sharing the outcome at the end of
the month. Consequently, the measures of evaluation of progress have to be set out which include,
defining the process, then the impact of the measure have to be defined, and a summative evaluation
has to be listed down as the activities progress.

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