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Title: Academic literacy: The importance and impact of writing across the curriculum – a

case study
Authors: Joseph Defazio, Josette Jones, Felisa Tennant, and Sara Anne Hook
This paper presents the importance and impact of implementing academic literacy in schools. To
encourage them to be better writers and build knowledge, students should practice their skills by
doing the assignment courses.

Research Methodology:
Each person should acquire writing skills. An effective writing skill involves learning, reading
comprehension, problem-solving, and reflections. Being a competent writer can keep the
knowledge cycling and capture. However, some students do not possess this kind of skill. That is
why they might have trouble graduating and communicating effectively in a written format. The
faculty members who teach undergraduates and graduates at Indiana University School of
Informatics participated in this research to promote academic literacy. They give, analyze, and
review the assignments of their students through online and face-to-face courses. Therefore,
students are expected to attend the weekly evaluation, research papers, discussions, and projects.

The students produced several written drafts and output. Their papers got reviewed and
compiled. They were able to reflect on their works, know themselves, identify society issues,
and discover their style of writing. They also developed critical thinking in the process of making
their assignments. Their educators guide them to make their works possible.

To conclude this paper, the results are positive. Both students and teachers learned from each
other. The educators are enlightened about their students' approach to academic literacy. The
students developed themselves to become skilled communicators. Effective writing skill is not
just about having good grades. It is also about becoming critical thinkers and problem solvers in
any situation.

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