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Tokujin Yoshioka

Tokujin Yoshioka is a japanese comtempory designer, age 53. He has

designed many masterpieces related to light and nature, because in
the japanese culture light and nature are considered as a symbol of
beauty. This is what most of Tokujin Yoshioka’s designs are based on.

Tokujin Yoshioka graduated from kuwasawa design school at the age

of 19. He then worked under the greatest japanese contemporary
designer at that time, Shiro kuramata. With him, Tokujin has learnt to
be an amazing contemporary designer as well as a great architect.
Tokujin has made many designs since then. Some examples are; the
glass tea house, Tokyo olympic torch 2020, honey-pop, tear drop,
glass watch, water block, prismatic cloud, smatrik (a chair made out
of acrylic resin), natural crystal chair and much more. What I like
about Tokujin's designs is how most of them are made out of glass. I
personally don't like the thought of objects being made out of glass
but the way tokujin yoshioka uses the glass to reflect the light and
turn the object into something beautiful, is amazing. For example,
the water block. The water block is a bench made completely out of a
block of glass. Now the reason as to why it is called a water block is
because the light that refracts from it makes it look like water and
also makes it look as if there are ripples in the water. I find that very
beautiful and different from any other bench designs.

Another design of tokujin yoshioka that i admire is the honey- pop

chair. It is not made out of glass but out of paper. It is made with
sheets of glassine paper that were piled together and cut along
specific lines so that it magically opens up into a honeycomb
structure. This chair can then change form so that it fits the users
sitting position to make it comfortable for the user. This is unique
and different and what i like about it is how it is suitable for any user.

Tokujin yoshioka is also a famous architect who designs and creates

amazing buildings. One of my personal favorites is the floating
fountain. This fountain is located on top of the national stadium in
japan. It is made out of glass and is made so that it can contain the
olympic flames. It also has space around it so that you can walk or
jog besides the fountain. I find that very fascinating and the fact that
it is made out of glass and the outside of the stadium is made out of
glass makes it look as if the fountain is floating, reason for its name:
the floating fountain. Another design of tokujin yoshioka that i
admire is the media surface building. It is an Architectural facade
composed of light. It has a transparent layer of light floating in the air
that emerges as a memory for the future and is projected by more
than 1000 smartphones, the image illuminates the new vision
orchestrated by Galaxy's technology and promotes galaxy
technology. I really like the idea of having the smartphones light up
the building. It is different and unique then other technology stores.

All of Tokujin's designs represent something special which I admire

and why I love all of his design. They are different and unique and
always in the period of time, reason why he is such a good
contemporary designer. The only thing I would change is the
materials used to make these designs. I like the idea of using glass as
it goes well with the theme light and nature, but I think you could
experiment on other materials and design something related to light
and nature.

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