I. Read The Story and Answer The Questions That Follows: Put Your Answers On Another Sheet of BONDPAPER

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Utan Integrated School

High School Department

EAPP Week 3-4


I. Read the story and answer the questions that follows:

Put your answers on another sheet of BONDPAPER.

God took some clay from the ground and made the shape of a man.  Then He breathed gently
into the shape.  The man's eye's opened and he began to live.  God called him Adam.
The Lord made a beautiful garden for him to live in.  The garden, called Eden, was full of many
wonderful things.  Beautiful flowers grew everywhere.  Birds sang in the trees, streams flowed
through the valley and animals roamed across the fields.
God had made the man in His image to keep Him company and look after the world.
God brought all the animals to Adam one at a time to be given their names.  "Elephant", he
would say, or "Tiger", or "Porcupine".
But God felt sorry for Adam.  "None of these animals is really like him," thought God, "he needs
someone to share his life.  Someone who cares for him and who he can care for."
That night, God took a rib from Adam's side and made a woman.  When Adam awoke the
following morning, he found a wife, Eve, lying asleep beside him.  Adam was so happy.  He took
her hand and she woke up.  She looked up at him and smiled.
God told the man and woman that it was their job to take care of their new home.  God blessed
them, saying, "All this is for you.  Help yourself to anything you like.  But never touch the tree in
the middle of the Garden.  That tree gives knowledge of good and evil.  The day you eat its fruit,
you will die."

God did not mean that Adam and Eve would drop down dead the moment they ate the fruit from
the tree.  He meant that in time they would die with out His Spirit dwelling in them.

One day, Adam and Eve were gathering berries for dinner when she heard a silky voice behind
"Has God told you that you can eat the fruit from all the trees?" the voice asked softly.  Eve
turned around to see a snake talking to her.

"God has told us we can eat all the fruit except for what grows on The Tree of the Knowledge of
Good and Evil," Eve told the serpent.

"Oh come now, that's silly!  I hardly think such a lovely fruit would do you any harm," the serpent
lied. "God knows that if you eat from The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you'll become
just like God, and will be able to decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong."

The woman looked at the fruit and thought how tasty it looked. She thought how wonderful it
would be to be as wise and powerful as God.  She believed the serpent's lie and ate the fruit and
also gave some to Adam, who was with her, and he took a bite as well.
She felt a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach.  She fidgeted and wondered what was wrong
with her.  Suddenly she realized that she was feeling guilty -- she had disobeyed God and knew
she'd done something wrong.
As soon as they ate the fruit a change came over Adam and Eve.  They became unhappy and
fearful of God.
Adam and Eve heard God calling them.  Without thinking, they dived into the bushes, but God
knew where they were.  When God asked them if they had eaten from The Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil that He had told them not to touch, they blamed each other for their
God was sad that Adam and Eve had disobeyed them.  He told them that they had to leave the
Garden of Eden, "From now on you'll have to scratch a living from the soil.  You'll need to make
clothes and grow food.  Nothing will come easily -- not even childbirth.  And one day, you will

1. Identify the characters in the story by making a list of all the characters.
2. When and where does the story take place?
3. Tell what the story is about.
4. Locate facts in the story and list the main facts.
5. Find the two most interesting sentences in the story.
1. Describe the characters in the story.
2. Describe how you think the main character feels in the beginning of the story. Describe the
main character’s feelings at the end of the story.
3. Explain the main idea of the story by retelling it in your own words.
4. Summarize the main facts in the story and discuss how they relate to the main idea of the
5. Locate sentences or phrases in the story you do not understand and infer the meanings.

1. Give an example of someone you know who is like one of the characters in the story.
2. If you could have a conversation with one of the characters in the story, which character would
you choose and what would you talk about?
3. Has anything in your life happened that is similar to the things that happened in the story?
4. What events in the story could not happen in real life?
5. Construct an illustration that shows the main characters in the story in a real life situation.

II. Choose the best thesis statement from each set of sentences.
Encircle the best answer (2points each)
1 A. Although many varieties of beans belong in a healthy diet, among the most
. nutritious are black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, and pinto beans.
B. The most nutritious beans are black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, and
pinto beans.
C. Although beans are generally good for you, some kinds of raw beans can
be dangerous if they are not well cooked.
2 A. Both chefs and cooks prepare meals but are different in several ways. B.
. Although both chefs and cooks can prepare fine meals, chefs differ from cooks
in education, professional commitment, and artistry. C. A career in the culinary
arts is a good choice for many reasons.
3 A. Drug and alcohol addiction is a major problem in the world today, and many
. people suffer from it.
B. Addiction to gadgets cause various problems in the society.
C. Like other addictive behaviors, internet addiction may have serious negative
consequences, including academic failure, job loss, and a breakdown in
personal relationships.
4 A. Violent video games are harmful to young people, and it should be stopped.
. B. Violent video games are harmful for young people to play because it
promotes a sedentary lifestyle, encourages violence, and can cause children
to become desensitized to death.
C. Violent video games are harmful for young people because they should be
reading a book.
5 A. Automated elections should be improved due to the cheating cases.
. B. Although automated elections need improvement, we have to be honest.
C. Automated elections should be improved to minimize fraud, facilitate faster
turnout, and maximize voter participation.
Utan Integrated School
High School Department
Creative Non- Fiction Week 3-4


I. Read the story and answer the questions that follows:

Put your answers on another sheet of BONDPAPER.

The Monkey and the Turtle

A monkey, looking very sad and dejected, was walking along the bank of the river one day when he
met a turtle.
"How are you?" asked the turtle, noticing that he looked sad.
The monkey replied, "Oh, my friend, I am very hungry. The squash of Mr. Farmer were all taken by
the other monkeys, and now I am about to die from want of food."
"Do not be discouraged," said the turtle; "take a bolo and follow me and we will steal some banana
So they walked along together until they found some nice plants which they dug up, and then they
looked for a place to set them. Finally the monkey climbed a tree and planted his in it, but as the turtle
could not climb he dug a hole in the ground and set his there.
When their work was finished they went away, planning what they should do with their crop. The
monkey said :
"When my tree bears fruit, I shall sell it and have a great deal of money."
And the turtle said: "When my tree bears fruit, I shall sell it and buy three varas of cloth to wear in
place of this cracked shell."
A few weeks later they went back to the place to see their plants and found that that of the monkey
was dead, for its roots had had no soil in the tree, but that of the turtle was tall and bearing fruit.
"I will climb to the top so that we can get the fruit," said the monkey. And he sprang up the tree,
leaving the poor turtle on the ground alone.
"Please give me some to eat," called the turtle, but the monkey threw him only a green one and ate all
the ripe ones himself.
When he had eaten all the good bananas, the monkey stretched his arms around the tree and went to
The turtle, seeing this, was very angry and considered how he might punish the thief. Having decided
on a scheme, he gathered some sharp bamboo which he stuck all around under the tree, and then he
"Crocodile is coming! Crocodile is coming!"
The monkey was so startled at the cry that he fell upon the sharp bamboo and was killed.
Then the turtle cut the dead monkey into pieces, put salt on it, and dried it in the sun. The next day, he
went to the mountains and sold his meat to other monkeys who gladly gave him squash in return. As
he was leaving them he called back:
"Lazy fellows, you are now eating your own body; you are now eating your own body."
Then the monkeys ran and caught him and carried him to their own home.
"Let us take a hatchet," said one old monkey, "and cut him into very small pieces."
But the turtle laughed and said: "That is just what I like. I have been struck with a hatchet many times.
Do you not see the black scars on my shell ?"
Then one of the other monkeys said: "Let us throw him into the water."
At this the turtle cried and begged them to spare his life, but they paid no heed to his pleadings and
threw him into the water. He sank to the bottom, but very soon came up with a lobster. The monkeys
were greatly surprised at this and begged him to tell them how to eatch lobsters.
"I tied one end of a string around my waist," said the turtle. "To the other end of the string I tied a
stone so that I would sink."
The monkeys immediately tied strings around themselves as the turtle said, and when all was ready
they plunged into the water never to tome up again.
And to this day monkeys do not like to eat meat, because they remember the ancient story.
QUESTIONS: (2points each)

1. What is the story about? What is the main topic of the text?
2. Who is the main character? Who are the other important characters in the story?
3. Where does this story take place? How does the place influence the storyline or sequence
of events? 4. Are there any conflicts/problems in the story?
5. How does the conflict progress? Do things get worse or better?
6. How does the conflict get resolved?
7. What are the most emotionally-charged parts of the story?
8. How would you have reacted differently if you were the main character?
9. Do you remember any similar series of events you experienced?
10.What was the most memorable part of your own experience?

II. Work on with your draft by accomplishing the table below. (10points)

Areas What to do What to write

Target Audience
Tone and Motif
Genre Type
Point of View
Utan Integrated School
High School Department
Reading and Writing Week 3-4


I. Read carefully each item before choosing the letter of the best answer. Encircle
the letter of the correct answer

1. It is one of the properties of a well-written text that means being able to identify the
components of an event in order, such as beginning, middle, and end of a story or the steps
in a science experiment.
A. sequencing of events B. following directions C. identifying errors D. organizing ideas

2. It is one of the properties of a well-written text that means being able to describe the
technical aspects of writing which focuses more on the specificity and clarity for words that
you use – spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.
A. mechanics B. organization C. language use D. coherence and cohesion

3. Fill in the blank with the connecting word that best joins the two thoughts. Walking,
running, and jogging give you energy. ___________ any exercise that speeds up your heart
rate is good. A. Finally B. In short C. Therefore D. In contrast

4. “Let me tell you about my experience when I lost myself in an unexpected situation.” This
line is a part of the ___________ of a narrative.
A. end B. middle C. beginning D. conclusion

5. Coherence applies to
A. sentences
B. whole arguments
C. paragraphs
D. all of the above

6. What is cohesion?
A. Cohesion introduces new ideas in a text.
B. A special type of argument used in writing.
C. Cohesion is a special type of glue that writers use to make ideas stick together.
D. The way in which an author uses sentence structure to make the text more
understandable to the reader.

7. These are certain words or phrases that serve the purpose of connecting two statements.
A. Coherence B. Cohesion C. Topic Sentence D. Cohesive Devices

8. Which of the following sentences shows the correct usage of a transition signal? A. Mrs.
Vista will accept late homework; however, she will take points off of the grade.
B. The Grade 11 class finished the test early; indeed, they were allowed to read quietly
before the bell.
C. Since Donna was the last to leave class, she was the first on the bus.
D. No one expected so many people at the evacuation area; furthermore, we ran out of

9. What is the nature of the underlined transition in the given sentence? “A total lockdown in
the entire city was implemented, so several businesses had stopped operating for a month.”
A. Time
B. Addition
C. Comparison
D. Cause and effect

10. Which of the following sentences has a precise and clear language?
A. Killer sentenced to die for second time in ten years.
B. The movie is a classic example of a horror movie because it incorporates all the elements
of a horror film.
C. He is an interesting individual.
D. The practice of theory of politics are studied in the classroom but political habits on
campus do not seem to benefit from such labor.

II. Identify if the following sentences is declarative, interrogative, imperative, or


_____________ 11. Do we have all the equipment we need for our cross-country skiing
____________12. What a beautiful painting!
____________13. Go home right now!
____________14. We'll finish work on the construction site tomorrow.
____________15. Please let me know what I can bring to the potluck.
____________16. As a little girl, Ellie loved the book Charlotte's Web.
____________17. Would you prefer to eat in tonight or try one of the new restaurants in the
____________18. Wow, what a nice surprise running into you here!
____________19. Turn to chapter 7, and read sections 1 and 2.
____________20. Don't you ever borrow my car again without asking!
Utan Integrated School
High School Department
21ST Century Literature


I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 5. Which element of a short story is
known as the vantage point used to
1. Which element refers to the time and narrate the story?
location where the story happens? a. Setting
a. Plot b. Theme
b. Setting c. Exposition
c. Conflict d. Point of view
d. Characterization 6. What do you call the character who
2. The phrase, “Don’t judge the book by its contends with the main character in a
cover,” is an example of short story?
a. Mood a. investigator
b. Setting b. protagonist
c. Theme c. antagonist
d. Conflict d. instigator
3. What do you call the most important 7. Which element of short story shows the
character in a story? author’s attitude or feelings?
a. antagonize a. Plot
b. protagonist b. Theme
c. antagonist c. Exposition
d. instigator d. Tone3
4. Which plot structure creates tone, 8. What do you call the events that
presents characters and other important happen in a short story?
details to introduce the story? a. Setting
a. Setting b. Theme
b. Theme c. Plot
c. Exposition d. Conflict
d. Climax 9. Which of the following is considered as
the essence of fiction?
a. Setting
b. Theme
c. Conflict
d. Climax
10. What do you call the series of events when things start to happen in the story?
a. Rising Action
b. Theme
c. Exposition
d. Falling Action
Test II. Identify and Define the six (6) elements of a Short Story

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________

Test III. Complete the following table below with definitions from the module and your
own definition.
Reading Approach



Extensive Reading

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