PRE - & POST - TEST + Engage (World Religion) q1w2

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NAME: Marc Sealtiel L.

SECTION: HUMSS 11 - Marang
Date: September 21, 2021


Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.

For items 1 to 7, identify which religious belief the following statements describes.

a. Judaism b. Christianity c. Islam d. Hinduism

e. Buddhism f. Confucianism g. Daoism i. Shintoism

C 1. They believe that God is Allah.

A 2. Adherents of this religion regard Abraham as ancestors of Israelites through
his descendants Isaac and Jacob.
F 3. Their ideals aspire to harmonize human relations and serve as guide to
social behaviour.
I 4. They believe in “kami” or the spirits dwelling in trees, stones and even
E 5. Founded in India and believed in the concept of nirvana.
D 6. A polytheistic religion who believed in trimurti.
E 7. Its founder was not a god but a human being who came to discover how to
terminate sufferings in order to escape the painful and continuous cycle of

A 8. Geography has great impact in religion and belief systems of people.

a. True
b. False
c. Neither
B 9. Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism have the same origin.
a. True
b. False
A 10.Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama.
a. True
b. False
B 11.Daoism is founded in China by a well known Philosopher ______.
a. Confucius c. Mengzi
b. Lao-Tzu d. Xunzi
B 12.Judaism, Christianity and Islam are monotheistic religions. These
religions are collectively known as ___________________.
a. Dharmic religions c. Daoic religions
b. Abrahamic religions d. Asian religions
A 13.Hinduism and Buddhism share commonalities in the concept of
enlightenment and liberation, which made them known as _________________.
a. Dharmic religions c. Daoic religions
b. Abrahamic religions d. Asian religions
B 14. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are monotheistic or Abrahamic religions.
They have three (3) commonalities EXCEPT
a. belief in one God
b. cycle of rebirth
c. prophets and apostles have important role
d. choice between good and evil
A 15.Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Monotheistic religions because of their
belief in one God; with regards to this, in what way do they differ?
a. Christianity acknowledges God in three persons
b. Judaism acknowledges God in three persons
c. Islam and Christianity are both universalizing religions

Each picture symbolizes a type of religion. Identify the religion that each picture tries
to depict. Write a brief explanation on why you identified a religion with one of the
given pictures.

SYMBOL What religion it Your brief

symbolizes description for the

ISLAM The picture shows a

black cube in “Mecca”
which is a sacred place
for the muslims where
the islamic religion

BUDDHISM This symbol is called

Dharmachakra or eight-
spoked wheel, it
represents buddha and
the religion itself

SHINTOISM The Torii Gates is

considered as a symbolic
way that marks the
entrance to the sacred
precincts of a Shintō
shrine in Japan
HINDUISM This photo symbolizes
the word “Brahman” or
the supreme reality
manifested by hindu gods
and goddesses

DAOISM Yin-Yang is the daoist

symbol, it's a belief on
balancing every forces
here in our world

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of


A 1. Hinduism and Buddhism share commonalities in the concept of

enlightenment and liberation, which made them known as _________________.

a. Dharmic religions c. Daoic religions

b. Abrahamic religions d. Asian religions

B 2. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are monotheistic or Abrahamic religions.

They have three (3) commonalities EXCEPT

a. belief in one God

b. cycle of rebirth

c. prophets and apostles have important role

d. choice between good and evil

A 3. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Monotheistic religions because of their

belief in one God; with regards to this in what way does the three differ?

a. Christianity acknowledges God in three persons

b. Judaism acknowledges God in three persons

c. Islam and Christianity are both universalizing religions

C 4. Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama.

c. True

d. False

D 5. Daoism is founded in China by a well known Philosopher ______.

c. Confucius c. Mengzi

d. Lao-Tzu d. Xunzi

B 6. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are monotheistic religions. These

religions are collectively known as ___________________.

a. Dharmic religions c. Daoic religions

b. Abrahamic religions d. Asian religions

A 7. Geography has great impact in religion and belief systems of people.

a. True

b. False

c. Neither

B 8. Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism have the same origin.

a. True

b. False

For items 9 to 15, identify which religious belief the following statements


a. Judaism b. Christianity c. Islam d. Hinduism

e. Buddhism f. Confucianism g. Daoism i. Shintoism

A 9. Adherents of this religion regard Abraham as ancestors of Israelites through

his descendants Isaac and Jacob.

E 10.Founded in India and believed in the concept of nirvana.

E 11.Its founder was not a god but a human being who came to discover how to
terminate sufferings in order to escape the painful and continuous cycle of


C 12.They believe that God is Allah.

F 13.Their ideals aspire to harmonize human relations and serve as guide to

social behaviour.

D 14.A polytheistic religion who believed in trimurti.

I 15.They believe in “kami” or the spirits dwelling in trees, stones and even humans.

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