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These are the benefits of Environmental Management System in Agriculture:

First is the Long-term viability essential. Many environmental changes are long-term and occur gradually
over time. Organic agriculture recognizes the agribusiness ecosystems and long-term effects of
agricultural interventions. Its aim is to grow food while maintaining an ecological balance to avoid
problems with soil fertility or pests. Organic agriculture takes a preventative approach rather than
reacting to issues when they arise.

Water pollution of groundwater courses by synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is a major issue in many
agricultural areas. Since their use is forbidden in organic agriculture, organic fertilizers compost, animal
manure, green manure, and increased biodiversity in terms of cultivated plants and permanent
vegetation are used to improve soil structure and water infiltration. Groundwater contamination is
significantly reduced by well-managed organic systems with greater nutrient retentive capacity.

Biodiversity is a term that refers to a wide range of at all stages, organic farmers are both stewards and
consumers of biodiversity. Traditional and modified seeds and breeds are favored at the gene level
because they are more disease resistant and resilient to climatic stress. Diverse combinations of plants
and animals maximize nutrient and energy cycling for agricultural production at the species level. The
preservation of natural areas inside and around organic fields, as well as the absence of chemical inputs,
establish ideal environments for wildlife at the ecosystem level.

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