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Question No 1

The organization has adopted a positive approach to manage risk for those working from the home i.e.,
there will be no physical contact between the workers so company has adopted one of the primary
control measures to control the risk of virus spread at the organization.

● Organization is following government instructions and enables its employees to work from home
rather than gathering in office building to avoid social contact and hence spread of virus.
● Describes the written procedures and SOPs to manage work from home and also communicated
to all workers which include workstation setup considering the impact of changed environment
in home.
● Working from home will result in reduction in work related incidents, ill-health accidents and the
cost related to rehabilitations, sick pays, property damage and medical cost to the workers.
● During remote working, organization is providing means of technology such as internet and
video conferencing for effective communication with clients and for its business meetings.
● Mental health is one of the important risk factors that workers will face like depression and
anxiety due to poor communication and management practices, limited participation in decision
making while adopting a new work from home pattern this will lead to negative work
environment to overcome this risk factor the organization management team has asked each
department to schedule weekly 30 minutes computer-based team meeting to help the workers
maintain social contact with colleagues. It will also become a forum to raise concerns and to
resolve any unclear tasks or organizational objectives.
● Organization also gives special consideration to those workers who are reluctant to discuss their
concerns during team meetings and arranged one to one meeting for them.
● The organization is following precautionary guidelines and performing its moral responsibilities
for worker’s health and this will eventually give benefits in terms any enforcement action, civil
claims, fines


1) Based on scenario
2) RRC international text book, element # 1, page 1-3,1-4,1-5,1-1-7,1-8,

Question2: The company has effectively revamped it hazard communication (HAZCOM) to cope up with
pandemic situation. The following communications method are used and proposed

● Company is effectively using the technology for communication with clients and business
meetings by video conferencing facility from home.
● They have planned weekly basis computer base management team meeting for each
department (schedule 30 minutes) to raise valid concerns.
● Those who are reluctant to discuss issues on the forum of team base meeting can be managing
one –to- one meeting.

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