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Endemic birds in Vietnam & Indochina

Vietnam is
home to one of the richest but most poorly known avifaunas of any Southeast
Asian country, with a number of endemic, near-endemic, and highly threatened
species found there. As a matter of fact, no other mainland Southeast Asian
country can boast as many endemics as Vietnam. Although intense agriculture,
population pressures, and the long era of strife in this small country have taken
their toll on the native wildlife and habitat, several fine reserves and national
parks dot the length of the country and shelter some of Southeast Asia's rarest
birds and mammals, including several species new to science. Figures for the
total number of bird species recorded in the country range around 870 species.
The high bird species richness in Vietnam can be attributed to the wide latitudinal
and elevational variation present within the country, which has led to the
development of a wide range of habitat types.

Download printable checklist of the birds of Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia 

List of endemicsm birds of Vietnam
Notes: E = endemic to Vietnam, NE = near-endemic or meaning that it can
be found near border of Vietnam with its neighbour
1. White-eared Night-Heron (Gorsachius magnificus) NE
Long thought endemic to south China and at one time considered as a breeding
bird only on Hainan Island it is only recently that the colony at Ba Be has reached
the keen of western birders
2. Orange-necked Partridge (Arborophila davidi)  NE
Endemic to northeast Cochinchina and now very rarely seen in its former
stronghold at Cat Tien National park. Tan Phu forest is one of the best site for
this species
3. Annam Partridge (Arborophila merlini)  E
Distributes from Thua Thien Hue to Quang Tri. Found at Bach Ma national park
and a part forest at the junction Quang Tri - Quang Binh and Laos. Endemic
to Central Annam
4a. Imperial Pheasant (Lophura imperialis) E It is believed that the species is not
exist and should be removed from check list. A study suggested this species is
actually a hybreed between Vietnamese Pheasant x Silver Pheasant. See more 
4b. Edward’s Pheasant (Lophura edwardsi)  E
4c. Vietnamese Pheasant (Lophura hatinhensis)  E
The two endemics (maybe one) Pheasants of Vietnam are amongst the least
observed species on earth and only Vietnamese has been seen with any
certainty in recent years.
5. Germain's Peacock-Pheasant (Polyplectron germaini) NE
Occurs in east Cambodia but Vietnam is its stronghold especially at Cat Tien
national park
6. Red-vented Barbet (Megalaima lagrandieri) NE
Although it occurs in Cambodia and Laos as well as Vietnam it is usually most
easy to see here
7. Indochinese Barbet (Megalaima annamensis) NE          
Recently finally split from Black-browed and confined south Laos and
south Annam
8. Red-collared Woodpecker (Picus rabieri) NE
Although it occurs in Laos , Vietnam is the only logical place to search for this
bird. Astonishingly elusive for a Woodpecker it totally eluded us as it does most
tour groups
9. Blue-rumped Pitta (Pitta soror)
Allegedly widespread in Indo-China and occurring as far west as west Thailand it
is rarely seen outside Vietnam (and often missed within as well)
10. Bar-bellied Pitta (Pitta elliotii)
Again occurring as far west as Thailand and again rarely seen outside of Vietnam
11. White-winged Magpie (Urocissa whiteheadi)
Fairly widespread but rarely seen outside of Vietnam or southwest China
12. Grey-crowned Tit (Aegithalos annamensis) NE
Confined to south Laos and Annam. Now generally recognised as distinct from
Black-throated Tit
13. Yellow-billed Nuthatch (Sitta solangiae) NE
Although it occurs outside of Vietnam, only really findable within its borders
14. Limestone Warbler (Phylloscopus calciatilis) NE
Occurring in limestone country in central Laos and central Annam, but again only
realistically findable in Vietnam. A recent split from Sulphur-breasted
15. Black-headed Parrotbill (Paradoxornis margaritae)  E
Now recognised as distinct from Grey-headed and confined to south Annam
16. Black-hooded Laughingthrush (Garrulax milleti) NE
Again just reaching into Laos otherwise confined to Vietnam
17. Rufous-cheeked Laughingthrush (Garrulax castanotis) NE
Occurs on Hainan Island and central Laos. Most reliable sites are on Mt Ba Vi
and the forest on west Ho Chi Minh road at Samu pass 
18. White-cheeked Laughingthrush (Garrulax vassali) NE
Fairly widespread in highland of Laos and Vietnam
19. Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush (Garrulax konkakinhensis)  E
Only known from Mt Kon Ka Kinh in central Annam until it located and
photographed it at Mang Canh in 2010
20. Orange-breasted Laughingthrush (Garrulax annamensis) E
Now split from Spot-breasted and endemic to south Annam
21. Golden-winged Laughingthrush (Garrulax ngoclinhensis) E
So far only known from Mt Ngoc Linh in central Annam
22. Collared Laughingthrush (Garrulax yersini) E
Only found in south Annam, centred round Mt Langbian, Bidoup Nui Ba national
prak and Chu Yang Sin national park
23. Short-tailed Scimitar-Babbler (Jabouilleia danjoui) NE
Virtually confined to Annam and Tonkin. Also call Indochinese Wren Babbler  
24. White-throated Wren-Babbler (Rimator pasquieri)  E
A recent split from Long-billed and confined to Mt Fan Si Pan in west Tonkin
25. Sooty Babbler (Stachyris herberti) NE
Formerly considered endemic to limestone country in central Laos but now
known to be thriving in central Annam. Locally common in Phong Nha Ke Bang
national park  
26. Grey-faced Tit-Babbler (Macronous kelleyi) E
An exciting Indochinese endemic! Very common and widespread in southern of
27. Vietnamese Cutia(Cutia legalleni)  E
Now split from Himalayan and confined to south Annam. Found fairly common in
Da Lat, Di Linh
28. Black-crowned Barwing (Actinodura sodangoram) NE
Only recently described and confined to southeast Laos and southern central
Annam. Best site is Lo Xo pass
29. Indochinese Fulvetta (Alcippe danisi) NE
A Lao special also found in central and south Annam . Found on Bidoup mt and
Ngoc Linh mt above 1800m
30. Black-crowned Fulvetta (Alcippe klossi)   E
A split from Rufous-winged confined to south Annam. Easy to see on Langbian
and Bidoup moutains
31. Grey-crowned Crocias (Crocias langbianis)   E
Endemic to south Annam and very localised. Ta Nung, Tuyen Lam and a site at
Dam Rong on the road 28 Da Lat – Ban Me Thuot. Recently found in Mang Den
and Ngoc Linh (2014)
32. Vietnamese Greenfinch (Carduelis monguilloti)   E
Confined to pine forest in south Annam, common in Da Lat and Di Linh
New endemic by recently split
34. Dalat Shrike Babbler Pteruthius flaviscapis
Possible endemic in the future
35. Blue-winged Minla Minla cyanouroptera orientalis
36. Rufous-backed Sibia Heterophasia annectens eximia
37. Black-throated Sunbird Aethopyga saturata johnsi
38. Red Crossbill Loxia curvirostra meridionalis
39. Brown Bullfinch Pyrrhula nipalensis ssp

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