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OPINION Herpes simplex virus encephalitis update
Jean Paul Stahl a,b and Alexandra Mailles c,b

Purpose of review
HSV is the most frequently identified cause of infectious encephalitis, in Western countries. This article is an
update on the topic based on a review of recent studies from 2017 to 2018.
Recent findings
Acyclovir is still the first line treatment, and no new drugs are currently available for clinical use. The major
considerations for HSV encephalitis are as follows: point one, clinical evaluation remains the most
important factor, as though CSF HSV PCR has a good sensitivity, in a small proportion of patients the initial
testing might be negative. MRI brain is the first line imaging test, and mesial temporal lobe involvement
and other typical findings are important for diagnosis; point 2, there should be emphasis on sequela, short-
term, and long-term outcomes, and not just case fatality rated in future studies and clinical management.
Auto-immune encephalitis can be triggered by HSV, and should be considered in patients who are not
responding to treatment; point 3, future studies should be on better management of sequela, and better
treatment regimens including those targeting the immune response.
Autoimmune encephalitis is a clearly identified complication of HSV encephalitis. Inflammatory mechanisms
are linked to the clinical presentation as well as severity and poor outcome. Initial corticosteroid therapy
has to be evaluated in order to prevent complications.
autoimmune encephalitis, brain inflammation, encephalitis, herpes simplex virus sequela

INTRODUCTION of 94% [3]. It can occasionally be false negative, early

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the most frequently in the presentation, during the first 4 days of the
identified cause of encephalitis in developed coun- diseases. In such a situation, the CSF HSV PCR

tries. It accounts for around 30–40% of cases with an should be repeated after 4 days or later [4 ]. Never-
identified cause [1 ], and is the only viral encephalitis theless, less than 0.4% of these PCR in patients
with an effective antiviral treatment. In a study pub- presenting with HSE may be false negatives.
lished in 2017, HSV encephalitis (HSE) hospitaliza- According to recent guidelines, if the CSF HSV
tion rate in the United States, was 10.3  2.2 cases/ PCR is obtained after 4 days of onset of neurological
million in neonates, 2.4  0.3 cases/million in chil- symptoms and is negative, empirically started acy-

dren and 6.4  0.4 cases/million in adults. Case fatal- clovir can be stopped [4 ]. However, recent case
ity rate in neonates, children and adults was 6.9, 1.2 reports highlight the importance of clinical evalua-
and 7.7%, respectively [2 ].
tion and when the clinical and imaging findings are
The aim of this update is to report recent devel- highly suggestive, it might be prudent to continue
opments in HSVE, published in 2017 and 2018, on treatment with acyclovir. An autopsy-proven HSE
diagnostic tests, treatments especially those target- with two false-negative CSF PCRs [5], and another
ing the immune response, genetic risk factors, case with two successive negative PCRs, with a
and outcomes.

DIAGNOSIS Infectious Diseases Department, University and Hospital Grenoble
Alpes, Grenoble Cedex, France, bEuropean Study Group on Infections
Laboratory diagnostic tests of the Brain (ESGIB). Basel, Switzerland and cInfectious Diseases
Department, Santé Publique France, Saint Maurice Cedex, France
Correspondence to Jean Paul Stahl, Infectious Diseases Department,
Cerebrospinal fluid herpes simplex virus University and Hospital Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble Cedex, France.
PCR E-mail:
CSF HSV PCR is the best diagnostic test for HSE Curr Opin Infect Dis 2019, 32:239–243
diagnosis, with a sensitivity of 98% and a specificity DOI:10.1097/QCO.0000000000000554

0951-7375 Copyright ß 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

CNS infections

Imaging, especially MRI brain is an important diag-
 Clinical evaluation remains a key factor, as CSF PCR nostic tool for diagnosis of HSV encephalitis, as it is
can be false negative rarely. far more sensitive than CT scan, as shown again in a
recent German study [7 ]. A recent review [9] sum-
 Future emphasis should be on sequela and better
evaluation and management of short- and long-term marizes current knowledge about modern imaging
consequences, and not just reducing the case in HSE. Brain MRI has a high sensitivity for the
fatality rate. diagnosis of HSE, showing brain abnormalities in
80–100% of cases. However, normal brain images
 Need to recognize that autoimmune encephalitis can
on MRI, although rare in HSE patients, does not rule
be triggered by HSV.
out HSE diagnosis. HSE most frequently affects the
 The essential role of inflammation in disease severity medial temporal lobes, but can also affect the insu-
and outcomes, and the implication of new concepts lar, cingulate, and frontobasal cortex. Lesions are
on rebatement. unilateral in 64–68% of cases. Brain MRI typically
shows hyperintensities involving the cortex and the
white matter in T2 and FLAIR images. Areas of
contrast enhancement can also be present.
positive result only with the third one [6] have Seizures associated with HSE may lead to a
been reported. reversible hyperintense FLAIR signal in the thala-
mus. Isolated brainstem involvement is rare. Diffu-
sion-weighted imaging (DWI) seems to be the most
CEREBROSPINAL FLUID CELL COUNTS sensitive sequence for detecting HSE in the acute
AND CHEMISTRY phase, typically showing restricted diffusion [hyper-
A German study retrospectively evaluated all conse- intense lesions on DWI with hypointensity in the
cutive PCR-proven HSV encephalitis cases treated in same areas on apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)].
their hospital for 5 years [7 ]. They included 18 Severe presentations of HSE can cause hemorrhagic
patients with PCR-proven HSV encephalitis present- necrosis, and are characterized by hypointense T2
ing with altered mental status (77.8%), focal neuro- signal, but lobar hematomas are rare.
logic deficits (72.2%) and fever (72.2%). Four of
these patients (22.2%) had a normal-cellular count
in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) on admission. Electroen-
cephalography and MRI abnormalities were highly The most recent guidelines for the treatment of HSE

sensitive for HSV encephalitis independent of CSF were released by the French ID society [4 ], and are
cell count, but initial computed tomography (CT) similar to previous treatment recommendations. In
scans were normal in 11 out of 16 patients (69%). adults, acyclovir should be administered at a dose of
In another multicenter study [8], a total of 4404 10 mg/kg/8 h (30 mg/kg/day,) for 14 days in immu-
CSF samples submitted for HSV PCR testing were nocompetent patients, and for 21 days in immuno-
analyzed. Among them, 91 (2.1%) were positive for compromised patients. The objective is to achieve
HSV (75 HSV-1 and 16 HSV-2). Nine patients failed plasma concentrations of 3 mg/l or above to ensure a
to meet the Reller criteria (abnormal CSF white CSF concentration of 1 mg/l.
blood cell counts and protein levels, if they were Resistance to acyclovir (mutation in the thymi-
older than 2 years of age and were not immunocom- dine kinase gene) can be seen and has been mostly
promised), of whom seven were demonstrated to reported in immunocompromised patients. Very
have HSV encephalitis. The authors observed no few case have been reported in immunocompetent
significant correlation between HSV PCR values patients [10]. Foscarnet is as an alternative antiviral
and white blood cell (WBC) counts or total protein when resistance to acyclovir is suspected.
levels. They showed that HSV DNA may be detected New anti-HSV agents are being studied but are
in CSF samples with normal WBC and protein levels, few. PHA767491 is a new drug with activity against
collected from immunocompetent individuals older HSV [11]. It potently blocks the proliferation of HSV
than 2 years with HSV encephalitis. in cells, as well as HSV-induced cell death. In HSV-1-
These studies show that normal testing on rou- infected mice, it reduced viral titers in the tissues.
tine CSF cell counts and chemistry cannot rule out This needs further evaluation, but if its activity is
diagnosis of HSV encephalitis, and should be con- confirmed, it could be tested vs. acyclovir for
sidered in conjunction with clinical as well as treatment of severe HSV infections, including
imaging findings. encephalitis.

240 Volume 32  Number 3  June 2019

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HSV encephalitis update Stahl and Mailles

Before the use of acyclovir, the case fatality rate of There are new studies on pathophysiology of HSVE,
HSE was up to 70%. With antiviral treatment, it has which have implications on the management of
decreased to below 20%, but survivors still have this infection.
severe sequelae. It was previously demonstrated that The most accepted and studied route of entry of
sequelae are a key issue for HSV encephalitis with a HSV, into the brain, is neuronal. A recent study
rate of 58% [12]. This point is neglected in guide- evaluated mechanisms by which the virus could
lines, which are focused on the acute phase of the breach the human brain microvascular endothelial
infection. Future studies and guidelines should cells of the blood–brain barrier [17]. The authors
address sequelae and their management, which used an electrical cell-substrate impedance-sensing
are really challenging for both the patients and their tool simulating cell system of the blood–brain bar-
family caregivers. rier. They showed that HSV (regardless of type 1 or
Another question is the possible correlation 2), reduced the cell–cell barrier resistance almost
between viral inoculum and the severity of infec- immediately after virus addition to endothelial cells.
tion, as well as frequency of unfavorable outcomes. From 30 h after HSV infection, they observed a
A study evaluated HSV loads, by real-time PCR, from viability loss of the infected endothelial cells. They
the CSF of 33 patients (20 neonates, 5 children, 8 demonstrate, in this in-vitro model of the blood–
adults) presenting with HSVE, to explore their cor- brain barrier, that destruction of brain microvascu-
relation with disease severity [13]. Initial viral load lar endothelial cells could be another mechanism
did not correlate with lesion volume, subarachnoid for HSV invasion.
extension, inhospital morbidity, unfavorable dis- Inflammation is an important cause of brain
charge, or long-term outcomes. Authors concluded damage in HSE. Some recent experimental studies
that the initial HSV viral load does not predict demonstrate the essential role of regulation of the
neuroradiological or clinical outcomes in patients inflammatory response in pathogenesis.
with HSVE. The impact of a deficiency in interferon regula-
tory factors (IRF3 and IRF7) was evaluated in a HSE
model [18 ]. The case fatality rates of infected IRF3
HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS ENCEPHALITIS and IRF7-deficient mice were higher than those
AND AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALITIS observed in controls and was associated with
Armangue et al. recently confirmed the importance increased brain viral loads. At a critical time postin-
of autoimmune encephalitis triggered by HSE. Their fection, IRF7-/- mice exhibited a deficit in IFN-b
most recent study concluded that there is a predict- production. These results suggest that IRF3 and
able time frame of approximately 5 weeks in which IRF7 are important for the efficient control of
27% of patients with HSE develop an immune inflammatory responses in HSVE.
response against N-Méthyl-D-Aspartate receptors HSE animal models previously demonstrated
and other neuronal surface proteins, associated with that virus causes damages not only by direct virus-
neurological symptoms [14 ]. Among the remain- mediated necrosis but also by the host’s immune
ing patients, 30% developed auto-antibodies in response that contributes to the high mortality of
serum (and some in CSF) without symptoms. the disease. The chemokine receptor CXCR3 was
As a consequence, recent guidelines recommend identified to have an important impact on the
testing for autoimmune encephalitis in case of fail- course of HSE in mouse models. A recent study
ure to respond to antiviral treatment or when there evaluated the role of the chemokine receptor
is recurrence of symptoms despite appropriate early CXCR3 after infection with a HSV encephalitis-caus-
treatment [4 ]. ing strain [19]. The authors compared CXCR3-defi-
The pathophysiological explanation for the cient mice with wild-type controls. They
auto-immune reaction is still unclear, but several demonstrated that CXCR3-deficient mice cleared
hypotheses have been entertained [15]: molecular HSV-1 more efficiently 14 days after infection. Inhi-
mimicry, release of antigenic proteins from neuro- bition of CXCR3 signalling reduced T-cell infiltra-
nal injury becoming autoimmune targets, host auto- tion and microglial activation. They conclude that,
inflammatory responses specific to herpesvirus surprisingly, interruption of the CXCR3 pathway
infection, genetic risk factors, and the role of some leads paradoxically to an enhanced viral clearance
degree of immunodeficiency. after intranasal infection. These results have
This raises the question of the role of steroid implications for an ongoing study [16] evaluating
therapy together with antiviral drugs, which is being the role of immunomodulation (namely steroids)
explored in studies [16]. in HSVE.

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CNS infections

TLR3 is a sensor of double-stranded RNA, (n ¼ 27). There was a significant increase in com-
required for innate immune responses to HSV-1 in pleasome formation in CSF samples obtained from
& &
neurons and astrocytes [20 ]. In a recent study [21 ], HSE patients compared with the control group. The
authors demonstrated that TLR3 recruited levels were significantly higher in the acute phase
mTORC2, the metabolic checkpoint kinase complex compared with late samples. This early increased
leading to the induction of chemokines and traffick- formation of compleasomes in CSF suggests that this
ing of TLR3 to the cell periphery. Such trafficking complex may be important in host defense against
activated required molecules for the induction of HSV in the brain.
type I interferons. They showed that HSV-1 brain
infection of animals was increased when TLR3
responses were impaired by an mechanistic target CONCLUSION
of rapamycin inhibitor. This effect was antagonized Acyclovir remains the first line treatment, and there
by the use of an agonistic antibody to TLR3. are few new drugs available. New treatments will
A study on human cells obtained from CSF con- probably target modulation of the inflammatory
firms those results [22 ]. Authors used trigeminal response in HSE, and treatment of autoimmune
(TG) neurons, as control and TRL3-deficient trigemi- encephalitis following HSE.
nal neurons. Both control and TLR3-deficient neu-
rons were highly susceptible to HSV-1. The Acknowledgements
pretreatment of control neurons with poly (I:C) None.
induced HSV-1 resistant cells. Moreover, both control
and TLR3-deficient TG neurons developed resistance Financial support and sponsorship
to HSV-1 when pretreated with IFN-b but not IFN-l. None.
Authors conclude that trigeminal neurons are natu-
rally sensitive to HSV-1 and they need previous stim- Conflicts of interest
ulation of the TLR3 or IFN-a/b receptors to induce There are no conflicts of interest.
antiviral immunity, whereas cortical neurons have a
TLR3-dependent constitutive resistance, sufficient
enough to block incoming HSV-1 even in case of lack REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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