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1. People often say that they find it hard to make decisions. Unfortunately, we all have to make
decisions all the time, ranging from trivial issues like what to have for lunch, right up to life-
changing decisions like where and what to study, and who to marry. Some people put off making
decisions by endlessly searching for more information or getting other people to offer their
The factors I consider before making decisions includes: Weighting the pros and cons,
considering the impact it will cause to other people, avoid negative drivers, Seek advice and
compare the risks and rewards
2. Some people find it difficult to empower others, while others find it simple. The procedure, on
the other hand, is something that can be learned. We are all motivated by ourselves when others
believe in our skills and empower us, which inspires us to see our true potential. When you
empower someone else, you have an impact on them, but not just them. You have an impact on
the world and, in the end, on yourself. The lives and mindsets of those you lead always improve
the outcome of any task. Empowering others is a manner of life, not simply a slogan. It's a means
of making a difference in people's lives..
3. Advocacy, on the other hand, entails fighting for other people's rights and having their problems
addressed by focusing on those in positions of power.
4. Increased confidence, choice, and control, as well as empowerment, may be gained as a result of
lobbying. Effective advocacy will frequently result in adjustments and improvements in the
planning, delivery, and evaluation of health and social care services.
5. If given the opportunity to be an advocate, I would argue for being an effective and self-advocate.
Believing in oneself is the first step in becoming an effective self-advocate. Believing in yourself
means you recognize your own qualities, believe you are valuable, and are willing to look after
yourself. Self-esteem is a problem for many persons who suffer from difficult emotional
symptoms or have a disability. You will need to strengthen your self-worth in order to ask for
what you need and want, as well as to protect yourself when others treat you badly..
1. Possessing the power to make judgments, to control, to obtain more control, to fight for one's
rights, and to speak up and be heard; Being able to make a difference by being free, autonomous,
recognized, and accepted as equal citizens.
2. Zolekha's involvement has a huge impact on her daily life as a result of her training, which has
made her a strong person, and her educational experiences have been highly beneficial to her,
boosting her self-assurance. Zolekha has faced discrimination in her neighborhood, but her family
has stood by her and encouraged her in their own small manner.
3. In Zolekha's story, the function of activism and organizations is to empower ourselves to be more
careful in setting limits for our ambitions. My advise to other disabled individuals is to focus on
the things that your condition does not prohibit you from doing well, and not to regret the things
that it does. Don't be crippled both mentally and physically.
4. The best way to help Zolekha is to give her empowering advice on a regular basis. This will help
her grow in confidence and strength. Being an advocate for more people to be more
understanding of persons with disabilities would be wonderful..
5. By complying with legal issues surrounding diversity in a transparent manner, publicizing your
diversity initiatives and progress, consulting regularly with diverse groups within your
organization and external consultants, and using data to advocate for diversity, we can advocate
for inclusive change in the way that organizations work.
What significant learning did you gain from the topic (Empowerment and Advocacy)?
This feeling of helplessness can be exasperating. Regardless of your own circumstances, you can
always make decisions that give you back control. Self-empowerment begins with an understanding of
this. Empowerment is defined as taking charge of one's own life and making constructive decisions based
on one's desires. It's tied to traits like self-esteem and self-confidence, but true empowerment comes from
putting your intentions into action. Giving oneself permission to succeed is what empowerment is all
about. However, this does not imply that you will be able to attain your goals without the help, support,
and advice of others.
Advocacy is the act of supporting and defending the rights, needs, and interests of another person.
Many people have the ability to advocate for their own rights, needs, and goals. However, some persons
will want assistance from an advocate in order to do so. An advocate is someone who fights for the rights
of others.

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