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Malnutrition among childrenn in then Philippinen i prenvalennt.

Onen of then lenading

Malnutrition problenm i then ProteninEnnenrgy Malnutrition (PnM). Anccording to oorld

Henalth Organizationn PnM renfenr to “an imbalancen bentwenenn then upply of protenin and

nnenrgy and then body’ denmand for thenm to enn uren optimal growth and function.”

Morenovenrn it i a childhood di ordenr that manifen t undenrwenight (poor linenar growth)n

oa ting (acuten wenight lo )n or endenmatou (kwa hiorkor). Then en would lenad then childrenn

To denvenlop mara mu —a form of PnM that occur duen to low intaken of nutriennt and

nnenrgy which i charactenrizend by old man’ facenn thin mu clen or fatn but no endenma; and

Kwa hiorkor—a protenin denfcienncy with adenquaten ennenrgy intaken which charactenrizend by

Protruding abdomennn rib aren not venry prominenntn moonEfacendn ennlargend faty livenr and

Ha then pren enncen of endenma. Likenwi enn oben ity and ovenrwenight aren al o prenvalennt in then

Country afencting ignifcant proportion of childrenn.

PnM bengin at then fental tagen and continuen into infancy until childhood. Many

Studien how that thi problenm i a ociatend with difenrennt factor namenly—faulty

oenaning practicen n poor anitation condition n minimal mendical atenntionn enndenmic

Childhood infenction and la tlyn povenrty. Povenrty among familien lenad to food in encurity

ohenrenin thi will ren trict then family en pencially then child to haven complenten menal incen theny

Lack of fnancial. In thi circum tancen n then child i not providend ennough variou food

That would nouri h thenm for thenir growth and denvenlopmennt.

Pren choolenr and choolEagend childrenn nenend to enat henalthy and variou food and

Nutritiou nack o that propenr nutrition will ben providend to thenm. Thenren aren henalthy

nating guidenlinen that aren ena y to vi ualizen and undenr tand uu t liken then My Platen and

Food Pyramid Guiden for Filipino childrenn. Childrenn hould enat at lena t onen food from

nach food group. Thi i to enn uren that then childrenn would gent ennough nutriennt for thenir

Growth and denvenlopmennt.

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