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Inspired by the song, “I choose by Alessia Cara”.

It is about being alone, loneliness and

findng comfort or company in other people.
Arian: Hey, my name is Arian. Let me tell you a story how I overcome emptiness and
: So it all started when I was a kid, since then, my parents would never let me go
outside. All I can do is to play with my puzzle. When I get bored, next thing I do is to
read my one and only book, Cinderella.
: Sometimes, I wonder how it feels to be outside. I see kids burst into laughter
while running and playing. I wonder when will I get into that position?
: I know you guys all want to know why I am stuck in here. So to cut the long story
story long story short, I have a disease called Solar Urticaria, it is a rare disease where
people are extremely sensitive to sunlight. My parents told me that one summer day, I
went running outside chasing for an ice cream vendor. Little did I know that I’m starting
to turn red and slowly having rashes on. After a few seconds, the vendor said I passed
: When I woke up, I was at the hospital. I heard my parents whispering something
but my father noticed that I am awake. They suddenly run into me and told me about my
: When we went home, my parents covered all of our house with curtains or
anything that can be passed by sunlight. Then my father told me…
Ken: Arian, I’m sorry but you can never go outside ever again.
Arian: I asked him why and he just said it’s for my own good.
: I know what you’re thinking. Why won’t I just go out at night, when the sunlight’s
gone. Nah, my parents are so protective and I cannot do anything about it. Also, what
can I do at night?
: All my life, I’ve been living by myself. As I go older, I’m starting to get used to it.
But sometimes, I wonder what would it feels to have friends? To be free? To have
someone by my side?
: You won’t know it until it happens to you. Every day, I spent my day making
myself happy. But I’m not gonna lie, at the end of my day, I feel empty. I just feel lonely.
I’m always thinking that, “what’s my purpose? What’s my purpose here in this world? Is
it to stay and die alone?” If it’s that it, I better not live.
: I thought I’ll lose hope. I thought I’m gonna give up, but things suddenly change.
: One day, I heard a noise from outside, I took a peek from my curtain window, and
there itI was one family moving next to our house. They have a son same age as me.
While peeking at them, their son automatically turned his gaze at me. It was like he felt
someone staring at them. And with that, our eyes met. I hurriedly close the curtain
: At night, while I am reading my Cinderella book, I heard something being thrown
at my window. Obviously, it’s night, no sunlight. I came at my window to check. I fully
opened my curtain and there I saw him. The new guy next door. I mouthed “what?”
even though I was so afraid to interact. He was like saying something I couldn’t
understand. I got my notebook and marker, and wrote “What are you trying to say?”. He
then copied me, grabbed a piece of paper and starting to write. He showed “What’s your
name?”. I was like, “oh shall I tell him?”. I’m afraid of talking to others but I am tired of
being alone and lonely. Maybe it’s not that bad to talk to him. We exchanged names
and other information, turns out his name is Aren. I knew that night I’m happy, I finally
expressed myself.
: Suddenly, my world collapsed when he invited me to meet him outside tomorrow. I
told him I can’t. He wrote “Why?”. Shall I tell him why? Will he accept me despite this
disease? Will he accept me for who I am? I’m afraid. I just answered him that “I just
really can’t. I’m sorry”, Then I closed my curtain window.
: When I woke up, I heard my mom shouting for my name. She told me I have a
visitor. Surprisingly, Iit was Aren. We went into my room. I was so nervous; I have never
been so close to other people before. After several hours, we became close. I don’t
know, he’s just so fun to be with and so friendly. Now I guess, it’s time to tell him the
truth, I told him everything. I was so nervous with his reaction but he acted like he didn’t
care at all. He said…
Aren: I’ll come to visit you every day so that you wouldn’t be lonely.
Arian: I became speechless, like why? He surely noticed that. Then he said…
Aren: I accept you for who you are. As long as you are not doing anything wrong, you
will be loved. I know how it feels to be alone and lonely. And a person like you doesn’t
deserved this. You know, “No man is an island.”, everyone relies on someone. For a
long time, I know it’s been hard for you. I will be your comfort.

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