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Term 21221: Section K20SJ

CSE 211: Computer Organization and Design

ONLINE Assignment No.1

General Instructions:

ASSIGNMENT SELECTION: In this 1st online assignment, there are THREE

sets namely SET-1, SET-2 and SET-3. SET-1 for students whose roll
no’s falls in 1 to 25; SET-2 for students roll no’s falls in 26 to 50
; SET-3 for students roll no’s falls in 51- last roll number of the
section . Note only the roll number in class/session as in UMS, NOT
the Registration number.

COPY & PLAGIARISM: Copying the assignment from others is strictly

prohibited. Though two students got a same set of questions to solve,
the way of explanation could be reasonably different from one to
another. This regard we will be comparing the answer sheets of all the
students, before awarding marks. So be careful and spend some of your
time on this activity so as to gain the knowledge.

use the internet as reference, kindly mention it in the reference part
of your assignment/The assignment also specifies where you can get the
details. The purpose of on-line assignment is to bring the meaningful
learning outcome as well as to develop the writing and documentation
skills not for blind copy skills. IN CASE, BLATANT COPYING found,
FACULTY CAN APPLY University rules for evaluation and a ZERO will be
awarded and UMC case will be initiated.

Preparation: Submit your assignment A4 sized page, HAND WRITTEN ONLY,

Each question is expected to be answered in 2-3 pages generally NOT
beyond that. Note that details, like course code, course title
mentioned before the questions must be preserved as it is. Student
MUST mention their full name, roll no, registration number as
appearing in the UMS, and it is mandatory. File name format for
uploading in ums is roll no_reg no_first name_cse211.pdf, for example

All the questions must be attempted compulsorily, the order of answer

must be same as the given questions and do not interchange the order.

MODE of submission: UMS upload ONLY.

Evaluation: 30 Marks

DEAD Line of submission: 27th SEP 2021.

In case of any further clarifications, feel free to Contact your

faculty at in LPUlive. Also advised not to submit the assignment in
LPUlive, since the faculty is handling around 250 to 300 students and
is highly likely that it may be missed.
Assignment – 1 (Set 1)

Course Code: CSE211

Course Title: Computer Organization and Design
Max. Marks: 30
Term: 21221
Last date of submission: 27th SEP 2021
Name of the Student:

Roll Number:

Registration number:

Q1. Design a circuit that would be able to shift bits but also store them for a duration of time.
Explain what are the technicalities of such a circuit. [5 marks]

Q2. Starting from an initial value of R in Hex is 34 determine the sequence of binary values in R
after a logical shift-left, followed by a circular shift-right, followed by a logical shift-right and a
circular shift-left. explain through the proper diagrams.

Q3 The 8-bit registers R1, R2, R3, and R4 initially have the following values:
R1 - 1111 0010, R2- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , R3- 1011 1001 , R4 1 1 101010
Determine the 8-bit values in each register after the execution of the following sequence of
R1 <-R1 + R2
R3<- R3 ^ R4, R2 <- R2 + 1
R1 <- R1 – R3 [5]

Q4. A common bus system which is capable of transferring 2 bits at time with number of
registers are 4 each register is of 2 bit? Draw circuit diagram for this and also define how many
multiplexers are required and what will be the size of multiplexer with truth table Also explain
how to gather data from this bus back into register [10]

Q5. Show the hardware that implements the following statement. Include the logic gates for the
control function and a block diagram for the binary counter with a count enable input.

xyT0 + T1 + y’ T2: AR  AR + 1 [5]

Assignment – 1 (Set 2)

Course Code: CSE211

Course Title: Computer Organization and Design
Max. Marks: 30
Term: 21221
Last date of submission: 27th SEP 2021
Name of the Student:


Roll Number:

Registration number:

Q1. Briefly define the following terminologies with examples. (1) Register (2) Register Transfer
(3) Register Transfer Language (4) Bus (5) Micro operations [5]

Q2. Construct a 5 to 32-line decoder with four 3 to 8 decoders, with enable and 2 to 4-line
decoder with the help of truth table, use block diagram for it.

Q3. Draw the block diagram for the hardware that implements the following statements:

x + yz: AR  AR + BR

Where AR and BR are two n-bit registers and x, y and z are control variables. Include the logic
gates for the control function. Note that the symbol + designates an OR operation in a control or
Boolean function but that it represents an arithmetic plus in a microoperation.

Q4. The 8-bit register AR, BR, CR, and DR initially have the following values: [5]

AR = 11010010; BR = 11111111; CR = 10101001; DR = 10101010

Determine the 8-bit values in each register after the execution of the following sequence of
AR  AR + BR Add BR + AR
CR  CR AND DR, BR  BR + 1 AND DR to CR, Increment BR
AR AR - CR Subtract CR from AR

Q5 A common bus system which is capable of transferring 4 bits at time with number of
registers are 4 each register is of 4 bit? Draw circuit diagram for this and also define how many
multiplexers are required and what will be the size of multiplexer with truth table Also explain
how to gather data from this bus back into register [10]
Assignment – 1 (Set 3)

Course Code: CSE211

Course Title: Computer Organization and Design
Max. Marks: 30
Term: 21221
Last date of submission: 27th SEP 2021
Name of the Student:


Roll Number:

Registration number:

1) An 8-bit register contains the Hex value 67. What is the register value after an arithmetic
shift right? Starting from the initial number 67, determine the register value
i) after logical shift right
ii) after an arithmetic shift left, and state whether there is an overflow not, explain
through the proper diagrams.

2) A hardware implementation is required for executing the following equations, draw

proper diagrams to complete your results. [5 marks]

1- x+y+z+a.b : R3 <- R4-R5

2- a.c.b+d : R3 <- R4+R6

3) The 8-bit register AR, BR, CR, and DR initially have the following values: [5]
AR = 11010110; BR = 11100111; CR = 10110001; DR = 10111010

Determine the 8-bit values in each register after the execution of the following sequence
of microoperations.
AR  AR + BR Add BR + AR
CR  CR AND DR, BR  BR + 1 AND DR to CR, Increment BR
AR AR - CR Subtract CR from AR

4) A common bus system which is capable of transferring 8 bits at time with number of
registers are 2 each register is of 8bit? Draw circuit diagram for this and also define how
many multiplexers are required and what will be the size of multiplexer with truth table
Also explain how to gather data from this bus back into register [10]

5) What are the functions of encoder, Decoder, multiplexers explain with truth table and
give applications of each?

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