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6 Properties of Dry Gases

This chapter describes several properties of dry gases that are commonly used by
petroleum engineers. Each property will be defined and then correlations/equations
useful for estimating values of the property using normally available information
about the gas will be offered. These properties are:
• Gas formation volume factor, Bg
• The coefficient of isothermal compressibility of gas (gas compressibility), cg
• Gas density, ρg
• The coefficient of viscosity of gas (gas viscosity), µg
All four of these properties (for real gases) tie back to values of gas z-factors
and gas specific gravities so that the necessary input data for the recommended
correlations are z-factor and specific gravity (or composition) of the gas of interest.
Dry gases (defined in chapter 4) will be considered in this chapter. The
adjustments necessary to use the correlations for wet gases will be discussed in
chapter 7. Comments on gas condensates will be made in chapters 8 and 9.
Dry gases are the easiest reservoir gases to deal with because no liquid condenses
from the gas as it moves from the reservoir to the surface. The composition of the surface
gas is the same as the composition of the gas in the reservoir, and the specific gravity
of the surface gas is the same as the specific gravity of the reservoir gas. Thus, a gas
sample taken at the surface can be analyzed and the resulting composition or specific
gravity used in correlations to determine the properties of the gas in the reservoir.

Gas Formation Volume Factor

The gas formation volume factor is defined as the volume of gas at reservoir
conditions required to produce one standard cubic foot of gas at the surface. Units
vary. Sometimes units of reservoir cubic feet per standard cubic foot (res cu ft/scf)
are used. Reservoir cubic feet simply represents the gas volume measured or
calculated at reservoir temperature and reservoir pressure. Often the units are
reservoir barrels of gas per standard cubic foot (res bbl/scf) or reservoir barrels of
gas per thousand standard cubic feet (res bbl/Mscf). This last set of units is used
often because gas production is usually reported in thousands of standard cubic feet
and reservoir engineering calculations require reservoir barrels of gas.

Gas formation volume factor is also known as reservoir volume factor. The
reciprocal of the gas formation volume factor is sometimes called gas expansion
factor. Unfortunately, the term gas formation volume factor is used occasionally
when gas expansion factor is meant. The engineer must always examine the units
to be sure which is intended.
The shape of a typical plot of gas formation volume factor versus reservoir
pressure at constant reservoir temperature for a typical dry gas is given in figure
6–1. The plot does not have a minimum; values of gas formation volume factor
monotonically increase as reservoir pressure decreases.
Gas formation volume factor, Bg

Reservoir pressure

Fig. 6–1. Typical shape of gas formation volume factor as a function of pressure at constant
reservoir temperature

Formation volume factor of a gas may be calculated as the volume occupied by

the gas at reservoir temperature and pressure, divided by the volume occupied by
the same mass of gas at standard conditions.

Bg = —– (6–1)

The volume of n lb moles of a gas at reservoir conditions may be obtained with

the compressibility equation of state.

VR = ——– (5–39)

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

where T and p represent reservoir temperature and pressure; the value of z-factor is
determined at those conditions.
The volume of the same number of pound moles of the gas at standard conditions
(Tsc and psc), with a value of z-factor determined at standard conditions, is

Vsc = ———– (5–39)

Thus, the formation volume factor for the gas is

VR p psczT res cu ft
Bg = —– = ———— = ——— , ———– (6–1)
Vsc zscnRTsc Tsczscp scf

Since in this book Tsc = 520°R, psc = 14.65 psia, and for all practical purposes,
zsc = 1, then

(14.65)zT zT res cu ft
Bg = ————— = 0.0282 —– ———– (6–2)
(1.0)(520)p p scf


zTres cu ft bbl
p scf 5.615 cu ft )(
zT res bbl
Bg = 0.0282 ——– —— ————– = 0.00502 — ———
p scf ) (6–3)

where temperature must be in degrees Rankine and pressure in pounds per square
inch absolute.
Values of z-factors of dry gases for use in equations 6–2 or 6–3 may be obtained
with methods presented in chapter 5. If an experimental value of z-factor at reservoir
temperature and pressure is available for the gas of interest, it should be used. If
an experimental value is not available but the composition of the gas is known, the
pseudoreduced temperature and pseudoreduced pressure can be computed using
equation 5–42 with the pseudocritical properties from equations 5–54 through
5–56. Then z-factor can be obtained from figure 5–7 or equations 5–43 and 5–44.
If only the specific gravity of the gas is known, the pseudocritical properties can be
obtained from equations 5–57, 5–58, and 5–54, and then figure 5–7 or equations
5–43 and 5–44 can be used to obtain a value of z-factor.


Example 6–1. Continue example 5–13. Reservoir conditions are 220°F and
6,675 psig. Calculate the value of gas formation volume factor for
this gas at these conditions. Give your answer in reservoir barrels
of gas per thousand standard cubic feet.

First, determine a value of z-factor from γg of 0.6698 with 0.0030 mole fraction
H2S, 0.0120 mole fraction CO2, and 0.0069 mole fraction N2.

J = 0.5366 from example 5–13 (5–57)

K = 13.90 from example 5–13 (5–58)

Tpc = 360.1 °R and ppc = 671.0 psia from example 5–13 (5–54)

Tpr = 1.888 and ppr = 9.970 from example 5–13 (5–42)

z = 1.136 from example 5–13 (5–43 and 5–44)

Second, calculate the gas formation volume factor.

zT res bbl 1,000 scf zT res bbl

Bg = 0.00502 — ———– × ———— = 5.02 — ——— (6–3)
p scf Mscf p Mscf

(1.136)(220 + 460) res bbl

Bg = 5.02 ———————— = 0.580 ———
(6,675 + 14.7) Mscf

The Coefficient of Isothermal Compressibility of Gas

The coefficient of isothermal compressibility is defined as the fractional change
of volume as pressure is changed at constant temperature. The defining equations are

1 ∂V
( )
1 ∂VM
V ∂p T VM ∂p T ( )
1 ∂v
cg = – — —–   or cg = – —– ——–   or cg = – — —–  .
v ∂p T ( ) (6–4)

Units are psi–1. The relationship of cg to reservoir pressure for a typical dry gas at
constant temperature is given in figure 6–2. There is not a minimum on this plot;
values of cg increase monotonically as pressure decreases.

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

compressability of gas, psi-1
Coefficient of isothermal

Reservoir pressure

Fig. 6–2. Typical shape of the coefficient of isothermal compressibility of a gas as a function of
pressure at constant reservoir temperature

This coefficient normally is referred to simply as compressibility or gas

compressibility. The term compressibility is used to designate the coefficient of
isothermal compressibility, whereas the term compressibility factor refers to
z-factor, the coefficient in the compressibility equation of state. Although both are
related to the effect of pressure on the volume of gas, the two are distinctly not
the same.
The partial derivative rather than the ordinary derivative is used in equation
(6–4) since only one independent variable, pressure, is permitted to vary. The
subscript T indicates that temperature is held constant.

Example 6–2. The following table gives volumetric data at 150°F for a dry gas.
Determine the coefficient of isothermal compressibility for this gas
at 150°F and 1,000 psia.

Pressure, psia Molar volume, cu ft/lb mole

700 8.5
800 7.4
900 6.5
1,000 5.7
1,100 5.0
1,200 4.6
1,300 4.2


First, plot VM versus p and determine the slope of the line at 1,000 psia in
figure 6–3.

Molar volume, cu ft/lb mole

700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300
Pressure, psia

Fig. 6–3. Molar volumes of a dry gas at 150°F (part of the solution to example 6–2)

4.18 – 7.07 cu ft
slope = —————– = – 0.00723 —————
1,200 – 800 lb mole psi

Second, compute cg.

1 ∂VM
cg = – —– —–—
VM ∂p T ( )( ) (6–4)

1 lb mole –0.00723
( )(
cg = – ————– —————– = 0.0013 psi –1 = 1,300 × 10 –6 psi –1
5.7 cu ft lb mole psi )
The petroleum engineer must often combine the compressibilities of gas, oil,
water, and rock pore volume. In order to have the numbers on the same basis,
reporting compressibilities on the order of 10 –6 is convenient. The reciprocal of psi,
psi–1, is sometimes called sip. A value of 10 –6 psi–1 is termed a microsip. Thus the
answer to example 6–2 is 1,300 microsips.

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

The coefficient of isothermal compressibility of an ideal gas

In order for equation 6–4 to be useful, it must be combined with an equation that
relates volume and pressure so that one of these two variables can be eliminated.
An equation of state can be used for this purpose. The simplest equation of state is
that for ideal gases.

pV = nRT or V = —— (5–14)
The term ( ∂p ) in equation 6–4 must be eliminated, so this term is derived from
equation 5–14 as

) nRT
  = – ——
∂p p

Combining equation 6–5 with equation 6–4 provides

p nRT 1
cg = – —— – ——
nRT p2 p
= – ( )( ) (6–6)

The equation of state for an ideal gas does not adequately describe the behavior
of gases at temperatures and pressures normally encountered in petroleum
reservoirs. However, equation 6–6 does illustrate that the coefficient of isothermal
compressibility of a gas is inversely proportional to pressure. Equation 6–6 can be
used to determine the expected order of magnitude of values of gas compressibility.

Example 6–3. Estimate the coefficient of isothermal compressibility of a gas at

1,700 psia. Assume that the gas acts like an ideal gas.


cg = — (6–6)

cg = ————– = 0.000588 = 588 × 10 –6 psi–1
1,700 psia

Therefore, the coefficient of isothermal compressibility of a gas can be expected

to be of the order of several hundred or more microsips.


The coefficient of isothermal compressibility of real gases

The compressibility equation is the most commonly used equation of state in the
petroleum industry. This equation will be combined with the equation that defines
the coefficient of isothermal compressibility. Since z-factor changes as pressure
changes, it must be considered to be a variable.

V = nRT — (5–39)


p —–   – z
( )

∂V ∂p T
–—   = nRT —————
∂p T p2 ( ) (6–7)


1 ∂V
cg = – — —–
V ∂P T ( ) (6–4)

cg = – ——– ——

nRT ∂V
znRT p2
p —–   – z
∂P T [ ]{ [ ( ) ]}
1 1 ∂z
cg = — – — ——
p z ∂P T ( ) (6–8)

For the special case of an ideal gas in which z-factor is a constant equal to 1.0,
the partial derivative of z-factor with respect to p is equal to zero, and equation 6–8
reduces to equation 6–6.
The partial derivative of z with respect to p is the slope of z-factor plotted against
pressure at constant temperature. The slopes of the isotherms of figures 5–2, 5–3,
and 5–4 show that the second term of equation 6–8 can be significantly large.
At low pressures, z-factor decreases as pressure increases. Therefore, the partial
derivative of z-factor with respect to p is negative, and cg is larger than it would be
for an ideal gas. At high pressures, however, z-factor increases with pressure; the
partial derivative of z-factor with respect to p is positive, and cg is less than it would
be for ideal gas.

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

Example 6–4. Compute the coefficient of isothermal compressibility of methane

at 1,000 psia and 68°F.

First, use the data of figure 5–2 to determine z and ( ∂z )T

z = 0.890 (fig. 5–2)

( ∂p )T = –0.000106 psi–1 = slope of a line tangent to
the 68ºF isotherm at p = 1,000 psia (fig. 5–2)

Second, calculate cg.

1 1 ∂z
cg = — – — ——
p z ∂p T ( ) (6–8)

1 1
( )
cg = ————— – ——— (–0.000106) = 1,120 × 10–6 psi–1
1,000 psia 0.890

Pseudoreduced compressibility
The law of corresponding states can be used to put equation 6–8 into
pseudoreduced form. Equation 5–42 can be used to replace the pressure term.

p = ppcppr (5–42)

The partial derivative of equation 6–8 can be put into reduced form using the
chain rule.

(—–∂p ∂z ) = (——
)  (——)
∂p ∂p
Tpr pr Tpr

From equation 5–42

∂p ) p
∂p 1
  = —–
Tpr pc

so that

(—–∂p ∂z )  p
= —– (——)
1 ∂z
∂p pr Tpr


Combining equations 6–8, 5–42, and 6–11 yields

1 1 ∂z
cg = ——– – —— ——
ppcppr zppc ∂ppr Tpr ( ) (6–12)


1 1 ∂z
cgppc = —– – — ——
ppr z ∂ppr Tpr ( ) (6–13)

Since the dimensions of cg are reciprocal pressure, the product of cg and ppc is
dimensionless. This product is called pseudoreduced gas compressibility; cpr = cgcpc.

1 1 ∂z
cpr = cgppc = —– – — ——
ppr z ∂ppr Tpr ( ) (6–14)

Pseudoreduced gas compressibility is a function of z-factor and pseudoreduced

pressure. Thus, a graph relating z-factor to pseudoreduced pressure (figure 5–7 or
figure 5–8) can be used with equation 6–14 to calculate values of cpr.

Example 6–5. A dry gas with a specific gravity of 0.600 is in a reservoir at 223°F
and 3,385 psia. The gas has a Tpc of 341.5°R and a ppc of 677.1 psia.
Estimate a value of the coefficient of isothermal compressibility for
this gas at the specified conditions.

First, determine the pseudocritical temperature and pseudocritical pressure.

T (223 + 460)ºR
Tpr = —– = ——————– = 2.00 (5–42)
Tpc 341.5ºR

p 3,385 psia
Ppr = —– = ————– = 5.00 (5–42)
ppc 677.1 psia
Second, determine the values of z-factor and ( ∂p )Tpr

z = 0.955 from figure 5–7

(∂p ) = slope of a line tangent to the 2.00 isotherm at ppr = 5.00
pr Tpr

(∂p ) = 0.02457 from figure 5–7
pr Tpr

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

Third, calculate cpr .

1 1 ∂z
cpr = —– – — ——
ppr z ∂ppr Tpr ( ) (6–14)

1 1
cpr = —— – ——– (0.02457) = 0.17427 (6–14)
5.00 0.955

Fourth, calculate cg.

cpr 0.17427
cg = —– = ———– = 257 × 10 –6 psi–1
ppc 677.1

Analytical solution to determine pseudoreduced compressibility

Mattar, Brar, and Aziz combined equation 6–14 with equation 5–44 to arrive at
equation 6–15.1

[ ( )
1 0.27 ∂ρpr Tpr
cpr = —– – ——– ——————–— (6–15)
ppr z2Tpr

ρpr ∂z
1 + —– ——
z ∂ρpr Tpr ( )( )
The partial derivative of z-factor with respect to the pseudoreduced density
that appears in two places in equation 6–15 can be evaluated with the Dranchuk
Abou-Kassem equations that appear in chapter 5 as equations 5–43 and 5–44.2

  ( ∂p ) = A1 + A2/Tpr + A3/Tpr3 + A4/Tpr4 + A5/Tpr5 + 2ρpr(A6 + A7/Tpr + A8/Tpr2) –
pr Tpr
  5ρpr4 A9 (A7/Tpr + A8/Tpr2) + (2A10ρpr /Tpr3)(1 + A11ρpr2 – A112ρpr4) EXP (–A11ρpr2) (6–16)

The coefficients A1 through A11 used in this equation are listed with equation 5–43.
Values of ρpr for use in these equations may be obtained using equation 5–44.
The solution to equations 5–43 and 5–44 results in a z-factor value when the
values of Tpr and ppr are available. As mentioned in chapter 5, this calculation is trial
and error; however, the above calculation will normally follow the calculation of
z-factor so the procedure should be straightforward and not require trial and error.


Example 6–6. Continue example 6–1 by calculating a value of the coefficient of

isothermal compressibility for this gas at the specified reservoir
conditions of 220°F and 6,675 psig.

First, calculate J and K.
J = 0.5366 from example 5–13 (5–57)

K = 13.90 from example 5–13 (5–58)

Second, calculate Tpc and ppc.

Tpc = 360.1°R from example 5–13 (5–54)

ppc = 671.0 psia from example 5–13 (5–54)

Third, calculate Tpr and ppr.

Tpr = 1.888 from example 5–13 (5–42)

ppr = 9.970 from example 5–13 (5–42)

Fourth, calculate z-factor and ρpr using trial and error with equations 5–43 and
5–44. After 14 trials, the calculation converged with a delta of 0.00076.

z = 1.1360 (5–43)

ρpr = 1.2548 (5–44)

Fifth, calculate ( ∂ρ ) using equation 6–16 with ρpr and Tpr from above.
pr Tpr

∂ρ )

pr Tpr
=0.70932 (6–16)

Sixth, calculate cpr using equation 6–15 with ρpr , z, and Tpr from above.

cpr = 0.056276 (6–15)

Seventh, calculate cg using equation 6–14 with cpr and ppc from above.

cg = cpr/ppc = 0.056276/671.0 = 83.9 × 10–6psi–1 (6–14)

Calculations of the type shown in example 6–6 are rather tedious when done by
hand, so a series of calculations of this type has been made and the calculation chart
in figure 6–4 has been prepared.3
Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases


cpr Tpr

0.1 2.40
0.01 1.05
0.1 1,000 10,000
Pseudoreduced pressure, ppr

Fig. 6–4. Pseudoreduced compressibilities of petroleum gases

Example 6–7. Repeat example 6–6 using the calculation chart from figure 6–4.

First, determine a value of cprTpr from figure 6–4 using ppr of 9.963 and Tpr of
1.887 from example 6–6.

cprTpr = 0.105 from figure 6–4

Second, calculate cpr using Tpr from example 6–1.

cpr = cprTpr/Tpr = 0.105/1.888 = 0.0556


Third, calculate cg using ppc of 671.0 psia from example 6–1.

cg = cpr /ppc = 0.0556/671.0 = 82.9 × 10–6psi–1 (6–14)

Note: result is well within 1% of the value calculated in example 6–6.

The results of the calculations illustrated in examples 6–6 and 6–7 have not
been compared with laboratory data; however, using equations 5–43 and 5–44 to
represent figure 5–7 along with equations 5–54 through 5–56 or equations 5–57 and
5–58 for estimating the pseudocritical properties (which underlie the procedure)
were compared with an extensive set of laboratory data and were shown to give
very accurate results. There were 6,434 lines of data resulting in an average relative
error of 0.328% and an average absolute relative error of 1.602% in z-factor.4 Thus
the procedure should provide very accurate values of gas compressibility.

Gas Densities and Gas Pressure Gradients

Gas density decreases as reservoir pressure declines at constant temperature.
The molecules of the gas are simply further apart at lower pressures and thus the
volume for a particular mass is greater. The typical path for gas density as pressure
declines is shown in figure 6–5.
Reservoir gas density, pg

Increasing T

Reservoir pressure

Fig. 6–5. Typical shapes of gas density as a function of pressure for three reservoir temperatures

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

Gas densities are calculated with

ρg = —— (5–39)

If a value of 10.732 psia cu ft/lbmol °R is used for universal gas constant, R,

then pressure should be in pounds per square inch absolute, temperature should be
in degrees Rankine, and the resulting density will be in pounds per cubic foot. The
molecular weight of the gas for use in equation 5–39 can be calculated as

M = 29γg (5–38)

Values of z-factor can be obtained from figure 5–7 or equations 5–43 and 5–44 with
values of the pseudoreduced properties from equations 5–42 using either equations
5–54 through 5–56 or equations 5–57 and 5–58 to obtain pseudocritical properties.
Equation 5–39 is not a correlation; it is simply a rearrangement of the real gas
equation. Equation 5–38 is also not a correlation. It follows from the definition of
gas specific gravity. Thus the results of equation 5–39 are as accurate as the values
of z-factor used in the calculations.
Gas pressure gradients are calculated with

g ρg psi
gas gradient = — —– —– (6–17)
gc 144 ft

where g and gc have the same numerical values at sea level (32.2 ft/sec2 and
32.2 lbm ft/lbf sec2 in the set of units used here) and thus often are not shown in the
equation. The acceleration due to gravity (g) and the gravitational constant (gc ) are
necessary to convert the pounds of mass (lbm) resulting from the density equation
into pounds of force (lbf) required in the pressure gradient equation. The resulting
pressure gradient has units of pounds per square inch per foot.

Example 6–8. Continue example 6–1 by calculating the values of the density and
pressure gradient of this gas at the specified reservoir conditions of
220°F and 6,675 psig. Assume that g = gc.

First, determine a value of z-factor.

z = 1.136 from example 6–1

Second, determine the molecular weight using the specific gravity of 0.6698
given in example 5–13.

M = 29γg = (29)(0.6698) = 19.42 lb/lb mole (5–38)


Third, calculate gas density.

pM (6,675 + 14.7)(19.42) lbm

ρg = —— = ———————————— = 15.67 —— (5–39)
zRT (1.136)(10.732)(220 + 460) cu ft

Fourth, calculate gas pressure gradient.

ρg 15.67 psi
gas gradient = —– = ——– = 0.1088 —– (6–17)
144 144 ft

The Coefficient of Viscosity of Gas

The coefficient of viscosity is a measure of the resistance to flow exerted by a
fluid. Usually, viscosity is given in units of centipoise. A centipoise is measured
in grams of mass per 100 second-centimeters (g mass/100 sec cm). This viscosity
term is called dynamic viscosity to differentiate it from kinematic viscosity, which
is defined as dynamic viscosity divided by the density of the fluid. The reciprocal
of viscosity is called fluidity.

dynamic viscosity μ centipoise

kinematic viscosity ν = ————————— = ————– (6–18)
density ρg g/cc

Kinematic viscosity usually is given in centistokes. The centistoke is defined as

centipoise divided by density in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cu cm). This density
is measured or calculated at the pressure and temperature of interest. Thus, the
units of centistokes are cubic centimeters per 100 second-centimeters (cu cm/100
sec cm).
Gas viscosity decreases as reservoir pressure decreases. The molecules are
simply further apart at lower pressure and move past each other more easily. The
relationship for a dry gas, wet gas, or a gas condensate at pressures above its
dewpoint pressure is given in figure 6–6.
The figure also shows the effect of temperature on viscosity. At low pressures,
gas viscosity increases as temperature increases. However, at high pressures, gas
viscosity decreases as temperature increases.
Accurate experimental determination of gas viscosity is difficult. Usually,
petroleum engineers must rely on viscosity correlations. Next are the correlations of gas
viscosity data which apply to the gases normally encountered in petroleum reservoirs.

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

Gas viscosity, µg

Increasing T

Reservoir pressure

Fig. 6–6. Typical shape of gas viscosity as a function of pressure at three reservoir temperatures

Viscosity of pure hydrocarbon gases

Figure 6–7 gives the viscosity of ethane.5 Note the similarity between this figure
and the graph of the densities of pure hydrocarbons given in chapter 3. The dotted
line is the saturation line, and the point of maximum temperature on the dotted line
indicates the critical point.

700 Viscosity of ethane
500 Pressu
re, psia
Viscosity, micropoises

400 5000
15 0
90 14.7
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Temperature, °F

Fig. 6–7. Viscosities of ethane6 (From Handbook of Natural Gas Engineering by Katz et al.
Copyright 1959 by McGraw-Hill Book Co. Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book Co.)


Note that the viscosity of the saturated liquid is equal to the viscosity of the saturated
vapor at the critical point. The isobars above the saturation line give the viscosity of
liquid ethane, and the isobars below the saturation line give the viscosity of ethane gas.
The similarity of this graph to the graph showing the density of a pure substance
indicates that the law of corresponding states should hold for viscosity as well as
for volumetric behavior.

Viscosity of naturally occurring petroleum gases

when composition is known
The most popular correlation equations for the prediction of viscosities of gases
at reservoir temperatures and pressures are given next.7
The viscosity is related to a fourth-degree polynomial in pseudoreduced density.8

ρpr = —– (6–19)

[(μg – μ*)ξ + 10–4]1/4 = a1 + a2ρpr + a3ρ2pr + a4ρ3pr + a5ρ4pr (6–20)

n an
1 0.1023000
2 0.0233640
3 0.0585330
4 –0.0407580
5 0.0093324

and μ* is a low-pressure gas-mixture viscosity. The term ξ is a viscosity-reducing

parameter, which for a gas mixture is given by

[Σ ] [Σ ] [Σ ]
ξ= yjTcj    yjMj    yjpcj (6–21)
i=1 i=1 i=1

The pseudocritical molar density, ρMpc, is determined using

ρMpc = VM–p1c = (Σin=1,i≠C7+ (yjVMcj ) + yC7+ VMcC7+) –1 (6–22)

Where the pseudocritical molar volume of the plus fraction is found from

VMcC7+ = 21.537 + 0.015122MC7+ – 27.656γC7+ + 0.070615MC7+γC7+ (6–23)

The low-pressure gas-mixture viscosity may be estimated with the following equation.9

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

[Σ ][Σy M ]
n n
μ* = yjμj*Mj1/2 j j
1/2 (6–24)
j=1 j=1

Where the low-pressure gas viscosities of the individual components ( j*) are
estimated with the following equations.10

μ j* = 34 × 10–5 — Tr0j.94, Trj < 1.5 (6–25)

μj* = 17.78 × 10–5 — (4.58Trj – 1.67)0.625, Trj > 1.5 (6–26)


ξ j = Tcj1/6Mj–1/2pc–j2/3 (6–27)

Values of Tci in K, pci in atmospheres, VMci in cubic feet per pound mole, and ρM
and ρMc in pound mole per cubic feet must be used in equations 6–19 through 6–27.
The pseudocritical temperature and pseudocritical pressure of heptanes plus may
be estimated using equations 5–51 through 5–53.

Example 6–9. Calculate a value of viscosity for use at 280°F and 8,000 psia for a
dry gas with composition given below.

Component Composition, mole fraction

Carbon dioxide 0.0064
Nitrogen 0.0072
Methane 0.8093
Ethane 0.0990
Propane 0.0460
i- Butane 0.0076
n- Butane 0.0135
i- Pentane 0.0020
n- Pentane 0.0040
Hexanes 0.0039
Heptanes plus 0.0011

Assume values of 103 lb/lb mole for molecular weight and 0.7 for specific gravity
of the heptanes plus (volume of heptanes plus insufficient to make measurements
of these properties).


First, determine a value of z-factor using the procedure of example 5–12 and
calculate ρM.
J = 0.56255 (5–55)

K = 14.463 (5–56)

Tpc = 371.8°R (5–54)

ppc = 661.0 psia (5–54)

Tpr = 1.979 (5–42)

Ppr = 12.10 (5–42)

z = 1.244 (5–43 and 5–44)

p 8,000 lb mole
ρM = —— = ————————————— = 0.8098 ——— (5–39)
zRT (1.244)(10.732)(280 + 459.7) cu ft

Second, determine pseudocritical properties of the heptanes plus.

TBC7+ = 662.4ºR = 202.7ºF (5–53)

APIC7+ = ——– – 131.5 = 70.64ºAPI (10–2)

pcC7+ = 416.9 psia (5–51)

TcC7+ = 968.5ºR = 508.8ºF (5–52)

Third, calculate ξj for each component. Equation 6–27 requires units of Kelvin
and atmosphere.

ξ j = Tcj1/6Mj–1/2pc–j2/3 (6–27)

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

Component j Tcj, K Mj, lb/lbmole pcj, atm ξj

CO2 304.1 44.010 72.81 0.02242
N2 126.2 28.014 33.51 0.04071
C1 190.6 16.042 45.39 0.04707
C2 305.3 30.069 48.08 0.03579
C3 369.8 44.096 41.88 0.03345
i- C4 407.8 58.122 35.92 0.03281
n- C4 425.1 58.122 37.49 0.03211
i- C5 460.4 72.149 33.37 0.03156
n- C5 469.7 72.149 33.26 0.03174
C6 507.5 86.175 29.73 0.03170
C7+ 538.0* 103.000 28.37* 0.03021
*Estimated using equations 5–51 and 5–52

Fourth, calculate the low-pressure viscosity (μj*) for each component using
equations 6–25 or 6–26, and the low-pressure gas mixture viscosity (μ*) using
equation 6–24.

Component, j Trj Equation μ*j ,cp yj

CO2 1.351 6–25 0.02012 0.0064
N2 3.256 6–26 0.02195 0.0072
C1 2.156 6–26 0.01408 0.8093
C2 1.346 6–25 0.01256 0.0990
C3 1.111 6–25 0.01122 0.0460
i- C4 1.008 6–25 0.01044 0.0076
n- C4 0.967 6–25 0.01026 0.0135
i- C5 0.893 6–25 0.00968 0.0020
n- C5 0.875 6–25 0.00945 0.0040
C6 0.810 6–25 0.00879 0.0039
C7+ 0.764 6–25 0.00874 0.0011

μ* = 0.01357 cp (6–24)

Fifth, estimate the pseudocritical molar volume of the plus fraction (VMcC7+)
using equation 6–23 and calculate the pseudocritical molar density (ρMpc) of the gas
mixture using equation 6–22.

cu ft lb
VMcC7+ = 8.863 ———– , where MC7+ = 103 ———– and γC7+ = 0.700 (6–23)
lb mole lb mole


lb molej lb molej lb molej

Component y, V , yV ,
  j lb moleT   Mcj lb moleT   j Mcj lb moleT
CO2 0.0064 1.509 0.00966
N2 0.0072 1.431 0.01031
C1 0.8093 1.580 1.27880
C2 0.0990 2.330 0.23070
C3 0.0460 3.210 0.14767
i- C4 0.0076 4.156 0.03158
n- C4 0.0135 4.086 0.05516
i- C5 0.0020 4.942 0.00988
n- C5 0.0040 4.877 0.01951
C6 0.0039 5.929 0.02312
C7+ 0.0011 8.863 0.00974
1.0000 1.82615 = VMpc

1 lb mole
ρMpc = ———– = 0.5476 ———– (6–22)
1.82615 cu ft

Sixth, calculate ξ using equation 6–21 with the properties given in the table in
the third step.
ξ = 0.04260 (6–21)

Seventh, calculate gas viscosity (μ).

ρM 0.8098
ρpr = ——– = ———– = 1.4788 (6–20)
ρMpc 0.5476

μg = 0.0346 cp using μ* = 0.01357,   ξ = 0.04260,   ρpr = 1.4788

A laboratory measured value of gas viscosity of this gas at these conditions was
0.0309 cp, a difference of about 12%.
The equations that underlie this procedure for estimating values of gas
viscosities using gas compositions all go back to data for pure gases. No naturally
occurring petroleum gases were used in their development. Further, the procedure
as developed was tested with some laboratory gas mixtures, mostly two-component
mixtures, at temperatures below 260°F and 7,000 psig. So the accuracy of the
results for dry gases is unknown. The results should at least be the correct order
of magnitude.

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

Viscosity of naturally occurring petroleum gases

when composition is not known
Often the composition of the gas will be unknown; however, the specific gravity
and compositions of the non-hydrocarbon components will be known because
these properties are required during the gas sales process.
The following equations are recommended for estimating values of gas viscosity
when gas composition is not known.11

μg = A(10–4) EXP(BρgC) (6–28)


(9.379 + 0.01607M)T 1.5

A = ——————————— (6–29)
209.2 + 19.26M + T

B = 3.448 + ——– + 0.01009M, and (6–30)

C = 2.447 – 0.224B (6–31)

In the above equations, the value of gas density, ρg, must be in grams per cubic
centimeter (g/cc) and the temperature must be °R. The molecular weight of the gas
mixture may be calculated using equation 5–38 and the gas density estimated with
equation 5–39.

Example 6–10. Continue example 6–1 by calculating a value of the viscosity of this
gas at the specified reservoir conditions of 220°F and 6,675 psig.

First, determine a value of gas density using the procedure from example 6–8;
convert to g/cc.

15.67 — ft
ρg = ————– = 0.2510 g/cc

Second, calculate the values of the coefficients in equation 6–28.

A = 136.03 (6–29)

B = 5.0946 (6–30)

C = 1.3140 (6–31)


Third, calculate gas viscosity.

μg = A (10 –4) EXP(BρgC) (6–28)

μg = (136.03)(10 –4 ) EXP(5.0946 × 0.25101.3140)

μg = 0.0312 cp

These equations were developed using limited gas viscosity data for very
dry gases with temperatures from 100°F to 340°F and pressures from 100 psia
to 8,000 psia (however, the data are rather sparse at the higher pressures). An
evaluation of these equations using the data that was used to produce the equations
gave results that fit the underlying data very well: the largest deviation was about
8%. The accuracies of the results of the correlation equations across the full range
of pressures and dry gas specific gravities that are encountered in the field are not
known. However, this appears to be the best available set of correlation equations
for obtaining estimates of gas viscosities when the compositions of the gases are
not available.12

6–1. Example 5–5 gives the composition of a dry gas. The Piper, McCain,
and Corredor pseudocritical properties equations14 and the DAK z-factor
equations estimate a z-factor of 0.968 at a reservoir temperature of 194°F
and a pressure of 3,810 psia. Calculate a value of gas formation volume
factor (res bbl/Mscf) for this gas at these conditions.
6–2. Exercise 5–29 describes a dry gas with a specific gravity of 0.560 with no
non-hydrocarbons. The reservoir temperature is 193°F and the pressure is
3,000 psig. Calculate a value of gas formation volume factor (res bbl/Mscf),
for this gas at these conditions.
6–3. Continue exercise 6–1. Calculate a value of the coefficient of isothermal
compressibility of this gas (psi–1) at the specified conditions.
6–4. Continue exercise 6–2. Calculate a value of the coefficient of isothermal
compressibility of this gas (psi–1) at the specified conditions.
6–5. Continue exercise 6–1. Calculate a value of the gas gradient (psi/ft) of this
gas at the specified conditions.
6–6. Continue exercise 6–2. Calculate a value of the gas gradient (psi/ft) of this
gas at the specified conditions.

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

6–7. Continue exercise 6–1. Calculate a value of the gas viscosity (cp) of this gas
at the specified conditions.
6–8. Continue exercise 6–2. Calculate a value of the gas viscosity (cp) of this gas
at the specified conditions.


a1–a5 Constants in equation 6–20
A1–A11 Constants in equation 6–16, listed with equation 5–43
A, B, C Coefficients in equation 6–28 defined in equations 6–29 through 6–31
Bg Gas formation volume factor, res vol/std vol
cg Coefficient of isothermal compressibility of gas (gas compressibility), 1/psi
cpr Pseudoreduced coefficient of isothermal compressibility of gas, cgppc,
g Acceleration due to gravity, ft/sec2
gc Gravitational constant, 32.2 lbm ft/lbf sec2
J See equation 5–55 or 5–57, °R/psia
K See equation 5–56 or 5–58, °R/psia1/2
M Molecular weight (molar mass), lb/lb mole
Mj Molecular weight (molar mass) of component j, lb/lb mole;
tabulated in appendix A
MC7+ Molecular weight (molar mass) of heptanes plus, lb/lb mole
n Mass of gas, lb moles
p Pressure, psia
pcj Critical pressure of component j, psia, except equations 6–21 and 6–27,
which require atm; tabulated in appendix A
ppc Pseudocritical pressure, psia
ppr Pseudoreduced pressure, p/ppc, psia
psc Standard (base) pressure, psia
R Universal gas constant, 10.732 psia cu ft/lb mole °R
T Temperature, °R
Tcj Critical temperature of component j, °R, except equation 6–21,
which requires K; tabulated in appendix A
Tpc Pseudocritical temperature, °R
Tpr Pseudoreduced temperature, T/Tpc, dimensionless


Trj Reduced temperature of component j, T/Tcj, dimensionless

Tsc Standard (base) temperature, °R
v Specific volume, cu ft/lb
V Volume, cu ft
VM Molar volume, cu ft/lb mole
VMcj Critical molar volume of component j, cu ft/lb mole;
calculated with data tabulated in appendix A
VMcC7+ Critical molar volume of heptanes plus, cu ft/lb mole
VMpc Pseudocritical molar volume, cu ft/lb mole
VR Volume at reservoir conditions, cu ft
Vsc Volume at standard (base) conditions, cu ft
yj Mole fraction of component j in gas, dimensionless
z Compressibility factor (z-factor), dimensionless
zsc Compressibility factor (z-factor) at standard conditions, dimensionless,
often assigned a value of 1.0

ξ Viscosity-reducing parameter defined in equation 6–21
ξ j Viscosity-reducing parameter of component j defined in equation 6–27
γC7+ Specific gravity of heptanes plus, dimensionless
γg Gas specific gravity, dimensionless
μ Dynamic viscosity, centipoise (cp)
μg Gas dynamic viscosity, cp
μ* Low-pressure gas mixture viscosity, cp
μj* Low-pressure gas viscosity of component j, cp
ν Kinematic viscosity, centistoke
ρg Gas density, lb/cu ft, except equations 6–18 and 6–28, which require g/cc
ρM Molar gas density, lb mole/cu ft
ρMc Molar gas density at the critical point, lb mole/cu ft
ρMpc Pseudocritical molar gas density, lb mole/cu ft; see equation 6–22
ρpr Pseudoreduced gas density, dimensionless; defined by equation 5–44

1. Mattar, L., Brar, G. S., and Aziz, K., “Compressibility of Natural Gases,” Journal of
Canadian Petroleum Technology 14, no. 4 (1975), 77–80.
2. Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem, “Calculation of Z Factors,” 34–36.
3. McCain, Properties of Petroleum Fluids, 177.

Chapter 6 | Properties of Dry Gases

4. McCain, Spivey, and Lenn, Fluid Property Correlations, 9, 22.

5. Smith, A. S., and Brown, G. G., 1943. “Viscosity of Ethane and Propane,” Industrial
and Engineering Chemistry 35 (1943), 705–711.
6. Katz et al., Natural Gas Engineering.
7. Lohrenz, J., Bray, B. G., and Clark, C. R., “Calculating Viscosity of Reservoir
Fluids from their Composition,” Journal of Petroleum Technology 16, no. 10 (1964),
8. Jossi, J. A., Stiel, L. I., and Thodos, G., “The Viscosity of Pure Substances in the
Dense Gaseous and Liquid Phases,” A.I.Ch.E.J. 8 (1962), 59–63.
9. Herning, F., and Zippener, L., “Calculation of the Viscosity of Technical Gas Mixtures
from the Viscosity of the Individual Gases,” Gas u. Wasserfach 79 (1936), 49–69.
10. Stiel, L. I., and Thodos, G., “The Viscosity of Nonpolar Gases at Normal Pressures,”
A. I. Ch. E. J. 9 (1961), 611–615.
11. Lee, A. L., Gonzalez, M. H., and Eakin, B. E., 1966. “The Viscosity of Natural Gas,”
Journal of Petroleum Technology 18 (1966), 997–1000.
12. McCain, Spivey, and Lenn, Fluid Property Correlations, 9, 22.
13. Carr et al., Trans., AIME, 201, 997
14. Piper, McCain, and Corredor, “Compressibility Factors,” 186–200.


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