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Basic Design input

Span and Cross section Data
C/C of expansion gap = 20.84 m (Sq.)
C/C of bearing = 20.00 m (Sq.)
Distance of bearing to expansion gap = 0.42 m (Sq.)
Carriageway width = 7.50 m
Total width = 8.40 m
Footpath Width (Left side) = 0.00 m
Footpath Width (Right side) = 0.00 m
Crash Barrier Width (Left side) = 0.00 m
Crash Barrier Width (Right side) = 0.00 m
Handrail Width (Left side) = 0.45 m
Handrail Width (Right side) = 0.45 m
Skew Angle = 0.0 0.000 radians
Superstructure Details
Type of superstructure = RCC Girder and Deck
Depth of superstructure = 1.810 m
Thickness of wearing coat = 0.075 m
No. of Girders = 3
Distance of FRL from nearest bearing = 2.35 m
Spacing between girders = 2.35 m
Cross-slope = 2.50%
Thickness of bearing = 0.100 m
Thickness of nearest bearing+pedestal = 0.350 m
Height of crash barrier/railing = 1.1 m
Material Data
Grade of concrete fck = M35
Design strength of concrete fcd 15.6 MPa
Grade of steel fyk = Fe500
Design strength of steel fyd = 434.7826 MPa
Density of concrete = 2.5 t/m

Density of wearing course = 2.2 t/m3

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of concrete = 1.20E-05 /oC (Cl.215.4, IRC 6 2010)
Shrinkage strain = 2.0E-04 (Cl.217.3, IRC 6 2010)
Modulus of Elasticity of steel Es = 2.0E+05 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity of concrete Ec = 3.2E+04 MPa
Mean axial tensile strength of concrete fctm = 2.8
Typical Levels
Formation Level "FRL" = 104.193 m
Dirt wall top level = 104.193 m
Bearing level = 102.249 m
Abutment cap level "CTL" = 101.899 m
Stem top level = 101.099 m
Front Ground level "GL" = 99.380 m
HFL 101.349
Scour level = 98.742
Pile cap top level = 98.900 m
Pile cap bottom level = 97.100 m
Pile bottom level = 77.100 m
Soil Parameters
Angle of Shear resistance"f" = 30
Density of Dry Backfill "gd" = 2.00 t/m
Density of submerged Backfill "gsub" = 1.00 t/m
Live load surcharge = 1.20 m
= Soil
Type of soil
Coefficient of friction between = 0.50
(Soil/Rock and concrete)
Vertical Capacity = 230.00 t
Horizontal capacity of pile 60.00 t
Abutment Dimensions (Square)
Type of abutment = wall type abutment
Number = 1
Diameter/width = 0.80 m
Distance of c/l of bearing from face of dirt wall in longitudinal dirn. = 0.42 m
Abutment cap
Length at top (longitudinal direction) = 1.14 m
Length at bottom (longitudinal direction) = 0.80 m
Length at top (transverse direction) = 8.40 m
Length at bottom (transverse direction) = 8.40 m
Depth (Constant portion) = 0.40 m
Depth (Varying portion) = 0.40 m
Dirt Wall
Thickness = 0.30 m
Length = 8.40 m
Return wall
Thickness = 0.60 m
Length in longitudinal direction = 0.70 m
Length in transverse direction = 0.70 m
Height = 0.25 m
Number = 3
Seismic arrestor
Length in longitudinal direction = 0.48 m
Length in transverse direction = 0.48 m
Height = 0.75 m
Number = 2
Foundation Data
Type of foundation = Pile Foundation
Total No. Of Piles = 6
Dia of pile = 1.2 m
C/c Spacing of Piles (Along L-L direction) = 3.6 m
C/c Spacing of Piles (Along T-T direction) = 3.6 m
Projection of Pile Cap beyond pile surface = 0.15 m

Length of Pile Cap (along L-L direction) = 5.1 m

Length of Pile Cap (along T-T direction) 8.7 m
Total Thickness of Pile Cap = 1.8 m

Factor by which seismic force is increased for = 1.35 (Cl.219.8, IRC 6 2010)
0.30m FRL 104.193m
C/l of bearing

Bearing Lvl 102.249m

CTL 101.899m

RE WALL / Embankment 0.34m

Return wall C/l of shaft
GL 99.380m

Pile cap top lvl

Pile cap bottom lvl

Longitudinal Section

Distance between bearing c/l and shaft c/l in longitudinal dirn. = 0m

Load Data
Dead Load
Total weight of longitudinal girders + deck = 290 t

Load intensity due to wearing course = 0.165 t/m
Self weight of crash barrier = 0 t/m
Self weight of railing = 0.5 t/m
Live Load
1 Lane 70R-Wheeled
Load = 100 t
Length of Load = 13.4 m
CG of load = 5.12 m
1 Lane Class A
Load = 50 t
Length of Load = 14.5 m
CG of load = 5.71 m
% Reduction = 90 %
Fraction of live load remaining in seismic case = 0.2
Factor by which seismic force is increased for design of foundation = 1.25 (Cl.219.8, IRC 6 2010)
Wind Load
Basic Wind Speed = 47 m/s Fig. 6, IRC:6-2010
Type of terrain = Plain terrain
Parameters for wind force on superstructure (except truss) Refer Cl. 209.3.3 to 209.3.5, IRC:6-2010
Gust Factor, G 2.0 2.0
Drag Coeficient, CD 1.1 1.2
Lift Coeficient, CL 0.75 -

Parameters for wind force on substructure

For Abutment Cap
Gust Factor, G = 2
Drag Coeficient, CD = 0.8 Table 5, IRC:6-2010

Bearing Data
Type of bearing = POT-PTFE
Clear Cover
Dirt Wall Bracket = 50 mm
Dirt Wall = 50 mm
Abutment Cap = 50 mm
Abutment Stem = 50 mm
Pile Cap = 75 mm
Pile = 75 mm

Longitudinal eccentricity bearing c/l from c/l of shaft = 0m

Dead Load of Superstructure
Total weight of longitudinal girders+deck = 290 t
Total weight of diaphragm = 0t
Total weight of deck slab = 0t
Total weight of superstructure = 290 t
Reaction = 145 t
Total reaction on abutment = 145 t
Longitudinal moment = 0 t-m
Transverse eccentricity of DL from c/l of abutment = 0 m
Transverse Moment = 0 t-m
SIDL (crash barrier, railing, footpath) - excluding wearing course
Crash barrier weight = 0 t
Railing weight = 20.84 t
Longitudinal moment (crash barrier) = 0 t-m
Longitudinal moment (railing) = 0 t-m
SIDL (wearing course)
Load intensity due to wearing course = 0.165 t/m
DL of wearing course = 25.7895 t
Total reaction on abutment (SIDL due to w/c) = 12.89475 t
Longitudinal moment (wearing course) = 0 t-m
Total width of abutment 8.40 0.30 FRL 104.193
Dead Load calculation
vertical Moments Description Lever arm
load (t-m)
1 Dirt wall 12 0.59 7.22 1.944 BRL 102.249
2 Bracket 1.58 0.89 1.40 CAP top 101.899
3 Cap varying 8.15 0.09 0.73 0.40
4 cap uniform 9.58 0.17 1.63 0.40 CAP bottom 101.099
5 seismic arrester 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.34
6 Abutment shaft 37 0.00 0.00 6.743 0.8
7 Pile Cap 200 0.00 0.00
8 Return wall 43 2.55 110.91
9 weight of backfill(A) 13 0.00 0.00 2.20 B A
10 weight of backfill(B) 205 0.00 0.00
Total at pile cap top 69 11
Total pile cap bottom 530 122 Front ground

1.8 98.9

Seismic force on Sub structure
ahl aht av
Seismic coefficient
0.18 0.18 0.12
At pile cap top
dead Seismic forces(T) Lever arm(m) Moments(T-m) Description
Load(T) Long Trans Vertical Horizontal Vertical Long Trans
1 Dirt wall 12 2.20 2.20 1.47 3.97 0.59 7.89 8.75
2 Bracket 2 0.28 0.28 0.19 4.49 0.89 1.11 1.27
3 Cap varying 8 1.47 1.47 0.98 2.40 0.09 3.43 3.52
4 cap uniform 10 1.72 1.72 1.15 2.80 0.17 4.63 4.83
5 seismic arrester 1 0.16 0.16 0.10 3.37 0.00 0.52 0.52
6 Abutment shaft 37 6.65 6.65 4.43 1.10 0.00 7.31 7.31
Total at pile cap top 69 12 12 8 25 26

Combined CG of seismic forces on sub structure from pile cap top 1.99m
RL of Cg of seismic force 100.89m

At Bottom of pile cap

Seismic forces Lever arm Moments(T-m) Description dead Load
Long Trans Vertical Horizontal Vertical Long Trans
1 Dirt wall 12 2.20 2.20 1.47 5.77 0.59 11.85 12.72
2 Bracket 2 0.28 0.28 0.19 6.29 0.89 1.62 1.78
3 Cap varying 8 1.47 1.47 0.98 4.20 0.09 6.07 6.16
4 cap uniform 10 1.72 1.72 1.15 4.60 0.17 7.73 7.93
5 seismic arrester 1 0.16 0.16 0.10 5.17 0.00 0.80 0.80
6 Abutment shaft 37 6.65 6.65 4.43 2.90 0.00 19.28 19.28
7 Pile Cap 200 35.94 35.94 23.96 0.90 0.00 32.35 32.35
8 Return wall 43 7.83 7.83 5.22 4.27 2.55 20.13 33.44
9 weight of backfill(A) 13 2.26 2.26 1.51 2.90 0.00 6.56 6.56
10 weight of backfill(B) 205 36.91 36.91 24.60 4.27 0.00 157.65 157.65
Total pile cap bottom 530 95 95 64 264 279
Reaction due to DL of superstructure = 145 t
Reaction due to SIDL exl w/c = 0t
Reaction due to SIDL due to w/c = 12.89 t

Transverse moment has been calculated for the most eccentric placement of live load

Bearing type is POT-PTFE

1 1 lane 70R-Wheeled
CG of 100 t

a b
0.42 20.00 0.42


Live Load Reactions

Ra = 100.0*(20.8-5.1-0.4)/20.0 = 76.5 t
Rb = 100.0-76.5 = 23.5 t

Braking force = 20% of 100.00 t

= 20.0 t acts at 1.2 m above road surface
Change in Reaction due to braking force = 3.4 t

Maximum Vertical force on abutment = 79.9 t

Minimum Vertical force on abutment = 20.1 t

Total horizontal force at bearing level = Fh

= 20.0 t
Total Horizontal force (Longitudinal) HL = 20.0 t
Total Horizontal force (Transverse) HT = 0.0 t

79.9 t
2.60 m C/L of deck

8.4 m
Eccentricity (with footpath case) = 1.605 m
Eccentricity (without footpath case) = 1.605 m
2 1 lane Class A
CG of 50 t

a b
0.42 20.00 0.42


Live Load Reactions

Ra = 50.0*(20.8-5.7-0.4)/20.0 = 36.8 t
Rb = 50.0-36.8 = 13.2 t

Braking force = 20% of 50.00 t

= 10.0 t acts at 1.2 m above road surface
Change in Reaction due to braking force = 1.5 t

Maximum Vertical force on abutment = 38.3 t

Minimum Vertical force on abutment = 11.7 t
Total horizontal force at bearing level = Fh
= 10.0 t
Total Horizontal force (Longitudinal) HL = 10.0 t
Total Horizontal force (Transverse) HT = 0.0 t

38.3 t

1.30 m C/L of deck

8.4 m

Eccentricity (with footpath case) = 2.9 m

Eccentricity (without footpath case) = 2.9 m
Transverse Moment MT = 111.1 t-m
3 2 lane Class A

Live Load Reactions

Ra = 90% of 2x36.8 t = 66.2 t
Rb = 90% of 2x13.2 t = 23.8 t
Braking force = 1x(20% of 50.00 t + 5% of 50.00) t
= 12.5 t acts at 1.2 m above road surface
Change in Reaction due to braking force = 1.9 t

Maximum Vertical force on abutment = 68.1 t

Minimum Vertical force on abutment = 21.9 t

Total horizontal force at bearing level = Fh

= 12.5 t
Total Horizontal force (Longitudinal) HL = 12.5 t
Total Horizontal force (Transverse) HT = 0.0 t

68.1 t

3.05 m 1.15 m C/L of deck

8.4 m

Transverse Moment MT = 78.3 t-m

Summary of forces (Live loads)

Load Case
t t-m t-m t t
Pmax 79.9 0.0 128.3 20.0 0.0
1 lane 70R-W Pmin 20.1 0.0 32.2 20.0 0.0
Pmax 38.3 0.0 111.1 10.0 0.0
1 lane Class A Pmin 11.7 0.0 33.9 10.0 0.0
Pmax 68.1 0.0 78.3 12.5 0.0
2 lane Class A Pmin 21.9 0.0 25.2 12.5 0.0
T = Fundamental Time Period = 2.0*sqrt(D/1000F)

D = Appropriate Dead Load of the Superstructure = 1578.95 KN

and Live Load in KN

F = Horizontal Force in KN required to be applied at the centre of the mass of the

superstructure for 1mm horizontal deflection at the top of the pier along the
considered direction of horizontal Force
Horizontal Force in Longitudinal Direction applied = 10 KN

L = Height of the Abutment above fixity Level including = 3.349 m

abutment cap

G = Grade of Concrete for Abutment = M35

E = Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete = 32000.0 Mpa

= 3.20E+06 t/m^2
b = width/dia of pier = 0.800 m
L = length of pier 8.400
I = Moment of Inertia of the Pier = 0.269 m

Deflection at the top of the pier

d1 = Deflection due to shear rating of bearing = 0.000 mm

d2 = FL3/3EI = 0.0146 mm

d = Total deflection of pier at top = 0.0146 mm

F = Horizontal Force in KN reqd. for 1 mm = 686.84 KN


T = Fundamental Time Period = 0.096 sec


Sa/g = Average response acceleration coefficient = 2.50

(depending upon fundamental time period T)

The project stretch is in seismic zone V

Type of Soil Medium Soil

Z = Zone factor = 0.36

I = Importance factor = 1

R = Response reduction factor = 2.5

Ah = Horizontal Seismic Coefficient = 0.1800

(Z/2)*(S a /g)/(R/I) say 0.1800

A v = Vertical Seismic Coefficient (Clause 222.3 of latest amendments) = 0.1200

2/3 * A h say 0.1200
Bearing type POT-PTFE
Reaction due to self weight of superstructure = 145 t
Total SIDL reaction( non surfacing) = 0t
Total SIDL reaction( surfacing) 12.89475
Horizontal seismic coefficient (long.) ahl = 0.180
Horizontal seismic coefficient (trans.) aht = 0.180
Vertical seismic coefficient av = 0.120
Seismic force on DL + SIDL , long. Dirn. = 28.4 t
Seismic force on DL + SIDL , trans. Dirn. = 28.4 t
Seismic force on DL + SIDL , vert. Dirn. = 17.4 t
For seismic case, total horizontal force due to seismic, Fh will be transferred to fixed bearing in case of POT-PTFE
bearing and Fh/2 will be transferred in case of elastomeric bearing.

Seismic due to super structure dead load

Vertical Seismic forces Force acting at level Description
Load(t) long transverse vertical For Long for tranverse For vertical
1 Crash barrier 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 102.25 104.64 0
2 kerb/Foothpath 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 102.25 104.34 0
3 Wearing course 25.7895 4.64 2.32 1.55 102.25 104.23 0
4 Girders+ deck slab 290 52.20 26.10 17.40 102.25 103.00 0

RL of Combine CG of seismic forces for transverse seismic 103.09902

Seismic due to Carraigeway live load

Live load factor for seismic 0.2
Vertical Seismic forces Force acting at levels Description
Load(t) long transverse vertical For Long for tranverse For vertical
1 1 lane 70RW(max) 79.94 0.00 2.88 1.92 102.25 105.39 0
2 1 lane 70RW(min) 20.07 0.00 0.72 0.48 102.25 105.39 0
3 1Lane Class A(Max) 38.32 0.00 1.38 0.92 102.25 105.39 0
4 1Lane Class A(Min) 11.68 0.00 0.42 0.28 102.25 105.39 0
5 2Lane Class A(Max) 68.12 0.00 2.45 1.63 102.25 105.39 0
6 2Lane Class A(Min) 21.88 0.00 0.79 0.53 102.25 105.39 0
Calculation of Wind Force
Basic Wind Speed = 47 m/s
Type of terrain = Plain terrain
Type of superstructure = RCC Girder and Deck
Type of substructure = wall type abutment
H = the average height in metres of exposed surface above the mean retarding surface (ground or bed or water level
Vz = hourly mean speed of wind in m/s at height H
Pz = horizontal wind pressure in N/m at height H
Calculation of Wind Forces on Superstructure
Skew angle θ = 0 rad
Length of superstructure in L-L direction (square) = 20.84 m
Length of superstructure in L-L direction (skew) = 20.84 m
Length of superstructure in T-T direction (square) = 8.40 m
Total depth of superstructure (including crash barrier) = 2.91 m

Average height of exposed surface from ground level = 4.32 m

Vz = 39.6 m/s
Pz = 940.6 N/m
Wind Forces on DL + SIDL
Gust factor G = 2.0
Drag coefficient CD = 1.1

Exposed solid area A1 = 60.6444 m
Force in transverse direction FT = P z x A1 x G x CD Cl. 209.3.3, IRC:6-2010
= 12.5 t
acting at RL = 103.70 m
Force in longitudinal direction FL = 25 % of FT Cl. 209.3.4, IRC:6-2010
= 3.14
acting at RL = 102.25 m
Plan Area A3 = 175.056 m
Lift coefficient CL = 0.75
Force in vertical direction Fv = -Pz x A3 x G x CL Cl. 209.3.5, IRC:6-2010
= -24.7 t (Uplift is considered as negative)
Wind Forces on LIVE LOAD

Height of deck surface from ground level = 4.813 m

Wind speed at deck level Vz = 39.6 m/s
> 36 m/s
No live load should be considered on deck Cl. 209.3.7, IRC:6-2010
Height of live load above roadway surface = 3 m Cl. 209.3.6, IRC:6-2010
Exposed solid area A1 = 0 m2
Gust factor G = 2.0
Drag coefficient CD = 1.2

Force in transverse direction FT = P z x A1 x G x CD Cl. 209.3.3, IRC:6-2010

= 0.0 t
acting at RL = 105.69 m
Force in longitudinal direction FL = 25 % of FT Cl. 209.3.4, IRC:6-2010
= 0.00
acting at RL = 105.69 m
Total wind forces on superstructure
FL = 3.14t acting at RL 102.25 Hl 1.568658
FT = 12.55t acting at RL 103.70 HT 6.274633
FV = -24.7 Pv -12.34932

alpha (a) 90.0 1.570796

Beta (b) 0.00 0
delta (d) 20.0 0.349066
phi(p) 30.0 0.523599

Sin(a+p) 0.86603 sin(a-p) 0.866025

Sin(a) 1 sin(a) 1
sin(a-d) 0.93969 sin(a+d) 0.939693

sin(p+d) 0.76604 sin(p+d) 0.766044

sin(p-b) 0.5 sin(p+b) 0.5
sin(a-b) 1 sin(a+b) 1

ka 0.297 kp 6.105

Kah 0.279 Kph 5.738

Kav 0.102 Kpv 2.088

Earth Pressure Coefficient in Seismic Case

Case-1 (By taking l = tan -1 ( a h/(1+ a v)) )

Active earth pressure coefficient,Ca =

(1+av)*cos(f-l-a) 1 2
cosl*cos2a*cos(d+a+l) 1+ sin(f+d)*sin(f-i-l) 0.5

= 1.134 x 0.411

Ca = 0.467

ah = Horizontal seismic coefficient = 0.180

av = Vertical seismic coefficient = 0.120
f = angle of internal friction = 30 deg
l = tan-1(ah/(1+av)) = 9.13 deg
a = angle which earth face of wall makes with vertical = 0 deg
I = slope of earthfill = 0 deg
d = angle of friction between wall and earthfill = 20 deg
Case-2 (By taking l = tan -1 ( a h/(1- a v)) )
Active earth pressure coefficient,Ca =

(1-av)*cos(f-l-a) 1 2
cosl*cos2a*cos(d+a+l) 1+ sin(f+d)*sin(f-i-l) 0.5

= 0.949 x 0.425

Ca = 0.404

ah = Horizontal seismic coefficient = 0.180

av = Vertical seismic coefficient (0.5ah) = 0.120
f = angle of internal friction = 30 deg
l = tan-1(ah/(1-av)) = 11.56 deg
a = angle which earth face of wall makes with vertical = 0 deg
I = slope of earthfill = 0 deg
d = angle of friction between wall and earthfill = 20.0 deg

Horz. Active earth pressure coeff. in seismic case is taken as,Ca*cos20 0.438
Vert. Active earth pressure coeff. in seismic case is taken as,Ca*cos20 0.160

Dynamic Increment (Horz.) 0.159

Dynamic Increment (Vert.) 0.058
Earth Pressure calculation

Provision of weep holes in abutment wall Yes

No hydrostatic force needs to be applied

Earth Pressure diagram LWL case

E1= earth pressure due to Live load surcharge E3= earth pressure above HFL
E2= earth pressure due to backfill LWL case E4= earth Pressure due to back fill below HFL





Earth Pressure diagram HFL case


E1 E3


Width of abutment (Skew) b = 8.400m
Horizontal Earth Pressure Coefficient Kah = 0.279
Horizontal Earth Pressure Coefficient Kav = 0.102
Dynamic Increment (Horz.) = 0.159
Dynamic Increment (Vert.) = 0.058
Abutment Shaft Bottom Level
Normal Case
Earth Pressure Lwl Case Earth Pressure HFl Case
Normal case Seismic Normal Case Seismic case
Dynamic ML
Static ML due ML due Dynamic Lever ML due
Lever arm Increme Lever arm due to Static Lever arm
Compon to HL to HL Increment arm to HL
nt HL Component
ent t m t m
m t-m t-m m t-m t-m
E1=29.8 2.65 78.790 E1=17.0 2.65 45.01 E1=29.8 2.65 78.79 E1=17.0 2.65 45.01
E2=65.7 2.22 146.0 E2=37.5 2.6465 99.3 E3=19.0 3.64 69.07 E3=10.8 3.87 41.92
E5=16.3 1.22 19.99 E5=9.3 1.22 11.42
E4=7.0 1.03 7.23 E4=4.0 1.22 4.92

Foundation Bottom Level

Earth Pressure Lwl Case Earth Pressure HFl Case

Normal case Seismic Normal Case Seismic case
Dynamic ML
Static ML due ML due Dynamic Lever ML due
Lever arm Increme Lever arm due to Static Lever arm
Compon to HL to HL Increment arm to HL
nt HL Component
ent t m t m
m t-m t-m m t-m t-m

E1=29.8 4.45 132.378 E1=17.0 4.45 75.63 E1=29.8 4.4465 132.378 E1=17.0 4.4465 75.6302
E2=117.9 2.98 351.3 E2=67.4 3.5465 238.9 E3=19.0 5.44 103.19 E3=10.8 5.67 61.42
E5=28.3 2.12 60.17 E5=16.2 2.12 34.37
E4=21.2 1.78 37.75 E4=12.1 2.12 25.68
Basic combination
Load and Forces At Pile cap top at RL 98.9
Partial Unfactored Load Factored Load
Description safety ML MT HL HT Pmax ML MT HL HT
factor (t-m) (t-m) (t) (t) (t) (t-m) (t-m) (t) (t)
DL_Sup+sidl (non surfacing) 1.35 195.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 264.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SIDL( w/c) 1.75 12.9 0.0 0.0 0 0 22.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
sub structure+return wall 1.35 69.4 -11.0 0.0 0 0 93.63 -14.83 0.00 0.00 0.00
FPLL1 1.15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.0 224.8 0.0 95.4 0.0 0.00 337.13 0.00 143.14 0.00
Wind (vertical down) 1.5 12.3 5.3 30.1 1.6 6.3 18.52 7.88 45.22 2.35 9.41
Wind (vertical Up) 1.5 -12.3 5.3 30.1 1.6 6.3 -18.52 7.88 45.22 2.35 9.41
Shear Rating/ Bearing
1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
70RW max 1.5 79.9 71.8 128.3 21.4 0.0 119.90 107.69 192.44 32.15 0.00
70RW min 1.5 20.1 81.8 32.2 24.4 0.0 30.10 122.73 48.31 36.64 0.00
1Lane Class A (max) 1.5 38.32 53.6 111.12 16.02 0.00 57.48 80.46 166.68 24.02 0.00
1Lane Class A (min) 1.5 11.68 58.1 33.88 17.35 0.00 17.52 87.15 50.82 26.02 0.00
2Lane Class A (max) 1.5 68.12 59.5 78.34 17.78 0.00 102.18 89.30 117.51 26.66 0.00
2Lane Class A (min) 1.5 21.88 67.3 25.16 20.09 0.00 32.82 100.92 37.74 30.13 0.00

Load at Pile cap top (Basic Combination)

Load combination Pmax(t)
(t-m) (t-m) (t) (t)
70RW max 500.36 429.98 107.69 250.83 107.69
70RW min 410.56 445.02 122.73 265.87 122.73
1Lane Class A (max) 437.94 402.76 80.46 223.61 80.46
1Lane Class A (min) 397.98 409.45 87.15 230.30 87.15
2Lane Class A (max) 482.64 411.60 89.30 232.45 89.30
2Lane Class A (min) 413.27 423.22 100.92 244.07 100.92
70RW max+ wind 518.89 437.87 152.91 253.19 117.10
70RW min+wind 392.03 452.90 167.95 268.22 132.14
1Lane Class A (max)+wind 456.46 410.64 125.68 225.96 89.88
1Lane Class A (min)+wind 379.46 417.33 132.37 232.65 96.57
2Lane Class A (max)+wind 501.17 419.48 134.52 234.80 98.72
2Lane Class A (min)+wind 394.75 431.10 146.14 246.42 110.33
Seismic combination
Forces At Pile cap top at RL 98.9

Partial Unfactored Load Factored Load

Description safety Pmax ML MT HL HT Pmax ML MT
HL(t) HT(t)
factor (t) (t-m) (t-m) (t) (t) (t) (t-m) (t-m)
DL_Sup+sidl (non surfacing) 1.35 145.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 195.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SIDL( w/c) 1.75 12.9 0.0 0.0 0 0 22.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
sub structure+return wall 1.35 69.4 -11.0 0.0 0 0 93.63 -14.83 0.00 0.00 0.00
FPLL1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Earth Pressure 1 0.0 146.0 0.0 65.7 0.0 0.00 145.96 0.00 65.66 0.00
Live load surcharge 0.2 0.0 78.8 0.0 29.8 0.0 0.00 15.76 0.00 5.95 0.00
Shear Rating/ Bearing friction 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
70RW max 0.2 79.9 63.3 128.3 18.9 0.0 15.99 12.66 25.66 3.78 0.00
70RW min 0.2 20.1 73.3 32.2 21.9 0.0 4.01 14.66 6.44 4.38 0.00
1Lane Class A (max) 0.2 38.32 45.1 111.12 13.48 0.00 7.66 9.03 22.22 2.70 0.00
1Lane Class A (min) 0.2 11.68 49.6 33.88 14.81 0.00 2.34 9.92 6.78 2.96 0.00
2Lane Class A (max) 0.2 68.12 51.0 78.34 15.24 0.00 13.62 10.21 15.67 3.05 0.00
2Lane Class A (min) 0.2 21.88 58.8 25.16 17.55 0.00 4.38 11.76 5.03 3.51 0.00
Seismic forces
From superstructure dead load 1.5 18.95 190.4 119.34 56.84 28.42 28.42 285.57 179.01 85.26 42.63
seismic on substructure 1.5 8.32 24.9 24.89 12.48 12.48 12.48 37.34 37.34 18.73 18.73
Dynamic increament (LL surcharge) 1.5 0.00 9.0 0.00 3.40 0.00 0.00 13.50 0.00 5.10 0.00
Total due to seismic 27.27 224.27 144.23 72.73 40.91 40.91 336.41 216.35 109.09 61.36
Seismic force on CWLL
70RW max 1.5 1.92 0 18.685 0.00 2.88 2.88 0.00 28.03 0.00 4.32
70RW min 1.5 0.48 0 4.690 0.00 0.72 0.72 0.00 7.04 0.00 1.08
1Lane Class A (max) 1.5 0.92 0 8.957 0.00 1.38 1.38 0.00 13.43 0.00 2.07
1Lane Class A (min) 1.5 0.28 0 2.731 0.00 0.42 0.42 0.00 4.10 0.00 0.63
2Lane Class A (max) 1.5 1.63 0 15.924 0.00 2.45 2.45 0.00 23.89 0.00 3.68
2Lane Class A (min) 1.5 0.53 0 5.114 0.00 0.79 0.79 0.00 7.67 0.00 1.18

Load at Pile cap top (Seismic Combination)

Pmax ML
Load combination MT HL(t) HT(t)
(t) (t-m)
70RW max+Long seismic 341.07 495.95 98.97 184.48 19.70
70RW min+ long seismic 328.45 497.96 73.46 185.08 18.73
1Lane Class A (max)+long seismic 332.30 492.32 91.16 183.40 19.03
1Lane Class A (min)+long seismic 326.68 493.22 72.91 183.67 18.60
2Lane Class A (max)+long seismic 338.58 493.50 87.74 183.75 19.51
2Lane Class A (min)+long seismic 328.83 495.05 72.24 184.21 18.76
1. Inputs
Dimensions & r/f details:
Abutment width, B = 800 mm
Abutment length, L = 8400 mm
No. layers along width (B) = 6 -total no. of layers (no need to substract
No. layers along length (L) = 65 anything)
Bar diameter along φ(B1) = 16 mm
width φ(B2) = 16 mm
Bar diameter along φ(L1) 12 -compression face
length φ(L2) 20 -tension face
c' = 75 mm -effective cover to r/f
fck = 35 MPa
fy = 500 MPa
Total no. of bars = 138
Bar spacing @ width = 130 mm
Bar spacing @ depth = 129 mm
2 φ(B1
Area of steel = 29380.2 mm φ(B2
steel % = 0.437 %

2. Interaction curve



Axial load

"P vs Mux" 0.35
P vs Muy
200 0.41
0 0.44
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0.45
Thousands 0.46
Ned/Nrd 0.1 0.7 1 Nrd = Acfcd+Ayfyd 117829989
α 1 1.5 2
Load Cases P MY=ML Mx=Mt Mux=MT Muy=ML Ned/Nrd α Check
70RW max 5003.6 4299.8 1076.9 64352.7 7882.0 0.0425 1 0.5623 ok
70RW min 4105.6 4450.2 1227.3 61632.2 7606.0 0.0348 1 0.6050 ok
1Lane Class A (max) 4379.4 4027.6 804.6 62468.0 7690.2 0.0372 1 0.5366 ok
1Lane Class A (min) 3979.8 4094.5 871.5 61242.9 7566.7 0.0338 1 0.5554 ok
2Lane Class A (max) 4826.4 4116.0 893.0 63817.8 7827.6 0.0410 1 0.5398 ok
2Lane Class A (min) 4132.7 4232.2 1009.2 61716.3 7614.4 0.0351 1 0.5722 ok
70RW max+ wind 5188.9 4378.7 1529.1 64912.0 7938.9 0.0440 1 0.5751 ok
70RW min+wind 3920.3 4529.0 1679.5 61058.7 7548.1 0.0333 1 0.6275 ok
1Lane Class A (max)+wind 4564.6 4106.4 1256.8 63027.3 7747.1 0.0387 1 0.5500 ok
1Lane Class A (min)+wind 3794.6 4173.3 1323.7 60669.4 7508.7 0.0322 1 0.5776 ok
2Lane Class A (max)+wind 5011.7 4194.8 1345.2 64377.1 7884.5 0.0425 1 0.5529 ok
2Lane Class A (min)+wind 3947.5 4311.0 1461.4 61142.8 7556.6 0.0335 1 0.5944 ok
70RW max+Long seismic 3410.7 4959.5 989.7 59481.0 7388.4 0.0289 1 0.6879 ok
70RW min+ long seismic 3284.5 4979.6 734.6 59090.3 7348.9 0.0279 1 0.6900 ok
1Lane Class A (max)+long seismic 3323.0 4923.2 911.6 59209.4 7360.9 0.0282 1 0.6842 ok
1Lane Class A (min)+long seismic 3266.8 4932.2 729.1 59035.6 7343.4 0.0277 1 0.6840 ok
2Lane Class A (max)+long seismic 3385.8 4935.0 877.4 59403.9 7380.6 0.0287 1 0.6834 ok
2Lane Class A (min)+long seismic 3288.3 4950.5 722.4 59102.1 7350.1 0.0279 1 0.6858 ok
Calculation for Pile reactions and horizontal
forces in piles
Forces At Pile cap bottom unfactored at RL 97.1

t t-m t-m t t
DL_Sup+sidl (non surfacing) 145.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
SIDL( w/c) 12.9 0.0 0.0 0 0
sub structure+return wall 112.8 -121.9 0.0 0 0
Pile cap 199.7 0.0 0.0 0 0
Back fill 217.6 0.0 0.0 0 0
FPLL1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0
Earth Pressure 0.0 483.6 0.0 147.7 0.0
Wind (vertical down) 12.3 8.1 41.4 1.6 6.3
Wind (vertical Up) -12.3 8.1 41.4 1.6 6.3
Shear Rating/ Bearing friction 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
70RW max 79.9 112.7 128.3 21.9 0.0
70RW min 20.1 97.3 32.2 18.9 0.0
1Lane Class A (max) 38.32 69.4 111.12 13.48 0.00
1Lane Class A (min) 11.68 76.3 33.88 14.81 0.00
2Lane Class A (max) 68.12 78.5 78.34 15.24 0.00
2Lane Class A (min) 21.88 90.4 25.16 17.55 0.00
Seismic forces
From super str dl 18.95 292.7 170.50 56.84 28.42
seismic on sub str 8.32 47.4 47.36 12.48 12.48
Return wall 5.22 47.5 47.53 7.83 7.83
Backfill 26.11 237.8 237.81 39.17 39.17
Dynamic increament (LL surcharge) 0.00 45.0 0.00 17.01 0.00
Dynamic increament (Back fill) 0.00 99.3 0.00 37.51 0.00
Total due to seismic 58.60 769.69 503.20 170.84 87.90
Loads at pile cap bottom
Load combination
t t-m t-m t t
70RW max 767.95 474.47 128.30 169.57 0.00
70RW min 708.08 459.05 32.20 166.58 0.00
1Lane Class A (max) 726.33 431.15 111.12 161.16 0.00
1Lane Class A (min) 699.69 438.00 33.88 162.49 0.00
2Lane Class A (max) 756.13 440.21 78.34 162.92 0.00
2Lane Class A (min) 709.89 452.12 25.16 165.23 0.00
70RW max+ wind 780.30 482.54 169.73 171.14 6.27
70RW min+wind 695.73 467.13 73.64 168.15 6.27
1Lane Class A (max)+wind 738.68 439.22 152.56 162.73 6.27
1Lane Class A (min)+wind 687.34 446.08 75.32 164.06 6.27
2Lane Class A (max)+wind 768.48 448.29 119.78 164.49 6.27
2Lane Class A (min)+wind 697.54 460.19 66.60 166.80 6.27
70RW max+ Seismic 721.58 1153.97 176.62 318.52 26.37
70RW min+Seismic 709.60 1150.89 157.40 318.52 26.37
1Lane Class A (max)+Long seismic 713.26 1145.31 173.19 318.52 26.37
1Lane Class A (min)+Long seismic 707.93 1146.68 157.74 318.52 26.37
2Lane Class A (max)+Long seismic 719.22 1147.12 166.63 318.52 26.37
2Lane Class A (min)+Long seismic 709.97 1149.50 155.99 318.52 26.37
Design of cast-in-situ Bored Piles
A) Determination of Depth of Fixity & BM for Piles as per IS:2911 (Part-I) x
K1 0.525 Kg/ FIGURE
Ec 315000 Kg/
Dia of Pile 120 cm 3 6
I 10178760 cm4
T 3.607 m 3.6
L1 0 Traffic direction
L1/T 0 y 2 5 y
Lf/T 2.1
Lf 7.5747 m -5.70
Embedded length Lc = 20 >= 4x3.607 Hence Safe 4
For the fixed end moment of the eq. cantilever = Qm(L1+Lf)
For the fixed end moment of the eq. Fixed Head = Qm(L1+Lf)/2 X
1.80 -1.80
For Normal Case Pile dia 1.2
M= mQ(L1+Lf)/2
m 0.9
Q 28.54 t
M 97.290 t-m 0.9*28.542*(0+7.5747)/2

Pile capacity Normal Seismic

Vertical Capacity of a Pile (T) 230 287.5
Horizontal Capacity of a Pile(T) 60.00 75

Pile Reaction Pp = P/N +/- ML/ZL +/- MT/ZT

Pile No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Dist.(L) 1.80 1.80 1.80 -1.80 -1.80 -1.80
Dist. (T) -3.60 0 3.6 -3.60 0 3.6
Di L^2 3.240 3.240 3.240 3.240 3.240 3.240
Di T^2 12.960 0.000 12.960 12.960 0.000 12.960
ZL 10.8000 10.80 10.80 -10.80 -10.80 -10.80
ZT -14.40 0 14 -14 0 14

Force H= Moment =H*Lf*m
Load Case Pile No.1 Pile No.2 Pile No.3 Pile No.4 Pile No.5 Pile No.6
sqrt(HL^2+HT (t-m)
1 163.01 172 181 75 84 93 28 96
2 158.28 161 163 73 76 78 28 95
3 153.26 161 169 73 81 89 27 92
4 154.82 157 160 74 76 78 27 92
5 161.34 167 172 80 85 91 27 93
6 158.43 160 162 75 76 78 28 94
7 162.94 175 187 74 85 97 29 97
8 154.09 159 164 68 73 78 28 96
9 153.19 164 174 72 82 93 27 93
10 150.63 156 161 68 73 78 27 93
11 161.27 170 178 78 87 95 27 94
12 154.24 159 163 69 74 78 28 95
13 214.85 227 239 1 13 26 53 182
14 213.90 225 236 1 12 23 53 182
15 212.90 225 237 1 13 25 53 182
16 213.21 224 235 1 12 23 53 182
17 214.51 226 238 2 14 25 53 182
18 213.93 225 236 1 12 23 53 182

Pmax 192 Pmin 1 H max 43

Calculation for Pile reactions and horizontal forces for
section design for ULS.
Forces At Pile cap bottom basic combination at RL 97.1
Partial Unfactored Load Factored Load
Description safety Pmax ML MT Pmax ML MT HL
HL(t) HT(t) HT(t)
factor (t) (t-m) (t-m) (t) (t-m) (t-m) (t)
DL_Sup+sidl (non surfacing) 1.35 145.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 195.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SIDL( w/c) 1.75 12.9 0.0 0.0 0 0 22.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
sub structure+return wall 1.35 112.8 -121.9 0.0 0 0 152.35 -164.55 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pile cap 1.35 199.7 0.0 0.0 0 0 269.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Back fill 1.5 217.6 0.0 0.0 0 0 326.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FPLL1 1.15 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Earth Pressure 1.5 0.0 483.6 0.0 147.7 0.0 0.00 725.45 0.00 221.52 0.00
Wind (vertical down) 1.5 12.3 8.1 41.4 1.6 6.3 18.52 12.12 62.16 2.35 9.41
Wind (vertical Up) 1.5 -12.3 8.1 41.4 1.6 6.3 -18.52 12.12 62.16 2.35 9.41
Shear Rating/ Bearing friction 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
70RW max 1.5 79.9 97.3 128.3 18.9 0.0 119.90 145.97 192.44 28.35 0.00
70RW min 1.5 20.1 112.7 32.2 21.9 0.0 30.10 169.09 48.31 32.84 0.00
1Lane Class A (max) 1.5 38.32 69.4 111.12 13.48 0.00 57.48 104.11 166.68 20.22 0.00
1Lane Class A (min) 1.5 11.68 76.3 33.88 14.81 0.00 17.52 114.40 50.82 22.22 0.00
2Lane Class A (max) 1.5 68.12 78.5 78.34 15.24 0.00 102.18 117.70 117.51 22.86 0.00
2Lane Class A (min) 1.5 21.88 90.4 25.16 17.55 0.00 32.82 135.56 37.74 26.33 0.00
Loads at pile cap bottom(Basic combination)
Load combination
t t-m t-m t t
70RW max 1086.52 706.86 192.44 249.87 0.00
70RW min 996.71 729.98 48.31 254.36 0.00
1Lane Class A (max) 1024.09 665.00 166.68 241.74 0.00
1Lane Class A (min) 984.14 675.29 50.82 243.73 0.00
2Lane Class A (max) 1068.80 678.60 117.51 244.38 0.00
2Lane Class A (min) 999.43 696.46 37.74 247.85 0.00
70RW max+ wind 1105.04 714.94 233.88 251.43 6.27
70RW min+wind 978.19 738.06 89.75 255.92 6.27
1Lane Class A (max)+wind 1042.61 673.08 208.12 243.31 6.27
1Lane Class A (min)+wind 965.61 683.37 92.26 245.30 6.27
2Lane Class A (max)+wind 1087.32 686.67 158.95 245.95 6.27
2Lane Class A (min)+wind 980.91 704.53 79.18 249.41 6.27
Forces At Pile cap bottom(seismic case) at RL 97.1
factor by which seismic force shall be increase for foundation1.25design
Unfactored Load Factored Load
Description safety Pmax ML MT HL HT Pmax ML
MT HL(t) HT(t)
factor (t) (t-m) (t-m) (t) (t) (t) (t-m)
DL_Sup+sidl (non
1.35 145.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 195.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SIDL( w/c) 1.75 12.9 0.0 0.0 0 0 22.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
sub structure+return wall 1.35 112.8 -121.9 0.0 0 0 152.35 -164.55 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pile cap 1.35 199.7 0.0 0.0 0 0 269.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Back fill 1 217.6 0.0 0.0 0 0 217.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FPLL1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Earth Pressure 1 0.0 351.3 0.0 117.9 0.0 0.00 351.26 0.00 117.91 0.00
Live load surcharge 0.2 0.0 132.4 0.0 29.8 0.0 0.00 26.48 0.00 5.95 0.00
Shear Rating/ Bearing
1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
70RW max 0.2 79.9 97.3 128.3 18.9 0.0 15.99 19.46 25.66 3.78 0.00
70RW min 0.2 20.1 112.7 32.2 21.9 0.0 4.01 22.54 6.44 4.38 0.00
1Lane Class A (max) 0.2 38.32 69.4 111.12 13.48 0.00 7.66 13.88 22.22 2.70 0.00
1Lane Class A (min) 0.2 11.68 76.3 33.88 14.81 0.00 2.34 15.25 6.78 2.96 0.00
2Lane Class A (max) 0.2 68.12 78.5 78.34 15.24 0.00 13.62 15.69 15.67 3.05 0.00
2Lane Class A (min) 0.2 21.88 90.4 25.16 17.55 0.00 4.38 18.07 5.03 3.51 0.00
Seismic forces
From super str dl 1.5 23.68 457.3 266.40 71.05 35.53 35.53 686.00 399.61 106.58 53.29
seismic on sub str 1.5 10.40 74.0 74.00 15.61 15.61 15.61 111.00 111.00 23.41 23.41
Return wall 1.5 6.52 74.3 74.27 9.79 9.79 9.79 111.40 111.40 14.68 14.68
Backfill 1.5 32.64 371.6 371.58 48.96 48.96 48.96 557.37 557.37 73.44 73.44
Dynamic increament 1.5 0.00 56.3 0.00 21.26 0.00 0.00 84.40 0.00 31.89 0.00
(LL surcharge)
Dynamic increament
1.5 0.00 124.1 0.00 46.89 0.00 0.00 186.14 0.00 70.33 0.00
(Back fill)
Total due to seismic 73.25 1157.55 786.26 213.56 109.88 109.88 1736.32 1179.38 320.33 164.82
Loads combination at pile cap
Load combination
t t-m t-m t t
70RW max+ Long
Seismic 907.34 1968.96 386.63 447.97 56.60
70RW min+ Long Seismic
894.93 1972.04 362.05 448.57 51.24
1Lane Class A
898.71 1963.38 379.47 446.89 52.88
(max)+Long seismic
1Lane Class A (min)+Long
893.20 1964.75 361.64 447.16 50.49
2Lane Class A
904.89 1965.19 375.58 447.24 55.55
(max)+Long seismic
2Lane Class A (min)+Long
895.31 1967.57 360.81 447.71 51.40
Forces At Pile cap bottom rare combination
at RL 97.1
Partial Unfactored Load Factored Load
Description safety Pmax ML
factor MT HL(t) HT(t) Pmax(t) ML (t-m) MT HL(t) HT(t)
(t) (t-m)
DL_Sup+sidl (non
1 145.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 145.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SIDL( w/c) 1 12.9 0.0 0.0 0 0 12.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
sub structure+return
1 112.8 -121.9 0.0 0 0 112.85 -121.89 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pile cap 1 199.7 0.0 0.0 0 0 199.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Back fill 1 217.6 0.0 0.0 0 0 217.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FPLL1 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Earth Pressure 1 0.0 483.6 0.0 147.7 0.0 0.00 483.63 0.00 147.68 0.00
Wind (vertical down) 0.6 12.3 8.1 41.4 1.6 6.3 7.41 4.85 24.86 0.94 3.76
Wind (vertical Up) 0.6 -12.3 8.1 41.4 1.6 6.3 -7.41 4.85 24.86 0.94 3.76
Shear Rating/ Bearing
0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
70RW max 1 79.9 97.3 128.3 18.9 0.0 79.94 97.31 128.30 18.90 0.00
70RW min 1 20.1 112.7 32.2 21.9 0.0 20.07 112.72 32.20 21.89 0.00
1Lane Class A (max) 1 38.32 69.4 111.12 13.48 0.00 38.32 69.41 111.12 13.48 0.00
1Lane Class A (min) 1 11.68 76.3 33.88 14.81 0.00 11.68 76.26 33.88 14.81 0.00
2Lane Class A (max) 1 68.12 78.5 78.34 15.24 0.00 68.12 78.47 78.34 15.24 0.00
2Lane Class A (min) 1 21.88 90.4 25.16 17.55 0.00 21.88 90.37 25.16 17.55 0.00
Loads at pile cap bottom(Rare combination)
Load combination
t t-m t-m t t
70RW max 767.95 459.05 128.30 166.58 0.00
70RW min 708.08 474.47 32.20 169.57 0.00
1Lane Class A (max) 726.33 431.15 111.12 161.16 0.00
1Lane Class A (min) 699.69 438.00 33.88 162.49 0.00
2Lane Class A (max) 756.13 440.21 78.34 162.92 0.00
2Lane Class A (min) 709.89 452.12 25.16 165.23 0.00
70RW max+ wind 775.36 467.13 169.73 168.15 6.27
70RW min+wind 700.67 482.54 73.64 171.14 6.27
1Lane Class A
733.74 439.22 152.56 162.73 6.27
1Lane Class A
692.28 446.08 75.32 164.06 6.27
2Lane Class A
763.54 448.29 119.78 164.49 6.27
2Lane Class A
702.48 460.19 66.60 166.80 6.27
Design of cast-in-situ Bored Piles
A) Determination of Depth of Fixity & BM for Piles as per IS:2911 (Part-I) x
K1 0.525 Kg/ FIGURE
Ec 315000 Kg/
Dia of Pile 120 cm 3 6
I 10178760 cm4
T 3.607 m 3.6
L1 0 Traffic direction
L1/T 0 y 2 y
Lf/T 1.95
Lf 7.03365 m -5.70
Embedded length Lc = 20 >= 4x3.607 Hence Safe 1 4
For the fixed end moment of the eq. cantilever = Qm(L1+Lf)
For the fixed end moment of the eq. Fixed Head = Qm(L1+Lf)/2 X
1.80 -1.80
For Normal Case Pile dia 1.2
M= mQ(L1+Lf)/2
m 0.9
Q 41.92 t
M 132.679 t-m 0.9*41.919*(0+7.03365)/2
Pile capacity Normal Seismic
Vertical Capacity of a Pile (T) 230 287.5
Horizontal Capacity of a Pile(T) 60.00 75
Pile coordinates
Pile No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Dist.(L) 1.80 1.80 1.80 -1.80 -1.80 -1.80
Dist. (T) -3.60 0 3.6 -3.60 0 3.6
Di L^2 3.240 3.240 3.240 3.240 3.240 3.240
Di T^2 12.960 0.000 12.960 12.960 0.000 12.960
ZL 10.8000 10.80 10.80 -10.80 -10.80 -10.80
ZT -14.40 0 14 -14 0 14
Pile reactions Basic combination
Horizontal Moment =H*Lf*m
Load Case Pile No.1 Pile No.2 Pile No.3 Pile No.4 Pile No.5 Pile No.6
force (t-m)
1 233.17 247 260 102 116 129 42 132
2 230.35 234 237 95 99 102 42 134
3 220.68 232 244 98 109 121 40 128
4 223.02 227 230 98 101 105 41 129
5 232.81 241 249 107 115 123 41 129
6 228.44 231 234 99 102 105 41 131
7 234.13 250 267 102 118 134 42 133
8 225.14 231 238 88 95 101 43 135
9 221.64 236 251 97 111 126 41 128
10 217.80 224 231 91 98 104 41 129
11 233.76 245 256 107 118 129 41 130
12 223.22 229 234 93 98 104 42 132
Pile reactions Seismic combination
Horizontal Moment =H*Lf*m
Load Case Pile No.1 Pile No.2 Pile No.3 Pile No.4 Pile No.5 Pile No.6
force (t-m)
13 306.68 333.53 360.38 -57.94 -31.09 -4.24 75.256 238
14 306.61 331.75 356.89 -58.58 -33.44 -8.30 75.248 238
15 305.23 331.58 357.93 -58.36 -32.01 -5.66 75.001 237
16 305.67 330.79 355.90 -58.17 -33.06 -7.94 75.000 237
17 306.70 332.78 358.86 -57.23 -31.15 -5.06 75.113 238
18 306.34 331.40 356.46 -58.02 -32.96 -7.91 75.108 238
Pile reactions Rare combination
Horizontal Moment =H*Lf*m
Load Case Pile No.1 Pile No.2 Pile No.3 Pile No.4 Pile No.5 Pile No.6
force (t-m)
19 161.59 170.50 179.41 76.58 85.49 94.40 27.763 88
20 159.71 161.94 164.18 71.84 74.08 76.32 28.262 89
21 153.26 160.98 168.69 73.42 81.13 88.85 26.860 85
22 154.82 157.17 159.52 73.71 76.06 78.41 27.082 86
23 161.34 166.78 172.22 79.82 85.26 90.70 27.153 86
24 158.43 160.18 161.92 74.71 76.45 78.20 27.538 87
25 160.69 172.48 184.27 74.19 85.97 97.76 28.044 89
26 156.34 161.46 166.57 66.98 72.10 77.21 28.542 90
27 152.36 162.96 173.55 71.03 81.62 92.22 27.141 86
28 151.45 156.68 161.92 68.85 74.08 79.31 27.363 87
29 160.45 168.77 177.08 77.43 85.75 94.07 27.434 87
30 155.07 159.69 164.32 69.84 74.47 79.09 27.819 88
ULS and SLS design of circular
section Pile
1. Inputs
Dimensions & r/f details:
Diameter of section, D = 1200 mm
Total no. of bars = 28
Bar dia., φ = 25 mm
c' = 75 mm -effective cover to r/f
fck = 35 MPa
fy = 500 MPa
Subtended angle betwn. bars = 12.86 °
= 0.22440 rad
Area of steel = 13744.5 mm2
steel % = 1.215 %

2. Interaction curve

Interaction Curve



Axial load

P vs M



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Moment Thousands
α for circular section= 2

Maximum pile reactions and corresponding moment

Load Case no P(Kn) Mr(Kn-m) Mur(Kn-m) (MR/Mux)^α Check
1 2599.0 1318.1 3177.6 0.2 ok
2 2370.6 1341.8 3127.3 0.2 ok
3 2438.3 1275.2 3142.6 0.2 ok
4 2300.8 1285.8 3111.5 0.2 ok
5 2491.3 1289.1 3154.5 0.2 ok
6 2336.8 1307.4 3119.6 0.2 ok
7 2666.1 1326.8 3192.1 0.2 ok
8 2376.0 1350.5 3128.5 0.2 ok
9 2505.4 1283.9 3157.5 0.2 ok
10 2306.2 1294.5 3112.7 0.2 ok
11 2558.4 1297.8 3168.9 0.2 ok
12 2342.2 1316.1 3120.9 0.2 ok
13 3603.8 2382.0 3374.9 0.5 ok
14 3568.9 2381.7 3368.9 0.50 ok
15 3579.3 2373.9 3370.7 0.50 ok
16 3559.0 2373.9 3367.2 0.50 ok
17 3588.6 2377.4 3372.3 0.50 ok
18 3564.6 2377.3 3368.18 0.50 ok

Minimum pile reactions and corresponding moment

Load Case no P(Kn) Mr(Kn-m) Mur(Kn-m) (MR/Mux)^α Check
1 1156.4 1318.1 2860.3 0.21 ok
2 985.3 1341.8 2866.9 0.22 ok
3 1091.1 1275.2 2848.5 0.20 ok
4 1015.0 1285.8 2851.4 0.20 ok
5 1153.0 1289.1 2852.3 0.20 ok
6 1020.8 1307.4 2857.4 0.21 ok
7 1179.8 1326.8 2862.7 0.21 ok
8 946.9 1350.5 2869.3 0.22 ok
9 1114.5 1283.9 2850.9 0.20 ok
10 976.6 1294.5 2853.8 0.21 ok
11 1176.4 1297.8 2854.7 0.21 ok
12 982.5 1316.1 2859.8 0.21 ok
13 -579.4 2382.0 3129.8 0.58 ok
14 -585.8 2381.7 3129.8 0.58 ok
15 -583.6 2373.9 3128.0 0.58 ok
16 -581.7 2373.9 3128.0 0.58 ok
17 -572.3 2377.4 3128.8 0.58 ok
18 -580.2 2377.3 3128.8 0.58 ok
Design for flexure 5.10

3 6

(Abt wall) 3.60

C/L of pile cap
2 5



Traffic direction
0.750 3.600 0.750
C/L of pile cap
Pile Diameter = 1.20 m
Design of pile cap

Moment due to back fill over pile cap 164.21 T-m

weight of Pile cap 84.17 T
Lever arm 1.08 m
Corresponding moments 90.49 T-m
Weight of return wall 43.49 T
Moments due to return wall 46.75 T-m




0.750 0.750

Pile load 1 Pile load 1 and Pile load 3 Moments due to Maximum
to 3 Pile load 3 to 6 4 and 6 Pile 1 to 3 Pile 4 to 6 reaction
1 740 347 335 389 1035 486 260
2 701 296 326 339 982 414 237
3 697 327 318 365 975 458 244
4 680 304 321 335 952 426 230
5 723 346 340 373 1012 484 249
6 693 306 328 338 970 429 234
7 751 354 336 401 1052 495 267
8 694 284 314 339 972 398 238
9 708 334 319 376 992 468 251
10 673 293 309 335 942 410 231
11 734 353 340 385 1028 494 256
12 686 295 316 338 961 413 234
13 1001 -93 249 356 1401 -131 360
14 995 -100 248 349 1393 -140 357
15 995 -96 247 352 1393 -134 358
16 992 -99 248 348 1389 -139 356
17 998 -93 249 354 1398 -131 359
18 994 -99 248 349 1392 -138 356
Typical detail calculation for Case no 1 has been shown and check for remaining are shown in table
0.0035 fcd

xu,lim 0.002 0.416xu,lim


deff Neutral Axis

0.87fy/Es Tu = 0.87fy*Ast
Strain Diagram Stress Diagram
Grade of Concrete fck = M35 N/mm
As per clause, IRC:112-2011
fcd = α*fck = 15.63
α = 0.67

Grade of steel fY = 500 N/mm2

fYd = 435.0 N/mm2

Refer Fig. 6.2 of IRC:112-2011

For steel reinforcement, simplified bilinear diagram is used
Minimum strain in steel reinforcement = 0.87fy/Es
Es = 2.0E+05 MPa
Cu = fcd*b*(3/7xu,lim + 2/3*4/7xu,lim)
= 17/21*fcd*b*xu
= 0.8095*fcd*b*xu
cg of compression block from top = 0.416xu
Tu = (fy/)*Ast
Rlim = Mu,Lim/bd = 0.8095fcd*(xu/d)*(1-0.416*xu/d)

xu,lim/d = 0.617
Rlim = Mu,Lim/bd2 = 5.80

Design moments = 898 Tm

R = Mu/bd^2
D required 421.82 mm

Dia of main bar long side 25mm dia @ 150 C/C

Dia of bar along transverse side 25mm dia @ 150 C/C

Effective depth provided 1700.00 mm

R = Mu/(bd^2) 0.5977

Calculation of Reinforcement

Tensile reinforcement can be calculated from the following formula

pt Ast f  R 
  0.973 cd 1 - 1 - 2.055 
100 bd f yd  f cd 
where, R = Mu/bd2

Ast required 20732mm^2

Minimum Ast, required = 21534mm^2
(max. Of 0.26fctm/fyk*bt*d and 0.0013bt*d)
Governing 21534mm^2
Ast Provided 28456mm^2 OK
Mu (M- Deff Ast required Ru Check Check
T) required(m) (mm^2)
1 898 0.60 421.82 ok 21534 ok
2 844.34 0.58 408.97 ok 21534 ok
3 838.24 0.58 407.49 ok 21534 ok
4 814.27 0.57 401.62 ok 21534 ok
5 874.82 0.59 416.29 ok 21534 ok
6 833.20 0.58 406.26 ok 21534 ok
7 914.32 0.60 425.58 ok 21534 ok
8 834.51 0.58 406.58 ok 21534 ok
9 854.34 0.58 411.39 ok 21534 ok
10 804.44 0.57 399.19 ok 21534 ok
11 890.93 0.60 420.10 ok 21534 ok
12 823.38 0.57 403.86 ok 21534 ok
13 1263.60 0.71 500.31 ok 24687 ok
14 1256.12 0.71 498.83 ok 24612 ok
15 1255.40 0.71 498.68 ok 24604 ok
16 1252.07 0.71 498.02 ok 24571 ok
17 1260.43 0.71 499.68 ok 24655 ok
18 1254.64 0.71 498.53 ok 24597 ok
Check of pile cap for punching shear

Traffic direction

Clause 10.4.5:- Punching shear force shall be

checked at face of column and at control perimeter

Maximum pile reaction 360T

Effective depth at face, d = 1700 mm

Punching shear is checked at 0, 0.5d, d, 1.5d, 2d from face

Caculation of Punching Shear

a (Location for shear ui dy Area within ui vEd
check) mm mm mm mm2 N MPa Check
at face 0.00 942 1700.0 1130400 3603837.9 2.2504296
0.5d 850 2276.5 1700.0 2271853.9 3603837.9 0.9312122 OK
d 1700 3611.0 1700.0 9081006.7 3603837.9 0.5870686 not ok
1.5d 2550 4945.5 1700.0 20427459.5 3603837.9 0.4286533 not ok
2d 3400 6280.0 1700.0 36311212.3 3603837.9 0.3375644 not ok

Punching Shear Resistance

a d K vmin ρly ρlz VRdc
mm mm MPa
0 0 1700.0 1.34 0.29 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 4.16
0.5d 850 1700.0 1.34 0.29 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 1.14
d 1700 1700.0 1.34 0.29 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.57
1.5d 2550 1700.0 1.34 0.29 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.38
2d 3400 1700.0 1.34 0.29 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0.29

Maximum Punching Shear Resistance, vRd.max

at face of column
v = 0.6*(1-M35/310)
= 0.53
vRd.max = 0.5*v*fcd
= 4.16 MPa
a = Distance of control perimeter from face
ui = Length of control perimeter
dy = Effective depth in y (longitudinal) direction
dz = Effective depth in z (transverse) direction
VEd = Applied shear force
ΔVEd = Net upward force within the control perimeter considered = VEd - ΔVEd
K = min(1+√(200/d), 2)
ρly = Reinforcement ratio in y direction
ρlz = Reinforcement ratio in z direction
vRd = Design value of punching shear resistance along the control section considered
vRd.max = Maximum punching shear resistance along the control section considered
Design for flexure

3 6

(Abt wall) 3.60

C/L of pile cap
2 5



Traffic direction
0.750 3.600 0.750
C/L of pile cap
Pile Diameter = 1.20 m

Design of pile cap

Moment due to back fill over pile cap 164.21 T-m

weight of Pile cap 84.17 T
Lever arm 1.08 m
Corresponding moments 90.49 T-m
Weight of return wall 43.49 T
Moments due to return wall 46.75 T-m




0.750 0.750

Pile load 1 Pile load 1 and Pile load 3 Moments due to Maximum
to 3 Pile load 3 to 6 4 and 6 Pile 1 to 3 Pile 4 to 6 reaction
1 511 256 238 274 716 359 260
2 486 222 232 240 680 311 237
3 483 243 227 258 676 341 244
4 472 228 229 238 660 319 230
5 500 256 241 263 700 358 249
6 481 229 233 240 673 321 234
7 517 258 235 282 724 361 267
8 484 216 223 244 678 303 238
9 489 245 223 266 684 343 251
10 470 222 220 241 658 311 231
11 506 257 238 271 709 360 256
12 479 223 225 243 671 313 234
Check for stress in concrete and steel



effective depth of section 1.7000

Assume neutral axis 0.2554
Modulur ratio 6.4516
Comparing moment of area( for Compression and tension) about neutral axis
B*Xu*xu/2= m*ast*(d-Xu)
Moment of area above neutral axis 0.2837
Moment area below neutral axis 0.2835719
Goal seek 0.000166
Crack moment of inertia of concrete 0.295815 mm^4
Moment of inertia of steel 0.3831279 mm^4
Total crack moment of inertia 0.6789428
Z top 2.6583951

Z bottom 0.4699854
Allowable stress in concrete 1680.00 t/m^2
Allowable stress in steel 40000.0 t/m^2

Mu (M- Section modulus Stress(t/m^2) Check
T) Z top Z bottom Concrete Steel
1 579 2.66 0.47 217.7 7945.9 ok
2 543 2.66 0.47 204.2 7452.9 ok
3 539 2.66 0.47 202.7 7397.1 ok
4 523 2.66 0.47 196.7 7177.7 ok
5 563 2.66 0.47 211.9 7731.8 ok
6 536 2.66 0.47 201.4 7351.0 ok
7 587 2.66 0.47 220.9 8060.2 ok
8 541 2.66 0.47 203.5 7424.8 ok
9 547 2.66 0.47 205.8 7511.4 ok
10 521 2.66 0.47 195.9 7149.6 ok
11 572 2.66 0.47 215.0 7846.2 ok
12 533 2.66 0.47 200.7 7322.9 ok

18 Design of End Return Wall

a = 2.150

ka = 0.297m

g = 2.0m

Live load Surcharge = 1.200m

b = 5.293

Partial Safety Factors (Basic Combination)

For LL Surcharge = 1.2
For Earth Pressure = 1.5

For M35 concrete

Fe500 steel reinf.
Rlim = 5.80 MPa

Q1=ka*g*SHt Q2=ka*g*b

The end return wall has been designed as a plate fixed on its two faces i.e. at the base and on one of its vertical sides.
( Refer Table 26 of Formula of Stress & Strain by Roark & Young ).
Uniform load due to live load surcharge over entire plate
Height of Length of
Unfactored Factored
S.NO. return wall return wall "a/b" 2
Q1 (t/m ) b1 b2 g1 g2 (at x=a & z=0) Mb1 (at x=0 & z=0.8b) Ma1
(m) "b" (m) "a" Mb1 Ma1
(t-m/m) (t-m/m)
1 5.29 2.15 0.406 0.714 0.422 0.456 0.722 0.449 -1.41 -1.52 -1.7 -1.8

Varying load due to earth pressure over entire plate

Factored Unfactored
"a/b" Q2
b1 b2 g1 g2 (at x=a & z=0) Mb2 (at x=0 & z=0.4b) Ma2 (t-
(t/m2) Mb2 Ma2
(t-m/m) m/m)
0.406 3.147 0.241 0.161 0.435 0.203 -3.54 -2.37 -5.3 -3.5

Design of end return wall

Factored Moment in
Deff Thk. at Moment in R= Ast for vertical R= Ast for horizontal
Thk. at top Deff reqd. horizontal
provided bottom vertical Mu/(bd2) reinforcement (mm2) Mu/(bd2) reinforcement (mm2)
direction(M ) h
450 110 492 550 -7.00 0.29 369 -5.37 0.221981 283

Vertical reinforcement Horizontal reinforcement

Earth face Earth face
spacing spacing Outer face spacing spacing Outer face
bar dia bar dia
reqd provided reqd provided
16f 544 c/c 180 c/c 10f @ 180 12f 400 c/c 150 c/c 10f @ 150 c/c
Ast provided (vertical) = 1117.0 mm2/m Ast provided (horizontal) = 754.0 mm2/m
Minimum reinforcement required = 716.4 mm /m (max. Of 0.26fctm/fyk*bt*d and 0.0013bt*d)

Uniform load due to live load surcharge over entire plate

Unfactored Factored
For "a/b"
Q1 (t/m2) b1 b2 g1 g2 (at x=a & z=0) R1
(at x=0 & z=0.8b) R2 (t/m) R1 R2
0.406 0.714 0.422 0.456 0.722 0.449 2.73 1.70 3.3 2.0

Varying load due to earth pressure over entire plate

Unfactored Factored
For "a/b" 2
Q2 (t/m ) b1 b2 g1 g2 (at x=a & z=0) R3
(at x=0 & z=0.4b) R4 (t/m) R3 R4
0.406 3.147 0.241 0.161 0.435 0.203 7.25 3.37 10.9 5.1

Section At x = a & z = 0 At x = 0 & z = 0.4*b

D 550 510 mm
Grade of Concrete M 35 M 35
Deff 492 452 mm
Factored Design Shear Force (R1+R3) V 14.14 7.09 (t/m)
steel provided for bending rl <0.02 0.002 0.002
K= 1+sqrt(200/d)<=2 1.638 1.665
νmin = 0.031*K3/2*fck1/2 0.384 0.394
scp 0.00 0.00
Shear Capacity VRd.c 18.9 17.8 t
Check OK OK
Design of Dirt Wall
0.300 m

Design values :

0.300 m g 2.00 t/m3

1 2 ka = 0.297

1.364 t/m2 0.714 t/m2 Thickness of

0.300 m
dirtwall =
Earth Pressure diagram

2.294 m
height of
dirtwall,h =

1)Earth Pressure due to surcharge equivalent to 1.2m of earthfill = ka *g*1.2

= 0.714 t/m2

2)Earth Pressure due to backfill of earth = ka *g*h

= 1.364 t/m2

Bending moment at the base of dirtwall due to earth pressure (1) = ka *g*1.2*h /2

= 1.877 t-m/m

Bending moment at the base of dirtwall due to earth pressure (1) = ka *g*h3*0.42/2

= 1.507 t-m/m

Calculation of force and moment due to the effect of braking :(considering 40t bogie loading)

2.13 10t 10t 6.40


2.130 2.79 2.294

Effective width = 6.400 m

Braking force, 0.2*20 4t

Braking force including impact of 50%= 6t
Braking force per metre width = 0.94 t

Bending moment at the base of dirtwall due to effect of braking = 2.15 t-m/m
Bending Moment at the bottom of dirt wall for Basic Combination

Unfactored Factored
Load Item Safety B. M B. M
t-m/m t-m/m
1.2 1.88 2.25
1.5 1.51 2.26
Braking 1.5 2.15 3.23
Total Factored B.M 7.74

Design factored moment at the base of dirtwall (t-m) = 7.74 t-m/m
Overall Depth Provided = 300 mm
Clear cover = 50 mm
Rlim = 5.80 MPa

Effective depth required dreqd = √(Mu/(R*b))

= 115.5 mm

Effective depth provided dprovided = 232 mm

R = Mu/bd2 = 1.44

Ast, required = 807.1 mm
Minimum Ast, required per meter width = 337.8 mm (max. Of 0.26fctm/fyk*bt*d and 0.0013bt*d)
Governing Ast, required per meter width = 807.1 mm

Provide 16f @ 125 c/c

Ast, provided = 1608.5 mm

Distribution Reinforcement
Secondary reinforcement required per meter = 161.4 mm
(20% of main reinforcement, Cl., IRC:112-2011)

Provide 10f @ 200 c/c

Ast, provided = 392.7 mm
Serviceability Limit State (Stress Check)
Bending Moment at the bottom of dirt wall for Rare Combination

Partial Unfactored Factored

Load Item Safety B. M B. M
Factor t-m/m t-m/m
0.8 1.88 1.50
1 1.51 1.51
Braking 1 2.15 2.15
Total Factored B.M 5.16

Modular ratio = 6.25

Effective depth provided = 232 mm
Ast provided = 1608.5 mm

Neutral axis depth = 59.0 mm

Cracked moment of inertia = 369338767 mm4
Section modulus (concrete) = 6261999.5 mm3
Section modulus (steel) = 2134671.3 mm3

Stress in concrete = 8.24 MPa OK

Stress in steel = 151.0 MPa OK

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