Is One of The Most Abused Drugs in The World Cocaine: Discuss and Answer

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Name : Muhammad Ridho Kesuma

Lesson : English language

Discuss and Answer
1. What is drug ?
 A drug is any substance (with the exception of food and water )which,when
taken into the body,alters the body’s function eigher physically and/or
2. Please give the differences betwen marijuana,cocaine,morphine and heroid.
 Marijuana is one of the most abused drugs in the world.
 Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug. 
 Morphine is an opiate alkaloid isolated from the plant Papaver somniferum
and produced synthetically. 
 hyperthyroidism is a disease caused by too high thyroid hormone levels in the
3. What are the effects/consequences of using drugs?
 Drugs have different effects depending on the drug itself, the person taking it
and their surroundings. Learn how your body processes drugs and about the
short-term and long-term effects. Taking drugs can affect not just your
physical and mental health, but your whole life. Just one pill can kill.
4. Please make a report or news a bout drug abuse an indonesian artist
 The Jakarta Police have arrested celebrity Jennifer Dunn at her house in Pasar
Minggu, South Jakarta. The celebrity, who previously earned infamy for
having an illicit affair, was reportedly caught consuming crystal
methamphetamine with an alleged drug dealer, FS, who was also arrested after
a failed attempt to flee the scene.  The police's narcotics unit head, Adj. Sr.
Comr. Jean Calvin Simanjuntak, said Jennifer had purchased drugs from FS
several times. “According to FS, she had consumed meth 10 times prior to her
arrest,” he said during a press conference on Tuesday. He alleged that
Jennifer’s most recent drug transaction occurred on Saturday morning at a fast
food restaurant in Kemang, South Jakarta, when she reportedly bought a gram
of meth from FS. After receiving reports from Jennifer’s neighbors, the
narcotics unit searched her house at 3 p.m. on Sunday and confiscated 0.6
grams of methamphetamine hidden in an empty cigarette box. The police also
confiscated two cell phones and a small plastic pipe containing traces of meth.
Both Jennifer and FS have been charged under the 2009 Narcotics Law, which
carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a Rp 10 billion
(US$70,000) fine. The Jakarta Police refused to speculate on whether the
suspects could be instructed to undergo rehabilitation instead of face
prosecution. Jennifer was also arrested in 2005 and 2009 for organizing drug
5. Did you agree or disagree if marijuana be legal in the world (give your reasons).

Fill in the blank with “in”,”at”, ”or”, ”on”

 Bambang was born on 1994

 Bambang was born at july 15 th.
 Bambang was born in 9 :15 AM.
 Wahyu lives in bandung.
 Wahyu lives at dago street
 Wahyu lives or 25th dago street

Look at the picture and comple to the sentences with is and are and
prepositions :

1. There are some toys on the floor under the bed

2. There are a computer on the desk
3. There are a radio next to the computer.
4. There are a tv between the cupboard on the computer.
5. There are some socks under the drawer.
6. There are a window opposite the bed
7. There are a poster on the wall
8. There are some books above the shelf.
9. There are a bed between the computer and the tv.

Fill in the blank with “in“,“at“,“or“,“on“

 Bambang was born on 1994
 Bambang was born on july 15 th
 Bambang was born at 9 : 15 AM
 Wahyu lives in bandung
 Wahyu lives at dago street
 Wahyu lives at 25th dago street.

Fill the blanks bellow with the correct prepositions of time .

1. My brother has a new job.he works in the evening.

2. We’re going to have a picnic on Saturday afternoon.would you like to come?
3. I’ll be finished my work at an hour,then.l can go home.
4. When is the meeting ? is it at 2 : 00?
5. I like to get up really early at sunrise.when the birds start to sing.
6. Tom’s birthday is next week on january 14.
7. My grand father was born in the 1950s.
8. Will we be at time.or will we miss our flight?
9. My family and I like to ask in winter.
10. Are there any holidays on october?
11. Our school cafeteria opens for lunch at noon
12. What time does your son go to bed in night?
13. We moved to this city in 2012
14. Are you going to do anything special on your birthday
15. I’m not going to watch that tv starts in midnight!

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