Activity: Three Word Plays: Rhyme Time List

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Three Word Plays

There are 3 quick games under this activity. 😊

The first game is called Rhyme Time. Choose ONE word from the given list below, then
list down as many words that rhyme with your chosen word. Start with one-syllable
words, then think of words/phrases with 2 or more syllables. You have 10 minutes to do
Rhyme Time List:
★ Maligned ★ Fondue
★ Scurry ★ Polite
★ Bump ★ Overthrown
★ Delineate ★ Banana Split

Bump, chump, clump, crump, dump, flump, frump, grump, gump, hump, jump, lump,
mump, plump, pump, rump, scrump, slump, stump, sump, thump, trump, ump,
outjump, overtrump, undertrump.

The second game is Object Observations. Choose ONE object from the room you are in
right now—a pencil, a watch, a jacket—anything! Then write down everything you
notice about that object. Start with the obvious details, then list down even the smallest
of details. Finally, “breathe life” to the object by taking its point of view. You have 20
minutes to do this.

I am an exotic sky drops

Tiny Tears of the Seas

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Slather with adornments
Slow blue eyelash blaze
Yells for wet trinkets,
And sudden sparks that wink in the light of the moon
Dazzling dusk demesnes of night, Princess.

The final game under this activity is Like A Simile and Like A Metaphor. You and your
partner must choose one subject from the given list below:
● The feeling of getting an award for something you worked really hard on
● The feeling of seeing your father/mother again after they have been away for 2
years, working abroad
● The feeling of losing your favorite dog/cat/pet because they died
● The feeling of betrayal from your best friend

Whichever you select, this is the one that you must describe using similes and
metaphors. How would you describe this feeling to someone who has never
experienced it before?

To find out more about what a simile and what a metaphor is, check out the How do I
write literature using these genres? section of WIKI: Literature Genres.

You have one hour to do this last game. Make sure you follow the given format below:
● Use Calibri, font size 12
● Minimum of 300 words
● Be sure to write a title for your work

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Shattered Friendship and Lies

It is the flame that is deteriorating

Which is imprudent for souls,
An aching burn anticipating quiet sleep

Only eyes cannot seal

and hearts cannot heal
as the fire not flickers

When did that bold burn leave?

When betrayal got to be its motive;
to desert its wick of strong compassion
for something of remote smoke.

I keep in mind how it used to be-

when we shared our fears and delights.
You are a prized companion to me.
How can I make things right?

That scented smell that once was sweet

Presently severe and choked forever.
The isolated smoke overcomes all light-
and contaminates the scented quiver.

A reverberate blurs into the night,

a forgetful sound.
A shooting star vanishes from sight,
and I disintegrate to the ground.

There is no life inside this garden;

my cries are unusual as they were sound.
I have harmed the sweet fountain,
where the love is distinguished.

Disoriented, I gaze at the stars above;

my lamenting yells fill the night!

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Unintended disloyalty of love;
has covered up you from my sight.

Feeling perplexed, cold and lonely,

I long to tell you how I felt,
but you do not need to listen to me.
The torment for you is much as well real.

Should I back absent and construct a wall?

Had to square out how I feel?
Or, ought to I provide you with a call?
We both require a little time to mend.

A resound blurs into the night

as our companionship disappears.
How do I know what is right?
How can I ease my fears?

If I do call you again,

would the ancient wounds reappear?
I can't stand to cause you pain.
Hurting you once more is my worst fear!

And until the end of time should that fire live in guilt
as its durable wick should falter;
and drop into a dim abyss of light
without its flicker.

Still, someday those smoke will all blown

As the wick starts to rise;
and that weak fire might light again
to expel foreign cries;

In faith, I raise my discoloured light

against your betrayal also pain
and soon I might burn
like my sister, the sun

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and never stray once more!

Eyes will shutter,

Hearts would recover.
I will close my eyes;
Maybe our hearts will heal.

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