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1. How does your society or culture teach you to think, feel, and act based on your gender?

How is
it limiting and liberating?

We all have our different perspective about the world, but there are things that are our society and
culture expects us to be. An example of this is our gender. A person’s gender is based on how the
society expects a person to act, look, and think. Furthermore, each culture also has rules and beliefs
about how people should act based on their genders. Basically, a woman must act like a woman, and a
man must act like a man. Because of this, several gender norms and stereotypes have arisen.
The first thing that the society taught me is that women must get married, and have babies.
Women must also know how to cook, do the laundry, and how to properly take care of children. It is
really offensive that people think that apart from getting pregnant and having babies, women have no
use. There so many things that a woman can do, and that also includes a man’s job. Additionally, I had
also learned that the society expects women to be caring, prim, and dress femininely. If they are not,
those women will be dubbed as boyish or lesbians. Overall, this expectations are really limiting and it
restricts a lot of people from showing their true personalities. Also, it is a bit suffocating because there
are certain standards that you must achieve.
To sum, gender roles make people less effective. It also discourages people from doing the
things that they want to do because that is not what the society expects them to behave. Furthermore, I
believe that we should just ignore what our society and culture dictates because these are non-
obligatory and we should live our live according to our will.

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