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You matter.

You are more than just a statistic on a page, you are more than just your appearance, and you
stand for something greater than yourself. There is so much going on in the world around us
and it's easy to get overwhelmed with the conflicts, injustices, and tragedies that exist. But we
must remember that what we do matters. And it matters a lot because every single person
counts as a part of the solution to all of those problems. All it takes is one person to spark a
change that can have a positive impact on everyone around them.

"You don't matter."

It's a phrase that's probably echoed in your head more than I can imagine. Whether it was years
of pain at the hands of bullies, the countless times people didn't bother to listen to them, or
just an overall feeling of insignificance, these words are often said by victims of overbearing
criticism. It's hard to know what happens when these words are uttered, but it never helps.
That phrase is one that will continue to hurt for as long as someone hears it. The damage can
be undone with time and effort, but it'll never completely go away until they start truly
listening- until they pay attention and stop ignoring the person who matters.

There are going to be countless people in your life who will, without a doubt, make a
difference. And you'll want this person to know that they matter too. How you tell them

The ultimate goal is that someone else will notice the happiness and good feelings that they
bring into their life and society as well because of their efforts or contributions. Don't just say it
once. Say it often. And don't just say it with your lips, but show them.

This is why you don't mind telling them, "Hey, thanks for the hard work and effort you put into
this project. I know it wasn't easy making this one happen."

Or "I really appreciate everything that you've done for me. I couldn't have asked for a better

Some people may think that those little phrases won't mean much to them, but if they know
that someone is grateful of their contributions and actions on a daily basis, there will always be
a little light on inside of them.

If you're reading this blog post, perhaps you've considered yourself to be a "doer" or an
"achiever". You might take pride in the fact that you put in the work and got things done. But as
much as we can prove our importance through successes and achievements, what happens
when those plates become full? When all those accomplishments start piling up and we try
desperately to reach for that top spot?

Well, we only have two choices: we either crumble under the stress of continued success and
give up completely on what makes us unique and special. Or we embrace who we really are.
We stop identifying with our outside achievements and start trusting what it means to be great

In my years of coaching people from every walk of life, I've noticed a consistent trend: people
who care most about what other people think of them are the ones prone to choosing the
latter. In their drive to impress others, they sacrifice their own happiness and well-being in the

You matter.

This is the sentence I always wanted to write the most in my entire life, and yet it has never
been easy. This is an especially difficult sentence for me because I'm such a negative person..
It's so lonely being me sometimes, both on social media and offline. There are so many other
people who seem to have what you want even though you don't have anything to show for
yourself other than your writing skills...

Already we see this played out in our culture: we live in a world where everyone is competing
for attention and validation. We're always on our phones and constantly checking social media
feeds for updates on who's speaking at conferences and who just did the coolest thing on the

But are we really that impressed? Are we really that busy? Or do we just feel the need to be
someone else other than ourselves.

The truth is, it doesn't matter what you're doing in life. As long as what you're doing is giving
you meaning and purpose, it will be worth your effort and time. That's real success and what is
meaningful in life: not how many likes we get on Facebook or followers we have on Instagram,
but whether we're content with who we've become and how we've defined ourselves in this

Life isn't meant to be a series of achievements and accomplishments, but a journey of self-
discovery and ongoing improvement towards something great.

You are capable of greatness. Your successes are the ones that will have an impact on your
family, your community, and generations to come. You deserve to be happy. And you matter.

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