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Steps after fabrication wax pattern

1. Investing: Surrounding wax pattern with a material
that can accurately duplicate its shape and
anatomic features.

2. Burnout: Removal of wax pattern so that a mold is

created into which the molten alloy can be

3. Casting: Introduction of molten alloy into mold.

Burnout (Wax Elimination)
Dental Casting Alloys
Common causes of casting failures

Spruing The Pattern

The process of whereby the wax pattern is attached
to a conical base (crucible former) by a connector
called sprue former.

Sprue Former
Sprue former is small diam pin: wax, plastic,

Crucible Former
Crucible former is the base to which sprue is attached
while wax pattern is being invested in refractory
investment, convex rubber, plastic or metal base
that forms concave depression or crucible in the
refractory investment.

Sprue Former

One end attached to pattern at greatest bulk,

the other to crucible former.
Channel left by sprue after burnout is molten
alloy entry.
Purposes of sprue are
to gain a portal through which the molten alloy
enters the mold cavity, and
to create a reservoir of molten metal from which
the casting can draw as it cools and shrinks.

Requirements of sprue former

Sprue must allow the molten wax to escape
from the mold (during burnout).
Sprue must enable the molten metal to flow
into mold.
Metal within it must remain molten slightly
longer than the alloy that has filled the mold.
That provides reservoir to compensate for the
shrinkage occurs during solidification of the

Sprue Former Diameter

Diam 8, 10, 12 gauge.
Always use the largest possible
Improves the flow of molten metal into the mold.
Ensures a reservoir during solidification.
10-gauge (2.5-mm) sprue for molar, M-C
12-gauge (2.0-mm) sprue for premolar, partial
coverage restorations.
Long and thin sprue formers cause internal porosity
called shrinkage porosity.
Metal will freeze in the sprue former before it freeze
in crown, preventing more metal from entering the

Sprue Former Location

Attached to the bulkiest part, away from
margins and occlusal contacts.
Normally largest noncentric cusp used.
Point of attachment should permit stream of
metal to be directed to all parts of mold
without having to flow opposite the direction
of casting force.
Attached to the bulkiest part, away from
margins and occlusal contacts.
Normally largest noncentric cusp used.
Point of attachment should permit stream of
metal to be directed to all parts of mold
without having to flow opposite the direction
of casting force.

Sprue Former Attachment

Should be attached at angle to allow the
incoming gold to flow freely to all portions of
the mold.
Direction at right angle to flat wall of the mold create
a hot spot.
Should be attached at angle to allow the incoming
gold to flow freely to all portions of the mold.
Direction at right angle to flat wall of the mold
create a hot spot.

Space of 6.0-mm between pattern and end of
Provides adequate bulk of investment to
withstand force of inrushing gold.
Allows gases to escape from end of mold.
Highest point of pattern is 6.0-mm from end of ring.
Too close to end of ring cause casting alloy breaking
through the end of investment.
Too far, gases may not escape rapidly enough to
complete filling of mold with alloy.

Rules For Spruing

1. Use short, thick sprue rather than long, thin
one. (shrink spot porosity).

2. Attach the sprue to the bulkiest part of the

to minimize wax pattern distortion, away
from margins

3. Never feed bulky section through thin

4. Attach the sprue to the pattern so that the
gold entering the mold will not be directed
against a perpendicular surface.

5. Attach the sprue securely, but do not plunge

the hot sprue deeply into wax.
Cause distortion of pattern, later casting will
not fit die.

6. Never use a “bottleneck” sprue. Wax should

be smooth and not tapered.
7. Firmly secure the sprue to the pattern to
ensure stability during investment so that
the pattern is not dislodged from the sprue.

FPDs are sprued by the indirect method :

* feeder sprues,
* runner bar,
* manifold sprues
One-piece casting

Removal Pattern from Die

Debubblizer (surface-wetting agent)

Increase the wettability of the wax surface, so to
reduce entrapment of air bubbles on the surface
during investing.
Paint wax pattern with solution then dry with gentle
Casting Ring and Liner
Casting ring holds the investment in place during
setting and restricts expansion of mold.
Liner is placed inside the ring to allow for more

Ring Liner
Layer of resilient material inside ring ⇒ allows
outward expansion and easier removal from ring
Asbestos: health hazard, airborne fibers.
Fibrous ceramic liner and cellulose paper as asbestos
One or two layers.
3.0-mm short of both ends of ring will allow
supporting contact of investment with ring after
liner has burned out.

Precise reproduction of wax pattern.
Sufficient strength to withstand burnout and
Sufficiently porous to allow escape of gases.
Expand enough to compensate solidification
shrinkage of alloy.

Composition of Investment
Refractory material or filler
Material that resist high temperature
Expand upon heating
Its problem have no cohesion to maintain the
shape of investment when dried
Mixed with filler to give some strength

Chemical modifier


Gypsum-Bonded Investment:
use with alloys that melt below 1,000°C.
Phosphate-Bonded Investment:
use with alloys that melt above 1,000°C
(high-fusing alloys).

Gypsum Bonded Investments

Used with Type I, II, III gold alloys

Matrix is gypsum binder 30 - 35%
Filler is silica quartz or cristobalite 60-65% provides
thermal expansion when heated.
Chemical modifiers
Gypsum Binder: Ca (SO4)2 decomposes at high
temperature releasing sulphur contaminant
produce rougher casting.

Phosphate Bonded Investments

Much stronger and can withstand much higher
burnout temps (800°C +)
For alloys with casting temp > 1150°C
More Expansion
more silica sol liquid,
less water
Solidification Shrinkage:
Au alloys ≈ 1.5%
Base-metal alloys ≈ 2.4%
Need to compensate by enlarging mold
Inlays and posts : slight net shrinkage acceptable
Crowns : expand mold to at least equal shrinkage

Four mechanisms to produce mold

Setting Expansion of Investment
Hygroscopic Expansion
Wax Pattern Expansion
Thermal Expansion

1. Setting Expansion
Occurs as a result of normal gypsum crystal growth
in air.
About 0.4% but partly restricted by metal
investment ring.

2. Hygroscopic Expansion
Max expansion: immerse investment-filled ring in
water bath at 38°C.
Water in bath replaces water used by hydration
process  space between growing crystals is
maintained  crystals grow longer  outward
expansion of mold.
About 1.2 to 2.2% max with expandable ring.

3.Wax Pattern Expansion

While investment is still fluid, expansion
occurs when wax is warmed above Temp at
which it was formed.
Source of heat :
setting reaction of investment, or

ring immersed in warm water bath.

Low-Temp Burnout Technique: combine wax
pattern expansion and thermal expansion of
- Remove investment-filled ring from water
bath at 38°C.
- Heat ring to 480°C only, for additional

4.Thermal Expansion
Occurs when investment is heated in burnout oven.
Two purposes :
Eliminate wax
Prevent molten alloy from cooling too
quickly before mold is completely filled
High-Temp Burnout Technique:
Relies primarily on thermal expansion of mold
Investment around pattern allowed to harden in
air at room Temp then heated to 650°C.
Investment and metal ring expand enough to
compensate for shrinkage of gold alloy.

Investing Procedure
Powder: Liquid
Hand mixing to ensure complete wetting of
Mechanical spatulation ( mixing)
Setting 30-60 minutes.
Brush technique

Burnout (Wax Elimination)

Prepares mold for molten alloy.
Allows thermal expansion to occur.
How to compensate :
Thermal : high heat 650ºC 1200ºF, OR
Hygroscopic: low heat 480ºC 900ºF
Heating must be gradual to allow steam to
escape without cracking the mold.
About 45-90 minutes.


Different Classifications:
A. According to Noble metal content
B. According to Physical Properties

A. According to Noble Metal Content

Noble-Metal Alloys
Semi Noble Alloys
Base Metal Alloys
Titanium and Its Alloys

1. Noble-Metal Alloys
Constituents: Au, Pt, Pd plus Ag, Cu, Zn
Used for 100 yrs since lost-wax technique
Used for cast all-metal restorations
Generally 75% Au  18kt gold  18/24 pure
Au, Pt, Pd  tarnish resistance, ductility
Ag  lightens color, ductility
Cu  hardness ↑, strength ↑
Zn  oxidation ↓
Noble ≠ Precious.
Noble refers to chemical behavior
Precious refers to price

2. Semi Noble Alloys (Semiprecious,

Constituents: Ag-Pd alloys plus alloys with
10%< Au < 75%
Mechanical properties + handling: similar to
standard Au
Corrosion ↑
Ag-Pd alloys melt at 1100° C → use gas-oxygen
torches or induction casting machines

3. Base-Metal Alloys (Non Precious

or Non Noble)
Adapted alloys used in RPD frameworks
Constituents : Ni, Cr, Co,
Ni-Cr most common
Tarnish resistance: By formation of surface monolayer of
chromium oxide in mouth
Applications : All-metal Crowns,
Long-span FPDs,
Resin-bonded FPDs

Low cost
Increased strength and hardness
Higher fusion Temp
Less distortion during porcelain firing

Excessive oxide formation
Difficult finishing + polishing

Questionable biocompatibility :
Nickel allergenicity: 4.5% of population is sensitive,
women 10 times more
Beryllium: Controls oxide formation
Improve castability,
Potential Carcinogen (inhalation,

4. Titanium and Its Alloys

Non-noble alternative to Au
Excellent biocompatibility: thin, inert surface oxide
Low thermal conductivity
Bonds to porcelain, resin cements
Low cost
Difficult to cast: melting 1670ºC (-ve)
Reacts with investments and O2 (-ve)
Special equipment in O2–free environment (-ve)

B. According to Hardness


TYPE I Soft Simple inlays

TYPE II Medium Complex inlays / onlays
TYPE III Hard CRs and FPDs
TYPE IV X-Hard Long span FPDs, RPDs

Gas-air torch
Casting machines

Recovery of the Casting (Cleaning)

Quenching, annealing (softening) in a cold water in
plastic bowel.
Gypsum-bonded investments readily disintegrate.
Pickling : HCl bath, Jel-Pac to remove surface tarnish
or oxidation.
Phosphate-bonded investments stronger, need
careful devestment.

Evaluation of Casting
Casting never fitted on die until inner surface
carefully evaluated under magnification.
Tiny imperfections can cause damage to the stone

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