Russian Army Oob v30-08-06

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1812 Russian Army OOB: Kutusov [v30-08-06]

First Army of the West: Barclay de Tolly

Right Wing: Miloradovich
1st West Army Artillery Res: Kutaisov #29 Pos (12) & #30 Pos (12)
Horse Battery #2 (12) Horse Battery #4 (12) Horse Battery #5 (12) Horse Battery #9 (12) Horse Battery #22 (12)

II Corps: 4th Div: Bde: Pyshnitskiy Bde: Rossi Bde: Pillar 4th Arty Bde #4 Pos (12)
Baggouvt Eugene Krementchug (2) Tobolsk IR (2) 45th Jager (2) Voyeikov #7 Lt (12)
Minsk IR (2) Volhynie IR (2) 34th Jager (2) #8 Lt (12)
17th Div: Bde: Vadkovsky Bde: Ivelich Bde:Potemkin 17th Arty Bde #17 Pos (12)
Alsufev Riazan IR (2) Wilmanstrand IR(2) 305th Jager (2) #32 Lt (12)
Bieloserk IR (2) Brest IR IR(2) 48th Jager (2) #33 Lt (12)
III Corps: 1st (Gren) Div: Gren Bde: Zheltukhin: Gren Bde: Tsvilenev Gren Bde: Foch 1st Arty Bde #1 Pos (12)
Tuchkov Stroganov Pavlov (2) Arakcheyev (2) St Petersburg (2) #1 Lt (12)
Ekaterinoslav (2) Lieb (2) Taurica (2) ? #2 Lt (12)
detached to
2nd Army at 3rd Div: Bde: Tuchhov Bde: Chakovski Bde: 3rd Arty Bde #3 Pos (12)
Boridino Konovnitsyn Murom IR(2) Chernigov IR (2) 20th Jager (2) Tornov #5 Lt (12)
Reval IR(2) Koporsk IR(2) 21st Jager (2) #6 Lt (12)
IV Corps: 11th Div: Bde: Choglokov Bde: Laptev Bde: Bistrom 11th Arty Bde #11 Pos(12)
Tolstoi Bakhmetev II Kexholm IR(2) Polotsk IR(2) 1st Jager (2) Koliensky #20 Lt (12)
Pernau IR(2) Yelets IR(2) 33rd Jager (2) #21 Lt (8)
23rd Div: Bde: Gurielov Bde: Aleksapol Bde: 23rd Arty Bde #23 Pos(12)
Bakhmetev Rylsk IR(2) Seleguinsk IR(2) 18th Jager (2) #43 Lt(xxx)
Yekaterinburg IR(2) ??? 46th Jager (2) ??? #44 Lt (12)
V Corps Guard Div 1st Bde: Rosen:> Preobrazhenski (3) Semenovski (3) Guard Arty Gd Pos #1 (12)
Lavrov Gd Pos #2 (12)
2nd Bde: Udom: > Ismailovski (3) Litovsk (3) Gd Lt #1 (12)
Gd Lt #2 (12)
3rd Bde: Bistrom > Life Gd Jagers (3) Finland(3)

1st Converged Gren Div 1st Div (2) 3rd Div (2)
Pioneers (3 co) 4th Div (2) 17th Div (2)
11th Div (2) 23rd Div (1) Gd Equipage btn (1)
VI Corps 7th Div: Bde: Lyapunov Bde: Balem Bde: 7th Arty Bde: #7 Pos (12)
Dochturov Kapsevich Moscow IR(2) Libau IR(2) 11th Jager (2) Kostenetsky #12 Lt (12)
Pskov IR(2) Sofiya IR(2) 36th Jager (2) #13 Lt (12)
24th Div: Bde: Tsybulskiy Bde: Denisiev Bde: 24th Arty Bde #24 Pos(12)
Likhachev Ufa IR(2) Butyrki IR(2) 19th Jager (2) #45 Lt (12)
Shirvan IR (2) Tomsk IR(2) 40th Jager (2) #46 Lt (12)
Artillery are with their assigned Division. They may be assigned to the Reserve at players option.

Second Army of the West: General Prince Bagration

Left Wing: Gorchakov2
Second West Army Reserve Artillery Officer: Baron Levenshtern

VII Corps 12th Div Bde: Bogdanovsky Bde: Pantzerbiter Bde: 12th Arty Bde #12 Pos (9)
Rayevsky Vasilchikov Narva (2) New Ingermanland (2) 5th Jager (2) #22 Lt (12)
Smolensk (2) Aleksopol (2) 6th Jager (2) #23 Lt (12)
26th Div: Bde: Savoini Bde: Libhart Bde: Gogel 26th Arty Bde #26 Pos (12)
Paskevich Ladoga (2) Nizhni-Novgorod(2) 41st Jager (2) #47 Lt (12)
Poltava (2) Orel (2) 42nd Jager (2) #48 Lt (12)
VIII Corps 27th Div: Bde: Knyazhnin Bde: Stavitskiy Bde:Voyeikov 27th Arty Bde #27 Pos (12)
Borozdin Neverovsky Vilna (2) Odessa (2) 49th Jagers (2) #49 Lt (xxx)
Simbirsk (2) Ternapol (2) 50th Jager (2) #50 Lt (xxx)
2nd Grenadier Div: Gren Bde: Shatilov Gren Bde: Buxhowden Gren Bde: Hesse 2nd Arty Bde #2 Pos (12)
Prince Kiev (2) Astrakhan (2) Siberia (2) #3 Lt (12)
Mecklenburg-Schwerin Moscow (2) Phanagoria (2) Little Russia (2) #4 Lt (6)
2 btns from 2nd Converger Gren Div: 7th Div (2) 24th Div (2) 12th Div (2)
ea Div Vorontsov 26th Div(2) 2nd Div (2) 27th Div (2)
Artillery are with their assigned Division. They may be assigned to the Reserve at players option.
Russian Militia
numbers vary greatly but around 15 to 16,000 in the Moscow Militia and another 3000 in the Smolensk Militia.
To keep it simple, at about 250 men per btn gives 14,000 militia not including men drafted into ranks of regular units.
Unless someone has a time machine, no one will ever know exactly who and how many were where.

With 1st West Army 1st Moscow Militia Div: 1st Jager (4) 2nd Opolochenie (4) Some of the militia btns were assigned to individual
Markov 4th Opolochenie (4) 6th Opolochenie (4) Divisions.
2nd Moscow Militia Div: 5th Opolochenie (4) 7th Opolochenie (4)
(3000) 8th Opolochenie (4)
With 2nd West Army 3rd Moscow Militia Div: 2nd Jager (4) 3rd Jager (4)
(4000) 1st Opolochenie (4) 3rd Opolchenie(4)
Smolensk Militia: Militia: Historically the Smolensk units were matched one
Lebedev Roslav, Vyazem, Sichev, Smolensk (?2?) militia and one Opolochenie btn. (Ea btn was about
Krasnin 250 men)
(3000) Opolochenie:
Belsk, Dorogbuzh, Yuknov, Elnin ,
Dukhovshin, Porech

with 5th Corps 1st Cuirassier Div: 1st Cuirassier Bde: Gd Cuirassier #1 Gd Horse (8)
1st West Army Depreradovitch Borosdin II Bde: Cheviez #2 Gd Horse (8)
Czar’s Cuirassiers Chevalier Gd Cuira
Czarinia’s Cuiras Horse Guard Cuiras
Astrakhan Cuiras
2nd Curassier Div: 2nd Cuirassier Bde: 3rd Cuirassier Bde:
with 2nd West Army Knorring Cheviez: Duka:
Military Order Cuir Gluchov Cuirassier
Ekaterinoslav Cuir Novgorod Cuiras
Little Russia Cuira
1st Cav Corps: Guard Cav Div: 1st Cav Bde: 2nd Cav Bde: 4rd Cav Bde: #2 Horse (12)
Uvarov Gd Dragoons Gd Hussars Kourland Dragoon
With 1st West Army Guard Uhlans Gd Cossacks Niejine Drag
With 1st West Army 2nd Cav Div: 6th Cav Bde: 7th Cav Bde: 8th Cav Bde
Korff Davydov: Panchulidzev: Wsewlogski:
Pskov Dragoon Kargopol Dragoon Elisabethgrad Hus
Moscow Dragoon Ingremanland Drag Isoum Hussars

With 1st West Army 3rd Cav Div: 9th Cav Bde: 10th Cav Bde: 11th Cav Bde(-) #7 Horse (12)
Count Pahlen Skalon Klebeck: Soum Hussars
Orenburg Dragoon Siberian Dragoon Marioupol Hussars
Kourland Dragoon Irkhoutsk Dragoon
Cossack Corps: Bde: Vlasov III Bde: Ilovaisk V Bde: Denisov II Bde: Bde: Kulteinikov #2 Don Csk Horse
Platov Andriyanov #2 Don Ilovaisk #8 Don C Denisov #7 Don C Ataman Don Csk Kharitonov Don C (12)
With 1st West Army Ernozubov #8 Don Grekov #18 Don C Zhirov Don Csk 1st Bashkiir Simpferopolsk Tartr
Vasov III Don Csk 1st Bug Cossack
Perekop Tartar 1st Teptyarsk Csk
4th Cav Corps: 4th Cav Div: 12th Cav Bde: 13th Cav Bde: 14th Cav Bde: #10 Horse (12)
Sievers: Sievers: Pantchaulidseff: Emmanuel: Vasilchikov:
with 2nd West Army Karkov Drag Kiev Drag Akhtrst Hussars(8)
Chernigov Drag New Russia Drag Lithuania Uhlan
with 2nd West Army Cossack Div: Bde: Bde: Bde #1 Don Csk Horse
Karpov II Karpov #2 Don Csk Grekov #21 Don C Melnikov #4 Don C (12)
Ilowaiski #11 DonC Bichalov #1 Don C Sisoev #3 Don Csk
Ilowaiski#12 Don C Kommissarov DonC

* Some sources give different numbers for batteries but in keeping with the normal system of the Position battery number being
the same as the Division number, I matched the few noted differences. With all the typos, different spellings and etc. This is the
best guess. As many rules sets don’t bother with actual designations it makes little difference.
With regular attachments of batteries There would be 12 Position (12pdr), 24 Light(6pdr and 10 Horse(6pdr) Batteries. This
includes 2 cossack batteries and 2 of each type of the Guard. One battery is noted as not being at Boridino and 3 guns were lost
earilier. There are also four position batteries listed in some sources as being present (Bateries #29 , #30 , #31 and # 32). Two
each for the 1st and 2nd converged Grenadier Divisions.
I Corps: 5th Div: Bde: Bde: Bde: 5th Arty Bde #5 Pos
Wittgenstein Berge Sievesk IR (2) Perm IR (2) 23rd Jager (2) #9 Lt
not at Kalouga IR (2) Mohilev IR (2) 24th Jager (2) #10 L
Boridino 14th Div: Bde: Bde: Bde: 14th Arty Bde #14 Pos
Sasonov Toula IR (2) Tenguinsk IR (2) 25th Jager (2) #27 Lt
Navajinsk IR (2) Estonia IR (2) 26th Jager (2) #28 Lt

1st Corps Converged Grenadiers 5th Div (2)

14th Div (2)

1st Cav Div: 3rd Cav Bde: Balk 4rd Cav Bde: 5th Cav Bde(-) Cossack Bde: #1 Horse(12)
Kakhoffski Riga Dragoon Koulnieff Rodinov #2 Don Cossacks Pontooners (2 co)
Iambourg Dragoon detached to Gd Cav Div Grodno Hussars Platov #4 Don Cossacks
Selivanov #2 Don Cossacks

Third Army of the West: Tormassov #34 Pos(12), #5 pontooner co., Pioneer co.
Corps: 9th Div: Bde: Reichel Bde: Seliverstov Bde: #9 Pos
Markov Udom Riajsk IR(2) Yakout IR(2) 10th Jager (2) #16 Lt
Apcheron IR(2) Nachenburg IR(2) 38th Jager (2) #17 Lt
#12 Horse
15th Div: Bde: Oldecop Bde: Stephanov Bde:Wiasemski #15 Pos
Nasimov Kourin IR(2) Koslov IR(2) 13th Jager (2) #28 Lt
olyvan IR(2) Vitebsk IR(2) 14th Jager (2) #29 Lt
Corps: 18th Div: Bde: Bernardos Bde: prc.Khowanski Bde: #19 Pos
Kamenski Tchervatov Tambov IR(2) Dnieper IR(2) 28th Jager (2) #34 Lt
Vladimir IR(2) Kostroma IR(2) 32nd Jager (2) #35 Lt
[Caucaus] #11 Horse
Division: Brigade: Brigade: #33 Pos
Corps: Reserve Battalions of Reserve Battalions Of
Sacken The 15th Division (6) The 18th Division (6)

3rd West Army 3rd Converged Gren Div 9th Div (2)
15th Div (2)
18th Div (2)


11th Cav Div: Bde: reserve sqds Bde: (-) reserve sqds #13 Horse(12)
Corps: Lasskin 2nd Cuir Div(4) 5th Cav Div(8)
Sacken] 4th Cav Div(4)
Cav Corps: 5th Cav Div: 15th Cav Bde: Berdiaief 16th Cav Bde: 17th Cav Bde:
Lambert Tver Dragoons Khroutchov Tartar (Siberian)Uhlans
Starodub Dragoons Jitomar Dragoons Alexandria Hussars
Arsams Dragoons Pavlograd Hussars
8th Cav Div: 24th Cav Bde: 26th Cav Bde: #34 Pos
Tschlapitz Vladimir Drag. Serpuchov Drag. Pontooneer Company #5
Taganrod Drag. Loubny Dragoons Pioneer Company (1)

Cossack Corps Cossack Div Platov #5 Don Cossacks Vlassov #2 Don Cossacks Theodosic Tartar
(30 squadrons) 2nd Bashkir Cossacks 1st Kalmuck Eupatorie Tarytar
Barbantchikov #2 2nd Kalmuck Diatchkin Cossacks
Army of the Danube: Adm. Tchichagov

8th Div:: Bde: Bde: Bde: 8th Arty Bde: # 8 Pos

Essen Archangel IR(2) Ingermannland IR(2) 7th Jager (2) #14 Lt
Schlusselburg IR(2) Ukrane IR(2) 37th Jager (2) #15 Lt
10th Div: Bde: Bde: Bde: 10th Arty #10 Pos
Jaroslav IR(2) Crimea IR(2) 8th Jager (2) Bde: #30 Pos
Kursk IR(2) Bieloserk IR(2) 39th Jager (2) #18 Lt
#50 Lt
13th Div: Bde: Bde: Bde: 13th Arty Bde: #13 Pos
Veliki-Loutzk IR(2) Galitz IR(2) 12th Jager (2) #24 Lt
Saratov IR(2) Pensa IR(2) 22nd Jager (2) #25 Lt
16th Div: Bde: Bde: Bde: 16th Arty Bde: #16 Pos
Netchlot IR(2) Kamchatka IR(2) 27th Jager (2) #30 Lt
Okhotski IR(2) Mingrelia IR(2) 43rd Jager (2) #31 Lt

8th Cav Corps: 6th Cav Div 18th Cav Bde: 19th Cav Bde: 20th Cav Bde:
St.PetersburgDrag(4) Sieversk Drag(4) Belorussia Hus(8)
Livonia Drag(4) Kinbourn Drag(4) Volhynie Uhlans(8)
7th Cav Div: 21st Cav Bde: 22nd Cav Bde: 23rd Cav Bde:
Smolensk Drag(4) Tiraspol Dragoon(4) Olivopol Hussars(8)
Pereiaslav Drag(4) Dorpat Dragoons(4) Tchougouiev Uhlan (8)
Cossack Div Grekov #7 Don Cossacks 1st Orenbourg Cossacks Astakhov #7 Cossacks 3rd Orel Cossacks Melnikov #3 Csk
Grekov #8 Don Cossacks 2nd Orenbourg Cossacks Melnikov #5 Cossacks 4th Orel Cossacks Loukoffkin Csk
Tourchaininov Csk

Other Forces

Caucaus 19th Div: Brigade: Brigade: Brigade: #19 Pos

Kazan IR(2) Sebastapol IR(2) 16th Jager (2) #36 Lt
Belov IR(2) Sousdal IR(2) 17th Jager (2) #37 Lt
Caucaus 20th Division Brigade: Brigade: Brigade: # 20 Pos
Troitsk IR(2) Tiflis IR(2) 9th Jager (2) #38 Lt
Karbardinsk IR(2) Volgoda IR(2) 15th Jager (2) #39 Lt
Riga 22nd Division Brigade: Brigade: Brigade: Pos # 22
Viborg IR (2) Staroskol IR (2) 29th Jager (2) Lt #41
Viatka IR (2) Olonetz IR (2) 45th Jager (2) Lt #42
St. Petersburg 25th Division Brigade: Brigade: Pos #25
Vorohenz IR (2) 2nd Marine IR (2)
1st Marine IR (2) 3rd Marine IR (2)
Caucaus 25th Cav Bde:
Narva Dragoons
Borisoglievsk Drag

6th Division Brigade: Brigade: Brigade: Pos # 6
Azov IR (2) Nisov IR (2) 3rd Jager (2) Lt #27
Ouglitz IR (2) Briansk IR (2) 35th Jager (2)
21st Division Brigade: Brigade: Brigade: Pos # 21
Neva IR (2) Lithuania IR (2) 2nd Jager Lt # 11
Petrovsk IR (2) Podolsk IR (2) 44th Jager Lt #40
Pioneer Company
27th Cav Bde:
Finland Dragoon
Mitau Dragoon
Lotchilin Cossack

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