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The emergence of COVID-19 has brought the world into a global recession affecting the lives of

thousands of people around the world. The COVID-19 is a novel or coronavirus strain. This has been the
emergence of a new pandemic-causing virus since the spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or
SARS on 2003. Technological deprivation way back then like the occurrence of the Black Death, has
resulted to excessive deaths and casualties. Taking into account how massive the effects of these
microorganisms to human, they are extremely fatal. Tiny yet deadly.

With the advent of technological inventions and scientific revolutions, scientists are able to come up
with certain solutions to this kind of life-threatening problems. Technology has greatly contributed in
the fight against this unseen enemy. In an article entitled Germ Catcher authored by the scientist David
J. Ecker, he formulated a machine which would then be able to identify the origins of a certain
pathogen. Time-saving and cost-efficient which would then be commercially available, providing early
warning signs on disease outbreaks such as COVID-19 and its possible treatments.

Aside from technological hardware products on combating diseases, software applications such as social
media platforms are deemed beneficial in information dissemination in today’s COVID-19. The
implemented health protocols and the threat of the virus have forced people to stay in their respective
residences, in turn people resort to the internet for information and news acquisition since they cannot
see for themselves the situation outside.

The internet, as an information vacuum, has provided easy information access to people. In this way
people are informed and educated about the ongoing pandemic. Information dissemination on various
social media sites has greatly helped us. The role of social media such as twitter or facebook as
information provider is also its complete opposite, various social media content also contains false
information. That is why there is a need to assess and fact check the contents of a certain possible
misleading article and its source. Media contents can sometimes be overwhelming.

Technological inventions and innovations have undeniably brought convenience to our daily lives. How
we let technology influence us depends on our attitude and behavior in the presence of it.

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