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Senior Capstone Project Presented to the Faculty of Mass Communication and Fine


Department of journalism and digital media

Al Maaref University

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Arts

Radio and Television (or other)

Loubna Haydar Haydar

Spring 2017 - 2018

Al Maaref University

Faculty of Mass Communication and Fine Arts

Department of digital media

Approval of the Senior Capstone Project

Candidate(s): MMMMM

Bachelor: Bachelor of Mass Communication

Title: Our Beautiful Minds

The following professor nominated to serve as the advisor of the above candidate(s) has
approved this work.

Research Advisor: Dr. Assad Dib Signature:

Production Advisor: Miss Rana aladin Signature:


“This is an example. Dedication could be longer and may include all people you wish to thank. But
make sure that it is clear and directly to the point.”

My stay at Al Maaref has been blessed with the generous help I have received from my professors,
peers, and family.

I dedicate this project to my parents (or professor and advisor Dr. XYZ ZZW) for their continuous
guidance and support… etc…

Table of Contents Page

Abstract (Not more than 150 words)

Introduction (not more than 200 words)
One 1

1.1 Overview

1.2 Need for the project 1

1.3 Problem Definition 2

1.4 Scope of the project 2

1.5 Cultural objectives & target audience

Two Literature Review (not more than 1200 words)
Conceptual Review (no more than 550 words)
2.1.1 Overview of the three sub-section Review

2.1.2 Relevant Schools, approaches, genres and/or designs studies 3

2.2. Production Review (no more than 550 words) 4

2.2.1 Production samples summary (minimum four and maximum six) 4

Production samples analysis (comparison of differences and similarities in light

2.2.2. of results of conceptual exposition in section 2.1 ) 5

2.3 Literature Review Results (no more than 100 words)

Conclusions that establish the researcher’s project position in light of outcomes

2.3. of 2.2.2. (i.e. justification of the project selection)

Production Concept Development & Function (no more than 350 words)
Three 7

3.1 Concept Production Proposition

3.2 Concept Production Significance (Source and Context)

Concept Production Purpose and Expected Effects (what is meant from such
3.3 production to make a difference in person and/or society)

Four Production Methodology (no more than 400 words)

4.1 producer vision and the perspective (epistemology): the newness

Reception Analysis of input or output either for production proposition or

4.2 production output (Survey, Interviews, Focus Group, SDLC, …) 7

4.3 Milestones and Schedule 8

4.4 Measurement (if applicable) 11

Chapter FiveThe Production Process (less than 1000 words)

5.1 Production Selection Phase

5.1.1 Production and theme decisions

5.1.2 Main Texts ( Stories, Synopsis, Site Map components …etc. 25

Selected outsourced material & staff (Casting decisions, inserts, DOP, Editors,

5.2 Production Planning Phase

5.2.1 Production Requirements (locations, guests, budgeting… etc.) 18

Selected outsourced material & staff (Casting decisions, inserts, DOP, Editors,
5.2.2. etc.)

5.3. Production Phase

5.3.1 Production process

5.3.2 Field challenges, solved problems and on site solutions

5.4. The Postproduction

5.4.1 Editing format, ADR and Foley

5.4.2 Music & Effects, titling and subtitling

Postproduction reception feedback (*** Either on Production Concept Input or

5.4.3 Production Concept Output)

5.5 Final Production Output (in USB FORMAT)

Chapter Six Conclusions and Recommendations (less than 200 words)

6.1 Conclusions

6.2 Recommendations 20

6.3 Future Productions 20

References 22

Appendices 36

Abstract :
Creating a website concerning any issue in this world is not something spontaneous or
happened by luck, no it’s a set of steps a user should follow to accomplish his task in
successful way. A website offers you a developed way to tell your story in a simple and easy
way that anyone can requires from this rich platform of videos, audios, writing article…to
clarify the message hiding inside every little design in the website, that tells the reality of the
people of Palestine before 1948, and the role of journalism, to this world, and here I mean
the digital era, because we cannot success if we telling the story in an old language, so, I have
to follow the rules and creates a content suits users expectations, and match with his life

The idea of maintaining an impressive Web is to know the story where the web begin, and
the purpose of make it, because simply as the cars on the road got its own language, webs
have its own language and if you don’t know its language to know how to drive on the safe

Chapter 1: Introduction:

The idea of creating a web concerning the case of Palestine is pretty familiar to everyone, this
case is been discussed thousands of times in media, but the originality is hidden under the
websites features and the perception that my website is talking about it, ‘Palestine before
1948, which highlights that “NAKBA”, did not happened by luck, and highlighting on the
Palestinian media around this part, and tickling the humanitarian aspects through real story
for how people use to lives before 1948.

The project relies on extract reality for the most important event happens in the history, that
draws a new landscape for middle east, the project will tells the story hoe this is happens
drag people attention that this did not happened by chance, it takes tens of years of planning
from the Zionist to accomplish their mission in occupying the land of Palestine, and how
people where living in peace in their land before they got fired from their houses and land
and the role of Palestinian media before and after this period targeting people in this era who
they don’t know the whole story, who they just know the story of Palestine as the bloody
story, I want to take the bright side of their life, their culture..And how the Zionist plan to
take the land.

I think people need to know about that, from all range of age.

Chapter 2: Literature review:

Conceptual Review:

The fundamental idea of the world web is the presentation of hypertext; Web is a vast
network of hyperlinked resources stored on computers through the world that can provide
access to information and a huge variety of subjects for all kinds of users... However the web
is not synonymous with the internet but it is just one of the most popular services on the
internet, and because today we living in the digital era and the internet is the boss of
communication in our days, web is the strong weapon for communication with each other’s
through times, spreading all around the world.

Since the creation of the web by Burners Lee in 1989, the pathway of the World Wide Web
goes through 3 stages till now.

Web 1.0

Web 2.0

Web 3.0

The web 1.0 was made by Burners Lee himself of the http protocol which enabled us to
retrieve of a copy of a document by accessing it address on a network. It was just a set static
websites with a load of information and no interactive content. It was the web of AOL chat
rooms and MSN messenger of Altavista and Ask Jeeves. However it was traditional and
limited. Where users passively consult web pages and for the most part don’t participate in
generating content. Introduction of webology (Alireza Noruzi, 2004).

As we can say that web 1.0 is the first step in the path of advanced websites, as the
technology increase the websites becomes more developed.

Web 1.0 was just a set of static websites with aloud of information and no interactive
content. In this time connecting meant dialing up through rickety modems and blocking
anyone in the house from using the phone. Downloading a song would take at least a day.
Center of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship. (Fernando Almeida, 2017).

Web 2.0 was also made by us (the content providers), users create content and interact with
site sand with each other through social media forms.

Moreover, it was the memory of bleeps modems and boring interfaces has largely floated
away. Faster internet speeds paved the way for interactive content, so at this stage the web
is not anymore about observing, it becomes about participating. Introduction to Webology
(Alireza Noruzi, 2004).

But web 3.0 technologist envision everything (documents, data, inanimate objects, even us),
having an address on a network and artificial intelligence having the ability to understamnd
and learn relationships between these address entities, where it works on data provided to
create a new data that will as a conclusion or an answer for the previous data.. so, web 3.0
will be created by machines as we become data sources on the network.

Using semantic analysis and natural language processing, the cognitive technology helps you
understand meaning and extract insight from web content and unstructured data.

Web 3.0 has 5 different characteristics:

1. Semantic web which improves web technologies in order to generate share and
connect content through search and analysis based on the ability to understand the
meaning of words.
2. Artificial intelligence combining this capability with natural language processing in
web 3.0. Computers can understand information like human in order to provide faster
and more relevant results they become more intelligent to satisfy the needs of users.
3. 3D graphics: the 3 dimensional designs is being used extensively in websites and
services in web 3.0 museum guide, computer games, e commerce…
4. Connectivity: with web 3.0, information is more connected thanks to semantic
metadata. As a result the user experience evolves to another level of connectivity that
leverages all the available information.
5. Ubiquity: content is accessible by multiple application every device is connected to the
web. The service can be used everywhere.

We cannot ignore that the internet causes the revolution in the World Wide Web, it
enhance it works relying on the first steps on the interactivity platforms.

The creation of the future, relies on the past, for example the American declaration of
Jerusalem as a capital for Israel, actually what causes this decisions with all this
boldness and strength with no caring for the Palestinians cases or feelings, and why
now most of Arabic countries are very proud about Israel’s friendships and existence?
Despite all that, I faced a truth every weekend that creates a 1000 question in my
brain, because when I go to my village along for more than a 30 minutes in the car I
looked at the right side and I found a beautiful land I called Palestine, but I can’t go in,
because it’s forbidden!! The Zionist exist there since 70 years ago, and I’m still asking
myself why all this times passes and the situation hasn’t change but it becomes worth,
to the level that the American President declare brazenly Jerusalem as the capital of

Why the case of Palestine is deteriorating? Isn’t because it loosing it identity where
past creates your identity. Per example what makes Muslims Shiaa celebrating each
year Ashoura, and they still cries on the Hussein bin Ali since 100 of years? Isn’t
because they protect the bond between their identities and the past?
And why the Armenians continue to take a negative stand against the Turks because
of the massacres against the Armenian people in the past? Isn’t because they kept on
protecting their memories and histories which creates their identity?

So here we point our fingers to the real cause of trump’s decisions towards Palestine,
which is flattering Palestinian memory to obliterate their identity. As some theories
states for the role that a memory plays in national identity shaping,

As national identity we can describe the social representations that a national group
has not only for itself but for every other national group. National identity as the
other identities is continuously developing. The formulation of national identity begins
from the historical development of the group to a nation, which then composes its
national identity through the construction of national memory. The construction of
national identity is a process that never stops. (pantouvaki, S. 2009)
So national identity is a symbolic construction which organizes the perception, the
national group has about the world, not only for itself but also for those who may be
called “national other”. The national identity is based on the common origin of the
members of the nation, which in this way reassures its existence as an independent
political entity. (Pantouvaki,S.2009).
As the website tries to creates a bond between the importance of nation memories
and drawing the future, the Jewish uses this strategy to take the land by creating a
memories for Jewish all around the world to bring them to Palestine relying on the

religious side, Prophet Solomon and David kingdom, where Zionist uses this memory
to continue its plan to return to the land, because everything started with an idea and
till now they keeping to enhancing this memories, and the latest events is the
declaration of trump for Jerusalem because he had a strong foundation which is the
Jew memories on the other side the Palestinians memories is buried slowly under

The main purpose of the web is to refresh the memories for this generation, the
generation of internet , through an advanced way by showing the past of this nation it
media, the Jewish immigration, a memory for Palestinians life before 1948. Also to
drag users awareness to the importance of keeping the memory to develop towards
other, because our identity is the think that distinguish us from other, always we will
became plain no culture no past…no us!

Today we living in the digital era, where everything is connected to machine since we
wake up until we sleep, so we wake up on the alarms set by our smart phone, we
check weather, traffic, economic, latest news…through certain application connected
to the internet.
As the internet was the main cause of the enhancement of the role of the web during
time to becomes an interfacing platform that allows users to connect to the world and
becomes an effective users, and for me as a journalism students, internet and the
revolution caused by it in all range of connectivity allows me to higher my voice and
reach audiences to highlight on any issues I see it valuable through ontology by
organizing data in a meaningful and helpful way. Where anthologies allows computers
to learn the semantics of relationships between data, for example the BBC web allows
users to interact, comment, share news…even the web work on collecting and
providing certain data concerning an issues, and analyzing data, also they uses
ontology to characterize news stories.
However, ontology introduces other variables to the data relations. As more variables
are added the computer builds a richer picture until its able to imply relationships
between data.
The more semantic capabilities we add the more we are able, via machine processing
to reverse engineer aspects of identity.

As Lee said “the dream behind the web is of a common information space in which we
communicate by sharing information. Its universality is essential”, so, the purpose of
creating the web is done now.
Also there is a strong weapon for the web 3.0 offered by digitization, the powerful
implications that makes the idea more relevant and valuable for the way we as users
and the computers we program, collect store, use and share data, these include linked
data and anthologies. However, the aim of linked data, via data structuring models
such as RDF, is to connect and consolidate records that exist in different databases
even data in different format. Also, language enables us to query across data bases by
mining linked data.

yes, it provide
Semantic improving web technologies in order to generate share and connect content.a good
it’s a smart
of technological
it gotwebsite.
features it'sYES
a web YES
Artificial intelligence No, it doesn’t provideyes,
newit offer
the service
YESits one
of creating
way communication.
new YES
data intelligency.
3D Graphics YES, there I some graphics
YES, it belongs
also provide
to our
serviceas the case YESneede it. YES
Connectivity Yes, you can connectYES,throught
you areit to
world, tothrough
the worlsocial
updates all the
Ubiquity Yes, it uses the colorYES.
and the position to YES drag attention to the YESimportant orYESthe central part in the website.
Size that drag attention for the importance of the issue. Yes, it uses the colorYES,
and the
the importance
position to
YES drag
of theattention
issue increases
to the
its size. orNOthe central part in the website.
drag attention to guide viewrs. Yes, it uses the colorYES,
and itthe
a simple,
YES drag
easy attention
way to narrow
to the
the central part in the website.
color NO YES, color serving NO the concept dimensions NOits one of the NOtools.
contrast YES YES NO YES NO
alignment. YES, its neat. YES YES NO YES
repetition NO YES NO YES YES
Proximity YES YES NO NO NO
Density and white space YES, there is good spacing
YES to serve theYES content. YES NO
users experience actually its quit easyusers
and simple.
are satsfied with all the services provided with the web
interacting it’s a web with an interacting
it links youdesign.
to socail media platform ,u tube...
uaing a variety of multimedia tools. yes there is a varity of
media infograph,
tools. videos audio…

Despite all, after analyzing 5 different websites, because of today technology the measurements of scale
is changing, even in using technology, using traditional photos, videos…is not enough anymore to be on
the track of digital era we lives in, Per example today we use for transportation cars, motorbikes,
planes…we stop using animals, and in web is the same thinks.

As we see in the sheet above some web follow the rules of an advanced website, like the BBC News
Website, that offers all data concerning any world issues using videos, written article, and connect to
social media, for example if I want to look on the US president declaration about illegal immigrants, I

found a video for his quote, written article, his tweets with people comments, and you as a user you can
use this content anywhere anytime. Moreover it’s available on different social media platform, FB,
Instagram, Twitter…also you can comment blogs and share any piece of the content.

Although BBC got an Arabic virgin, and it provides its content on the home page of the latest news all
around the world, with a picture and a slogan, so if you interested to any subject you’ll have curiosity to
know about it, also it respecting the white space between the different content, then after you press on
your choosing content you find all the information you need with embedded videos, audios, and tweets
to enhance the trust and credibility of the content.

And for this sample of analyzing 5 websites, BBC is the only on that follow the protocol of web 3.0 that
allows the high definition of technology to appear in a clear pictures.

Today digital social networks have replaced the classic social networks, it plays and represents an
important role in the social relation’s investment through the creation of social capital that helps
individuals to develop themselves and at the same time it has created a new forms of relationships
which results the possibility of diminish the offline social relations that have compensated with virtual
relationships that can be configured through participation in online groups that their members have
common interests.

Although,Web 3.0 technologies are not only communicative but also cooperative, about community
building, web 3.0 is a tool for communities building and this concept was discussed by which weAbout
community building, web 3.0 is a tool for communities building and this concept was discussed by
Tonnies, by which he understands the “consciousness of belonging together and the affirmation of the
condition of mutual dependence”2 Through those three social conceptual approaches for the web we
can conclude three features for each stage of the web, where the web1.0 constitutes a cognition tool
where people used it as a source of information and knowledge while the web2.0 was a tool of human
communication where the communication act appear in more than one form (from one to one, One to
all, All to all). The web 3.0 takes the character of cooperation. THE SOCIOLOGY OF WEB 2.0. (SAIDA

The web 3.0 takes the character of cooperation. According to this classification we conclude that the
web pass over communicational stages which has changed and developed from web to other, this affect
also the practical side which concern the relation between users and internet that is transit from read
(consumption) to read and write (production), where users integrate in the process of production and
participation as well consumption, browsing the internet content, blogging, using tag words, publishing,
sharing and thus it becomes an active role for the consumer in producing goods.3 These goods (or
contents) could be published as texts, photos, videos or could be personal information that users display
in their profiles from which they answer to some questions concern age, gender, location, ethnicity,
sexual orientation, incomes …etc. . THE SOCIOLOGY OF WEB 2.0. (SAIDA KHEIRA BENAMMAR, 2015).

So, here we see the importance of social interaction offered by the social media, and a web without a
strong leash with the social media platform, your web is to weak, per example ALNASHRA Web, is to
weak because it misses white spaces, and users experience is poor due it confusing content, even if it
got multimedia as I said content, but as I said before today ‘s measurement is different than before,
today we all becomes native technology and the challenge required good use of these technology in the
digital era we live.

Moreover, if we want to win in this race, we should be responsible about following the rules of our era,
the digital era; we cannot keep on using web 1.0 as a style if we want to be on top of the race or leading.

Also for Web 3.0, designers will continue to focus on making things simpler. The truth is,
the designer has the absolute power to persuade viewers on where to look first and second
and so forth and so on. By doing this the designer creates a hierarchy of importance, that
should not be muddled by useless design. ? A Brief Introduction and It’s Benefits. (editorial

Literature review results:

As the creation of the web should be organized in a systemic way to serves the idea
and gives it the maximum potential of credibility, however, the web should have a
consistent user interface, the ability to incorporate a wide range of technology and
document types, universal readership that means anyone sitting anywhere on the
network could read, the share document as anyone else, and could do easily.
As we know, today everyone hold a smart phone, where that little piece of metal
allows you to connect with the world, where all are on social media platforms such as
Face book, twitter, instagram…the whole day, and the good thing about web 3.0 that
it can connect you directly to your social media, opening the opportunity for you to
interact, blogs, comment…

My concept was clear is to concentrate all my materials around the Palestinians

memories to show users that this people got a past of media and a large life.
Although the creation of a website, should have a clear way respecting all the rules of
digital era, being critical, clear, simple, opens the door for interactivity…as web 3.0 is
to follow the etiquette of this world.

Finally, the website is the mixing pots where we cooked the entire elements of
multimedia tools and then offer it to users to enjoy a great taste, and it’s the same things
for Web where we should make it smooth to dive smoothly through all platform , to have
no limits, no gates…

Chapter 3: Production Concept Development & Function (not over 350 words)

Designing a concept, gives the content a magical influence for users, so, if we had
a clear concept that hide in the back of every little node that’s creates a well
pictures to grab audience’s attention, and gives power for my web.

My websites is taking the case of Palestine, but not on the traditional side, no, this
time I highlighted to the case from another point of view where I want to drag
people attention to think deeply to know why the occupation of this land
happened, where Zionist attack on the land of Palestine didn’t happened by luck
or it just born before 1948 from a few years or month, no, actually 1948 is the
result of tens of years of planning to how go through this land and create the idea
of Israel, with taking a scope on Palestinians life before 1948 and above this stage,
also highlighting the role of Palestinian media. Moreover, the main point of the
website is to refresh the Palestinians memories, on the other side I liked to drag
attention for the strength of the declaration of trump’s on December 2017,
concerning the recognition of Jerusalem as a capital of Israel, is that Zionist has
been working long time ago on burring the Palestinians identity, and enhancing
their identity, as we saw lately the immerging of the Israelis nation in different
world events such as Miss word, sports events….also in movie, “justice
league”..Also in Lebanon on the map at some schools, and some news report
found the word of Israel instead of Palestine.

So as the Jewish in the past plays on this node the return to the home land where
they constitute only 5% from the population, and they played on the nostalgia for
the past, and they supported their plan with Rotsheld money, today the
Palestinian got the same materials and there is lots of multi millionaires
Palestinian people spread all around the world with no home land!!!

SO, Here we go back to support the theory of the role of collective memory
creating identity, The latest theoretical approaches focus on a large role for the subjectivity and
constructional nature of national and ethnic identities. They imply the connections between history and
cultural identity. It has been presented that nations and ethnic groups do not usually have a continuous
and linear history. These kinds of accounts are constructs of historical groups, whose past is selectively
appropriated, remembered, forgotten and created, but at the same time reproduced and accepted in
popular consciousness. (Jones, S. 1996).

Although, there is often visible a big tension between the past and the present. More particularly, it is a
tension between past meanings and processes, which we would like to reconstruct from historical
remains and meaning which we would like to obtain from the material culture of today. Critical role of
the past in the assertion and legitimating of group identities often leads to a problematic slippage
between contemporary concepts of group identity and the mapping of past groups in the past.

Since, I where born I use to hear about Palestine, the land that was occupied by
the Zionist, and lately when trump the American president declare Jerusalem as
the capital of Israel!! Most of countries deny trump recognition!!Here I stopped
and I said to myself people still money, gold, car…but how the Zionist can still a
whole country?? How this is happened?? Are they that powerful? Then why the
Palestinian didn’t resist and defend their country?? I want to know exactly what
happened and why? How???

I started to conduct a research about Palestine and the history of the born of the
state of Israel through historical resources, and I found that Israel didn’t
happened by luck, I found that it was a strong project with a clever planning took
tens of years and lots of money through buying land and makes Jewish works in
agriculture to have connect with the soil so they feel they belong to this soil…the
concept of my website is to drag people attention to the path Zionist takes to win
the land, and if we want this land back we have to know how exactly it was taken,
how the Zionist creates a state? How they become that strong in the Arab region?
How to resist them successfully? If we don’t know the roots of this problem, we
cannot solve it?

Despite all that, the website should highlight the story of all the reasons that
makes 1948, how this is happened, it should drag the attention for the history of
the Zionist steps towards their dreams, what they do exactly? This is only
happened with the army force? All this questions the audiences of the website
should ask while watching and they should find the answer through the content?

Moreover, the design has a deep and a strong meaning behind it details for the
strongest conflict on the region, so it’s not just a pretty shapes, each elements in
the websites holding a story, the story of the “Sad Land”, the color used to
describe the sad case of Palestine, I wants the users to…..

Chapter 4: Methodology

Methods and methodologies discuss the problems of data collection that

historical that research confront at the outset of inquiry, as well as specific issues
that arise during the research process, (Gesa Kirsh, 1992).Methods and
Methodology in composition research.

The idea of research is extracted from a real case that happened in the last
century and shakes the landscape of the entire world, it goes through 2 stages :

Epistemology, Ontology.

So, I start taking the way of Critical realism which implies the recognition of the
reality and the natural order and the events and discourses of the social world
and holds that we will only be able to understand and so change the social world
if we identify the structures of work that generate those events and discourse.
(Alan Bryan, 5th edition).

Despite all that, the whole content of my project is from the reality but with a
specific perception, actually it’s not taking the story as it is but with a critical eyes
that goes beyond the reality, where I mean 1948 not as a start, but as result.

So, the purpose for my project is to critique the reality, by creating a new reality
or a new concept for the reality from my perception.

For the central point of orientation here is the question of whether social entities
can and should be considered objective entities that have a reality external to
social actors or whether they should be considered social constructions built up
from the perceptions and actions of social actors.

Despite, the purpose is to reconstruct the reality from a new perception, which
my websites aims to gives to it audiences, the new reality of the people and land
of Palestine.

Walking on the path of digitization, to accomplish my Web, it took me a long time
to figure out how to do it with this huge data, so first I work on narrowing my
choice to have a specific corner to start from.

The first place I visit was the Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut to know what
exactly I need to extract from, what is the thing that people needs to know about
it to highlight how the occupation of Palestine happened.

Then I went to the Palestinians center located in Hamra, Beirut. To know deeply
about my decided concept, which is the Palestinians media before 1948, and the
history of the main and strongest weapon of the Zionist, the immigration.

After my visit to the camp I have an idea to make a report concerning real lives of
Palestinians before 1948 to tell their story.

I need lots of pictures and memories describe the case, the location of my village
helps me a lot to capture photos and videos for the land of Palestine to insert it in
my website.

Moreover, I interviewed 2 Palestinians adult to tell their story and I makes 2

report videos telling the story of the immigration and the life before all Nakba.

Infographics also have helps me a lot to show how the Jewish immigration was
the foundation of the creation of the born of Israel in the Arabic region.

Also, I created a timeline JS, as a strong multimedia tools which allows users to
have an idea of how the Zionist take the land during time from the start to the

So, the main work for me which secure my project is the information I got, I
search for 2 months to get accurate information which allows me to put the point
for my drawing.

Chapter 5, Production process:

My production process started in flipped way, how???

After the research I have a clear idea to implement, the first step is to organize
the data I got from my photograph, the interviews, and the videos to organize the
work and then started.

In other word I didn’t create the website first, but started with doing the
materials from videos, info graphic, audio, photograph….

For me I think that the most important thing is to have a clear concept that all my
work, all my materials should spins around it exactly how planets orbits the sun.

I created a video for the introduction including pictures for Palestine before and
after al Nakba.

I wanted to grab people attention with an emotional video to pave the way a
front the coming information offered by the website. A website that can enter the
digital world in a trusted steps to reach the message behind every little details in
the website.

Although I did 2 videos under the style of report describing the Palestinians media
and its role in awaking the world for the Zionist and British plan.

Another 2 videos concerning the life, the nostalgia of the past for real stories of 2

And a global video answering the question why is Palestine, this question also is
answered in the written text and the info graphics, in every little multimedia tools
used in the website.

Actually I wanted to open users eyes for the plan of the Zionist, and how they
took the land, the web shows that the Jewish works hard to accomplish their
goals, they played on the religion side to bring an approval for their plan, my
target is to show the world and especially the Arab world or who kept on winging
that we need to works hard and have a clever plan if we want to return the land,
which need force and brain, exactly how the Zionist did.

Choosing templates for a historical websites, suits my work with choosing a name
to grab people attention.

My targeted audiences is for everyone watch to change his way of thinking to
know the truth behind the existing of the Jewish in the area, so it’s for adults and

My work need a 2.0 website because it offers for me a two way communication
between me and the users, and also it allows me to add my content in the way of
telling a story.

Chapter 6

Conclusion and recommendations:

The most important part while conducting a research is to stuck to the decided
concept, so I needed to read a lot, search…to get a clear idea of what I need to do
to reach an accurate and credible content.

Actually I found a theory that supported my concept which is the importance of

collective memory creating nation identity.

Managing time was the key of success for any work, especially this work need to
well designed time frame to complete tasks on times, as always I left the biggest
part to the last second, but I think this is the great part of any work, where you
feel you need to work to the last second because you always worried about

My project didn’t need a big budget I cost me couple of 100$, I need to by a

templates, to install programs on my PC that was essential for production such as
premiere, Photoshop, extra SD card for my camera, transportation because I
photographed in different places from south to Beirut, and I needed to takes a
company with me, also I took permission to photographed at the Lebanese,
Palestinians border from the competent authority.

The limitations was with collecting data, I had a presence in more real photos or
video describing the old Palestine, also, most of people who I asked to interview
concerning the case of Palestinians media said they don’t know anything about
this issues.

Also, I would like to interview one from the other side to get new information, but
this is forbidden in the law, and impossible to do it for me at the current time.

Finally, I recommend for following students to have a clear idea and to set up a
well organized path to accomplish the target. A very important think is asked to
be done which is to have a passion while working, don’t wing, choose something
you find it interesting and go for it for sure you will find a way, don’t listen or
follow with your friends because this will disappoint you sometimes, just keep on
touch with your instructor.

At the end I wish a good luck for everyone and for myself.


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