After The Barangay Hazard Mapping Activity

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After the Barangay Hazard Mapping Activity, how vital do you think it is to be well-informed or at

least become familiar with the 'layout' of your barangay/ community? Do you believe it is helpful
during times of disasters or emergencies?

Yes, I really do believe on its relevance. Indeed, hazard map is highly necessary in our barangay because
our place is surrounded by rivers which is considered as a flood prone area, there are also a lot of
individuals that live near the river or beside the river. Hence, it is very important to have an adequate
information on the layout of your barangay so it assist you to recognize the dangers of natural hazards
and to help alleviate catastrophes. Hazard maps show the magnitude of projected

the risk areas and can be linked with disaster control information such as different evacuation sites per
barangay, evacuation routes, and other important information. Hazard map and other precautionary
measures could help save a human life during catastrophe.

Hazard maps are posted in different barangay halls in Pasig. There is also a lot of channels where the
City Government of Pasig convey information. The Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office of
Pasig also conduct different seminars and training for their volunteers. All these preparations for
expected calamities like typhoon and unexpected ones like earthquakes are important because life is
always at risks during catastrophe. The goal is to be prepare when a calamity occurs and save a life
because of being precautious

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