Lesson: Should & Ought To

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Have the same meaning; they express a recommendation, a suggestion, a
necessity, a social or moral obligation.

I think you ought to (should) study more.

He ought to (should) try the new product.
I ought to (should) get up earlier.
You ought to (should) buy her a birthday present.

- In the negative, the meaning is the same; a recommendation, a suggestion,

or a good idea not to do something:
 You shouldn’t work so hard.
 I shouldn’t get up so late.
 I ought not to get up so late.

- Ought to is most commonly used in the affirmative. It’s not used in the
affirmative, interrogative, but may be used in the negative interrogative:

 Oughtn’t you to be studying for your test?

 Shouldn’t you be studying for your test?
(= past form) is used for something that wasn’t done.

He failed the test, because he didn’t study.

He ought to (should) have studied.
I ought to (should) have gone to the bank

- Shouldn’t have is used for something that was done, that was wrong or a bad

 I parked illegally and got a ticket.

 I shouldn’t have parked there.
 He shouldn’t have run for the bus.

(idea of probably)

The shirts should be in the drawer.

Mary should be here any moment.
The car should be fixed by tomorrow.
More houses should be built next year.
Some time ago the American Telephone and Telegraph company ran a series
of full-page ads in major newspapers across the country. The ads presented
some scenes “from the future, but not the very distant future”.
In one ad a couple is sitting in front of a tv in their living room, pressing
buttons on a small keyboard similar to a typewriter’s. They are checking their
bank balance and paying bills by simply using their telephone exchange. In
another, a woman pick up the telephone in her office and calls home. She
doesn’t speak to anyone on the line but instead presses a series of buttons,
which starts the roast cooking in her microwave.
One of the last ads in the campaign anticipated the growth of cable tv and
showed the development of a system that would convert a subscriber’s
television set into a home information center. Subscribers would be able to
use their tv sets, with the aid (auxiliar) of a keyboard, to do such things as
banking, making airline and hotel reservations, reading news reports and
getting the latest stock market quotations. They could also buy products on
display and even play elaborate video games with other cable sub scribers.

(deixado, deixada)

There isn’t any beer left. Let’s buy some.


There isn’t much ice cream left. We need some.

There are some sensations as human beings when we feel it causes us a
lot of grief (sofrimento), it causes our despair.
Human beings don't like solitude nor like contempt (desprezo), feeling
abandoned because we are extremely needy. There isn't a human being that
deep down does not care about the opinion of others, we want approval!
However much it causes us the pathology of depending on others all the time.
This is nothing more than the human being, we are like that. There are
abandonments that we create, other abandonments that life causes us but
one of them is worse than feeling abandoned by the only one we think will not
abandon us, God. People can abandon us, but we cannot tolerate imagining
that the God has abandoned us. And this is the worst feeling for a human
being. Perhaps the most recurrent is to deceive (iludir) ourselves to the point
of thinking that God has abandoned us. It's as if we create measures to
know how much God loves us from our perspective of loving others because
we love according to conditions, and we are experts in letting go someone or
leaving people. And God?
Is there a moment when He turns against and He says: - Look, I don't want to
see you more. We create these defenses or attacks that God doesn't see us
anymore or has God abandoned us or turned his back? We as human beings
face thinking that some moments God forsakes (abandoner) us by our
attitudes, by our falls. In general, we see man's first reaction after falling.
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was
walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God
among the trees of the garden.” Genesis 3:8
I get the impression that we seem to want the limit of God's will much more
than it is at the center of God's will. The problem when we fall also drops our
feeling of trust in the Lord because when we disappoint God, in our head He
will not want to talk to us again and the enemy takes advantage of this a lot
and gets inside our hearts to make us feel ashamed as if we were nothing. And
Adam and Eve hid, and their action created a separation between them and
God. But God doesn't disappear and doesn't stop being who He is. The Bible
says He is faithful. Even when we slip (deslize/erro), God remains faithful. No
matter how far people go the Bible says that the Lord even with the sin of
Adam and Eve descended into the Garden. Because sin doesn't turn God
away. The antidote to approaching God is repentance.

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