For Cold Rolling Mills: Industrial

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Industrial for
cold rolling mills
The next generation of automation system and solutions
Andreas Kroll, Andreas Vollmer

Operating authorities of cold rolling mills face To help manufacturers meet their business and
steadily increasing requirements regarding product technical objectives, ABB has developed and
quality from their customers: thickness and flat- launched the next generation cold rolling mill auto-
ness tolerances are decreasing while surface qual- mation system and performance enhancing tech-
ity must further improve. In addition, mill flexibility nology solutions. The technology solution suite
will have to increase to match growing product includes components for pass scheduling, mill set-
variety while high mill productivity (throughput and up, simulation, control, product quality monitoring
yield) is key to remaining competitive in the global and diagnosis.
economy. Therefore, to meet such demands a Initial tests at customer installations in Germany
modern automation system is required with and Switzerland have shown significant improve-
advanced technology products and solutions that ments in throughput and thickness tolerance reduc-
can be seamlessly integrated into it. tion as compared with state-of-the art technology.

44 ABB Review
W ith ever-increasing demands on
mill profitability, productivity and
product quality are pushed to the limit,
Cold rolling of flat metals products involves controlling a multivariable process with
couplings, which is subject to significant disturbances and parameter drift.
while at the same time mill flexibility
has to match the rising variety of prod-
ucts. Strip quality and mill throughput
are influenced by various factors such Roll and Other dynamic
as mechanical design, electrical equip- coil errors disturbances
ment, auxiliary supplies and control
strategy, and the very many associated
variables have to be tightly controlled to Rolling speed reference Mill speed
meet product quality targets 1 . In addi-
Roll torque reference Entry speed
tion, pass schedules and set points must
be optimally chosen to achieve the re- Exit speed
Roll force / position reference
quired productivity objectives. The en-
tire control process enters into extreme Roll force / position
Pay off reel tension reference
parameter ranges, especially when one Advanced
Entry tension / torque
considers controlling up to 40 tons of Mill Control
Tension reel tension reference
moving parts to a precision of 1 µm Exit tension / torque
(table 1). Bending reference
To exploit the full production potential Shifting reference Shifting
of a rolling mill requires an overall and
well-integrated approach to cold rolling Cooling distribution Cooling
mill automation, optimization, control,
and decision-support tools. This ap-
proach has to cover: Material
Mechanical systems parameters
Drive train
Material flow
Disturbances Control variables
Visualization and control system
Parameter variations (slow, presetting) Set-up variables
Modeling and simulation
Pass scheduling and set-up
Technological control
Supervision and diagnosis solutions

The design of such systems requires ex-

tensive knowledge and experience in
the metals industry and with more than
650 projects in the field of cold rolling,
ABB’s Industrial IT automation platform, technology solutions, and Manufacturing
ABB has developed the next generation 2
Execution System are all seamlessly integrated in the new ABB offering.
of cold rolling mill automation. This new
system, as illustrated in 2 , consists of:
ABB’s IndustrialIT automation plat-
form with Aspect ObjectTM technology
Enterprise Resource Planning / Supply Chain Management
– the foundation.
SimulateIT for Cold Rolling Mills: for Inform IT – Manufacturing Execution System
nonlinear dynamic mill simulation.
OptimizeIT for Cold Rolling Mills: Optimize IT for Control IT for Advise IT for
Simulate IT for
enables optimal pass scheduling and Presetting in Cold Technological Control Cold Rolling
Cold Rolling Mills
adaptive mill set-up. Rolling Mills in Cold Rolling Mills Mills

ControlIT for technological control: Industrial IT – Automation Platform

for advanced thickness, flatness and
tension control.
AdviseIT for Cold Rolling Mills: for Process
monitoring and diagnosis of strip
thickness and flatness quality.

ABB Review
4/2004 45
All components are seamlessly inte- Information Integration and from different sources. It can interface
grated with each other and with the Navigation directly with all ABB controllers and with
Manufacturing Execution System Operations and maintenance personnel many third party systems and applica-
(MES). have to deal with information from tions by using the industry standard OPC
many sources such as measurements, (OLE for Process Control).
IndustrialIT Automation platform with applications and multi-media super-
Aspect ObjectTM technology vision 3 . Even though information Process Controller: ControlIT
Automation systems for the metals in- regarding single mill objects may vary in ControlIT consists of:
dustry consist mainly of human system type, they are integrated using ABB’s A modular and scalable process con-
interfaces, controllers and control net- Aspect ObjectTM technology. In other troller family known as AC800.
work, drives, instrumentation, IO (in- words, a user does not have to deal Control software programmed accord-
put/output) boards, bus systems and with different files, folders, applications, ing to the IEC 61131-3 standard for a
other field communications. Integration operating systems and computers. Both wide range of industrial control func-
of Manufacturing Execution Systems and hierarchical structuring and powerful tionalities.
third party products as well as connec- search functions make navigation and
tivity to level 3 Enterprise Resource information retrieval fast and easy. This The controllers are well suited to low-
Planning (ERP) systems augment the is especially beneficial: level applications as well as advanced
system. When decision-making during opera- technological control of rolling mills.
tion is based on many information Fast control loops with cycle times of
More than just data integration, howev- sources and types. 1ms and below can be realized and it is
er, is required from an automation sys- For quick diagnosis in the event of possible to directly configure control
tem to match today’s demands on quali- abnormal situations. loops from Matlab/SimulinkTM. All ABB
ty, productivity, availability and flexibili- For quick and effective maintenance. solutions are equipped with simulation
ty. Mill management and personnel functionality so that testing can occur
need the required information at the Human System Interface: OperateIT when disconnected from the process or
right time via a common user interface OperateIT is the human system interface the controller.
to make the correct business, operations for complete process supervision, control,
and maintenance decisions. This can be and diagnostics, 3 , and it supports oper- SimulateIT for cold rolling mills
achieved using ABB’s IndustrialIT auto- ations, optimization and maintenance of Whether manufacturers want a new mill
mation platform with Aspect ObjectTM the mill. OperateIT uses Aspect ObjectTM or are seeking to revamp an old one,
technology. technology to integrate and manage data knowing if a proposed mill configuration

SimulateIT: Graphical user interface of the

3 OperateIT: Operator process data display 4
nonlinear cold rolling mill simulation tool.

46 ABB Review
can meet specific requirements will heav-
ily influence any investment decision.
Table 1 Extreme parameter ranges in cold rolling.

Product quality depends on a range of

different factors, including mechanical,
CRM Comparison
electrical and hydraulic equipment, in-
coming material, lubrication and control
Max force 30 MN 11 kN (Sports car*)
strategy. Rigorous testing of many con-
Max mass 40 tons 1.7 tons (Sports car*)
figured processes is recommended to
Max acceleration 2 m/s2 7 m/s2 (Sports car*)
analyze the overall system performance.
Max sheet speed 120 km/h 305 km/h (Sports car*)
Simulation capability must include ac-
Number of drives 5 –20 1 (Sports car*)
celeration and deceleration phases
Min thickness 2 ž 6 µm 30 – 150 µm (Human hair)
(which make up to 50 % of a full pass
Min thickness tolerance 0.5 . . . 1.0%
depending on mill configuration and
Min sample time 1 ms * Porsche 911 turbo, 309 kW

For this purpose, ABB has developed an

object-oriented modeling and simulation Optimized schedule with 9 passes calculated with the offline pass schedule
calculation tool.
environment known as SimulateIT for
cold rolling mills. A library of rigorous
model objects has been established and
a graphical editor supports model as-

Up to now the industry standard was to

use simplified models restricting simula-
tion and analysis to a narrow region
around an operating point. SimulateIT
uses nonlinear dynamic process models
and this permits analysis of full passes
including the critical acceleration and
deceleration phases. More efficient
model tuning and better prediction
quality is gained by using the included
parameter estimation algorithms and the
aids for model validation.

The performance of different control

strategies, mechanical configurations,
sensor equipment and drives can be
compared in simulation studies as These capabilities have been proven thickness reduction to several passes.
shown in 4 . From these, the most through simulation studies for different Raw material and product properties as
suitable setup can be selected and rolling mills and as a result, customers well as mill constraints are considered.
effective manufacturing process im- have been able to make the right deci- In order to forecast the process behav-
provements identified. Dynamic simu- sion for factory modernization ior, an adaptive mathematical model is
lation can also be used to analyze schemes. used to determine mill set-up parame-
customer specific problems like oscil- ters such as roll gap position, roll force
lations, which have a negative impact OptimizeIT for presetting and flatness actuator references. The
on product quality. OptimizeIT for cold rolling mills calcu- set-up for all operational phases, ie,
lates optimized pass schedules and adap- threading, rolling and tail out must also
ABB’s control solutions are equipped tive mill set-ups and has been designed be calculated. State-of-the-art approach-
with process models to test customer to meet the demands of increasing prod- es have been improved by:
specific software before commissioning, uct diversity, mill throughput and yield Enhanced roll gap modeling
thus allowing the simulation of solutions for both new and existing mills. Consideration of the thermal chamber
in real-time without the necessity of be- Rigorous profile (shape and flatness)
ing connected to the process or a con- The task of pass scheduling is to find a modeling
troller. suitable distribution of the total required Improved adaptation algorithms

ABB Review
4/2004 47
These in turn have led to:
MIMO control concept with dynamically decoupled PID controllers, Operator and production planning
dynamic feed-forward and online parameter adaptation. support with automated set-point
Optimized throughput rates
Stable rolling conditions with respect
Pass schedule, Set-up and adaption
to the process constraints
Control Minimized threading, tail out and
Set point Parameters
objectives reversing times
Reduced off-gauge length at strip
Controller On-line head and tail
design /adaption Plant Model
Minimized strip breaks, downtimes
and roll damages
Controller On-line
parameter Estimation
Improved strip surface quality

MIMO Dynamic
Controller Disturbance FF
A gray-box concept is applied with
Mill intermediate parameters that have a
Decoupler physical meaning, thus enhancing the
transparency and interpretability of
the calculations. Enhanced parameter
fitting functions have also been built
into OptimizeIT.

Results from the 4th full pass under normal mill operation: Length series of thickness The OptimizeIT components are part of
deviation for the classic control concept (top) and for the new control concept ABB’s manufacturing execution system
(bottom); 3Sigma improved from 1.3 % classic thickness control (top) down to 0.7 % and the application is available as off-
for new advanced thickness control (bottom).
line 5 and on-line versions. This new
solution has already been applied in
Classical control concept
some Aluminium mills, resulting in
some 10–30 % throughput improvement
(product dependent) over state-of-the-
art solutions.

ControlIT for technological control

Mill speed (m / min) m
Keeping the strip thickness within a
tight tolerance band is one of the most
crucial jobs in cold rolling. Deep draw-
ing of aluminium and steel sheets for
cans or car body sheets sets the bench-
Thickness deviation (p.u.) m mark. The more the thickness variation
can be reduced, the closer the mini-
VRefMill dHEx
mum permissible thickness the mill can
be operated at. In return, material us-
New control concept age is reduced and overall cost-efficien-
cy is improved. To achieve effective
control of the rolling process, mechani-
cal, electrical and hydraulic systems,
instrumentation, as well as the lubrica-
tion and the control strategy must all fit
Mill speed (m / min) m together.

State-of-the-art thickness control algo-

rithms are composed of single control
loops and feed-forwards. They are
limited in their achievable thickness
Thickness deviation (p.u.) m
performance because these algorithms
VRefMill dHEx
do not take the connection between

48 ABB Review
thickness, roll position and tension In the example shown in 7 , the im- Optimization of operation modes
fully into account. In contrast, the new provements that are possible with ABB’s and procedures for hot and cold
ABB technology control solution is new control concept as compared with mills, for example, using different
based on a a state-of-the-art speed profiles at the beginning or
Multi-Input control concept the end of a coil or changing the
Multi-Output ABB’s IndustrialIT system for are illustrated. cropping practice to reduce the im-
(MIMO) con-
cold rolling mills permits The improved pact of coil eccentricity.
trol concept, bandwidth of
6 whereby
uniform plant automation the new thick- AdviseIT for cold rolling mills is avail-
the existing with a suite of seamlessly ness control able as offline and online versions. The
mechanical/ integrated performance method ensures online version runs on ControlIT AC800
solutions. that tolerances controllers and uses OperateIT for visu-
couplings at a during accelera- alization.
mill stand are tion and decel-
dynamically decoupled. The decoupled eration can also be significantly im- Conclusion
loops are controlled with Single-Input proved. First tests at customer installa- In conclusion, ABB’s IndustrialIT system
Single-Output PID control algorithms. tions show a thickness deviation im- for cold rolling mills permits uniform
Dynamic feed-forward strategies sup- provement of up to 50 % (product plant automation with a suite of seam-
port disturbance rejection. dependent). lessly integrated performance solutions.
It offers outstanding performance and
The MIMO controller is adapted online AdviseIT for cold rolling mills includes components for pass schedul-
to the actual process state to ensure Modern human system interfaces such ing, mill set-up, simulation, control,
constant strip quality and robust control as OperateIT include standard visualiza- product quality monitoring and diagno-
performance for different materials and tion and analysis features like alarm and sis. By its design and by the demonstrat-
operation points. Suitable adaptation event filtering. Increasing requirements ed performance, IndustrialIT for cold
parameters are calculated online using a regarding product quality and process rolling mills sets the standard for auto-
process model. A supervision compo- yield, however, demand more enhanced mation in the metals industry.
nent monitors and tracks the quality of supervision, diagnosis and decision sup-
the changing parameters. port. Therefore, to match these require-
ments, ABB has developed AdviseIT for
cold rolling mills. This application pro-
vides online and offline strip thickness
Offline analysis showing source and flatness quality analysis, which in
8 and variance contribution of turn enables the optimization of mill
periodic deficiencies. operation modes and procedures. Advi-
seIT will detect problems with quality
and identify their root causes. Features
such as a length-based display of prod-
uct quality parameters make visual in-
COI spection much easier.

h0 Thickness deviation problems are

commonly due to periodic deficiencies
UNC in:
Strip entry thickness
Strip entry hardness
WR BurtT BurB Roll eccentricities
Uncoiled or coiler tension (by coil
bump or coil eccentricity) Andreas Kroll

h0: Periodic entry thickness distribution ABB Corporate Research

UNC: Periodic uncoiler distribution FFT analysis and correlation methods Ladenburg, Germany
k0: Periodic hardness distribution are used to identify and quantify con-
COI: Periodic coiler distribution tributing factors, 8 , which support:
BurB: Bottom backup roll Andreas Vollmer
Predictive maintenance practices
BurT: Top backup roll ABB Process Industries
such as changing rolls at the right
IR: Intermediate rolls Mannheim, Germany
time or identifying problems with a
WR: Work rolls
grinding machine

ABB Review
4/2004 49

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