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To form a present perfect sentence, you always need have or has and the third form of

a verb.

I He
You She HAS
We It


Example: She has studied Hungarian for three years.

They haven´t been in Colombia, yet

Has she ever travelled to Africa?

✓ When something happened at unspecified time before present: She has become very successful.
✓ When something hasn’t finished yet: I have lived in Moscow for six years. (I still live there.)
✓ When it influences the present. I’ve broken my favourite cup. (And it’s gone, and I’m sad.)
✓ When the period of time that we speak of hasn’t finished: We haven’t drunk coffee today. (But we
still can do it, the day hasn’t ended yet.)
✓ When someone has never done something. My mom has never eaten seafood.
✓ When something has ended recently: I have just finished drinking my coffee.
Ex. 1. Complete the sentences using Present Perfect.
1. Joey ___________________________ (see) Shining twice.
2. Ross is the one that ___________________________ (break) the window.
3. Ok, we can go home now, they ___________________________ (win) the competition.
4. You ___________________________ (change) so much!
5. My dog ________________________ (have) his injection today.

Ex. 2. Complete the questions using Present Perfect.

1. How ___________________________ (she/do) it?
2. ___________________________ (you/clean) your room yet?
3. Since when ___________________________ (he/be) sick?
4. How many times ___________________________ (she/be) to Tokyo?
5. __________________________ (you/listen) to the new Arctic Monkeys album?

Ex. 3. Complete the negations using Present Perfect.

1. You ___________________________ (see) that movie many times.
2. People ___________________________ (travel) to Mars.
3. No, I ___________________________ (meet) him.
4. It’s odd that Monica ___________________________ (arrive) at the party yet. She’s usually
never late.
5. Susan ___________________________ (master) Japanese yet, but she can communicate pretty
We often use Present Perfect with:
→ for: Peter has lived in Paris for five years. (He still lives there.)
→ since: I haven’t drunk coffee since yesterday.
→ just: - Would you like a cup of coffee? – No, thanks, I have just finished drinking one.
→ already: - Don't forget to send your mum a postcard.
→ - I have already sent one.
→ yet: Have you done your homework yet?
→ never: She’s never been to Florida.
→ ever: Have you ever done anything dangerous?
→ once/twice…: She has visited me only once.
→ yet: I haven´t finished my activities yet.

Ex. 4. Fill in the gaps using ‘for’ or ‘since’.

1. Jonathan has problems with sleeping. He hasn’t slept _________ three days.
2. I’m from France, but I live in London now. I’ve lived here _________1992.
3. My husband’s name is Jonathan. We’ve been married __________ last May.
4. I’m a journalist. I work for a sports magazine. I’ve worked there __________ two years.
5. We have a flat in south London. We’ve had the flat _________ a long time.

Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps using ‘just’, ‘already’ or ‘yet’.

1. Have you bought a new bike ___________?
2. She hasn’t finished her homework ___________.
3. I’ve ___________ asked you three times not to shout
when I’m working.
4. Have you cleaned your room ___________? I’ve
___________ asked you twice.
5. I haven’t sent the e-mail to Amy ___________.
6. Joe has ___________ gone. If you hurry you can catch him.

Ex. 6. Complete the sentences using Present Perfect.

1. My sister ____________________________ coffee. (never/drink)
2. They ____________________________ their clothes for the school trip yet. (not/choose)
3. __________________ your brother _____________ Chinese food? (ever/eat)
4. They ____________________________ to this café. (never/be)
5. Mum isn’t ready. She ____________________________ her things yet. (not/pack)
6. My car ____________________________ down three times this week. (already/break)

Exercise 7: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Perfect form and fill
in with just, already or yet.

1. ________ you ________ (eat) the breakfast ________?

2. Would you like a glass of juice?
- No, thanks. I ________ _________ _________ (drink) three.
3. Let’s watch Dirty Dancing.
- I ________ _________ _________ (see) it twice.
4. My younger sister ________ ________ ________ (do) the washing up.
5. He _________ _________ ________ (start) preparing a meal.
6. Do you hear the noise? The train _________ _________ ________ (arrive).
7. Remember to make the bed!
- I ________ ________ ________ (do) it.
8. My friend ________ ________ (not, write) his homework ________.
9. They ________ ________ (not, be) to London _________.

Exercise 8: Make Present Perfect sentences or questions using the given words
and just / already / yet.

1. Your cousin / not / come/ to the party / yet

2. The cat / catch / a mouse / just
3. You / finish / your food / ? / yet
4. Alex and I / not / be / to Los Angeles / yet
5. She / send / all the postcards / already
6. They / buy / a birthday present / for him / already
7. Your dad / eat / an octopus / ? / yet

8. We / finish / this exercise / just

Exercise 9: Write questions and answers in present perfect using these words
1.- How long/you/be/ in Africa?
2.- I /be/ there/three years.
3.- How long/ he/ live/ in Berlin?
4.- He / live/there/ 2002
5.- How long /she/ wear/ that coat?
6.-She/ wear/it/ last winter.
7.-Where/ you/be/ today?
8.- I /be/ at the hospital
9.- How long/ the detective/ look/ for the man? …………………………………………
10.- He/ look/ for him two months.
11.-Why /she/take/my money?
12.- She / travel/ round the world /for four years …………………………………………………….
13.- Where /you/ put/ my keys?
14.- She /move/to a new house /in the country
15.- How long/your friend/study/ German?
16.- She/study/German /1999
17.- you/play/golf/ ever?
18.- The documentary /already/ finish
19.-My teacher/not/explain/ that lesson/yet
20.- Kevin /give/ his mother/ a nice present

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