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Philippine Education in New Normal: Is Blended Learning Functional?

The emergence of COVID-19 pandemic has change the world dramatically. Among all,
education system is one of the sectors absolutely affected by this coronavirus. As virus was
recognized as an invisible enemy, the government all over the world has suspended classes in all
levels. Thus, every country introduced different innovations in educational system and
curriculum to protect students and teachers from the harm of COVID-19 whilst considering other
factors like poverty. Department of Education (DepEd) adopted a possible new normal approach
in teaching and learning which is called a Blended Learning. It refers to utilizing of technology
with internet connectivity, modular and face-to-face and other forms of instructional materials.
One school year had already passed allowing different views and perspectives to appear
concerning the continuing of classes through blended learning in pandemic. The fact that we
cannot elude the struggles it brought towards students, teachers and parents as factors such as
internet connectivity, availability of equipment and environmental disruptions contributes. The
one main issue connected in this current situation of pandemic is how far we could prepare
ourselves to deal with unending disturbance that will occur in our world. Certainly, the purpose
of education is to prepare the humanity for the changing world. It is to this defiance that
educational system in the Philippines needs to rise turning students as agents of change.
Blended learning is not new to the Philippine Education System for it is already utilize by
many colleges, university and private schools. DepEd and CHED reflect on this as alternative to
continue the education in the Philippines. However the use of technology in public school is a
great challenge for the Philippine government. Indeed, this new way of learning broadens the gap
between the existing differences among the states of people in the society. There are those who
can’t afford gadgets and internet access. This became the starting point to what will be the
biggest challenge on education sector. To address this, the DepEd conducted a survey stating that
majority of public school teachers and students have laptops, desktops or tablets at home. This
new mode of learning doesn’t focus on using technology only but as well considering those
students who can’t access the internet for unavailability of resources especially finances needed
to buy gadgets, price of load and internet connectivity. For those who doesn’t have the capacity
to support this kind of setup, online distant learning is substituted by the delivery of printed
modules to the homes of learners with the help of barangay officials and cooperation of parents.
On the other hand, tertiary education introduced asynchronous and synchronous classes for less
utilization of internet. Asynchronous refers to the discussions and classes that take place in
online platforms such as Google Meet while synchronous is the leasing of online modules, task
to answer and group activities in classroom. This promotes fewer struggles of college students in
internet connectivity that might result to incomprehensible meeting online.
We cannot practice the academic freeze on this situation for according to the report of
Philippine Star, only two countries in the world have yet to resume the traditional face-to-face
class namely Philippines and Venezuela. Upon the opening of other countries in Southeast Asia,
new COVID-19 cases have been recorded although majority of their population have been fully
vaccinated. Malaysia recorded almost 20,000 cases on September 8 as the school reopened on
September 1. It is a worst thing to do of reopening of traditional classes in the middle of the
worst waves of the new discovered deadliest variance of the virus in the country. Other countries
have provided safety measures for teachers and students. However, the situation here in the
country is different. Most of the students don’t have private vehicle and would have to ride
jeepneys to school. As well as there would be a number of students who will go out to eat their
meal. Schools should assure the safety of students once they leave the school premises.
Philippines should not join the bandwagon for the life of the children is more important than
gambling it to attain the traditional face-to-face classes. Definitely, the continuing of blended
learning is the excellent way to resume educating the students while taking into consideration the
safety of students and teachers. Through this, students could browse the modules and learn
through online platforms without risking their health and safety.
Regardless the difference of approach of teaching and learning in face-to-face classes,
blended learning has become a vital part of the educational system in the country, it has
unexpectedly become a pillars to innovative proposition. It is said that education empowered and
improved the digital platform in the country which has been already the other countries’ goal
somehow. As the new mode of learning was practice, the curriculum in this setup was also
transform. This mode of learning is also a way of introducing new ways of learning that could
compete in worldwide scale. The advantage of blended learning is to increase the student’s
participation in their own learning rather than passively sitting while the synchronous class is
ongoing. It promotes independency of students towards learning. There are new things that were
altered in this mode. First, the curriculum was adjusted to the current situation wherein teachers
only facilitate learning rather than spoon-feeding the concepts to the students. This enables
students to learn on their own effectively which enhances the critical thinking and fast adoption
to change. Second, as technology is considered as a part of the human lives, it also applies to the
21st century learners. Students must learn in modernize way to compete in global scale. Lastly,
the curriculum offers subjects that is best suited to the current situation and could also be adopted
in the future. Therefore, blended learning which enables students to practice learning
independently with the use of technology will transform themselves into agents of change.
According to the theory of reconstructionism, the purpose of educational institution is to teach
students and public not to settle on ‘what is’ but rather to dream about ‘what might be’.
Above all, the key to attain one goal on today’s national current problem is the
cooperation and the unity of everyone. Certainly, the government must provide adequate solution
to the skeptical structure of educational system in the country. Blended learning is given as a
new normal way of educating children in the verge of pandemic. Thus, this response to the
national crisis wouldn’t be effective without the reconciliation of all the agents of education;
government, public and private sectors, teachers, parents and students. The government’s
responsibility is to provide the needs of every school and constantly adopt ways to have an
effective educational system for the convenience of everyone regardless their livelihood state.
The public and private sectors would offer financial help to less fortunate family, scholarships
for deserving needy students and donations for school. The teachers should facilitate learning in
their outmost capability while giving considerations to students who are struggling with the
exhaustive setup and to their parents who are having queries. Also, they must collaborate in the
local government to produce materials needed for blended learning. The parents should take a
vigilant observation on their students for some have been experiencing mental health issues.
They must also coordinate with the teachers regarding the learning of their children for the
education must still continue amid the pandemic. Lastly the students must do their responsibility
while considering their mental health and capacity in doing their tasks. Afterall, nobody is alone
and help is always there if you seek it.
There are many impacts of blended learning in education despite its limitation. Basic
education school would do well to embrace the new normal form of learning and its allied
structural changes, as they set to prepare the humanity for a unanticipated world. The pandemic
is the present, but there is more to come in the future that will bring another significant change in
the society as well the educational system in the Philippines. The current moment will test how
institutions not on how innovative they could be, but on how steadfast they venture to an
adopting technology.

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