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Acid-Base Management for Open-Heart Surgery

THE occurrence of serious acid-base dis- creating the need for more definitive terms
turbance is not only more likely during to describe fully the acid-base status. Hence
open-heart procedures than with other forms acidosis or alkalosis may be mixed, uncom-
of surgery, but its correction and the con- pensated, partially compensated, or fully com-
tinued maintenance of good acid-base status pensated. If it is the last, the choice as to
is often critical. The operation, including sur- whether it be described as fully compensated
gery on the heart itself, offers considerable acidosis or fully compensated alkalosis de-
cardiovascular stress to the debilitated patient pends on the apparent initial cause of the im-
who has a limited cardiac reserve. The added balance. Because of the confusion sometimes
insult of acid-base imbalance may be more created by these terms, acid-base management
than the heart can tolerate, and careful man- is often considered to be a complicated matter.
agement, including correction of any imbal- Primary consideration of the respiratory and
ance, may prevent an adverse outcome to an metabolic components as separate entities,
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otherwise successful operation. lhowever, helps to clarify understanding of the

situation, and the management of an im-
Definition of Acid-Base Status balance becomes more straightforward. These
It is generally accepted that at 37C., the two components may have an additive effect
pH of arterial blood has a normal value of or a compensatory effect on one another btit
7.40. Acid-base imbalance may occur as either tlhe treatment of each component must be
acidosis (pH below normal) or alkalosis (pH considered in every instance. In some situa-
above normal). Acidosis is further defined as tions, treatment of one component may result
respiratory, which is due to retention of car- in spontaneous correction of the other, where-
bon dioxide producing an arterial pCO2 above as, in other cases, active treatment will he
the normal value of 40 mm. Hg, or metabolic, necessary for both.
which is due either to excess of acid metabo- The clinical picture resulting from acid-
lites or to decrease in available base. Similarly, base imbalance is unreliable, as it varies with
alkalosis may be respiratory (pCO2 below the types of acidosis or alkalosis and the de-
40 mm. Hg) or metabolic (due to excess base gree of compensation. It may also be con-
or loss of acid). Respiratory and metabolic fused by the presence of other factors; for
acidosis or alkalosis may be combined, thus example, from their clinical appearance it is
difficult to differentiate between the effects of
From the Heart Center and Anesthesia Research metabolic acidosis and residual curarization.1
Laboratories, Providence Hospital, Seattle, Washing- The aim of good management is primarily to
ton. prevent acid-base disturbance, and secondly
Supported in part by funds from The National to correct any imbalance and to maintain good
Institutes of Health Grant H-5959 (Cl), Washing-
ton State Heart Association, and the John A. Hartford acid-base balance with continued treatment if
Foundation. necessary. To attain this goal, accurate meas-
456 (irculation, Volumnie XXIx, March 1964
urements must be made of the acid-base status bon dioxide 3 is also rapid and requires even
as frequently as necessary to prevent major less blood but this alone does not give a
deviation from the normal. measure of the state of oxygenation and the
values are only applicable under conditions of
Measurement of Acid-Base Status normothermia.
There are many methods of determining It is best to use arterial blood samples to
acid-base status but certain requirements must determine the acid-base status, since venous
be fulfilled if the method is to provide good or capillary blood values vary greatly de-
control and allow good management. The pending on the degree of blood pooling and
acid-base status may change quickly leading stasis that may occur in shock conditions. Ar-
to rapid deterioration in the patient's condi- terial blood gas analysis may not give an
tion or, equally rapidly, as a result of vigorous accurate indication of the intracellular status;
treatment, and information regarding such nevertheless, it would appear to give the best
changes must be readily obtained. Informa- measure of the efficacy of the cardiovascular
tion of the acid-base status from a blood sam- and respiratory systems. Samples are with-
ple taken an hour previously is not only drawn, either from an arterial catheter or by
presently inapplicable but, if acted upon, re- arterial puncture, into a syringe previously
sults in little better than blind treatment. wetted with heparin (1,000 units per ml. con-
Worse, during the time of awaiting the re- centration).
sults upon which treatment is to be decided,
the patient may have succumbed from gross Phase before Cardiopulmonary Bypass
acid-base imbalance. Therefore, any method From the time of administration of pre-
used must be not only accurate and compre- anesthetic drugs until the commencement of
hensive but also rapid and capable of produc- cardiopulmonary bypass, acid-base imbalance
ing almost immediate results. is a potential hazard although in most cases
These requirements of a good, rapid, ac- it does not occur to any great extent.
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curate method of ascertaining the acid-base

status in our opinion appears to be best ful- Respiratory Acidosis
filled by the thermostatically controlled triple Respiratory acidosis may occur as a result
electrode system, with use of a pH electrode, of inadequate elimination of carbon dioxide
Severinghaus pCO2 electrode, and modified from the lungs due to inadequate ventilation.
Clark P02 electrode. Once this equipment is It may also be the result of right-sided heart
calibrated, it is possible to obtain values for failure, since insufficient blood is being
pH, pC02, P02, and oxygen saturation (by brought into contact with the alveolar mem-
calculation from pH and PO2).2 Base excess brane where diffusion of carbon dioxide into
or deficit is quantitated by a special appli- the alveoli occurs. Atelectasis results in per-
cation of the Siggaard-Andersen nomogram,3' 4 fusion of alveoli in which no gaseous exchange
as previously described.5 This value of base takes place and this, too, produces respiratory
excess or deficit, in milliequivalents per liter acidosis.
as bicarbonate, is valid irrespective of tem- Respiratory acidosis consequent upon anes-
perature. Should the patient's temperature be thesia and the open-chest procedure can usual-
other than normothermic, appropriate correc- ly be avoided during the phase of the opera-
tions for pH, pCO2, and P02 are applied.6 8 tion before bypass if the anesthesiologist aug-
Thus a comprehensive quantitative assessment ments ventilation to insure adequate elimina-
of the acid-base status is obtained within a tion of carbon dioxide from the lungs. Moder-
few minutes of obtaining a 2- to 3-ml. sample ate hyperventilation, as provided by many
of arterial blood. anesthesiologists, is usually satisfactory at this
The Astrup method of measuring pH, pCO2, time but gross hyperventilation, producing
and base deficit or excess by equilibrating respiratory alkalosis, is to be avoided. If
samples of blood with known tensions of car- respiratory alkalosis occurs as the result of
Circulation, Volume XXIX, March 1964
overventilation during anesthesia, the body, hemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve to the
in an effort to maintain a normal pH, may left,9 leading to tissue anoxia, since under
produce a compensatory base deficit. This these conditions oxygen is not liberated by
base deficit is revealed as a metabolic acidosis the hemoglobin so readily. It may be also
when the arterial pCO2 is allowed to return that under conditions of respiratory alkalosis
to a normal value. there is decreased peripheral tissue perfusion.
Metabolic Acidosis When the temperature is kept relatively un-
Metabolic acidosis is not usually a problem changed at 37C., it is only necessary to main-
prior to bypass but may occur and on occasion tain a pH of 7.40 and a pCO2 of about 40
becomes quite severe by the time bypass is mm. Hg by adding a low percentage of carbon
commenced. The causes may be similar to dioxide to the pump oxygenator gas mixture.
those to be described in phases after bypass Then, if the perfusion is satisfactory, acid-base
and after operation. Occasionally a progres- imbalance is not usually a problem. Should
sive metabolic acidosis is encountered prior the tissue perfusion be inadequate, it may be
to bypass, even in the presence of adequate necessary to correct any base deficit with
arterial pressure and pO2, presumably due to sodium bicarbonate, which may be added to
a low cardiac output incident to anesthesia the blood on the venous side of the oxygenator
and thoracotomy. prior to discontinuation of bypass.
Prevention and treatment of metabolic aci- If hypothermia is to be employed, then
dosis are important prior to bypass, just as in acid-base management becomes more im-
the other phases of the operation. Maintenance important and more involved, since gross im-
of good oxygenation and a reasonable ar- balance may result under these conditions.
terial pressure should be ensured and in some Throughout the operation optimal pH should
cases vasopressor agents may be necessary. If, be maintained but it is important to realize
before the beginning of bypass, there is a that a pI1 of 7.40 is not the optimal pH at a
base deficit of more than a few milliequiva- reduced temperature. Edmark 10 suggested
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lents per liter as bicarbonate in the patient's that the pH should be reduced during hy-
arterial blood, it should be corrected with pothermia; to achieve this he advocated the
sodium bicarbonate solution intravenously in use of 0.3 N hydrochloric acid. When carbon
sufficient amount to reduce the base deficit to dioxide is used instead of a hydrochloric acid
zero. It is easier to maintain good acid-base drip to control the pH of the blood in. the
status throughout the bypass period if the pump oxygenator and with a pH-temperature
patient is not in base deficit when bypass is scale similar to that suggested by Edmark
started. (fig. 1), it has been possible to avoid the oc-
currence of base deficit or metabolic acidosis
Bypass Phase during hypothermic bypass.) The pH is re-
Gross acid-base changes may occur during duced by 0.0147 of a pH unit for each degree
bypass. If considerable imbalance does de- Centigrade below 37. Using this technic, we
velop and remain uncorrected at the end of have been able to prevent other phenomena
the bypass period, this may add markedly to usually associated with hypothermia. For ex-
the stress of the phase after bypass and result ample, ventricular fibrillation and cessation of
in increased postoperative morbidity. Dis- spontaneous respiratory effort have been com-
turbances occurring during bypass have been monly observed when the temperature is low-
greatly lessened since the introduction of high- ered below about 30C.; with pH control,
flow perfusion technics. Nevertheless, good however, spontaneous respiratory effort con-
acid-base maintenance still requires constant tinues at temperatures below 25C., and
attention. If gross respiratory alkalosis is per- ventricular fibrillation usually does not occur
mitted during bypass, it may result in a unless there is interference with coronary
progressive base deficit. There is evidence that blood flow or severe cardiac manipulation by
respiratory alkalosis produces a shift in the the surgeon. If ventricular fibrillation is re-
(.JH ida/ion, Vo/lue XXlX, MJarc b 1964

optimal 37C. and to apply corr-ectioin factors for the

PR temperatuire clifference between 37C. anid that
7 50 of the blood.', ` One of is ( S.A.A.C. ) las de-
sigined a ciretlar slide rule for applicationi of
7.40 the Rosenthali pl-l-temperatuire correction fae-
7 * 30 tor, wihichi eliminiates the necessity for cal-
culation anid tlihus speeds the results uipon
7.20 which the carbon dioxide percentage of the
puinp respiratory imixtuir.e is altered.
Thlroighouit the bypass procedutre it is jin-
7.00 portanit to miaintaini optimal pH at all times
ineluiding the rewarming period whien the
6.90 4 carbon dioxiide pereentage nmay have to be
greatly reduced. Since the perceentage miust
vary according to the temperature and es-
6.60 pecially xvith tlec raite of cialige of tempera-
ttire, it is niot possil)le to miaintaini g,ood aci(l-
base 1bal ance ly adminiisterii g a predeter-
mined fixed pereenitage of carbon dioxide into
the ptimp oxygenator throughout bypass.
6.40 If the priminig fluid of the ptiimip oxygeniator
6.30 systemil is niot enitirelv whlole blood, the buffer
capacity of this mixttire mu>st be considered.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
In order to ensiuirie acioe1iate buffer capacity,
soditium bicarlo)nate mul;st l)e a(dde(1 to the ex-
Trprature * C tent of 45 mEq. per liter of diluienit fluiids. This
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Figure 1 provides ani over-all )uffer capacity approxi-

nating that of whiole 1l)10(d. Freshly drawvn
mperacture opstimal zp1l relationshlp *siniilar to tha(it
liginailfllh suggested l) LEd1iark ( ippei. line ); op1ti.nial hiepariniized 1l)0( is preferable for priming
pH reading whoera iincorreeterl for tem7iperatuire wEithl purposes as older 1lood (or acid-citrate-dex-
the electrode maiairntained at 37C. (lowser line). For trose blood may be quite acidotic. Neverthie-
eximple, at a tem perature of 20C. the optimcal pH less, after the pump is primed and following
wvould be 7.15 blat withl the electrode mtaintaitned at recircullation with ani oxygeni-low CO2 mix-
370. the inistrumt7enit reading weould be 6.90. tiire in the oxygeniator, it is advisable to meas-
uire the degree of base deficit and correct this
quired fo3r the surgery it mtist be induticed by adding more sodiunm 1)icarl)onate. [Base
electrically, sometimes repeatedly or- coni- cleficit (mEq./L.) x primirng volulme (liters)
tinuolol sly. =amlount of sodiuim l)icarbonate (mEq.)
The esseence of muaniageimenit is still mnain - necessary to correct the base deficit.
ten-ianice of optimal p11 but, sinice optimal p11 Metabolic acidosis m-ay occuir during bypass
i.s clhaniging as the temperatiure is altered, it in spite of cacreflii managemenit. Usuially this
is niecessary to vary the pereei)tage of carbon mulst be asstumed to hlave been the resuilt of
clioxide iIn tle p'III"p oxygeniator gas mixture to inadequiate tissuie perftusion, provided good
miiaitaini thle desired pl1. For this reasoni, pH oxygenatioln wsas mail)tail)ed in the oxygenator.
measuiremenits are o0)taimed fronm samples of If a l)ase deficit of mor-e than a fev milli-
1)10(o1 takeni frequteniitly fromii the arterial side equivalents per liter as licarl)onate exists
of the oxygenator. Since it is dififhclt to mnain- toward the ncid of the bypass period, it
tail) the electro(le bath at the changingr ten)- slhould be cor-rected 1)efore discontinuilg the
peratuire of the 1)l00(d in] the oxygenator, it is perftusion. Additioni of suifficient sodiuim bi-
nlore conveinient to maintitiii the electrodles at carbonate to r-eduice the base deficit to zero
C,. dci; 1Volc
c XX.f\
XI i art! 196q
Table 1
Cardiopulmonary Bypass with Hypothermia. Examples of Cases during Which 2 per
cent CO2 Was Administered Throughouit Bypass with No Attenmpt to Control pH
CO-- ill pump
respiratory Elapsed tinme Base deficit
Oxygenator bloo1( miixture * on bypass, (mEq./liter as
Operatioin tenmperature (C.) lir. ,nn. bicarbonate )
I.V.S.D. repair 31.0 Cooling 2.9 9 -6.5
28.0 Stable 2 45- -8.5
36.0 Rewarming 1,47 -8.0
I.V.S.D. repair and 25.0 Cooling 2 21 -8.7
modif. pul. stenosis 22.5 Stable 52 -1.0
32.0 Rewarminm 2 1,18 -10.0
Atrial septal 3 1.5 Cooling 9 -5.0
construction 27.5 Stable 2 45 -6.0
34.5 Rewarm'ngf 2 2,31 -1.(
Plul. valvulotomy 28.6 Stable 2 18 _ 2.0
28.6 Stable 2
48 -11.0
35.7 Rewarming 1, 3 -10.(
Aortic valve 28.0 Stable 9 -5.0
commissurotomy 33.0 Rewarming 1,15 -9.5
35.0 Rewx arming 1,50 - 9.0

This does not include the CO,, reaching the oxygenator via the coronary suction when tie
surgical field is being flooded with 100 per cent CO, to prevent air embolism.

is advisable, for it
ensures that the heart will matic. Diaphragmatic breathing exercises be-
not be depressed by metabolic acidosis upon fore operation may greatly contribute to the
resumption of the normal circulation. adequacy of the respiration in the recovery
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ward but relief of the chest pain often cor-

Phases after Bypass and Operation rects the situation most dramatically. A long-
Even if the acid-base status is good at the acting intercostal nerve block, performed at
end of bypass, a serious acid-base imbalance the conclusion of the operation, may be all
may subsequently develop after bypass or that is required. Sometimes moderate doses
operation. Alkalosis is to be avoided at these of analgesics given intermittently are also
times just as earlier. It seldom occurs spon- necessary, but respiratory depression due to
taneously but rather as the result of overly overdosage of these drugs in combination with
vigorous treatment. The usual problem is al- residual effects of anesthesia is to be an-
most invariably one of either respiratory or ticipated and avoided if possible. In addition,
metabolic acidosis. among other effects, severe metabolic acidosis
causes depression of respiration, and correc-
Respiratory Acidosis
During the post-bypass period the anes- tion of metabolic acidosis may resuilt in a
thesiologist can usually avoid respiratory aci- marked increase in ventilation.
dosis just as in the period before bypass by Postoperative atelectasis is a common se-
adequately eliminating carbon dioxide from quel to open-heart surgery although in most
the lungs. Hyperventilation producing respira- cases it may be localized. Diffuse and gross
tory alkalosis should be similarly avoided. atelectasis occuirring after bypass has been
In the immediate postoperative phase, res- described.11 This condition resembles lyaline
piratory acidosis from inadequate ventilation memlbrane disease of the neonate and has
is common. Pain from the large incision may been attributed to absorption duiring bypass
cause gross limitation of chest movement so of the surface active material that normally
that the ventilatory effort is mostly diaphrag- lines the alveoli.1' Since carbon dioxide dif-
Ci^ a./iJon Volufl/n. XXIX. Mlarc1 196Qi
fuses much more readily across the alveolar inflate the lungs fully at the end of bypass
membrane than does oxygen, this condition of and during these efforts the lungs should be
diffuse atelectasis may be revealed by a low free in the chest and unrestrained by surgical
or falling arterial P02 in the presence of a retractors or packing.
nearly normal arterial pCO2.
Gases may be absorbed from the alveoli by Treatment of Respiratory Acidosis
the bronchial circulation during bypass and The treatment of respiratory acidosis is to
this may predispose to alveolar collapse and ensure adequate elimination of carbon dioxide
atelectasis. For this reason, it may be useful through the lungs. If adequate ventilation can-
during bypass to maintain expansion of the not be promoted by pain relief and counter-
lungs with air rather than anesthetic gas mix- action of depressive effects, then respiration
tures of high oxygen content. The incidence must be augmented mechanically. The use of
of atelectasis after bypass might then be less, a mechanical ventilator must not be under-
since the nitrogen of air is not so readily taken lightly as this of itself can cause com-
absorbed from the collapsed lung. At any plications. Ventilation should be sufficient to
rate, it is essential for the anesthesiologist to reduce the pCO2 to a normal value but gross
Table 2
Cardiopulmonary Bypass with Hypothermia. Examples of Cases during Which Suf-
ficient CO2 Was Administered in Pump Oxygenator to Maintain pH Optimal with
Temperature According to Edmark's Scale
C02 in pump
respiratory Elapsed time Base deficit
Oxygenator blood mixture * on bypass, (mEq./liter as
Operation temperature ('C.) hr. ,min. bicarbonate)
Part. repl. 34.5 Cooling 8 6 -2.5
mitral valve 27.8 Stable 5 1, 4 -5.0
33.5 Rewarming 1 2,17 -5.7
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Total repl. 28.5 Cooling 7 19 0

aortic valve 25.5 Stable 5 1, 6 -3.0
35.2 Rewarming 2 3,20 -2.5
Total repl. 31.0 Cooling 8 12 0
aortic valve 28.5 Stable 4 2,26 -3.0
33.0 Rewarming 2 3,54 -5.3
Mitral 34.5 Cooling 4 7 -4.5
commissurotomy 27.0 Stable 4 51 -2.5
35.2 Rewarming 2.5 1,51 -2.5
Mitral 30.0 Cooling 10 10 0
commissurotomyt 27.5 Stable 6 45 -2.0
34.8 Rewarming 4 1,36 -1.8
Mitral annulo- 29.0 Cooling 10 11 0
plasty and 26.7 Stable 10 24 0
commissurotomyt 34.6 Rewarming 2 50 -3.0
Repair of torn 28.8 Cooling 12 13 0
mitral chordae and 27.0 Stable 8 35 -2.5
mitral annulo- 33.0 Rewarming 2 1,16 -1.2
This does not include the CO2 reaching the oxygenator via the coronary suction when the
surgical field is being flooded with 100 per cent CO2 to prevent air embolism.
t In these sufficient sodium bicarbonate was added to the pump priming mixture and
intravenously to the patient to correct any base deficit prior to bypass. In the previous cases
some sodium bicarbonate was added to the pump priming mixture but no attempt was made
to correct accurately for base deficit in either the pump or the patient prior to bypass.
Circulation, Volume XXIX, March 1964

hyperventilation should be avoided in the interferes with oxygenation of the tissue cells
recovery room just as during the other phases may cause metabolic acidosis.
and for the same reasons. Some means of Poor oxygenation of the blood in the lungs
humidification must be provided or plugs of will result in arterial oxygen desaturation and
accumulated mucus may inspissate and lead to consequently there will be less oxygen avail-
further atelectasis. able to the tissues. The cellular hypoxia so
If atelectasis is not widespread, the periodic produced results in some degree of anerobic
use of a respirator for a few minutes of in- metabolism, which causes metabolic acidosis.
termittent positive-pressure breathing may be This poor oxygenation may arise from several
sufficient. In some cases, it may be necessary causes. There may be a low oxygen concentra-
to use the respirator continuously to avoid tion in the respired gases or ventilation may
respiratory acidosis. Tracheotomy is often be insufficient. Atelectasis hinders oxygenation
necessary in these patients. If such trouble is of the blood, since blood perfusing unven-
especially anticipated, it may be advisable to tilated areas of lung cannot be oxygenated.
perform the tracheotomy several days prior Shift in the hemoglobin oxygen dissociation
to the major surgery, to avoid problems of in- curve to the left, known to occur with
fection or bleeding or the necessity of this respiratory alkalosisj9 may lead to tissue an-
procedure as an emergency under adverse con- oxia, since under these conditions oxygen is
ditions. not liberated as readily by the hemoglobin.
Even in the absence of respiratory acidosis, This is another reason for avoidance of gross
mechanical ventilation may be indicated in hyperventilation following bypass.
some cases. It is sometimes possible for a If the blood is being adequately oxygenated
patient spontaneously to maintain a nearly in the lungs and the oxygen is readily supplied
normal pCO2 but at great cost in oxygen by the blood to the tissue cells, the occurrence
consumption, due to the work of respiration. of metabolic acidosis must then be due to
In the presence of low cardiac output and cellular hypoxia from poor perfusion of tissue,
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arterial oxygen desaturation, removing the resulting from peripheral vasoconstriction or

work of respiration may be beneficial in lessen- low cardiac output. If the cardiac output is
ing the demand on an overworked heart."3 inadequate, this, in itself, will result in pe-
Augmentation of spontaneous respiration, ripheral vasoconstriction and usually the twvo
rather than controlled artificial respiration is factors go hand in hand.
the technic of choice, although, in a minority
of cases, controlled ventilation may be neces- Prevention of Metabolic Acidosis
sary to maintain a satisfactory pCO2. A ven- Good oxygenation of the blood must be
tilator triggered by the patient's own effort achieved by adequate ventilation. The patient
usually ensures that gross respiratory alkalosis is usually placed in an oxygen-enriched atmos-
will not occur. Gaining control of respiration, phere postoperatively, by use of an oxygen
however, or initial synchronization of the tent, and it may be necessary to administer
spontaneous respiratory effort with the ven- oxygen instead of air when a ventilator is
tilator may be difficult and require a period of employed, especially if atelectasis is present.
gross hyperventilation. To avoid this, admin- In the presence of severe atelectasis hyper-
istration of a relaxant may occasionally be ventilation with oxygen may be necessary to
necessary at first. provide adequate oxygenation of the blood.
Under these circumstances some form of iso-
Metabolic Acidosis capneic hyperventilation technic may be nec-
In the presence of normal urinary excretion essary in an attempt to achieve adequate
of acid metabolites, metabolic acidosis occurs arterial oxygen saturation without incurring
primarily under conditions of anerobic tissue gross respiratory alkalosis. Cold may cause
metabolism, which releases excess acid metab- marked vasoconstriction; for this reason the
olites into the blood. Hence anything that use of thermal blankets to maintain a normal
C(ii.rcilati/on VoluiMe XXJX, Alarcb 1 964

temperature is advocated postoperatively. and eventually correct the environment of the

Shivering should be avoided, as this can ac- tissues. In addition to the use of buffers it may
count for considerable oxygen consumption. still be necessary to support blood pressure
Retention of acid metabolites in the blood with vasopressors but, if so, much smaller
must be avoided and thus good urinary output amounts of these drugs will be required. Cor-
should be maintained. Osmotic diuretics such rection of metabolic acidosis itself should not
as mannitol are often given prophylactically be considered as sufficient treatment but
for this purpose. rather an expedient method of "buying time"
Following a bypass procedure, there may during which the cause of the circulatory
be several reasons for a low cardiac output. inadequacy may be treated, e.g., by blood
Often the heart is grossly debilitated, even be- transfusion, improved ventilation and oxygena-
fore surgery, and does not have much reserve. tion, and intravenous administration of car-
The corrective surgery in the heart itself, in diac glycosides.
some cases including elimination of a shunt, Sodium bicarbonate and THAM (trishy-
may present considerable increase in work to droxymethyl aminomethane ) -are the two buf-
the myocardium, which may be unable to fers most commonly used. In cases of moderate
cope with this load for a time after resump- acidosis sodium bicarbonate would appear
tion of the normal circulation. Inadequate to be satisfactory. The use of sodium bicar-
blood volume may be the cause of both low bonate alone in combating severe metabolic
cardiac output and peripheral vasoconstric- acidosis may result in a large amount of sodi-
tion and thus blood replacement should be um being given. Furthermore, bicarbonate be-
made on the basis of blood volume studies or comes totally ionized when introduced into the
central venous pressures. If the patient was blood stream and does not enter the cells
previously maintained on digitalis, this should where the metabolic acidosis originates,
be continued throughout surgery and post- whereas THAM has been shown to remain
operatively. Following multiple blood trans- about 30 per cent un-ionized, and it is thought
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fusions, accumulation of citrate may result in that this portion enters the cells 16 where it
low cardiac output which may improve after may act as an intracellular buffer. THAM also
intravenous administration of calcium glu- has an osmotic diuretic action that helps to
conate or calcium chloride. maintain good urinary output.
When correcting metabolic acidosis, we
Correction of Metabolic Acidosis give sodium bicarbonate at first up to a total
It has been well established that metabolic dosage of about 2 mEq./Kg. If this is not
acidosis will cause depression of cardiac func- sufficient to establish and maintain good acid-
tion.14 Since a low cardiac output results in base status, buffer administration is continued
further metabolic acidosis, a vicious circle with 0.3-molar THAM. If possible, the THAM
may be established that must be broken if the is given through a catheter placed into a
patient is to survive. "Flogging" the already central venous stream, as this substance has
failing heart with cardiac stimulants and ad- been shown to cause local tissue necrosis if it
ministering large amounts of vasopressors are extravasates into the subcutaneous tissue.
ill advised and may actually cause the demise The correction of metabolic acidosis with
of the patient because of further vasoconstric- intravenous buffers should not be undertaken
tion and thus more metabolic acidosis. Fur- in haphazard fashion. Administration of a
thermore, vasopressors are less effective in the fixed amount of sodium bicarbonate in a
presence of acidosis,l4 15 and ultimately may dosage according to the weight of the patient
fail to maintain adequate arterial pressure. may produce some temporary improvement
It is more rational to correct the metabolic but is usually inadequate if the cause of the
acidosis and continue to maintain good acid-
base status by the administration of drugs that
will buffer the acid metabolites in thle blood * Talatrol-Abbott Laboratories.
Circulation, Volurme XXIX, March 1964
metabolic acidosis is still active. On the other really considered inoperable but occasionally
hand, when acid-base status is rapidly and re- in a borderline situation surgery is under-
peatedly assessed through blood-gas analyses, taken. After the corrective surgery with elim-
it is then possible to titrate the buffers intra- ination of the shunt, the load of forcing its
venously according to their effect and by this total output through the lungs in the face of
means not only to correct the metabolic aci- the high pulmonary vascular resistance may
dosis but also to maintain good acid-base prove to be too much for the right ventricle.
status as long as is necessary with buffers; i.e., This results in right heart failure and respira-
until the cardiac output is sufficient to main- tory acidosis. Consequent low output from the
tain good circulation. In this way, the heart no left side of the heart results in poor tissue
longer has to cope with the depressant effect perfusion and metabolic acidosis. If the pul-
of the metabolic acidosis and has a better monary vascular resistance is not too high,
chance to recover. The blood gas analyses are then "buying of time" through correction- of
made as often as necessary to maintain good the acidosis with buffers plus medical treat-
control. The buffer is infused by intravenous ment of the heart failure, e.g., by rapid dig-
drip in sufficient amount to reduce the base italization, may be sufficient. If this is to no
deficit to zero, and administration is then avail then surgical re-establishment of the
continued at a rate that will hold the arterial shunt may be necessary to ease the load on
blood at about zero base deficit, the drip the right heart. Even though this is a retro-
being slowed if there is a tendency toward grade step in the operation, it may be the
base excess and increased if base deficit should only way to prevent early death of the patient
recur. It may be necessary to continue ad- from acute right heart failure. Here, once
ministration in this way for several hours and more, repeated blood gas analysis provides
the total dosage of buffer may be quite large. rapid assessment of developing changes and
So far no ill effects have been seen by us with allows interpretations and decisions that facili-
this titration method of administration. Com- tate management.
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plications previously attributed to administra-

tion of buffers may have been, in some cases, Discussion
due to overdosage producing alkalosis. How- Among the commonest problems in open-
ever, it seems more likely that in most in- heart surgery are those of cerebral complica-
stances inadequate amounts of buffer have tions resulting sometimes in irreversible brain
been given and the effects of the continuing damage. Prevention of respiratory alkalosis
metabolic acidosis have been mistaken for may help to maintain better cerebral circula-
side effects of buffer. tion throughout an open-heart operation so
that the brain is well nourished at all times.
Mixed Acidosis
The occurrence of a mixed acidosis may be Clemmesen, Juul-Christensen, and Wandall '"
due to a combination of separate causes for have demonstrated in dogs that if the pul-
the respiratory and metabolic components. monary circulation is perfused on bypass,
Accordingly, the mixed acidosis may be man- pulmonary edema develops when severe al-
aged usually by improving ventilation, cor- kalosis due to carbon dioxide deficiency is
recting the metabolic acidosis, and treating present. Although the pulmonary circulation
the original causes of the imbalance. is not perfused during open-heart operations,
In the period after bypass a mixed acidosis the bronchial circulation is intact and conse-
may occur, the cause of which is uinresponsive quently perfused; if perfutsion is with alkalotic
to medical treatment. T-ui.s may happen if b1)O1h, this may be responsible for some lulng
prior to surgery there was a higlh pulmonary dlamage.
vascular resistance combined with a shunt that Bindslev, Juul-Christensen, and Wandall 1!
allowed some of the output of blood from the have demonstrated an increased fragility of
right heart to bypass the lungs. Such cases are red cells with alkalosis and report that in
Cl.rciiondtl, Voluue XXIX, Math-b 1964
hyperventilation studies on dogs, intravascular Summary
hemolysis was produced. An important part of managing patients
During the past year, using the technic here- during open-heart surgery is continuous moni-
in described, we have noticed a decided im- toring of the acid-base status prior to, during,
provement in morbidity following open-heart and following cardiopulmonary bypass. The
surgery with very few unexplained cerebral, use of a thermostatically controlled triple elec-
pulmonary, and hemolytic problems. With trode system whereby arterial pH, pCO2, and
careful acid-base management throughout the P02 can be measured and base excess or base
operation we have found that (1) the pa- deficit quantitated by special application of
tient regains consciousness rapidly at the the Astrup-Andersen nomogram is enthusias-
conclusion of the anesthesia, (2) there is sel- tically endorsed.
dom any respiratory depression or subsequent In the opinion of the authors, respiratory
abnormal respiratory pattern, (3) there is alkalosis is to be avoided throughout the en-
seldom any obvious vasoconstriction or cya- tire operation and postoperatively, as this ap-
nosis of extremities, (4) the blood pressure is pears to result in a base deficit, which is sub-
usually good and is easily obtained by the sequently revealed as a metabolic acidosis.
cuff method, and (5) intensive supportive Particular consideration is given to the bypass
measures, such as the use of vasopressors and phase when hypothermia is employed, since
continuous artificial augmentation of ventila- "optimal" pH appears to vary with tempera-
tion, are rarely necessary. ture.
The occurrence of metabolic acidosis after Continued maintenance of good acid-base
bypass may be prevented in large part by status with buffers is advocated. It is con-
avoidance of respiratory alkalosis during by- sidered that buffer administration should be
pass. One of the most important realizations is on a "titration" principle with frequent arterial
that during hypothermia an arterial blood pH blood gas analyses.
of 7.40 and pCO2 of 40 mm. Hg is not optimal Possible reasons are presented for the im-
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but may in fact represent a relative respira- proved postoperative morbidity wlhen optimal
acid-base status is maintained throughout the
tory alkalosis. Because of all these considera- operation and postoperatively.
tions, we believe that severe respiratory al-
kalosis should not be permitted at any time References
during the operation. If acidosis occurs for any 1. BROOKS, D. K., AND FELDMAN, S. A.: Metabolic
acidosis. A new approach to "'neostigmine
reason, it should be corrected forthwith. More- resistant curarization."- Anesthesia 17: 161,
over, the longer the bypass period, the more 1962.
important this becomes. With only a short 2. SEVERINGHAUS, J. W.: Blood 02 dissociation line
time on bypass at normothermia, such as in charts. In Handbook of Respiration. National
Academy of Sciences, National Research Coun-
repair of an atrial septal defect, it is relatively cil. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company,
unimportant; with prolonged bypass proce- 1958, pp. 72 and 73.
dures and especially under hypothermic con- 3. ASTRUP, P., JORGENSEN, K., SIGGAARD-ANDERSEN,
ditions it becomes very important indeed. 0., AND ENGEL, K.: The acid-base metabolism.
A new approach. Lancet 1: 1035, 1960.
Eradication of the severe insult which acidosis 4. SIGGAARD-ANDERSEN, 0.: The pH log PCO e
exerts on the debilitated cardiovascular system acid-base nomogram revised. Scandinav. J.
may produce great improvement in the pa- Clin. & Lab. Invest. 14: 598, 1962.
5. CARSON, S. A. A., AND MoRRis, L. E.: Controlled
tient's condition. acid-base status with cardiopulmonary bypass
Much has yet to be learned regarding acid- and hypothermia. Anesthesiology 23: 618,
base metabolism and heart surgery. It is hoped 1962.
that further data related to these changing HAUS, J. W.: Effect of temperature on PCO2
concepts will be forthcoming in the near and PO of blood in vitro. J. Appl. Physiol. 9:
future. 201, 1956.
Circulation, Volume XXIX, March 1964

7. MARSHALL, R., AND GUNNING, A. J.: The meas- 14. DARBY, T. D., ALDINGER, E. E., GADSDEN, R. H.,
urement of blood gas tensions during pro- AND THROWER, W. B.: Effects of metabolic
found hypothermia. J. Surg. Res. 2: 351, 1962. acidosis on ventricular isometric systolic ten-
8. ROSENTHAL, T. B.: Effect of temperature on the sion and the response to epincphrine and levalr-
pH of blood and plasma in vitro. J. Biol. terenol. Circulation Research 8: 1242, 1960.
Chem. 173: 25, 1948. 15. CAMPBELL, G. S., HOULE, D. B., CRISP, N. W.,
9. CALLAGHAN, P. B., LISTER, J., PATON, B. C., AND WEIL, M. H., AND BROWN, E. B.: Depressed
SWAN, H.: Effect of varying carbon dioxide response to intravenous sympathicomimetic
tensions on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation agents in humans during acidosis. Dis. Chest
curves under hypothermic conditions. Ann. 33: 18, 1958.
Surg. 154: 903, 1961. 16. HOLMDAHL, M. H., AND NAHAS, G. G.: Volume
10. EDMARK, K. WV.: Continuous blood pH measure- of distribution of C14 tagged 2-amino-2-hy-
ment with extracorporeal cooling. Surg., Gynec. droxymethyl-l, 3-propanediol (THAM). Fed-
& Obst. 109: 743, 1959. eration Proc. 20: 75, 1961.
1 1. OSBORN, J. J., POPPER, R. WV., KERTH, W. J., 17. PAYNE, \V. S., THEYE, R. A., AND KIRKLIN, J. WV.:
AND GERBODE, F.: Respiratory insufficiency Effect of carbon dioxide on rate of brain cool-
following open heart surgery. Ann. Surg. 156: ing during induction of hypothermia by direct
638, 1962. blood cooling. J. Surg. Res. 3: 54, 1963.
W. H.: The effect of cardiopulmonary bypass WANDALL, H. H.: Acid-base balance and pul-
on surface activity of lung extracts. Bull. Soc. monary circulation. Perfusion experiments.
internat. Chir. 5: 542, 1962. Acta chir. scandinav., Suppl. 283, 17, 1961.
13. NORLANDER, 0. P.: Symposium: Postoperative 19. BINDSLEV, A., JUUL-CHRISTENSEN, E., AND
care of patients after open heart operations. WANDALL, H. H.: Hemolysis in dog blood: In
First European Congress of Anaesthesiologists, vitro experiments. J. Thoracic & Cardiovas.
Vienna, 1962. (To be published.) Stirg. 42: 55, 1961.
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Articles should be so written that not only intelligent people but specialists in
fields other than those of the writer may read them with pleasure and profit. No
article, even the most learned, needs be so written as to rebuff all readers except
those strengthened to their task by animus or malice. An author too great or too
lazy to consider and labor for the comfort of his readers, is either too grand for
the condescension, or too low for the privilege, of print.-WILLIAMI MILLS IVINS,
JR., 1881-1961. Late Curator of Prints, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
City. Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, February 1963. Submitted by
Miss Dorothy Vickery, American Heart Association, New York.

Circulation, Volume XXIX. Alarch 1964

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