1 - Thyroxine 2-Progesterone 3 - Adrenaline 4 - Heparin

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Choose the correct answer assessment & vital signs exam

1- focused on disease and pathology
1 – systemic assessment 2- medical assessment 3- nursing assessment 4- focused assessment
2- is a focused assessment limited to one body system
1- comprehensive assessment 2- focused assessment 3- system-specific assessment
3- apply depressing underlying structures ، for deep palpation ?
1- 3 in 2- 0.5 in 3- 1 in 4- 2 in
4- to listen low pitched sounds , use
1- diaphragm of the stethoscope 2- the bell of the stethoscope
5 – use to examine the rectal area , use for a female pelvic exam
1- supine 2- lithotomy 3- knee-chest 4- sims
6- a yellow- orange cast to the skin
1- pallor 2- flushing 3- jaundice 4 - cyanosis
7 – operations and injuries , one component of
1- family history 2- past health history 3- personal history 4- identifying history
8 – the apex of the heart . located
1 – b 4-5 intercostal space 2- b 4-3 intercostal space 3- b 5-6 intercostal space
9- which body part apply superficial reflexes
1- triceps 2- knee jerk 3- corneal 4- ankle
10- when planter reflex , abnormal response results in fanning of the toes , known as
1- Babinski sign 2- abnormal sign 3- Babinski responses
11 – sign of good nutrition for gum
1- lack of pink 2- dark pink color 3- healthy red appearance 4- lack of bleeding
12- the volume of the blood pumped in the arteries
1- compliance 2- cardiac output 3- diastolic 4- systolic
13 – assess pulse 100 beat / minute , this state called
1 – bradycardia 2- tachycardia 3- irregular rate 4- arrhythmia
14 – temperature in deep tissues of the body , called
1 – surface temp 2 - high temp 3- core temp
15 - muscle activity cause .
1 – produce heat 2- loss heat 3- hyperventilation 4- increase BP
16 – basal metabolic rate , increase in
1 – children 2 – young person 3- old person 4- women
17 – all of the following hormones produce heat , except
1 – thyroxine 2- progesterone 3- adrenaline 4- heparin
18 – cellular metabolism increase cause .
1 - bradypnea 2 – tachypnea 3- fever 4- hypothermia
19 - person who his BMI b/w 23 – 25 indicate to
1 - obesity 2 – overweight 3- normal state
20 – diurnal variation , one of factors affecting
1 – blood pressure 2- body temp 3- respiratory rate 4- pulse rate
21 – production of adrenaline , cause
1- fever 2- stress 3- medications 4 - disease
22- when body temp over 41 c , this condition term
1 – pyrexia 2- hypothermia 3- hyperthermia 4- hyperpyrexia
23 - a thirst , is symptoms of
1 – hyperthermia 2- hypothermia 3- bradypnea 4- bradycardia
24 – impaired hypothalamic control cause
1 – tachycardia 2- hypothermia 3- hyperthermia 4- bradypnea
25 – which site is more accurate to assess body temp
1 – rectal 2- oral 3- axillary 4- tympanic
26 – which type of thermometers use to assess in axillary
1- long tip 2- rounded 3- electronic 4- infrared
27 – interchange of O2 and CO2 b/w alveoli and pulmonary blood , is process called
1 – external respiration 2- internal respiration
28 - a normal respiratory rate for children ( 5 – 10 ) years
1 – 15 – 20 B/M 2 - 15/25 B/M 3- 20 / 40 B/M 4- 30-80 B/M
29 – term indicate to slow resp.
1 – eupnoea 2- bradypnea 3- tachypnea 4- apnea
30 – term indicate , ability to breath only in upright sitting or standing positions
1- dyspnea 2- bradypnea 3- tachypnea 4- orthopnea
31 – wheeze . is sound indicate to
1 – laryngeal obstruction 2 – partial obstruction 3 – narrowed of airway
32 – cough with mucous called
1 – hemoptysis 2 – productive cough 3- non productive cough
33 – is a measurement of the maximal pressure exerted against arterial wall during systole
1 – arterial BP 2- systolic BP 3- diastolic BP
34 – all of the following sites to assess BP , except
1 – brachial 2 – radial 3- popliteal 4- femoral

Good luck

Done by : shahab alsayadi G7

Ebrahim AboAlrgal G7

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